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"There!" Asshley declared with a smile on her face as she looked at her pet fox. Silver had been around her for just about a year now, and the two had gone close to each other. Ash having had him since he was a kit. Well we hasn't quiet old enough to even be considered an adult, but the young fox had grown overly attached to his owner, and that is probably what led to the situation it was in now. Ash Scratched behind the Fox's ears and said ""Now silver. Make sure to take care of that scarf. my mother gave it too me, and since i have to wear my headband, i am letting you where it." the Fox licked Ashley's face in reply. The two had always been able to understand each pretty well. Ashley pet her fox once more before she stood up from her crouched position. "Mmkay... Eat up while i get ready. we have a mission today with Nozomi-senpai, and you are gonna need your strength..." Ashley said. The white fox then turned around and headed towards it's food bowl in the kitchen, as ashley went into her room, and closed the door, stripping off her robe, and changing into her typical outfit, consisting of her pink skirt, and black shirt, with her white boots, and a legging on her left leg, but only a black sock on the other. This outfit made her self image of herself only a little better, as it made her feel some what cute. Then she strapped on a pouch to the outside of her left thigh, and put her kunai and shuriken in it. Then she strapped her Demon windmill shuriken to her right outside thigh. The weapons being very easily noticeable. Then she placed her head band around her neck, and tied it in a way that it was some what lose, but would hold in place in almost any situation. Then she opened the door to her room to find Silver sitting in front of her door waiting patiently. She pet him as ran towards the door, silver casually trotting behind her. Then she swung open the door and was about to run out when she felt silver head butt the back of her leg. she simply muttered an "Oh right... almost forgot." before she ran back inside, and grabbed the key to her house, then she ran towards the door and locked it with said key. then she placed it inside a false panel on the wall next to the door. The panel had been there every since Ashley could remember, and yet it seemed so flawless that no one ever knew it was there.

Ashley was out of the Himitsu clan compound in less than a few minutes with Silver running right next to her the entire way. By the time Ashley reached the meeting spot, the training ground, she was out of breathe. Silver however wasn't and so he simply sat down next to ashley, as she tired to catch her breathe. Ashley was curious as to what kind of mission they would be doing. Ashley had been told virtually nothing except for the fact that she would be doing a mission with nozomi-senpai, and that she was to meet here in a little hour half an hour. Yes she was early, she hated being late and so made it a point to always be early, and even Silver himself had picked up on this trait, and would rush Ash if they even became close to comming late. So with that, Ashley stood their holding her own hands behind her back, as she twirled her foot around in the dirt waiting for nozomi. Silver simply sat there and scanned the area, occasionally checking the air to see if he could smell Nozomi.




Nozomi Himitsu wasn't one to be tardy for anything, let alone a mission with someone. In fact, it could be said that the Himitsu had a habit of being early to things. As a Chuunin, Nozomi was the one with the information on this mission, although it could hardly be called a challenge. The former heiress could handle things on her own more than likely, but she also knew that she'd have to help her teammate, a member of her former clan, on the mission as well. As the most inexperienced of the two remaining students of Gin, Ashley didn't really have any mission experience under her belt. She'd been fresh from the academy and assigned to Gin almost directly after. So right now, it fell on Nozomi's shoulders to teach this girl the ins and outs of being a kunoichi. The unfortunate thing was that Nozomi wasn't exactly the optimal kunoichi either. As much as she enjoyed fighting, it was more for the physical sport of it than for killing. Ashley, as she recalled, was different. The other girl was much more of a pacifist. And as little talent as Nozomi showed when it came to the Himitsu clan, Ashley was even worse. Now, that was excusable, because she wasn't the daughter of the clan elder, and besides, Nozomi had heard it slip that Ashley had been adopted.

All of these things went through Nozomi's mind as she approached the training grounds. She was a little surprised to see Ashley already waiting for her, but still in the middle of catching her breath. So it seemed, the other girl had only just gotten to the destination with her little fox pup in tow. Nozomi adjusted her flak jacket a little bit as she strolled up to Ashley and smiled at her. "Good evening Ashley. Well, let's forgo the small talk for now. We'll have time for that on our way to the place. Well, I suppose you need information first! Well, basically, we're going to be temporary bouncers at the Kiri Bar. They've been having some trouble lately, and you and I are there to keep the peace. It'll probably get a little unruly, but hey, I'm a semi-finalist of the Chuunin Exams. If I can't handle a couple of drunk people, then I don't deserve to be a Chuunin, now do I?" Nozomi joked. "And don't worry. I'm sure you won't have to do much. Just keep an eye on things, let me know if something's happening, and don't get hurt. I know you're not much on fighting, or hurting people, so I'll do my best to make sure you don't have to for right now. But there'll be a time when you have to learn how to fight, at least a little bit." she said.

That said, Nozomi quickly hugged the other girl, smiling. Bending down, she pet the little fox on the head and giggled. Nozomi and Ashley were about the same age as eachother. They were fairly similar, and in fact, Nozomi could have still been like the other girl, but she'd focused on training up for the Chuunin Exams. That coupled with some of the missions she'd done had prepared her for the cold truths of being a Kunoichi. Turning, Nozomi went to walk to the bar. She struck up some small talk as promised while she walked, asking the usual, about how was she doing and stuff like that. Honestly, there wasn't any reason Nozomi couldn't handle things. She had weaponry, she had protection, there wasn't much a normal drunkard could do to hurt her. Between her own defense, and the flak jacket, basic strikes didn't really affect her at all. At least Ashley could get a taste of what some missions were like, and see what she'd need to learn and stuff like that.

WC: 675



Silver's ears suddenly picked up, and ash looked up to spot Nozomi coming her way. This made Ash perk up as well. she had recently been assigned to the girls team, and she was quiet proud to say that she was a member of someone's team whom she looked up to a lot. Nozomi was basically her driving force to continue practicing the technique until she got it down. it was hard. no matter what she tried she just couldn't get the hang of it though, but she knew nozomi wasn't the most talented person either, and so her having done extremely well with petals only made ash want to try harder. to do better. to be as good as nozomi one day. Ash knew she was weak, and that there was no chance she could ever even dream of passing the girl, so tying with her was her only goal. just to be as strong as her, that is all Ash wanted. She reached down and Scratched behind Silver's ear as nozomi walked up and began to talk, ash listening to every word.

Ash giggled at Nozomi's joke, but then her eyes darted to the ground as nozomi mentioned her not being one for fighting. she was right. Ash couldn't hurt a fly if she tried, and the simple comment of "don't get hurt" said the world to ashley. Nozomi knew she was useless, and had no purpose in this mission. she was merely something put in the way to make this mission for difficult for nozomi to accomplish. in fact it might have been easier if Nozomi had done it by herself. when nozomi finished speaking Ashley let out a "hai" to state she understood the directions and instructions of the captain and would follow them to the best of her abilities, which had already been put out that they weren't much. Then she was hugged. Ashley hadn't been hugged in... forever... it's wasn't a gesture she was used too much, and in fact the last person to hug her had been yami, and he left a year ago. Blush splattered Ashley's face as she awkwardly returned the hug. Emotions began to start to peck at her eyes. NO WAY SHE WAS NOT GOING TO CRY HERE. ash shut her eyes tightly as she hugged nozomi tightly back, but then let her go a moment later, and let her pet silver. Silver not having bit her because he knew nozomi fairly well as well, and had just seen Ash hug her so he wasn't hostile towards her. Then she turned to walk towards the mission destination. Ash followed closely behind her, and not to the side displaying already her subconscious submissive behavior, and when nozomi struck up a conversation Ash only answered with the basic responses, like fine, and not much. Ashley knew how this mission was gonna go. She was going to sit behind nozomi, and watch as nozomi took on the challenges as Ashley couldn't do anything for her useless self. Even Silver was more feared than the young girl. Ashley Himitsu, the worlds worst shinobi. Yeah that was her.

Total WC:1186/1000 mission complete but not really



Nozomi and Ash had been at the bar for a little while. Of course, they were ever vigilant, but at the same time, the small talk was fun. So far, the night was uneventful. It seemed that people were actually rather calm for once. Nozomi's hopes were that nothing would go wrong, and that they'd get through their task without having to get physical. Not that that would bother her, of course. Nozomi didn't really mind fighting someone, because she enjoyed physical activity. Besides, as she'd said before, she was a Chuunin. Normal citizens weren't exactly much of a challenge to her. In fact, although Ashley was only a genin, and a basic one, her skills were still better than most of the average citizens. The Academy trained students well enough that their basic taijutsu was better than someone who didn't know how to fight.

Of course, there couldn't be peace the entire night, no. It was unfortunate, but eventually there was a rowdy group. Nozomi sighed, and rolled her eyes, looking at Ashley. "I thought this was going to be a quiet night, to be honest. Only a little bit longer and we'd have been incident free, but Nooooo...." she said, sighed, standing up from her seat at the bar. It looked like 4 people. And what irked her a little bit, was that one of the people had the nerve to wear the Kirigakure shinobi headband, and yet disgrace the shinobi name in such a public setting. So there were 3 of them normal civilians, and one of them was a low ranking shinobi? Nozomi wasn't going to put up with this. "I know what I said before Ash, but you should help. I'll take care of 3 of them, but I need you to take care of the final one, okay?" she asked, already on the move. Her hands flew into the clone jutsu.

And now there were three copies of Nozomi, advancing towards the fight. Of course, she wasn't to kill anyone, and that was fine with her, because she wasn't a fan of killing anyhow. However, that didn't mean she couldn't get physical with them. As she approached them, the fight stopped momentarily as the small girl walked up. And then they laughed, as she told them to leave, and proceeded to fight amongst themselves loudly. Nozomi had just about had enough. All three of her, each choosing a target, decked her three opponents. Being a Himitsu, her taijutsu was a main focus, and even though they were weaker without their jutsu, Nozomi had been training her strength to not need to utilize the clan's taijutsu. So it wasn't too big of a deal when they flew back a couple of meters, the shinobi only one. Walking forward, they dragged the 3 out of the building, leaving the final one for Ash to deal with, as she dragged them out of the bar.

WC: 504
TWC: 1179/1000
Mission completed.

Chakra: 60/200
Clone 1: 60/200
Clone 2: 60/200

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