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26Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:21 am



Although not a complete surprise the man headbutted towards his kick, the headband protecting him from a possible whiplash or worse however this was just the first part of his combination as he reached back for his weapon. As he turned his back towards the man following with a followed up right kick in the same location knocking the headband off as the man raised his head to attack again. Had the man's eyes not been closed he may have foreseen this, but the kick was actually meant for the chin but was hard to judge with the metsubishi preventing a more accurate attack.

As expected his windmill shuriken was uplift as he gripped it tightly with a side flip landing as the man backed away to exactly where the boy wanted him to be, the fact that he would have his eyes recently opening would make it difficult to deal with the follow up attack, but making no attempt to even dodge his last normal shuriken as it missed its intended target of the eyes and left half of an inch scar on the face of the man who was probably too filled with adrenalin to even notice this minor attack.

The man seemed to stop for a moment before he made his way around in an arc, he heard the ping as it came faster and faster. As he waited as if he did not know anything and as he was reached he circled around to what fortunately ended up being the man's back as he used his speed to get around so that the man would not have a chance to hit him as he watched the man miss with an impressive upward slash. He felt deep down inside that the man had underestimated his abilities as he would perform the same attack to the man's back as he kept a close eye on him. While this attack was not full proof with the current position of the man's arms raised with the slash there would be no time to turn around for a counter attack, at least not a useful one and a dash would not help as he would not be able to turn around once he started running away. The man had to do something, but was the man able to do what needed to be done in order to fight back, was he willing to make a sacrifice for victory.

The boy was not holding back and would use every ounce of chakra he had left to defeat this man.

Words = 5958 + 431 = 6389
Chakra = 70/150 Maintaining Scan

OOC Comments:

27Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:23 am



As dray aimed for the boy's wings upward, once again, the boy had somehow managed to notice dray. He was definetly using a sensory jutsu and dray had created a quickly analysed what it could be and as usual, he had created a theory for the unsure sensory jutsu of the boy.
As dray striked upward, having retrieving his windmill shuriken, the boy quickly spun around dray with incredible speed and getting to dray's back to probably land a strike with his windmill shuriken but as dray was pretty skilled in bukijutsu himself, with his swords upwards since he attempted to slash up the boys wings, he quickly reacted by bringing back his swords in an X format at his back to clash with the strike of the boy's windmill shuriken directly headed for his back.

Feeling a little itch on his left cheek like something sharp had cut him, dray was attempting to stick on his theory...if the boy had a sensory jutsu, he could only sense dray when he was near and if that was the case, then, there is no need for dray to run from him.. Time for close range combat. As dray defended the strike by taking his swords back in an X format to defend the wind mill's strike and form a strike, seeing the boy up close to him, close enough to land such a strike on him, dray would quickly use his swords to lift up the boy's shuriken forcing him some inches back as dray would quickly spin around in the moment the boy shifted back but still in a cautious mode to defend himself as he go take one right stike to the boy's neck and another stike to the boy's left legs.

Sending this attacks in two opposite direction, the young green haired boy might find it hard to defend the attack like he earlier did with his four bladed shuriken.


28Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:51 am



The counter of bending the swords over his shoulders to block in an X-Formation was interesting enough, but that was when the man made a mistake. The man pushed back against the shuriken to try and push him back as he folded it in order to free it from the clash as the free blades folded as one were now struck downwards against the back of the swordsman from top to bottom which would surely be able to hit his target this time, as he would duck down real low as his wings laid down to lower him as low as possible to reduce his area to make him as compact as possible. The man spun around with slashes, however he would not allow time for this as the green haired little boy had his wings pulled in as he dashed towards the green haired swordsman and tackled the man with full speed and strength into the injured knee in order to break open the cut from earlier to inflict pain on the swordsman.

His mind was clear now as he had to make use of his speed, three swords are powerful but no matter how many weapons you have, it no longer matters once you grab hold of your opponent. As he prepared to use his final attack after tackling with his shoulder as he had both hands on his Windmill Shuriken to strike upwards against the man's scar in order to help him feel the emotions he felt the first time that scar was made. This was no longer a matter of abusing his chakra, however he kept his guard up as he was about to go for an attack that could end this once and for all.

However he did not believe that would stop his opponent as he would back away as the blades were swung missing him as he stood now more focused as he kicked up one of the old kunai that were lying around towards the enemy just in case.

Words = 6389 + 339 = 6728
Chakra = 65/150

29Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:40 pm



As dray's plan was well read by the young little boy. As dray defended the boy's wind mill strike and raised up his shuriken with the intention of creating room to spin and attack, as the boy somehow managed to straightened his wind mill shuriken by folding in all it's blades. Doing this in the air, the boy brought down the folded shuriken with force with the intention of slashing downwards at dray's back. An injury that would have a lasting effect but instead of being a victim to such dangerous intents, dray had a back up of his own as he simply replaced himself with the log of wood he had earlier infused chakra in, disappearing from the spot thereby voiding all other attacks that the boy was planning. The substitution jutsu might be just a simple academy jutsu but it had the ability to save countless lives if utilized properly.

Dray now appeared to where the log of wood was previously placed before it was summoned to take the powerful strike of an angry boy. Dray knew that the boy would be pretty pissed having lost such a locked attack, it was just like a rabbit which has been pinned down still escaping from an hunter's grasp but none of the green haired boy's feelings were of meaning to dray as dray felt that the battle had gone on enough and it was time to end this battle. The boy had proved a worthy opponent in this battle and dray was also sure he had given the little boy something big to swallow especially blowing him out of the sky.

Dray never thought his last days in takigakure before going back to konohagakure would be this adrenaline filled. He was only up in the morning as a normal civilian to get some things from the festival grounds when suddenly he noticed some one following him.. A small boy for that matter and eventually, it all turned to a fight. A hot fight that was still happening right now. Inflicting injuries on each other, tearing apart the beautiful terrains of the so peaceful takigakure village and getting exhausted like this was all a repition of the previous chunin exams that some people were not opportuned to watch. Dray was pretty aware of his trump card in this battle but he was not yet sure if such a boy was worth it. What was his trump card? His trump card was his trump card. It was what he could not tell himself because it was still in his head undergoing processing. Almost every different shinobi opponent dray had came across had gotten beaten by different trump cards from dray. Dray had well figured out this little boy's tactics and the battle was all going to end in the blink of an eye.

As dray was about ten metres away from the boy which was were the log of wood which he used to replace himself was earlier, he was well out of any of the boy's suprise attacks. Now aiming to end this battle, dray preformed the same jutsu that had closed the doors of heaven on a little green haired angel boy and sending him crashing into the ground.
Forming about a dozen missles made from the earth, dray would aim four of the missles at the boy with all four of them moving at a quick speed of 25m/s and the boy was just ten metres away. Unlike the other time dray used the jutsu when he programmed just one spike to explode upon getting within 1m of the boy.. This time, dray commanded all four missles to explode upon getting within one metre range of the boy causing injuries to the boy and also getting splinters from the broken solod earth into the boy's eyes.

Dray had no real intentions to hurt the boy but the boy had well pushed him to the wall. If this was not the end for the boy and he managed to survive this attack, then his end was not very far at all as he would need more than suprises to counter dray's next ending attack(s).

Training endurance:D1-D2(400/707)

30Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:55 am



He slashed hard against the back of the green haired swordsman as he watched the blood seem to come out only to be met with a puff of smoke and a log in place of his original opponent. This was one of the most annoying jutsus to face, but one of the best to have when you not on the receiving end of this form of deception. How could he be deceived like this, how weak had he become or how weak had he always been as the ping came to him.

He did not even wait to see what the man had planned as he had been waiting for the moment when the green haired man would perform something like this, his sensory ability allowing him to respond to the man's new location as he recognized the ability even though he was already in motion he felt that it did not matter only one of them could be stronger as he released his most powerful jutsu as he shouted it out to show just how much emotion was behind this. His high pitched but calm sounding and soothing child voice as he announced his technique.

"Fuurin Kazan!!"

As the Air Slash traveled towards the spikes that were heading in his direction as well. As the missiles crashed into the wave exploding on impact as he struck the other missiles which fortunately were not armed or they would have struck the man who must have forgotten about this jutsu having been in this battle too long. The boy was sweating in the heat of the sun as the man must have also been tired too. The battle had become heated as the dust was clearing as there were no more tricks left. Their fight had been more skillful than you would expect from genin.

The prison trap in which the boy waited to be set free, taking advantage as his plan was to take out the man and force him to use his trump card. Just as the boy had managed to gain the upper hand as the man used his three swords to finally fight back only to be disabled and set up to be blinded so he could be finished off, but the man broke free as he felt the attack and made his way out of range, getting cut by a shuriken to the face.

The man misread his abilities as the man tried to blind side him as the boy had set it up as a trap, with a careful encircling of his opponent he had gotten behind him in order to land an attack to bring out the man's true ability but was blocked momentarily before the boy worked his way around it only to encounter a log, this was his plan, the trump card of the ultimate get out of defeat free card. However his plan to follow up immediately failed due to the man having the plan of using his replacement as an opening to attack as well. They had the same idea, but their attacks did more than expected as another scar was formed on the earth as well as most of the projectiles in the area being destroyed with only a shuriken or two left here and there. He felt it would be a waste to pick up those remaining projectiles as this fight had been dragging on for too long.

As the wind blew passed him he knew that he could close the gap between them at any time, but he could not rush into the man who seemed to still have a lot of fight left in him. The massive attack between the two had ended in a temporary stalemate, it was going down to the last bit of chakra and what ever little bits of energy they had left as he sighed and picked up something he knocked off earlier as a form of taunt. He held up the man's forehead protector and looked at the symbol before tossing it to the side like it was worthless. The man had not noticed it earlier but the boy had kicked twice for his head which probably did not seem important as the man had protection that made him barely even notice it. How would this man respond to that taunt, although in honesty it was not a taunt, he was just curious to check out the forehead protector and when he was done with it he just felt it would be a waste to hold on to it.

They stood from opposite ends like well trained samurai, waiting for just a single opening before they attack, how would they end this duel between the two of them.

Words = 6728 + 791 = 7519
Chakra = 45/150

Fuurin Kazan" :

The Theme I am using for this battle now:

31Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:34 am



Having sent the four armed missles towards the boy, the boy quickly seemed to respond to their location swiftly. Now, dray was sure that the boy's kind of sensory technique not only applies to humans but anything getting close to him. Dray could well see that the boy was really pissed to see dray escape with a simple substitution jutsu. The anger of the boy, the sadness in his emotion, the feeling of being fustrated that all came from the boy seemed to raise dray's morale higher like he was tasting victory.

As the missles got closer to the boy, with painful emotions in his voice, the boy screamed out the name of what seemed to be his most powerful jutsu at the moment.. "Fuurin Kazan".. As that was the one powerful jutsu that the boy had used frequently in this battle which had also saved his ass once or twice. The jutsu unleashed a powerful air slash that travelled at great speed, digging through the earth. The air slash collided with the four missles, destroying them by causing them to explode. With the air slash still coming at dray after over coming the previous missle explosions, dray rapidly sent the remaining eight earth spike missles as a form of defense for himself as the missles collided head on and dived into the slash of wind causing a greater explosion due to the combustion process between oxygen and fire leaving a great impact on the terrain.

All along, dray knew he had been playing it well. Trying to get the boy almost as exhausted as he himself was but he had realized his mistake. Blowing the boy out of the sky was the open opportunity dray had to finish him off but dray wasn't in to kill the little angel boy. He wanted to have a little fun and see what a determined boy like him could do. Everything he had done, even the taunting words about putting the boy in his place was a catalyst dray had employed to push the boy beyond his limits but dray had well known that by now, the boy would have taken things serious and there was no talking it out either as dray could not lose to the boy too. Only if both were to decisively come to a stop but looking at the situation, though both of them look exhausted but adrenaline was still burning as having been so long in a fight with the boy, dray knew that the boy still had some tricks up his sleeves..that was if dray was not wrong about the boy.

Still focusing on the boy, the boy seemed to notice something of the floor as he picked it up and looked at it. Judging from the piece of clothing that was dangling from what the boy picked up, they were the same colors of a konohagakure's shinobi forehead protector as dray moved his hand to inspect his fore head but what suprised not to find his fore head protector there and he quickly flashed back through the battle remembering when he headed butted the boy's kick neglecting the pain due to his fore head protector.. That was surely the time it fell off and dray was too occupied with the battle that he did not notice it had fallen off until now..

Looking at the head band for a few seconds, the boy tossed it aside now looking at dray...
The process of the head band being tossed from the boy's hand to the ground went in a slow motion as it appeared as if dray's life was vanishing before him. The scene replayed itself over and over again in dray's head as dray's mind flashed back to his earlier days


Make your grip strong on the hilt of the swords but loose at the same time. A swordsmaster must be firm with the sword but loose with its movements. Swordsmanship is like a mirror, in which you look at yourself before you wash your face in the morning. You see yourself, simply, the way you are.
Five Secrets of bukijutsu. Move quickly. Sound, calm mind. Be light in body. Have a clever mind. Master the basics.
Even though surrounded By several enemies set to attack, Fight with the thought That they are but one. The sword has to be more than a simple weapon; it has to be an answer to life's questions. The way of the sword and the Way of Zen are identical, for they have the same purpose; that of killing the ego. Sword and mind must be united. Technique by itself is insufficient, and spirit alone is not enough. The ultimate aim of duel lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants. Where questioning is rewarded, virtues are promoted, respect is demanded, and love is central........
Mechanical wings allow us to fly, but it is with our minds that we make the sky ours. The more you sweat in training, the less you will bleed in battle. Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class. Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it. I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me. Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay it's price. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. One mind, any weapon. We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash. In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target. I am prolonging the fight because I can see that you need the practice. The Way of the warrior does not include other ways, such as Confucianism, Buddhism, certain traditions, artistic accomplishments, and dancing. But even though these are not part of the Way, if you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything. Take arrows in your forehead, but never in your back. You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive. You might as well stand and fight because if you run you will only die tired. He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is Enlightened. Act like a man of thought; think like a man of action. Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. A swordsman know how well to fight and when to surrender but not without effort. Putting all these into use will guarantee you a brighter future..
.....but father, how am I to memorized all these and put them into use??...You do not have to memorize all these. Each of these sayings have been compacted into a single saying that you'll become familiar to as you meditate each day.. I'll teach you the saying when the time comes... Yo big brother, I know you can do it... stop that Bliss, your father is talking to your brother, do not interrupt.


With dray now standing upright performing the tiger handseal with his right hand and his left hand upwards with two fingers standing out, he locked the bearing of the young boy in his memories reciting the saying of meditation.
The sayings compiled into a single saying of meditation: Sense of smell, Sense of feelings, sense of sight, sense of touch, sense of hearing. Being a swordsman is not a day's job, fighting a battle that doesn't guarantee victory doesn't seem awkard but acknowledging you might and pushing beyond limit grants a chance. I seal my sense of sight till whenever I wish to reinforce my sense of smell, sense of touch, sense of feeling and sense of hearing, the spirit of my ancestors do me justice..
During the saying, a green flame of chakra erupted around dray to show his control over his chakra which later subsidized after the sayings. He had sacrified his ability to see for a few seconds though he could open it if the need be to enhance his other senses of feeling, touch, smell and hearing which was an important factor in battle.. Still with his posture, dray said calmly..Kirigakure no jutsu: Hidden mist technique.. As the mist condensed from the atmosphere and covered the battle ground.. Having locked the green haired boy's bearings in his head earlier, still feeling three shurikens and five senbons in his ninja pouch, dray started towards the boy getting to six metres of him as he threw three shurikens and two senbons aimed at the boy as he unsheathed all of his swords in the usual position as he would get within a metre of the boy and stike continously at him still maintaining his other senses.

Training SPD:D2-D3(450/1582)

32Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:00 am



There was a deep silence in the air as the wind blew once more across the battlefield, nothing was moving as the small little green haired boy kept his focus on the man before him. His only thought in his mind was that he can not lose as his body felt hotter than it had been in a long time. He was a survivor and in more ways than one, this was not the first time he felt like he could be in danger. However he felt his destiny, the very fate of the path he was on all hung in the palm of his small soft little hands as he remembers his time back at the compound.


A small battered, beaten and bruised little four year old boy reaches out a hand to the people walking passed him. None of them bothered to look, and those that did see him glared at him as many said. "That is the garbage from the Niitah family", as he did not understand what was going on as he was hungry. He had not eaten for a week as punishment for talking back to the head of the family, as he was beaten with sticks, chains, whips and other weapons that could inflict grievous wounds. The boy began to hold his stomach tightly with his right arm as he reached out with his left. No one stopped, not a single person, but there was no time for him to give up here. The head of the family watched the child as he had paid a price for the boy, even though he was of the slave family he had his worth. The head of the family could not afford to risk the lives of the head family and he had the responsibility of grooming the future head of the family. For that he would need a child who would obey the head family unquestioningly, however he knew that tensions had been rising and he was having a few annoying problems with them recently. However the slave family did not understand just how cruel things were as well as there being more to this then anyone could understand.

The boy began to have thoughts in his head as he asked where his mother was, what happened to his father, and when was he going home. He had forgotten that he agreed to come to save his mother and father, but that in itself was not the truth. The boy was innocent as the man then sent the guard over to persuade the child to apologize for what he had done. As the guard came there with spear in hand standing above the boy he asked him. "Will you apologize?"

Without hesitation the boy shook his head, he had a will stronger than people knew, however it was not a strong will but more of a stubborn childishness born from being sheltered in a sense that nothing bad could ever truly happen to him. It was then that the man came to respect the child not because of his stubborn nature, or his childishness, but because he did not hesitate and that was one thing you could not always train. At least not so soon and with so little trouble.

***Flashback End***

He watched as the man stood upright with good form as the boy gripped his windmill shuriken and held it out to his side. The man performed a technique with a strange hand seal formation he had not seen before. He kept his focus on the man as things seemed to change as he looked on with a surprised look on his face, not a surprise that would cause him problems but a look of genuine surprise that the man was going to show him something new, a jutsu that he had not read about or explored yet. He had seen only a few so far, but this technique was not the same as the others. Something about this jutsu was different.

He then remembered this technique, but did not get to read it yet as he watched the mist begin to form as he got excited. The mist condensing in an attempt to conceal the man's presence as he felt like this was rather impressive and felt he needed to learn a jutsu like this. This also gave him some valuable information on the man, he was also a user of the water element which made him wonder how talented this man was, as he had yet to learn a jutsu that could use his second element. He knew the man's location and was waiting for a defining movement, the pings he was getting now were soft as he waited for the man to reveal his tactic as he gripped his windmill shuriken and began to spin it with a fast rotation.

The ping came as the man began his advance upon the small little boy who then decided to see if the man could see in the mist as he dashed to the side as he heard some weapons hitting the ground and area near to where he was as he followed the ping of the man, tossing his windmill shuriken for a central position in order to hit the man's abdomen or back. He could not see but he could still sense as the man would feel the windmill shuriken clash against the man's left sides sword as the boy would pick up on this moving to the ping of his weapon in order to catch it as he began to circle around the man within this mist which was a handicap for the man, rather than him as he would follow up with a low windmill shuriken toss to the man's general leg area as he would dash near to his weapon in order to catch it a second time before continuing his attack. The man had chosen to use a concealment jutsu and at the very least must realize that his jutsu does not sense chakra or he would see a wall of chakra all around him, and it also did not require any visual sight to be effective. Now the man had trapped himself inside of a mist he may not be able to get himself out of, without any clear way to find the little boy now that he used this technique. The man must have been trying to challenge himself as the boy just kept his focus. How was the man going to fight him now?

Words = 7519 + 1094 = 8613
Chakra = 40/150 i feel i going to have to maintain this jutsu forever...

33Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:31 pm



Getting closer to the boy, relying on his other senses, he heard the projectiles he had thrown earlier crashing into the floor meaning that the boy had either moved to the right or moved to the left due to the unknown sensory technique the boy had been using all along.
Which of the directions was it... He would surely determine that with the boy's next move. Suddenly, due to his enhanced sense of touch, he felt the damp water from the thick mist he had created himself being pushed towards his bare abdomen probably due to the boy swinging his windmill shuriken as dray quickly reacted to the situation by parring what ever was coming his way as it appeared to be an incoming strike with his left sword. With the weapon that caused the strike disappearing in a swift second suprisingly, dray felt the same damp water from the mist again, thickly pushing towards his leg as he flipped upward but not in time as the weapon bruised his leg and allowing the weapon to pass below him probably to the green haired angel boy as it had done before.

The boy might have surely thought that dray was imprisoning himself for creating such a technique that he himself could not see through but the little green haired boy had not known what dray was up to... The only thing that could end this battle was dray winning or both him and the boy coming to a conclusion because losing was not really an option dray entertained in his life.

Following the movement of the last attack in its direction headed to his north, the boy could not be far off as dray would spread out all swords performing a powerful spin to the north that would eventually get the boy if he was within range of it before ending it in two solid slashes towards the position he had earlier locked in.


34Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:10 am



His first attack met with a clash of their blades as he had already gone out of reach before the second attack occured after which his opponent had managed to jump over the strike avoiding a direct hit. This was annoying enough as it is, as the boy was growing a bit tired of their fight.

The pinging sensation he felt now as a part was going away and one part was coming towards while all in all the entire body of the man was heading to him as he remembered seeing a similar spin earlier as he shook his wings a bit before getting into a low stance concentrating on the pings and the moment when the opponent would be within visible range.

The rotation was similar to a defense the man used earlier against the might of his assault of several projectiles. He knew the range and understood the timing as he focused, paying full attention as the man got closer and closer to the little boy. He had seen from earlier that the techniques strength was in the rotation, but at the same time its weakness was the rotation itself. With time the man would learn to make up for this weakness, but for now it was careless as the boy held his windmill shuriken folded and with both hands as if wielding a sword. Things were intense as the dirt was flying up from the rotation, but it meant nothing in the heart of the mist as the boy did not even know the reason they had begun to fight in the first place. He only had the thought of cutting down his opponent and standing over him as he delivers him to the dark and lonely place known as defeat.

It finally came, the final rotation where the man would use both his swords to strike, he stepped in and using his foot as a pivot he matched the man's rotation as he ended up behind the man before following up with an elbow to the back of the man. This would not hurt much but was merely him using the man to push himself away for some distance.

He was actually planning to strike the man with his weapon, but his timing was only good enough to side step that attack near its end. If the man kept up the rotation instead of going to slash at the location he originally was then it might have been more effective. He now knew what he needed to do in order to finish this fight as he began to circle the man at his top speed.

He dashed towards a location to the right side of the man and slashed, but he would not finish this attack as he would jump over with a flip as he would then strike for the man's head from above. Regardless of whether the man blocked his attack forcing him to do a few more aerial flips to land, or whether the man managed attack forcing him to block and fly back to land normally.

Upon landing he would attack whether his strike hit or not as he would slash to the man's left, but cancel and whirl around with his windmill shuriken spinning as he would aim a slash at the man's arm. His follow up to that attack would be to then back away immediately as he would use that time to toss his windmill shuriken at a slow pace, fast enough to hit his target in the chest, slow enough for the boy to chase it down and grab hold of it regardless of whether it hit or not.

He was continuing his assault but what was his ultimate goal with this attack, and would the man give up on attacking or take the boy head on?

Words = 8613 + 644 = 9257
Chakra = 35/150

35Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:15 pm



Continuing his rotation towards the young little green haired boy, before ending it with two solid strikes, dray was locked in the boy's direction but as he landed the two solid strikes, he felt a step move from his front to his back as he received a hit definitely from the little boy's shoulder but the hit was surely not the main thing as dray was not hurt by it.

Keeping calm to locate the boy, relying on his senses, readying all swords for movement, he began hearing faint footsteps coming his way as the mist paved way for the little boy who was coming to dray's right side sending damp water from the mist unto dray's bare skin probably with a strike as dray used his right sword to parr the strike to the right as he heard the feet of the boy bounce on the ground probably for a lift as dray quickly reacted by crouching low and rolling to his left side before fully getting up as he dashed to the side trying to find the boy when he felt a little breeze past his left arm at a position he was previously. A position the boy had definitely set to attack but unknowing to dray and luckily for him, he just stepped to the side not to avoid an attack but to find the boy. Now, hearing the boy's faint steps as he retreated, dray chased after him with instinct. As this way not dray's first time of fighting a wind mill shuriken user, a non- shinobi didn't need extra senses to hear the vibration of the wind mill shuriken whenever it was tossed through the air as dray heard this same vibrational sound before rolling forward allowing the weapon to pass above him as he would still slash at the boy's knee hoping to reduce his movement.


36Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:22 pm



The initial beginning was a sign of the boy's skill at defending against techniques that have been used against him before, like with earlier he showed great skill in avoiding the technique which hit him before with the same technique that had also struck his opponent before too. His worthy adversary now hidden within this mist as he had launched his final main attack before resorting to his final tactic. This combination would pave the way towards victory unlike anything he had chosen to do before.

His encircling of his prey like a shark who has found a weak man trapped alone on the surface of the water, or a vulture circling high above in order to swoop down and bring an end to the battle that had seen the very land not too far from the festival grounds main area ravaged by the wrath of battle. Metal laying here and there with shards all over the place.

The boy had finally decided to attack coming from the man's right side as he headed towards the man's right side with a slash that missed his blade as it was a feint, the boy flying through the air so to speak as his aerial movements were leaning towards an attack on the man's head, the man however chose to duck instead of block as the boy stretched out as he swung his blade lower than expected to slash at the man who rolled to the left as the boy would manage to at least scrape the shoulder for a minor cut that could be at most maybe half an inch, which was nowhere near enough to do any serious damage.

The battle was far from over, it had barely begun but soon it would also end as the boy had begun to wear down. He launched an attack to the left side of the man who in response stepped to the side as he quickly backed away rather than going in for the finish right then an there. The boy had tossed his windmill shuriken as the man rolled under it as the boy jumped over him as he had slashed before him not realizing the boy would pass him, his only proof being the light foot print the boy left on the man's head as he stepped on him. This was somewhat of an insult but the boy did not care about that, he caught his windmill shuriken and made his stop as he rolled and turned to face his opponent before taking in a deep breath as he let his senses relax. This battle was going to come to an end as he began to save his strength to end this fight once and for all.

Words = 9257 + 462 = 9719
Chakra = 35/150

37Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:36 pm



"Until you reach the end of your dissertation there is always more work to do and the next action to complete. It is easy to focus on what you need to do or what you failed to do and forget to acknowledge yourself for what you accomplish along the way. Until you submit your dissertation for review, few people if any are aware of the day-to-day work you do or the times you pushed through and worked when you did not feel like it. There is no built in external reward system inspiring you to keep going. I believe an important strategy to sustain motivation over time is to pause and acknowledge yourself for what you do accomplish. No matter how much dissertation work remains, the small accomplishments along the way deserve to be acknowledged. Some students withhold acknowledgment from themselves because they believe that focusing on or even criticizing themselves for what they have not done or how much more there is to do will be more motivating. In my years as a dissertation master, I have yet to see self-criticism or always focusing on how much more there is to do to be an effective long-term strategy for motivation and productivity. If those were effective motivation strategies, I would not have a job! When you pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit for your hard work, you are likely to feel more motivated and inspired to keep working. Acknowledgment of the work you do today increases the odds that you will look forward to feeling good for the future work you complete and be more present to your own capacity to get dissertation work done. Some of my clients actually write a statement such as,acknowledge myself for a job well done as the last action on their work plan for a given day or week as a reminder to celebrate their accomplishments. You deserve to feel good about yourself as you make progress on your dissertation. Stop, review your accomplishments at the end of the week, and acknowledge yourself for everything that you did accomplish. If acknowledging yourself feels awkward or uncomfortable at first, it is just a sign that you need more practice. In time, you will become more comfortable acknowledging yourself and come to see that celebrating your accomplishments is ultimately more motivating than dwelling in your failures. For now, I am your master and not your father"

Dray was right to have followed the faint footsteps as he attempted to land a strike on both of the legs of the boy, he felt a soft leg on his head as the boy had used his head to flip forward behind dray landing softly onto the ground.
A fine piece of improvision, dray thought. The boy was somewhat like him. Always making use of his available resources and utilizing things in his environment to the fullest.

With everywhere becoming silent, it was unlike the boy. Dray could sense danger. He could well remember as the boy quietly waited in the cage only to fly out when dray broke it. This same boy also had an innocent face when dray sent earth missle towards him yet he used the replacement tech the first time. The second time, with the arena still quiet, the boy destroyed the earth missles dray had used the second time with his air slash. Something was sure to happen and dray was planning on not being a victim of it if it was something terrible. To be on the safe side, dray removed two of his scabbard from his waist as slid one of them to the right side, slid one of them towards the boy as he also dashed to the right causing everything to move at the same time and sound uniformly. A perfrect way of confusing the boy. Dray held out his swords and was ready to open his eyes but he still closed them for some seconds gathering in more light because as soon as he would open them, he would be able to see sharper than his ordinary eyes could for just a few seconds before his real sight retuened.. How was the boy now going to detect him. He was yet to know since he was no where near the boy for his sensory ability thiny.


38Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:39 am



He was not completely sure where his enemy was, but he had this deep feeling, this intense feeling this insatiable feeling of woe that could not be understood by those who have never met with the pain he felt inside. He was now becoming a new boy, a boy who would no longer look up to the world in awe, but who will shape the world with his own bare hands, those soft hands which should never have been used to fight. The soft little feet of the boy who walks a path that he can not make on his own, but even so will follow it until the end. He had a dream that was bothering, like a premonition he hoped it would not be true.

He could here the man now removing something which most likely was teh scabbard that may have been a hindrance to the man or was an attempt to distract him as he kept his ears focused. The boy nearly wanted to laugh since what the man sounded like he was doing, seemed confusing as he spread his wings before taking a sigh as dashed jumping through the air towards the sound. He went over something, or was it someone as he held his windmill shuriken in front of him which happened to be below as he could sense someone was there. Regardless he would block any attack that may come of the mist before aiming to land on the other side as he was tired of this game. He began his tactic as he kept taking controlled breathes which he took every now and then which gave the impression he was moving in dashes all over the place.

Words = 9719 + 285 = 10004
Chakra = 35/150

OOC Comment : It is over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to say that in the previous post already lol
Oh and sorry post is short but i was trying to hit 10000 but sadly missed it by 4 lols and this battle will soon come to an end, it is getting a bit like an anime where we just dancing around rather than actually trying to end it.

39Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:45 am



A real chip of the old block dray was. His father was a very kind and loyal man. Always strict with his principles and never making rules he himself would not abide by. Despite his tremendous fame and power as a ninja, he was a very humble man, which made his only son dray truly look up to and idolise him. He had a deep devotion to Konoha and an even greater commitment to his allies and loved ones to the point he would put their well-being before anything else; his commitment was so great that he would sacrifice the completion of a grave task to helping other that needed him. An act of generousity that probably offended others. Also an act which led to his death as he tried to protect his wife and daughter before dieing. He was also known to be a perceptive man, noticing his opponents worn-out condition and from that discerned their character, correctly predicting dray's future growth as a ninja. He might have died quite early but humbly to as he died in battle.
His death might have been physical but his soul still lives in dray and in the swords his father handed down to him. The soul swords. A blade meant to protect, reshape, cut down immoralties, defend, teach, show and restore. How well dray was going to utilize the swords was left to him. A sword that couldn't be wielded by no ordinary person. Combined with ninjutsu, the end of the world.

Using the little tricky distraction of sending sound in three different ways trying to confuse the boy and he felt he was successful in doing so. Still keeping calm with all swords drawn, he could not hear anything yet but he could feel the mist disturbed north of him where he had thrown the first scabbard as the mist vibrated randomly like a someone with a wing landed. Though he wasn't really sure. Just an irregular feeling of his. This battle was going on far more than he had expected and yet, the young green haired boy was doing pretty well in the mist too..

Taking light footsteps backward, he continued till his leg hit a reasonable boulder that was in his way. A perfect place for hiding and yet, a valuable resource too. With the distance between the boulder and the north of him far off, dray hid behind the wide boulder with his swords drawn waiting for the right moment to attack.


40Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:05 pm



He held out his windmill shuriken in his left hand as he stood there his wings spreading out as he felt like he was nearly prepared to fly once more. As he then had his visions again, the vision he could not escape.


All alone one boy stood as he fell from the sky reaching out to an angel with broken wings as no matter how hard he tried he could not reach her. The angel looked down upon him with sadness in her eyes as the only words she could say to him were.

"Sorry, Noel"

As the boy begins to cry as he knows there is no power in this world that could stop what was going to happen. He kept telling himself it must be a bad dream, none of this could be real. In the end there could only be one truth and that truth would one day call out to him. As he took up a sword and started to step upon ground as armies began to rise as he charged forth into the heart of the darkness. He would fight against the entire world to bring her back to him. There was only one truth and that was in a battle to save the ones you loved one had to become a legend in order to take hold of your destiny and carve your feelings into the hearts of an entire nation.


The boy then turned around as he stood in the mist and then took in a single deep breathe and then flapped his wings which created a strange swooshing sound, that made the winds shift making the mist react strangely as it became more unclear as to where their presences were, all they knew was that they were going to have to end this as unknown to the young boy, someone was making their way to him and that his legend was now beginning as he prepared to defeat his first rival. Setting a widened stance for defense and holding his ground as he held out his windmill shuriken.

The messenger was rushing as fast as they could to find the little boy before things got out of hand, would they be able to make it in time to save him from himself?

Words = 10004 + 381 = 10385
Chakra = 35/150

41Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:35 pm



Still hiding behind the rock, none of them made a move. Were they both thinking of the same thing? Ending the battle? Apologizing? Becoming rivals? Becoming friends?
What exactly was the point of fighting, why exactly were they fighting? He was a bit wrong on his path but the boy too contributed a lot to the battle. First off, the boy started by stalking him before dray tried to play cool but instead of replying, the boy ignored dray and prepared to fight. That was were they both struck each other. Not physically though.

As the mist was now beginning to clear, with the surrounding now a bit visible, dray peeped above the rock seeing the young green haired boy with both wings spread wide out as if ready to take flight and hands firmlly gripped unto the inner rings of his wind mill shuriken as if he was ready to strike down the gates of hell themself. The innocent looking boy dray had earlier seen had now seemed to evolve into something else probably from the taste of blood and hatred towards dray. Dray could not afford to be responsible for leading someone down the path of hatred. A path that would not only bring destruction and chaos to other but also to himself.

Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps your an opponent had criticized their shinobi skills, their colleague sabotaged a project or their partner had an affair. These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance.
But if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
What is forgiveness?
Apart from being in a shinobi world, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, more positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.
Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for happiness, health and peace.When you're hurt by someone you love and trust, you might become angry, sad or confused. If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take root. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. To end a war that has no end, becoming friends is the key. Apologizing to an enemy might be difficult even when you've done no wrong but respecting and acknowledging an enemy is far more different than apologizing but the one end that unites them is everything ending in peace..

After enough deliberation in his head, dray now stood up right and sheathed all of his three swords. He took some seconds to remove the bandages that was lieing peacefully in his ninja pouch waiting to be used effectively. Having gone through the academy, dray carefully and perfectly wrapped the bandages all over his body where he had been inflicted with injuries by the little boy opposite him who he did not know if would agree to be friends with dray or take him as a rival or an enemy forever.
Taking little steps due to being weak from the long battle, dray walked forward towards the boy. The walk seemed to go on like forever as other thoughts came into his head....

A true shinobi is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a anyone intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a comrade's heart. The true measure of him is how he treats his comrades when others are not looking.people that have trust issues only need to look in the mirror. There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most. There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other. Their is no boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others.
Showing respect for others is one of the most important values in the world.  It means showing care for another person or thing, like the environment.
Without respect, everything around you would be less peaceful.  There would be more wars, more problems and less happiness.
You show respect in many ways everyday that you may not even realize!  Respect occurs when you listen to others, Play fair, Use good manners, Wait your turn,Compliment someone, Pick up after yourself, How you treat others.
Being respectful is one of the key ingredients to being the best person you can be.  To learn more about respect, it needs to be practiced.
Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves. Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book by the way it’s covered; for inside those tattered pages, there’s a lot to be discovered. Leave everything a bit better then you found it. We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same. In the world of shinobis, We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it. One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.

These thought kept swarming in his head as he managed to keep his balance. The words were like they were directly talking to no other person than himself. To earn respect, he had to give it. He just kept on moving with no ideas as to how to approach the young boy when he got there. He was probably not planning on saying anything as his words might hurt the young boy more and lead him down a darker path. Maybe his actions might just speak louder than his voice. He was very sure that the boy could not remember a bit of any word dray had said since the beginning of their battle and dray could not also remember any of the boy's words besides the fact that he had hardly spoken, it were as if their words, if any had been blowed away by the wind that cleared the mist and now revealing the ever shining sun but one thing that well stuck into dray memory was the boy's actions. His moves. His trickery. Everything that did not have to do with his words and dray was pretty sure his own actions had well stuck in the boy's memories at the moment more than whatever words he had spoken.

Still keeping his balance and resorting to using his actions rather than his words, dray would get to the boy and stretch out a hand containing bandages to him and also awaiting the unknown..maybe the boy would probably speak after a long while.....


OOC: Its not about weakness or giving up but its more about building a reason and most importantly a story.

42Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:53 am



The boy was looking a bit up to the sky as the mist was moving slightly around him as he began to wonder how things ever came to this.


A small little green haired boy had prepared to come and enjoy himself at the festival in Takigakure, getting lost he had discovered a strange man with shortish green hair and a rough look to him. The man had three scabbards which was one more then any normal swordsman should have. The boy was curious about the man like a moth to a flame, flying behind him, hiding behind the buildings and following silently and blending into the crowd. His shinobi training had become like second nature to him as he never realized he seemed more like a predator stalking his prey than a small curious boy following something interesting.

Things were peaceful, however the man seemed to be bothered. He could feel the predator stalking its prey, as he did not enjoy the idea of being prey to an unknown enemy. The green haired swordsman looked into the crowd and could not find anyone. The man kept traveling further and further down the path until finally annoyed to the point at which his instincts kicked in and he felt he had to attack rather then allow any chance for someone to get the jump on him.

The shuriken toss that decided their fates right then and there as the little boy responded to the big man. As the shuriken clashed each of them read it differently, the man seeing this as him defending himself against a potential ambush and the boy seeing this attack itself as an ambush on him for following. In the end they had similar ideas which were both wrong and in a sense both had chosen the path they should not have.

The man made the mistake of calling the little boy rude after going for the first attack, the boy saw it as the man who started it as his eyes had been filled with fear which quickly changed to anger. Had his instincts not been honed for looking after himself and taking care of missions he would have been worse off. As he heard the man whose foolish words had sent a spark into the stirring gas of this conflict, as it was ignited like a flame that exploded as this was how the fight had begun.

Even so if the man did not half way proceed to draw his sword, the boy may have listened to him and thought about it more carefully, but the threat was made without words and in kind he had responded by gripping his weapon even better then it should have been. However as things turned out the man had charged towards the boy which was the official start and the first mistake made.

The boy replied with his strongest technique leaving a some what deep cut into the man's knee and various cuts scattered across the man's boy as he countered the man's projectiles and attacked him in one go. This was how it all began as the boy was not going to hold anything back as his answer was to persuade the man to surrender or apologize through sheer force at the time.

Following up and not dwelling on his mistake the man attacked again only to be blocked by a technique he had never seen before as not only were his projectiles knocked away for the second time, his jutsu were all rendered useless at the time, but the man never gave up as he prepared something big after that. The man blasted water along the ground like a laser heading to its target as the boy took to the skies showing the power of his wings, however the man had set this up to see how the boy would respond and to send him into a trap he would never see coming.

As the spears headed towards him he blocked the surprise assault with his wings, the explosions like missiles as he fell wings first into the ground, as he reached out desperately, the man aiming to finish off the boy having elevated himself, however the boy took advantage and replaced himself with a rock in order to close in on his target who lost sight of him.

This battle was really heated and people who had been in the area had long since fled, while others just walked passed as if it was some form of entertainment before heading to the main market area of the festival grounds.

The man soon performed more combination play, which may have become a large waste of chakra as the boy responded skillfully to each of the man's combinations with minimal effort, or in a sense as little effort as he could put in to avoid the attack and conserve his chakra. It was clear the boy did not fully understand battle yet, but his skill was evolving in a sense of he had to either sink or swim, fall or fly in this case.

After various combinations and exchanges this fight was nearing an end as the two had glared at each other for some time as if to say neither of them will lose. In the end there can only be one


The mist had now begun to clear as the boy looked up making out the sky slightly as it peeked through the mist, he then felt like he was being watched as the mist began to spread out.

The man was approaching him from out of his rock he was hiding behind, was this a trap or another trick by the man who did not understand reason. As the man approached closer and closer as the boy kept a firm grip on his weapon.

The man was close to him as he stretched out his hand as the sun came out just as the clouds were gathering in the sky. The noticed there was something in the man's hand as his mind had two thoughts running in his mind as his action he took was the only way a shinobi could face this random act of kindness.

The first thought that went through his mind was that the man was launching a surprise attack by having a weapon inside his hand or perhaps a clone since this man had completely let his guard down with his approach.

As a way to avoid a trap and prove that he was dealing with a clone the boy reached close as he slashed upwards as a force struck the mans already injured knee and the man's entire body would be cut all over as the man had not chosen to keep his distance or prepare for this attack as the man would then end up with scratches and bruises all over, however regardless of how badly he may hurt the man here and now the one thing he noticed was what fell out of the man's hand.

He saw as pieces of cloth like bandages were being shredded and falling upon the ground as he stopped his blade just short of the man's throat and instead just aimed to head one inch into the side of the man's neck. The blow was aimed to be a killing blow, but the bandages confused him as he looked down keeping his blade to the man's neck as he said his first words to the man.


As tears seemed to begin to build up in the eyes of the small boy as it began to rain all over.

Words = 10380 + 1280 = 11660
Chakra = 20/150

Point blank Air Slash used

43Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:28 pm



As dray stretched out the bandages towards the young boy, the look on his face depicted that he was not sure if the man before him was being truthful. To justify his curiosity, the young boy reached close as he slashed upwards as a force struck the dray's already injured knee and the dray's entire body was cut all
over but he didn't try to react to the attack neither did he show any sign of pain. However, regardless of how badly dray was hurt, the boy seemed to notice was what fell out of the dray's hand.

He saw as pieces of clothing which were the bandages were being shredded and falling upon the ground as his stopped his blade just short of the dray's throat and instead just aimed to head one inch into the side of the his neck. The blow was probably aimed to
be a killing blow, it was not that dray couldn't do anything but fighting anger with anger would only prolong issue as the bandages confused the boy as he looked down still keeping his blade to the dray's neck as he said his first words to the dray.
"Why?" As tears seemed to begin to build up in the eyes of the small boy as it began to
rain all over.

Having a sense of feeling that things seemed to turn out right, regardless of all the injuries he had all over his body, he couldn't feel any pain even when he tried to. He wondered why that was so. Was it an effect of feeling happy? Feeling accomplished? What was it...dray managed to grin as he looked up to the boy and said.....The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. You might take me as an enemy but Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. Friends are born, not made.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have. I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.' The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach my full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. I Infuse my life with action. I Don't wait for it to happen. I Make it happen. I Make my own future. I Make my own hope. I Make my own love. And whatever my beliefs, honor my creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what I can to make grace happen... Myself, right now, right down here on Earth.

You may wonder why I feel no pain now...

But sometimes, you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because life's greatest lessons are learnt through pain and due to this pain I have long endured, I have found one who is worthy to be called a friend. My parents left me dangling in the world with nothing but these swords that have long protected me with all they have. I managed to live in this world and fought against a legend who later bacame my sensei. Now, am sure I have you even though I dont know you yet.

The periods of clashing with you both with my swords and jutsu have transmitted a little part of you to me. A part of your loneliness which I have come to pity. How you must have managed to live, to feed, to grow, yet, I charged into you like I was given a straight ticket to hell. I might not be execellent in tendering apologies but some if not all of my words have relayed how I truly feel towards you... Now, to fully channel my feelings to you...
dray managed to muster enough strength as he clenched his fist and stretched it out towards the boy..

"Will you bump fist with me.."


44Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:09 am



The man did something the boy had never ever expected as he began to suffer something which reminded him of the day his academy instructor started suffering memory loss and kept repeating the same class for two weeks before the medical instructor finally came to class and noticed. He had no idea what the guy was trying to say other than bla bla bla friends bla bla bla love and bla bla bla pain. He could not understand why he had to listen to all this bla as his killer instinct was fading as he had a look of shock as his wide open eyes still holding their tears did not move as he was not frozen as much in shock as he was frozen with the feelings of not knowing what on earth this guy was trying to say. He then watched the man extend his hand and mumble something as he mistook it for the words rock, paper and scissors as he placed his left hand over the man's fist as he then said.

"I win...", a clueless look on his face as his wings lowered down as life seemed to fade from his eyes, the boredom hit him so hard thanks to the man's evil lecture which was the most powerful attack the man had. As he fell back a woman finally reaching the destination in time arrived capturing the boy before he could fall and hurt himself. He was now sound asleep as the woman looked at the strange man who had cuts all over his body and even the man's clothes were torn all over along with some deeper cuts in the shoulder and the knee and one minor gash on the top of the man's head. The woman was confused as she bowed and looked to the man, "Thanks for playing with Noel, are you a friend of his?". She completely misunderstood the situation as regardless of how the man replied she would respond with.

"Thanks for everything, but we have to go" as she used shunshin jutsu with the boy in hand who was fast asleep as he was happy to win the fight. The boy would remember this fight vaguely as if it was a dream in which he defeated the green haired swordsman and then fought him again in a battle of rock paper scissors as he showed great skill in unleashing the wide open small soft hand known as paper which was difficult with the man's big fist. This would not be the last time he would see this man, is how he felt deep down inside as the rain fell down in the area as if to wash away the sorrow as this was a skillful battle that had finally come to an end.

Words = 11660 + 470 = 12130
Training Bukijutsu B to A = 1043(Other Thread) + 1957(This Thread) = 3000/3000
Training Bukijutsu A to S = 4000/4000
Training D-Rank Jutsu Hidden Mist Seal = 750/750
Training C-Rank Jutsu Aura Wall Dash = 1000/1000
Training C-Rank Jutsu Semi Circle Footsteps = 1000/1000
Training Suiton C to B = 2000/2000
Training Suiton B to A = 1423/3000
Total Training = 1957 + 4000 + 750 + 1000 + 1000 + 2000 + 1423 = 12130

Exit Thread

OOC Final Comments : Great fight may we have an even more even battle next time

45Two different persons[noel/closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:31 am



Extending his fist was a matured way of sharing his feeling with someone since both clenched fist woul bump together but dray had long forgotten that the prson before him was but a little green haired angel boy who surely still had a kid's mind but had displayed excellent shinobi battle prowess. Just as the boy seemed to be in shock by dray's words, as dray stretched forward his clenched fist, the boy stretched forward his hand and placed it on dray's fist saying..."I win".. The boy was probably thinking dray was playing a game of rock paper scissor but to get the young boy to speak was of much joy to dray as he watched the water still held back in the boy's eyes wanting to be let out.

Having being exhausted to the fight and not able to hold it any longer, the boy fell backwards as a woman came out of the wind to catch him in time before he fell and hurt himself more. Dray though weak still looked at the woman at how fast she caught the boy. As the boy rested in the woman's arms, dray managed to take a look at the headband that was on the boy's arm...smiling gently, dray heard the woman said...thanks for playing with Noel.. Are you a friend of his... dray then said softly...Sunagakure no sato eh... I am his newly found friend.. When he wakes up, tell him he fought konoha's green leaf. He may have won this fight but times and tides do change. We will surely meet again......the woman then proceeded to say..thanks for everything but we have to go now... As she shunshin away from the area probably because she did not want dray to follow or to get noel to safety immediately...

Now, it was dray and the battle arena. A place bashed, gashed and torn apart by the anger of battle that finally ended in peace. No one to come take him away and of course, he didn't need anyone. Not that he was a weakling. As he looked upwards to the sky, the rain began to fall as it washed the anger off the battle field and also bathed dray clean. As the rain continued, the rain washed his konohagakure head band down to his side as he managed to pick it up and tie it to his head.

The rain now stopped as a rainbow ran through the sky as a sign of hope for dray.
Still with some life left in him, he placed both palm on the ground as he shaped the wood underneath the ground into two crutches. One for his right and the other for his left to support his weight as his house in taki was no longer far. Just somewhere around the corner in the forest of takigakure.
Getting up and placing the two crutches well, dray looked upward smiling. A friend he had truly made as he managed to walk down to his little wooden hand made home....


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