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1Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Noel's New Home(Private) Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:23 am



It was a really hot day as the boy was getting hungry, he was walking barefoot in his table cloth he was wearing as his wings were hidden from the people of the slums. His dirty face and dirty hair appearing brown as the sand, his green eyes hidden as he looked to the dirt upon which he walked. Soon he reached the location as he took out the picture looking up then down then up again. He stepped his small little dirty foot near the step to the door as he carefully put in the key he was given. As he unlocked the door it creaked open as he entered. He took in a deep breath before coughing all the dust that was in the air. He could not see clearly as he stepped inside the place which would become his new home, in the village of Sunagakure.

Words = 149

2Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:39 am



The small little boy starts walking through the air before placing a seal in the center as fresh air blows from the seal clearing out the dust as the windows were clear and open, but had dirt and grime on them, he looked up as he noticed he had a ceiling window which let him look to the sky and his door banged shut as the wind blew it closed. He walked to the door locking it before finally making his way towards the bed, as he looked at it the bed was pretty good as he sat down on it. He bounced his rear end on the bed a little bit as he could feel the bouncy nature of the bed and the mattress being soft enough for him to sleep on. He looked around noticing he had a small basement which he remembered reading was where the bathroom was. He decided to stand up again his bare feet still dirty as he went to each window to close the curtains they came with, the room was fully furnished in the sense that it had a bed, a chair, a desk and a basic open plan kitchen area with a small tiny fridge, a jug, and a few eating utensils not to mention a bread board. There were maybe three plates also there as he looked up noticing two small kitchen cupboards. He would have to check that out later as he looked to the side noticing he had a small chest of drawers, but no wardrobe as he sighed. He realized he did not have much clothes to begin with as he had gotten robbed earlier in the Sand Dunes, luckily he was unharmed since the area he was in frowned upon that. They had this rule that you may steal and hurt someone a bit, but if you kill or maim then you get given special treatment which they say is not for the ears of the young and innocent.

He yawned and laid down on the bed for a bit thinking of what he had to do first in his new little home.

Words = 149 + 357 = 506

3Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:17 am



The wind blew through the window as the curtains flowed like a cape in the wind, the sound of the door creaking slightly as it attempted to open as the lock kept the door in place. The feeling of fluffy white soft silky feathers beneath the back of a young small boy who was sound asleep. The light of the sun now moving ever closer to above them as he had no quite taken to this place just yet. The fridge made a slight noise as it started up in order to maintain the cooling of whatever was inside there. There was a small commotion outside as a few girls had been traveling with some goods inside a caravan, traveling salesmen or performers. It was unclear as the girls found the beaten and run down home of the little boy who they felt would need them to supply him with all his daily needs. He did not care about girls or boys, as all he could think about was the beautiful Mikasa and her large black wings as he felt her next to him. Just as he was about to get deep into the good portion of his dream there was a knock on the door as the sound of a carriage coming to a stop could be heard.

The boy yawned blinking several times as he rolled a bit, then nearly fell back to sleep when they knocked a second time. He was getting annoyed as he sat up from his bed, his bare feet touching the dirty floors once again before making his way to the door, he unlocked it carefully holding his kunai behind him. He opened the door and noticed three beautiful girls who just greeted him with a simultaneous

"Hi", he was about to close the door again when the one girl managed to block it with her foot as she flinched in pain as the door hit her ankle. The girl in the middle peeped her head in then said, "welcome to your new home, we are the traveling Sand Dune merchants we are having a special today for you moving in here, so if you would like we can give you some nice free items for your first day". He was annoyed at being woken up as he kept his wings hidden, his table cloth was not the best form of clothing and the girls were obsessed with how cute the dirty little boy looked. He did not understand what was going on since he was still sleepy and he was not about to let these strange girls into his new home.

Words = 506 + 439 = 945

4Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:57 pm



The girls were desperate to get in but they underestimated the boy as he placed a seal on the door which caused a gust of wind which blew the girls away as he closed the door shut. He sighed as he went back to his bed then took a small sniff at the air and noticed he smelled like a dead bird. He went down the stairs into his pitch black dark basement, he was not sure what to do but his wings bumped against a switch as the light went on making a small ping sound.

As he looked around he noticed there were three rooms and the home was actually bigger in the basement. He walked to the first room opening it slowly and all he saw was a small little hole and a super comfy seat with the words on top saying 'The King's Throne' as he nearly laughed. This was the toilet room which was a bit spacious and had a basin with several soaps. He wondered why this place was so good in the basement when all of a sudden he remembered what happened when he got the place.

'As per request from the academy you have been allowed access to this home located within the slums. The home consists of a room with an open plan kitchen with two built in kitchen cabinets, a kettle and a basic comfortable bed designed for comfort to accommodate your handicap. In the basement there are three rooms consisting of a private bathroom with a toilet and basin made for basic needs, the last two rooms are a study and the true bathroom meant only for washing'

With that in mind he closed the door to his throne and made way to the next room as his heart was excited by the exploration of his new home.

Words = 945 + 310 = 1255
Training Strength E1 to E3 = 150 + 225 = 375
Training Endurance E1 to E3 = 375
Training Reaction E1 to E3 = 375
Total Training = 375 x 3 = 1125
Training Words Left = 130

5Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:31 pm



The boy made his way to the second room and it was just what he was looking for. The entire floor was tiled with a small bathroom mat by the entrance. He stepped his foot gently on it before placing his other foot on as well. He looked around as he noticed the large square bath in the center and what looked like a large number of shower heads all around the bathroom. There was a small section that had a thin wall between it and the more bath like area as he noticed there was a basket for putting in his dirty clothes and a metal wardrobe which was something he had seen once in the academy. He also noticed a small wooden bench and he realized this was like a mini locker room that was part of a large shower bath combination meant for a large number of people. He began to wonder why he even got this place to begin with, it was not like he had any friends to bring over to enjoy all of this.

He took a deep breath as he made his way to check out the basket, the tiles were a bit cold but it was to be expected. He opened the locker doors and all he found were a bathrobe which he saw was brand new and a towel which was also brand new. He then noticed there was no underwear or any of the other usual items that should have been in there. He then began to stretch a bit as he looked to the gigantic bath again, as he thought for a bit he got hungry and he wanted to eat, but he also wanted to bath but he scratched his dirty hair as white flakes fell out and onto the tiled floor. He had a tough choice and he had to think this through carefully or risk becoming too dirty to get clean in time or become too full to take a bath without his food returning to the outside again. This was a tough decision to make as he kept wondering what Mikasa would do.

Words = 1255 + 358 = 1613
Training = 130 + 358 = 488

6Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:15 am



He took in a deep breath of the bathroom air before thinking about how alone he was in his new home and how he felt he needed to take a nice relaxing bath for a change. He finally got over his shyness and nervousness as he took off his table cloth which covered him as he stood in his torn underwear and the rags of what was left of a brown shirt he had on. He grabbed hold of the top of his shirt then began pulling it up and over his head, his wings had already torn part of it so it was not too difficult to remove the now torn up shirt as he stretched his arms up over his head. Holding his shirt there as the cool air brushed over his chest as he blushed and nearly giggled at the air tickling his tummy. He noticed the air seemed to flow nicely down here as he began to stretch his arms to each side one by one as if preparing for a battle. He was actually just doing it so he could get himself out of being so shy the whole time. He was not sure whether he still wanted to bath or not but he did know if he did not bath now he was going to lose sleep over it. He did not want to sleep in his bed dirty all day since he was going to have his bed cleaned again for tonight. As he walked closer to the bathing area of the bathroom he noticed several taps and a single tap in the bath as well, he looked up and noticed that this could have once been a bathhouse as well, but he did not look into it too much as he was holding off on the inevitable. He was going to bath and he had no choice in the matter.

Words = 1613 + 318 = 1931
Training = 488 + 318 = 806

7Noel's New Home(Private) Empty Re: Noel's New Home(Private) Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:53 am



He just got it over and done with letter the water rush over him as he got himself as clean as possible as soon as he could. Making his way out he was hoping that he could become stronger than he was before as he learnt so much observing this area as he made his decision to never let something slip past his small green eyes, especially not a chance to one day meet Mikasa again.

Words = 806 + 76 = 882
Training Perception D1 to D3 = 400 + 450 = 850/850
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