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1Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:09 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

On the festival grounds, lies a house made by those representing Iwagakure. This house was made by those representing Iwagakure, and visiting, could have a place to stay while cheering on the Genin that were to inevitably dominant the Chuunin exams, to relax during the day, and to destroy during the night. 


The building is made of earth, made by those from Iwagakure.  It took a little work, but it was an easy achievement giving the obvious skills of those from the Earth Country.  Several circular cascading domiciles that containe 20 rooms each ring.  Within the center, is a single large house that houses all the festivities occur each night.  The ring around it is meant for storage, where boundless amounts of wine and beer, preserved vegetables, and meats are held.  Supposedly, several rooms also contain supplies brought by Iwagakure for trading with Takigakure, or those willing, including gold, weapons, and other unknown materials.

Above that layer, and continuing are housing units for those visiting.  Shinobi are stationed within each other ring, starting at the 2nd ring.  Visiting Genin and chunin are housed on the second ring.  Jounin and above, including squad members of those participating within the Exams on the fourth. On the third ring are traders and merchants.  Every ring contains faculties for those staying.

The fifth ring is holding unknowns to even those of Iwagakure.  In order to get to this area, first several guards of Chuunin rank are needed to get passed.  What is housed in this area is unknown, but it must be of some great importance. 

Those not from Iwagakure are allowed within the confines of the building within whenever festivities are occurring.  A sign is posted before entering, welcoming those from other villages to join in, and have fun.  On the outside of the main building, is a sign asking that all to refrain from activities that could injure anyone, with a large splinter running through it, almost making it  illegible.  A sign across from it asks that no one wanders into the other buildings surrounding.  Alongside of these signs is a doorway that is open, where it can be seen a building with several open shutters, and chairs that is usually stationed by Iwagakure Shinobi meant to keep the peace, with a large bottle of liquor easily seen sitting on the center table or several littering the floor. 

A banner stretches on the outer most building, as those that enter can plainly seen. "Iwagakure House, welcoming all shinobi for nightly festivities.  Come ready to have fun, otherwise, please go next door to Konoha House." 

Next door lies a heap of ashes.


Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:59 pm



During his time in Takigakure he had been hoping for a chance to have some fun. Or at least experience something outside of training. He had just cashed in his reservation at a 5 star restaurant. Kurai thoroughly enjoyed himself, as he was able to send the bill to his sensei, allowing him to eat all that he could. The rising Chuunin star was now looking to wind down some more before he was inevitably tested again by his squad. With his training so far under his sensei, he was sure he was in store for another tough training session. Throughout his short time in Takigakure he had heard of a place just for shinobi from Iwagakure. It was a place where the shinobi from the village hidden in the stone could gather and encourage their fellow Genin that were participating in the Chuunin exams. It was the evening when Kurai got dressed to visit the Iwagakure party house. His choice of attire was black leather pants with a red dragon along the entire side. He also wore a long sleeve orange shirt with a black leather vest. He combed his white hair and began his stroll. This should be fun.

This place is magnificent. Kurai thought to himself. It was spacious, that was for sure. The entire layout was phenomenal. His sharp eyes were able to discern the signs on the outside. He didn’t really know what to expect. Well, he knew what to expect a little bit, as he could hear music oozing through the walls. They started without me! Kurai steamed quietly. Dowsing his anger quickly, he tugged on his vest and walked in. Everyone was dancing and having good time. Kurai first made his way to punch fountain. After he got a cup of drink he began to greet a few people. Kurai was already enjoying himself. After a few more greetings he saw Suteki, the short girl with the gourd that he worked with a few times. He had actually trained with the young Genin. If he wasn’t mistaken she had did well to advance into the preliminary rounds, and she was facing off against a Ronin. Kurai figured that Suteki was probably curious as to why he wasn't participating. He had been promoted just days before she set out to Takigakure. He went over to Suteki. “Hi. I’m glad I was able to make it. So how are you enjoying Takigakure and the Chuunin exams so far?” Kurai was aware that there was one other Iwagakure shinobi, Motoichi. Kurai remembered being equally impressed by the composed Motoichi, and was confident he would stand out. “Have you seen Motoichi since you’ve been in Takigakure? I heard he made it through the first event just like you. Congratulations.”

WC: 467

3Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:40 am

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku


The Day:

The young girl had her appearance requested, or rather mandated, to attend tonight's party at Iwagakure's "diplimatic" home within the land of Takigakure during the time frame of the Chunnin Exams.  At the moment, she had a temporary living space in the center of the Labyrinth, of which she had made her way through in order to continue to the 2nd stage of the exams.  It offered a serene living space, away from the crowded grounds within the village.  

Iwagakure's House near the festival grounds was a place that those from Iwagakure temporarily visiting for the exams could stay or store things while visiting.  She could have chosen to stay their instead of her temporary place, near the battlegrounds as it were, but the Labyrinth was such a wondrous place, and out of the want to avoid large crowds of gawkers or fans that would infest the area.  Though it was expected that she would make an appearance at some point to those fans, or rather, those that were placing bets on her.  She knew the object of her attendance was just that, a way to advertise herself to them in order to gain some form or manner of transaction. She was to bring her gear with her, her gourd, since this was a defining trait of hers.  Though, she didn't like the idea of going to this event, she was young, and the attention would be a new experience for her.  She decided to make the best out of such an experience and go for broke as it were.  She first visited this housing unit to drop off some of her stuff for tonight, allowing plenty of time to do what ever else before than.

The remainder of her day she spent shopping for something to wear to the festivities. An enjoyable experience in of itself.  The young girl visited the many shops that were bustling at all times because of the events of the Chuunin Exams.  Fortune smiled on her that no one really recognized her out and about.  She choose to leave behind her giant gourd because of this reason, in order to infiltrate the village with the least about of attention.  She visited many shops, trying on all manners of clothing but all of it seemed a little out of her price range.  She was a genin and very young, her purse wasn't all that grand.  Most of the clothing she liked was several times that that would be rewarded for completion of a mission.  The idea of having to wear her normal shinobi clothing didn't seem like an option, and all of the new things she was seeing within the village was an enjoyment to her.  Maybe she would get lucky at some point and find something to wear.

At some point during her adventure, she stopped by a restaurant that seemed quite populated by locals.  Easily recognized through their lack of shinobi headbands.  She kept her hidden fairly well for the most part, again keeping in disguise as it were.  At one point, they hadn't wanted to serve her, though paying upfront changed their minds quickly.  They even gave her a gift of any dessert for their mistake. They had this fantastic barbeque pork that was very different from back home, and a fruit used in the dessert that she couldn't really pronounce was also something else.  The day was shaping up from how it was going just prior to her paying upfront for food about an hour before.  

She spent a little time watching the comings and goings of those within the village, watching where people were going or coming from, and what the styles of the village were among a few things.  The next shop she went to was a little more beaten off the track, but she heard some people talking about it while visiting another dessert shop.  She managed to find the place in a less busy area, more for living quarters if anything.  She was starting to attract attention here now, since less people were running a muck, and everyone seemed familiar with one another.  She entered the shop to find the keeper busy with another customer.  Suteki decided to glance around while she waited to be seen to, admiring some of the tastes of style that Takigakurians were into.  Their clothing was more bright and open, as compared to her darker colored, lighter feeling, and much more covering clothing back home.  It had it's sense of beauty and life, much more captivating than what she was used to.  

After about 20 minuets of searching, the keeper was finished with his other customer and started to hobble towards her.  He was an older gentleman, around the age of 60, using a strange, vine or root like cane to help him around.  He was quite immersed in what Suteki was wearing, naming off features.  "So, Iwagakure huh.  It certainly is rare to find that style around here.  You look quite familiar young miss."  I avoided eye contact at that point.  "I am visiting here, the Chunnin exams sir."  "Oh, well now it is always good to meet those from other places.  Though you found yourself quite in an odd location.  This place is definitely off to the side of where most visiting search out.  How can I help you."  I looked around, trying to avoid face contact, "I am searching for something to wear to a party tonight, and found that most places are a little out of my..price range."  

He stepped closer, trying to get a better look at the little girl, "A party huh. Something for the festival grounds no doubt."  His voice a little raspy, and his pastern of speach long winded. She spoke much faster than he.  "Yes sir."  "Such a polite girl."  He turned around and started to walk towards the back, "Please follow me young miss."  They headed towards the back of the shop.  The man pulled out a newspaper and looked at it for a moment than turned around.  "So, watching huh."  He put the paper back down, open on a the table and sat down on a stool.  The paper had her named in bold letters, along with the other contestants.  "Suteki Yaku, an Iwagakure Shinobi hopeful.  The youngest participant this year.  She will be in the first match of the Second Round facing..."  "Well, I can help you find something nice for sure.  And perhaps within your budget as well.  Let me have a look at you real quick.  She stood straight up in front of him, trying to act taller than she was, standing on her toes a little.  Her hands at her sides fumbling with her cloths a little.  "Perhaps a little big for you, but we can fix this dress I have here."  He pulled out a blue dress and held it up in front of himself.  "No, no. This doesn't work.  Perhaps, something purple."  He put the dress back and swirled on the chair to the other side, pulling another dress out.  "Perfect."  He put the dress on the table over the paper.

The man took my measurements and altered the dress for me to wear.  He avoided mentioning my name and to my dismay the price of the dress I was going to buy.  As he was altering it, I spoke up fiercely, "How much is this going to cost me sir.  I don't have a lot of money on me, especially for something this nice and costumed."  The man didn't turn his attention away from his job, still working as he spoke, "Perhaps you can show this off for me at some of the ceremonies that you will be attending while here young miss.  Even than, maybe back home someone will ask you about where you got this and you can mention my name.  I always wanted to sell my clothing internationally.  What better way than with such a cute young girl from Iwagakure."

About an hour passed and he held the newly sized dress up looking at it.  "This should do it.  Sorry for the long wait, but it is rare to find someone so young in my shop."  He handed me the dress and pointed to a room in the back.  "Go ahead and try it on."  The dress fit perfectly, and seemed like something that I had seen in a movie.  Even back home, a dress like this would have been way out of my capabilities to buy.  Something only the rich or royalty would wear.  Something that I would never have had, let along a use for.  I reached into my other dress and pulled out some money giving it to the man.  He declined it at first but I insisted and he thanked me.  I knew it wasn't enough, even thanking him felt somewhat absurd.  I would have to visit him again before I left, to find some form of payment deserving for such generosity.

The Party:

The night was coming on quick as Suteki entered her squads given room and board for the exams.  Her squad hadn't followed along with her, no reason given but she hadn't cared about that fact.  She didn't need a cheering section or her newly formed squad, that she only met once really, to keep her going.  She was in this for herself for the most part.  It would have been nice but she hadn't expected them to join her in Takigakure.  Though that reasoning could easily change based on situations given.

The party had already started and she could hear the frivolities below on the ground floor.  She wasn't in a hurry to join in with the party, as she was now starting to feel the edge of the knife as it were with the chuunin exams.  It was only the day before that she had moved onto the next round, and the short period of rest after it, and now this event were slowly taking it's toll.  She looked at herself in the mirror, gathering herself and sighing, releasing the stress that had momentarily built up.  Now another form of stress was taking the place of the exams, as it now felt like the party was ramping up, the walls shaking every other second.  She exited her abode and looked down at the opening portion of the house below, seeing it was pretty crowded.  She again breathed in than out heavily, now making her way to the party.  

Her entrance was announced, momentarily freezing the pounding music to introduce her.  It was an unexpected event that kept her frozen in place for a moment, unsure of how to continue on.  The introduction was short fortunately, "Please can we have a round of applause for one of our champions at this years Chuunin Exams.  One of the few who managed to make it trough the Labyrinth of the First Stage, and one of two from Iwagakure's representatives this year.  Welcome Suteki Yaku. Stand strong and continue your reign over the exams."  The crowd clapped and she watched on for the moment of attention.  The music made a swirling sound than continued on, once again bringing the party to it's fullest.  She gripped her gourd and pulled it up and made her way to a side portion of the room before someone from behind came in front of her.  "Welcome Suteki Yaku.  I am your escort and body guard while your here.  It is requested that you meet a few selected dignitaries real quick.  Than afterwards you can enjoy yourself."  The man had a grimace on his face, obviously finding what he had to do a little below himself.  I looked up at him as he towered me, my look not much different from his, "If we must."  He looked behind himself for a moment than continued on, "After the PLEASANTRIES, have fun.  This party is in part for you."  He smiled as he said pleasantries, making it obvious of what was to be expected, signalling for her to do the same.  She put on the smile and was introduced to several ill characters that had great interest in her success at the tournament.  Making references to betting everything  or some such on her or Iwagakure to steal the show this year.  A few people seemed nice enough though.  Most of them made a reference to her large gourd, wondering how she managed to lift such an object that overshadowed the small girl.  It was her most obvious definition usually, though most seemed quite captivated at her beauty and dress, wondering how she managed to move on in the exams.

After an hour of that, she was released and headed to a more secluded section of the party hall.  Her bodyguard kept his distance and made himself scarce, seeming to join in the festivities now as well.  She pulled her gourd off and put it down next to her, thank watching as the party continued.  She hadn't known anyone at the party, searching for some form of a familiar face.  It was one of those moments that she kind of wished for a familiar face, even if it was from her new and unknown squad.

Than she noticed someone familiar heading towards her.  Kurai, a genin she half expected to see in the tournament.  He was her squad captain for a two man mission that ended exceptionally well.  He was more deserving than her perhaps to participate in this years exams.  It had been a while since they talked, and his clothing was fairly reminiscent.  The music made it a little difficult to hear Kurai as he spoke to her, but she made it out fairly well.  He asked if she was enjoying Takigakure and the exams thus far.  "It is a fantastic country.  Very different from back home.  I am glad I was chosen to go to the chuunin exams.  

He than spoke of someone she wasn't familiar with, at least not yet.  The first round of the exams she would run into this Motoichi that he spoke about, but what would come of it was another story entirely.  

"Motoichi?  I don't know him."  That must have been the other person that the announcer DJ guy was talking about.  "What do you know about Motoichi?"  She was interested in her 'companion' that was in the exams as well.  Though the interest was in more of a competition manner than anything.

She was thrilled that someone she knew and liked showed up at the party. At least now she was certainly enjoying herself.

Words: 2454

Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:03 am



Akira had been enjoying himself immensely while attending the festival. Though it was becoming more and more apparent that only the criminally inclined knew of him at first glance aside from the people from Iwagakure. But that suited him just fine. He had rented out a suite at the best hotel in all of takigakure and had bee staying there enjoying the view over the village. The hotel even presented him with added security on the second day once they discovered who he really was. It had amused him greatly having not informed others he was the Tsuchikage. Now though everyone was bowing before him and security was keeping people from going anywhere near him. Naturally they didn't want any sort of international incident happening on their soil. But of course Akira felt it was more for their benefit and safety then his own. He had arrived with his own guards after all. Two of which were with him at any given time. The rest were out collecting information or guarding the dojo or the suite. Regardless of the role they played Akira made sure they were comfortable and looked after. Plenty of food and drink and instructed to simply remain aware. As Jounin they were all trained to remain alert even while resting. So it was efficient enough.

Still the temperature and humidity reminded him a lot of Konoha this time of year. A country that had raised him as part of the hyuga clan and considered him a prodigy. As so many Hyuga were. But he had grown careless and now suspected that the time he would spend in Konoha was at an end. How could one call someplace home if he was wanted there and considered nothing more then a traitor. Either way he feared the day he might be discovered. His mask as an Iwa shinobi torn from him. Luckily his position as Kage gave him ample reason to have his files sealed. After all a Kage never wanted to reveal too much about his abilities and tactics. So he remained the better part of a mystery in some regards. However he was making a name for himself as he raised Iwagakure up as an economy giant once more while simultaneously crushing the crime rate with an Iron fist. He certainly wasn't known for his mercy. Either way Iwa was a colder region being elevated in the mountains as it was. So he needed to pretend he was warm at least.

So he had quickly ditched his two suit coats and his tie. Now he simply walked around in padded dress shoes with black slacks and a long sleeved but thin buttoned up silver shirt with the top two buttons undone. His chest showing just a little but it was obvious he kept his body hair shaved as he liked to remain clean in appearance. Even his beard was perfectly trimmed into two little forks on either side of his chin. As for his dagger he left it with one of the two guards with him. It had been a few days since his arrival now and he was just now getting word of an Iwagakure party house. Apparently fairly rambunctious in nature. He grinned with his bangs covering his left eye as he decided it was where he would go tonight. And so he sought it out until his sharp yellow eyes peered at the welcome sign. With a nod he dismissed his guards to remain close but out of sight. His right hand raised up and brushed his bangs out of his face as he raised on eyebrow. His other hand reaching into his pocket and pulling out a smoke and a lighter. Placing the smoke in between his lips and lighting it before pocketing the light and with a smirk he walked in. Smoking as he found his way in careful not to be noticed. His presence entirely hidden as if he didn't exist.

He made his way to a corner that way. The only way to spot him was to look directly at him or smell the smoke. From there he looked over the room. His yellow gaze as curious as could be. Most of the people there he didn't recognize though they were having a great deal of fun. But one such individual he did recognize. And he was hard to miss. His student Kurai stood out with his white hair. A clever little man with uchiha eyes. And he was talking to someone. By the looks of it and compared to her profile he noted her as Suteki Yaku. One of the two genin that had made it thus far in the exams. She was fairly easy to identify with that gourd of hers. She seemed strong enough. Either way he was interested in meeting her. So quietly he let some smoke out of his mouth and sent out a wave of his presence to Kurai. Someone, no, perhaps the only person who had spent enough time with him outside of his guard to recognize his aura in an instant. If Kurai looked his way he would smile and point at them both with two fingers before indicating with the same two fingers to approach him. He didn't suspect that Kurai would consider disobeying such a request. But this wasn't a lesson. If Kurai ignored him he might just have to make up for the insult later.


5Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:47 am



Suteki had not yet become familiar with Motoichi. "Oh, well he is a great shinobi. I met him on a mission. Though I was the captain of the 2 man team, he showed excellent skill and I valued his input, just like with you. I'm not surprised in the slightest that you two have made it so far." Kurai continued to talk with Suteki, they joked around, struggling to hear each other over the music and chanting. While still smiling, Kurai, on the verge of yelling, "OH, ALSO! IF YOU EVER WANT SOME EXTRA TRAINING IN PREP FOR YOUR MATCH, I'D LOVE TO!" He then put on a fake display of taijutsu, punching and kicking the air in a goofy manner. 

A wave of smoke then passed over the area Kurai was in. His narrowed and followed the general direction from whence it came. Kurai threw his head back in laughter and looked at Suteki. "That is my sensei, and of course, you know him better as the Tsuchikage. He's extremely strict. We better head over."

Kurai maneuvered over to Akira. 

As he moved forward, Kurai took notice of those in attendance almost subconsciously. From the corner of his eye he saw a large woman dancing on top of a table. She waved her arms above her head frantically. Lying over her shoulder was a necklace of flowers that shimmered. A river of hair flowed down to her knees. Every now and then, when she twirled, she would use her forearms to hold her hair up. 

One guy on the floor near the same table had erected a humongous pillar from the earth lifting him dozens of meters above the ground, this site actually caused Kurai to hesitate in his progress towards his sensei. The man yelled from atop, "WE'RE GONNA SHOW TAKIGAKURE HOW TO ROCK!!!" Then he jumped off, diving head first. Looking to plant himself to the ground. Kurai could feel the air being sucked out of everyone. What in all that is virtuous did they put in the punch? There was nothing Kurai could do but watch. Shortly after the jump, the man had transformed himself into a... He turned into a diamond!!  The hardness of his new form allowed him to endure the impact with ease. He bounced a few meters off the ground. While airborne, he used his ninjutsu to undo the advanced transformation. He screamed "WOOOOO!!!!" Then once again, the air was implanted back into the party people. 

Kurai had a big smile on his face once he reached Akira-sensei. "This party is getting wild!" Kurai straightened up a bit, "how are you doing Tsuchikage?" He said with a slight bow. Kurai was only shortly removed from his training session with his sensei, and was interested in knowing how he was enjoying the festivities so far.

6Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:19 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

Suteki was enjoying the party much more now that she could strike a conversation with someone she knew.  Yet again, Kurai had been a leader of a small group for an operation involving this Motoichi, making her wonder for a brief moment why he wasn't participating in the tournament.  Though that thought wavered when Kurai complemented her in a very poetic manner.  Her face turned red slightly from her exuberance.  ""  She was at a lose for words though at that moment.  She felt on top of the world, and didn't want to let his expectations dwindle.  Now she had a greater reason to try harder in the tournament.  His words felt like something a sensei might say to a student, but this felt greater than that.

The music cranked up another notch, and more people joined the party and dance floor, crashing into each other with more enthusiasm.  The two of them were enjoying their conversation on the side lines, reacquainting with each other and astounding each other with stories of the last few months that had passed.  Than he came with his pitch, offering to train her prior to the start of the matches, following it up with a rather, to her, embarrassing display of fighting. He didn't seem to flinch putting on his display.  Suteki attributed that as just the general nuance of a taijutsu style user.  It had a certain charm to it.  Though she wouldn't take him up on such an offer anyways, she had a low acquaintance and want for taijutsu. 

A wave of smoke washed over the area they were both in and she looked around for the cause of it, as did Kurai.  Perhaps the building was set ablaze by a party goer.  She had heard a rumor that the place next door had been burnt to the ground during on of these parties a few days back.  She made contact with the man it originated from, on the other side of the room, just as Kurai had.  She spoke up to make sure he noticed, "It came from that guy I think."  Kurai commented, saying that was his sensei, and the Tsuchikage.

This would be her first meeting with the, though rather it had been a while, new Tsuchikage of Iwagakure.  She hadn't known what happened to the prior one, only learning that he was dispatched at some point by the dissemination of her squad.  It would seem Kurai was now an up and coming guard for him.  That might explain why Kurai wasn't participating in the games?  He said they should head over and she followed behind him closely.

The people in attendance were starting to put on a show, the alchohol smell flowing from everyone.  She turned her attention to the doorway, seeing what was possibly a guard also enjoying the festivities with a pint in hand.  Though it was full, perhaps he was putting on a show, as he wavered about.  Some man yelled and her attention turned towards him as she saw him dive bomb off a chunk of earth.  The man in his merriment and those around him laughing and helping him back to his feet.

The young girl was well outside of her element.  She had entered the eye of the frivolity, and wasn't particularly enjoying it.  But she bit her limp and put up a brave front as they passed through it and were now in a slightly clearing heading directly for the Kage.  Though she had just missed Kurai's greeting, turning back as he spoke the second part, with a look of discomfort and panic as he bowed.  She wasn't sure what to do at the moment and joined in with him in a panic. 

She kept her limps shut, going through proper etiquette following a meeting with someone of distinction, especially with Kurai's greeting.  Kurai was the contact, until she was spoken to directly.  The young girl was at odds with herself, unsure of what to and not to do.  She would have never bowed to her own sensei, though it seems the Tsuchikage might have been quite strict.  She would follow Kurai until otherwise noted or regained her composure. 

710 words

7Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:32 am



Akira was smiling as his student noticed him. Or at least appeared to. Which of enough for him to let his yellow eyes scan the room. All the dancing and the music with the lights and colors. He seemed to take it all in. As if nothing could evade his notice. But he was always like that. Everything he did he seemed to do to the full extent. And yet so much control came into what he did. After all he was two sides to a destructive coin. He was a taijutsu master that could crush bones within his grip and rip off limbs if his temper got the better of him. He had been very noticeable as of late with that temper being used on the criminal parts of Iwa's darker side. He had left a trail of blood and death through them so distinct that the criminal underground of other countries were beginning to give Iwa a wide berth. His reign so far had carried the weight of death with it in droves. However he was also known for his medical abilities. It was said that short of death or dismemberment He could heal anything. And he had proved it time and time again. His troops morale was high because even if they were covered in third degree burns or the lower half of their bodies had been crushed he could heal it in a matter of seconds. With that combination he had dominated his position as Tsuchikage and remained mostly uncontested.

Still he ignored the displays the other individuals were putting out there as the party heightened up. He knew of them but didn't particularly care. No his yellow gaze dropped as he let out another plume of smoke. He liked smoking. That was one of the other twin sides of a coin he was known for. He had lifted the community out of the poverty it had been experiencing for so long and created a market and had a new housing district built into the mountain. Jobs were created and homes provided and the Economy was booming in Iwa. He had then began trade with Konoha and Kirigakure. Two of the most prosperous countries out there. He was a financial giant but at the same time he was known for his lavish mannerism. He lived within a bunker of an office with very expensive decorations and surrounded himself with alcohol and women. Some suspected he had some bastard children out there some where. But no one had any proof. Not yet anyway. Regardless he was usually seen smoking or drinking even during important meetings.

And yet still he never seemed to let his guard down. Much like his life style and abilities he looked perfectly calm but a trained shinobi could tell he was ready to grind someone into the ground at the first hint of a threat. He had no tolerance for those who intended him harm and had never shown restraint with them. Still as Kurai arrived and bowed he brought with him the girl he had wanted to meet. Akira grinned a very wolfish grin for a moment before snapping his fingers. Akira was older by the look of him but the grin he was showing was almost boyish. Certainly filled with mischief. But when he spoke it seemed to cut through the music. He didn't shout but his silky words seemed to dominate even the loud noise. Soothing the ears in place of the harsh sound. He was used to talking to people and had developed a skill for it.

"Come come now. If you bow to me people might think they need to behave while I am here and then this gathering could get boring. Other then that I am well. And I see you are doing swell yourself. A girl friend perhaps? Suteki Yaku if I remember correctly. One of the contestants and doing your country proud already. Speak up girl, How do you feel about the exams? Is it boring? Too easy for you?"


8Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:53 am



They had squirmed their way over to the Tsuchikage. Stopping in talking distance, the look Kurai saw on his sensei's face gave him pause. Is he planning another unorthodox test right in the midst of this party... oh no... He considered running away as fast as he could to avoid another grueling test. His last test was still wearing on his body. Akira ordered him to not feel the need to bow in such a formal setting. Kurai had assumed anytime the kage entered an area, the atmosphere immediately became formal regardless. He was glad that his Kage was not like his preconceived notion. He is a balanced man for sure. And a funny one apparently; he implied that Suteki was his girlfriend. The snowy haired Chuunin's eyes narrows, shooting fury and embarrassment at Akira. Finally he let a smile creak onto his face and he looked at Suteki. His words were directed to his sensei but he kept his eyes on Suteki. "A girl that is a friend, yes." 

Akira appeared to have been familiar with Suteki, at least on an informational level. His next question was directed at her after praising her performance so far. He inquired on how she was enjoying the atmosphere of the Chuunin exams. Kurai himself had enjoyed his first day. He got in some good training, ran into a friend, and was enjoying an entertaining party full of energy, music, and food.

9Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:44 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

(I had such a fantastic post and the site logged me out.  So enjoy this semi decent one...)

They stood before the Tsuchikage, a tall man just above Kurai in height.  She examined him, now close and could see he had strong physical features.  Perhaps a taijutsu user like Kurai she surmised.  She couldn't see his body below his suit, but his hands, one holding a cigarette seemed callous, muscular and boney.  Given the way Kurai had greeted him, she expected him to be quite strict and proper.  Even when she first saw him he seemed to give off such an aura as wanting to be left to himself.  But now, he seemed quite friendly.  The Tsuchikage seemed to want to be like a friend, or at least give off such an impression.  A devilish smile appearing on his face as he spoke like that of the smoke that surrounded him, and more draining off of the cigarette in hand.  

Suteki regained her composure and rose her head up before Kurai had, seeing the situation wasn't so dire.  She relaxed some, looking back at the party and taking a step from behind Kurai, now facing the two of them.  She looked back just as he finished his third statement.  A smile was on her face as she wanted to seem like she was enjoying herself.  Though she had expectations of how the conversation would proceed.  Akira was giving off that feeling of a friend whom was up to no good type of feeling, so what came next surprised her, but not to a great extent as he may have wanted.  Akira was trying to embarrass Kurai and the girl, suggesting their relationship was deeper than it was.  He seemed to achieved his aim as Kurai became slightly upset at his statement of the two of them being together.  

The young girl hadn't minded the statement from Akira, as she had gone through such thoughts long ago when they first met.  Kurai was good looking, and had all the qualities she was interested in, but she knew the two of them were just friends and accepted it.  She knew how Kurai would respond, but that still didn't relieve the sting of what he was to say.  Kurai looked down at her, making his statement of the two of them just being friends.  He made his statement in a manner as if asking a question to her, and she wouldn't miss the chance to break the tension that had been built.

Suteki responded with a big smile on her face, and an excited tone, "Nope, you guessed right Akira-sensei.  Girlfriend!"  She giggled slightly as she responded to increase the effect.  She could have embarrassed Kurai more, like grabbing his arm and hugging him, though that would have been a little much for even her to bear.  Suteki the Liar was in full swing now, showing off her skill and capabilities.  She was trying to portray a great amount of cuteness with her response, which could have been easily dismissed with the current company.  Given her stature, and age, she might have been able to get away with it.  But the three of them were murderous callous shinobi.  Well, at least she wasn't murderous just yet.  But she was partaking in a tournament with such intent portrayed upon it.   But still, she was young and vibrant, so maybe she would get away with it.  She hoped that Kurai wouldn't read into what she had said, and expected Akira to have some fun with the response taking attention away.

Though before Kurai could retort, Akira showed his knowledge of her.  He stated her name with familiarity and praised her for passing the first portion of the exams.  She was happy to know that he was paying attention.  It was a statement of great praise, especially coming from the Kage, similiar to Kurai's before.  Akira than asked of her opinion of the exams.  The young girl wondered what he wanted to hear.  Should she tell him it was easy and she would win it all, or tell him it was difficult and grueling?

Suteki decided to take an in between path.  Her gaze and voice became much more solemn, "The first part of the tournament was a game of attrition.  I managed to get through it with ease by taking my time and with skill.  But the next part.  Tomorrow..." The young girl was defeating her rouse from before, and chipper-ed her next statement.  A smile became much more apparent and she became more eccentric and relaxed like before, "I promise I will do my best Akira-sensei."

768 words

10Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:56 am



Akira's lips pulled up on the right side showing a very confident smirk as each of them responded differently. Apparently she was more sure of the page of the book they were on then he was. However, he already knew his student had a fairly cautious nature. Choosing to observe and plan instead of simply breaking through an obstacle. Certainly an odd mindset for a taijutsu specialist under Akira's mentoring brutality. But it was that keen mind that overcame when Akira tossed him into bone breaking physical odds. Something most fighters didn't acquire until after some considerable battle experience. The instinct was to charge in and just break everything in your way. However to actually take the time to observe allowed one to target weaknesses and utilize ones own strengths to their fullest potential. Akira himself forgot to calmly assess a situation more often then not. Then again that had only bit him in the ass once. Other then that he physically dominated everything he came across. Still those yellow eyes flicked back to Suteki with a look like the grinning Cheshire cat. Admiring her looks for a moment. But something about that gaze seemed to flow even deeper. As if prying open her outer shell to view her soul.

He was amused by the cute act. Her file hadn't implied any infiltration specialization. But based on what he figured to be a mask she could easily immerse herself into a number of places as an innocent and cute girl. A great assassin. Had he not known who she was and had he not been him he might of fallen for it as well. He did have a nasty tendency to... expose openings to women. If one happened to somehow hide a weapon they might actually be able to end him. Maybe. But that was why he made sure never to bed shinobi. A woman scorned was one thing but much like this apparently innocent and adorable Suteki every shinobi he ever met was trained to take down their target. In Iwa at least they were taught to do so with extreme prejudice and no remorse. From what he understood Suteki wasn't failing in that regard. He would have to keep her in mind for missions that required someone to get close to a target. A pity she didn't fancy taijutsu. Otherwise he would of taken her on as a student for those talents.

But that was just the way things had to be. Soldiers in service to their country. Idly he put out his smoke in a nearby beer while the man who owned it wasn't looking. He had chosen this spot for more then just the separation. He had ended up standing next to one of the largest men in the club. As Kurai had suspected Akira was up to no good. When he got bored he had a tendency to start a fight and he happened to know the man he had just ruined the beer for had been working for one of the crime lords he was after. Likely in charge of spreading the influence here. Still Akira spoke as if he had done nothing wrong. His voice soft as silk.

"Aye boy. It seems the girl knows more about where you two stand then you do. You might want to get your story straight before you go saying the wrong thing in front of her. The dog house get's awfully cold this time of year. As for you young lady. You do your best out there and I doubt anyone will doubt Iwa's strength. Don't let the fact that you are representing us unnerve you. You are strong. Just be careful not to kill or irreparably maim your opponent. They have medics on hand but, I doubt any are as potent as I."


11Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:41 pm



Kurai grinned at the banter going on. He was happy that they joked about it, after all he had rushed his response for Suteki's sake as he took her as very reserved and didn't want her to feel her uncomfortable. But it seemed the young sand kunoichi was full of energy tonight. Takigakure can really change a person. He thought jokingly. After Suteki's act and Akira scolding him for not claiming his apparent other half, Kurai just shrugged. "I thought we were waiting till after the Chuunin exams to make things official." He said with a grin. 

The night continued on its festive track. There was a lot for Iwagakure to celebrate and he was elated he had stumbled unto the local. Grooving with the music Kurai was still attentive to Akira and Suteki's conversation. She had described the first part of the exams as a test of will. As she thought on the task before her, her energy trailed a bit, but she quickly gathered her spirits and was back energized. Kurai's grin beamed. He nudged her, "You'll do great Suteki. You have all of Iwagakure's support."  Akira sensei also offered words of encouragement to the promising young talent. She was truly a fantastic shinobi. Then Kurai added: "You want to be a Chuunin like me don't you?" Kurai smiled even harder as this would be the first time that he had announced his promotion to Suteki. He would be startled if she was surprised by his ascension in the ranks.

12Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:03 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

A sly smirk ripped across the kage's lips as she responded differently towards the statement made about Kurai and the very young girls relationship.  The thoughts that could have been running through his head slightly upset, yet intoxicating joy, on some front, ran through the young girl.  It seemed she answered exactly how Akira wanted. The next remark by Kurai though was something else.  It seemed he jumped on board her bandwagon of enticing the kage, making a bold statement that surprised her to no end.  If she read to deeply into the statement, she might have been speechless for some time.  The thought of such enamored the young girl slightly as she tried to not dwell on it, just yet.  

Suteki would have to remember that statement for later, perhaps acting upon such.  Kurai had always been half serious half playful whenever not on a mission, remembering the passed in counters.  But she had always taken him as more of a serious person in his statements.  This was fairly new and surprising.  Perhaps even Akira being shocked by such a statement.  

A little time went on and the she watched as the kage put out his cigar into some bottle of booze that was nearby.  She hadn't payed much attention to whom it belonged to.  Akira than asked about her experience thus far in the competition and she answered slightly forthright at first, than changing her attitude about it. Akira was quick to offer a few words of encouragement, and of some impedance needing to be taken on the fields.  The man revealed that he had skills in medical ninjutsu, something that didn't go unnoticed for her.  He also said that she shouldn't go to crazy on the fields, something that she would take very little head to in her first match.  Kurai joined in as well, offering more encouragement and expectations.  Though, his next words were of surprise yet again.

Suteki hadn't seen Kurai for some time, though it seems a lot had happened in the last few months since their mission together.  Personality wise Kurai's attitude changed somewhat, and it would seem physically and professionally he was also making huge strides.  "Chuunin?  Congratulations.  When did this happen?"  More of a surprise that with the Chuunin Exams not to far away, it might have been a boost to just wait on his giving him Chuunin rank, then again, she would of had to face off against him.  Though, he was working with the kage closely.  It seemed fitting. "I knew it would happen."  After all, he was the leader of that mission, and apparently one with Motoichi.  She was happy for his promotion.


Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

13Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:47 pm



Nothing could have prepared Akarui for the scene that greeted him as he entered the party house. Sure, he had heard the rumors of the eccentric nature of Iwa-nin, but this was on another level from what he had imagined in his wildest dreams. The majority of the room, of course, was not all too dissimilar from what might be found in a Suna bar or, though he hated to think of it, the Sanbox Strip Club. Perhaps that was what irked Akarui the most about this place; not the differences as he originally though, but the similarities.

No amount of similarities, however, could make up for the scene that ultimately caught his eye. At the far and secluded end of the dance floor, if it could even be called that for how much wiggling and jumping was going on, was the oddest group of companions. Overshadowing the rest was a giant among men who Akarui could only assume was their leader, trudging his feet around with a beer in his hand. He decided he would avoid that one for as long as possible. Almost directly in the shadow of this beast was a man, judging by his facial hair at least, who Akarui could only define as a hair model, draped in some sort of soft silver shirt with a few tease buttons undone. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be a confident man, and it seemed several partygoers throughout the crowd were watching him intently. He could almost be called fashionable if his clothing choices weren't completely overshadowed by the much younger boy next to him who seemed to be doing some sort of foreign Iwagakure chicken dance. The white haired young man certainly seemed to be enjoying himself, though his style was so forward thinking it truly disgusted Akarui. In all honesty, Akarui had seen people like this before, but the real kicker that drew his attention to this rag tag bunch of fashionistas was far younger and shorter girl who completed their triangle of exclusivity. As if being that much younger wasn't enough, she also seemed to be the only one dressed in a somewhat traditional outfit.

"I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting, but I suppose this will do to kill some time." Akarui mumbled, making his way over to the far more interesting side of the room. On his way he surveyed the drinks provided and made up his mind on one of the less splashed about or unnaturally foamy varieties. As he approached it seemed the group was focused on encouraging their youngest member. Still intrigued and having nothing better to do, Akarui decided to make a pass between the large and burly man and the one he had decided to label the hair model, he extended his  elbows and destabilized his drink, preparing for impact with a sqeaky "Pardon me..."

14Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:33 pm



Akira watched them both with an amused smile. The two of them were having fun at least. He considered for a moment switching out the big mans drink and replacing it with another. He was certainly fast enough. He could always wait till after the party to catch his prey. But as always he was impatient. He was still making his moves against the criminals within Iwa and regardless of where they considered safe harbor, he would pursue them, he would punish them, and he would make sure everyone knew it. That aside though he was glad to see people from Iwa happy or as close as shinobi could get to it. Still he was interested in the girl. Those sand abilities had always been considered incredibly formidable. Especially against a taijutsu specialist like himself. If she was given time to grow then perhaps she would be capable of taking him on in a straight out fight before too long. He was a mixture of proud and wary of that. But he supposed if given purpose and if he was not outed some how then he should have nothing to fear. Either way she was just another of the ones he would keep an eye on. The generation bound to replace him one day.

As for Kurai, He had known the boy to be somewhat shy and formal in most cases. He didn't strike Akira as someone interested in battle for the most part. While interesting that typically would of had Akira doubting he wanted to train the boy. But where he wasn't violent in nature he was actually very dedicated to getting stronger. Of all his students Kurai had been around the longest and been put through the most. And won every challenge so far. A feat to be accomplished even for one of the Uchiha bloodline. That little tidbit hadn't evaded him. Perhaps that was why he was trying to strengthen Kurai in strides. He had seen first hand what havoc doujutsu hunters imposed upon members of his clan. Always cutting them off at the knees. If he could prepare him and make him capable of defeating them then the boy would be formidable. The issue was unlocking more of the Sharingan was not a pleasant experience. Unlike the byakugan it was not just about training. It was far darker then that. One he wished had not been cursed upon the clan. Least of all on Kurai.

Still he turned his yellow eyes as a boy he did not recognize tried to pass nearby and bumped the large individuals drink. Knocking it over into his lap. If anything he was tempted to let the strange boy handle it. But seeing as he was there for the target to begin with he supposed it might be an idea to step in. Find out who the boy was at a later time. For now he watched with those rapidly darkening yellow eyes as the big man rose from his seat with a growl and turned to try and back hand the young Suna nin. With one Step Akira moved between them as if the distance meant nothing to him. The speed of him stepping far greater then that of the backhand. Yes Akira was showing off but what good was being a Kage if you couldn't flaunt your abilities? Still as Akira raised a hand visible golden chakra could be seen like a slight glow under his shirt as suddenly his muscles grew. His clothes straining as it did so as he became a very muscle bound individual. It looked like his clothes were on the verge of ripping. Had his shirt been buttoned up then he definitely would of lost a few buttons. With one hand he caught the wrist of the individual. Stopping it dead in it's tracks. But that was only the beginning. Akira was smaller then the man but there was the sounds of bones cracking as he gripped harder. His opponent dropping to one knee and began to try and yank his arm free to no avail.

"Now now the young man said Pardon me. No need to pick on him for spilled beer. You have bigger problems."

And with that Akira stepped forward and drove his knee into the mans face. As gentle as he could so as not to kill the man. Still the man fell over with his eyes rolled up into his head and a couple of teeth fell out. Out like a light. He could collect him later he thought as he dropped his technique. Turning to the clumsy guest.

"And you would be?"


Training jutsu:


15Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:19 pm



OOC: Sorry for short post. Im in a rush.

Kurai smiled at Suteki's response. "Only a few weeks ago was I promoted. I feel confident in saying it was well earned." Kurai said with a smirk as he glanced down at his knuckles. As the Suteki and he continued to chat, a disturbance awoke afar. Kurai heard commotion, his senses bouncing over to the area. Then, out of his peripheral he thought he witnessed a streak of lightning. He turned slightly to see that Akira was gone. Then he heard his voice in the area the commotion came. Kurai made his way over.

16Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:51 am

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

They continued their conversation about Kurai having moved up in the shinobi world, and to her surprise more so, it was just prior to the start of the exams.  It would have been better to just wait in her mind, but perhaps we didn't need the publicity or we needed chuunins more so?  Than again, she looked over to the kage, he preferred to look better by having higher stronger higher ranked shinobi around him.  It made sense after all.  

In a split second the kage left her view, even as staring at him.  She was surprised by his sudden movement, blanked faced and doughy eyed as she looked to her left, hearing him speak the next moment.  Akira had become a muscle bound juggernaut, practically falling out of his cloths as he held the arm of some patron at the party, whom was now agonized in pain, silently.  She looked around, and just as expected could see several people intently watching what was happening, from the outer ring of the party, and the inner.  Some of them were surely escorts or guards of the kage, the rest were probably friends of the man whom Akira was holding, struggling on the ground to pull free.

She could hear what Akira was saying as she got him back into view, seeing he was defending a red haired young man whom was just as shocked by what was happening as the burly man on the ground.  The next move was slower than the movement, but still fast, as Akira kneed the man in the face, causing him to go limp while still holding his hand, releasing it as the man slowly feel to the ground backwards.  The kage started up a conversation with the guy, as again she surveyed the room. The music hadn't stopped as most of the people around were still dancing, but a number of them were now getting the attentions of friends, elbowing them or shaking their shoulders and pointing over to the three of them.  Soon enough movement from all over the dance floor started up as they made there way over to help their friend.  Though a few stopped dead in their tracks after a few seconds, or slowed, probably noticing whom they were heading towards and back tracking or acting like they hadn't seen anything.  

Four guys were still making there way to Akira, along with Kurai who was joining up with his captain and kage.  She thought for a second, wondering if she should 'go to the defense of her lord' or let him be.  The group coming for them was much smaller and weaker looking than the man on the ground, but than she noticed one of them managed to get a knife into the party.  She thought to herself, 'Security sure dropped the ball this time.' as he moved behind the rest, concealing the knife as best he could.  She raised her hands and formed the rat seal, placing a jutsu on the man as he walked, hopefully taking effect before he would raise the knife.  And just as she released the seal, made several other handseals than started to breath life into her hands just in case.



17Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:05 pm



It all happened so fast. Within moments, Akira had the large man within his grasp, and Akarui himself was safe. Akarui shivered as he turned to the sound of bones cracking. He was so fast. Akarui had not been expecting such violence, of course, but he had not been expecting the speed either. As the large man fell to his knee, Akarui lost his balance and fell to the floor, landing on his posterior. With a single blow to the face, Akira sent the man sprawling; he exuded power as much as always. Akarui was just a little surprised that Akira turned to notice him, let alone ask him is name. He has waded into something much deeper and more dangerous than he had been expecting, to say the least.

"Kōga Akarui, sir. We aren't out of the water yet though, sir." The boy gestured to the other men who were making their way over to the scene. One seemed to have a knife but the others seemed unarmed. It did not seem right to Akarui to underestimate the unarmed ones, however, seeing what Akira could do with only his body. The white haired grunge boy was also approaching quickly. Was he there to help or hinder? This really was getting a little too confusing for Akarui. It really was more embarrassing than anything else. Letting out a huff and furrowing his eyebrows, Akarui made his way to his feet, grabbing a kunai from his weapons pouch and looking to the unwelcome guests. "I don't doubt that you can handle this yourself, but I'll watch your back all the same."

274 + 484 = 758

18Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:27 am



Akira watched as the man crumpled. He was too impatient to get information out of most criminals. But he would send the man back to the prisons in Iwa so that more patient individuals would have a crack at him first. He tilted his head and looked at the man with those yellow eyes. He wanted to crush the man here. Deal with him regardless of losing information. He just had no patience with murderers and the like. Too often a genin or a chunnin fell before one of these thugs and died too young. They never showed any mercy to his shinobi. So letting them live with that on his mind was hard for Akira. Still it felt good having at least drawn blood from the man. Akira slowly let out a long breath before he brought his mind back under control and pushed away the rage. It was like watching a beast slip back into a man. But those yellow eyes never seemed to calm down. One sweep of the room seemed to take in everything around him. He watched a group of men turn and approach. But many who looked upon him turned away at a glance.

But four men didn't seem to know such wisdom. Akira raised an eyebrow at the foolish behavior. It was clearly out of their depth. None of them even registered as known criminals and each of them were obviously weaker then the man he just took down. All four of them put together might of been able to take the man he just took down on for a couple of minutes. But to be honest they just looked pathetic. Akira sighed as he realized it would be no fun when the Suna kid spoke. Akoga or somethin odd sounding. It was fairly hard to hear. Either way Akira smirked a little before using his foot to push his target over and finding a dry seat at the mans table where he had been sitting. He sat calmly and pulled out another smoke before pulling out a lighter and flicking it open. Lighting up his cigarette before blowing out some smoke and pushing his lighter back into his pocket...closed of course. He looked between the three individuals there and then to the four approaching. A sly smile appearing on his face. Before he spoke up to all three of them. His voice as soft but filled with mirth as before.

"Tell you kids what. You three see who can take down those four alive the fastest, Turn them into the guards and the one who collects the most wins. And I will buy that person a drink? Up for it?"


19Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:18 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

(Guess will keep the ball rolling since we are short on time for Takigakure)

The four people approaching were of very little concern to the Tsuchikage it seemed, perhaps of very little importance or not even criminals of Iwagakure. Afterall, this was a party, perhaps they were just some rowdy punks from Takigakure that wanted a small throw down like Akira, or maybe lackeys of this criminal or the crime lord he worked for. The four men weren't large, but still a force in numbers could cause trouble. As they made their way over, one of them slowed down slightly, the one with the knife as Akira was speaking. The other three were about 10 feet away, fists clinched and ready for a brawl. The dance floor seemed to still be mixing and parting, and those on the outer edges who were watching the Kage started to circle around the room and come closer to Akira slowly.

Suteki thought as Akira finished speaking, 'A drink for the most taken down?' Well, she was still a little young for such, but had always wanted to try liquor, if that was what he meant, she had hoped. 'And one with the Kage, might open doors.' But even before he had spoken, the first target was already on his knees, holding his hands up to his face in terror, speechless. The roar of others enjoying their foamed beverages were mostly oblivious to the actions happening a few feet away. A man on the floor certainly wouldn't slow this party down.

Kuria was now standing next to his sensei, taking guard along side the other man, a stranger to the girl. Akira took to him, so he must have been an important asset of some sort? She turned towards the three remaining people, figure out what should be done to bring them to a halt. Though a thought held onto the little girl. If she attacked these people, causing a disruption of some sort, could she be disqualified from the Chuunin Exams? It would have been an unfortunate turn for her career, though perhaps Akira could safeguard her? Though if anyone found out about the drink, and his allowance of the disruption, it might not matter.

The bodies along the walls stopped moving after Akira finished speaking, easily able to hear what he said and deciding that the threat was understood and help unneeded, they would watch just in case none the less.

The man on his knees feel to the floor, unheard, foaming at the mouth and speechless from what horror he was seeing. It must have been quite the show for him to not even be capable of screaming. Suteki had taken one down already, and yet still had another attack in hand. Wind whirled and glowed within her palms, a small orb held within ready to be unleashed. She watched as the targets got closer to the Kage, the unknown guy, and Kurai, aiming the orb at the front figure. She winked at them, though unsure if they saw and blew a kiss as the ball of wind flew across the small area several feet away and blasted into the head of the furthest along man. A ball of wind ripped as it made contact, hair flying in all directions. The two men stopped looking towards her as she blew wind into her palm yet again, tilting her head at them with a smile on her face. They then looked behind them, seeing the other guy that had joined them laid onto the floor, still foaming at the mouth, unmoving yet eyes wide open.

She waited a moment to see if the other guys would take action, but still she delivered another ball of wind towards a man who had stepped towards her, hitting him in the groin, shredding his pants and causing him to fall to the ground hands gripped shielding and moaning. One target left, the young girl had a lot riding on this in some ways. If the males didn't take action, the other target would probably freak out slightly, turning away to run for it. The music was still thumping away, everyone else in the room to intoxicated and oblivious thanks to the thumping music hiding all other sounds away.

The only people not missing the action was a single guard, the unfortunate man whom lost the bet most likely and had to stay sober tonight. The other guard was drinking from a bottle as some girl was grinding next to him, his hands in the air enjoying the action. He started to push his way through the crowd, heading to their location.


20Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Empty Re: Iwagakure Party House (OPEN) Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:40 pm



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