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1Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Empty Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:11 pm

Kurai Usagi

Kurai Usagi

Life is beautiful, life is greatness, life is everywhere. People say that about life, but it's not life that's beautiful, great or even "everywhere". That would be the world, the universe. Life's not great for everybody, most of the people struggle, very few living life at it's fullest. It's events like this festival that people go to in order to get out of their repetitive shitty life and have some fun. If you looked closely trough all that rubble of humans from above, you could see a white moving circle, standing out from the rest.The young man walked passively from crowd to crowd, his blank blue eyes staring forward, nothing around him important enough to draw his attention.He moved confident,focused, as if he was going towards a targeted direction with a purpose, a purpose he did not have. He did not know what kind of hellish demon or angel inside his head convinced him to come to the festival so now he just wandered randomly from spot to spot until something of importance will reveal itself. It just so happens that something did caught his eye. Seems like somebody is playing with poppy around the festival.Some people use it for medicine, some for... recreational purposes one would say. Thing is the idiots weren't even trying to look normal, all of them wearing shady clothes, closed up in little dark corners.

Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Icon_allen402_zpsc7849cba

With a wicked grin Usagi headed over to one of the dealers, a man in his 40's with dirt on his face and a mustache that may have just been a piece of shit. "Hey kid, want to go as high as heaven?" he muttered with an unexpectedly deep voice just as he revealed the stash hidden in his jacket. "Yes sir, how much do you have on you?" Usagi asked in a low voice, acting like a naive teenager. "I got all that your money can buy kid, three kilos on me, enough to make your head ex-... How much do you want?". "All of it" Usagi replied his hand going into his pocket as if he was checking for money. The only thing the old man saw coming out of that pocket was a punch and then an elbow to the neck. "That's what you get for calling me a kid, assface." said the young man as he crouched to search the poppy dealer. Luckily for Usagi, the man wasn't lying about the amount of product he had on him, it was just enough for him to get trough this festival with his sanity in check. The white-haired devil pulled the man's unconscious body deeper into the dark alley between tents and headed back into the main boulevard wiping his mouth off after a huge mouthful of poppy seeds. "I'm already feeling better" and so he started back on the road but this time with a purpose. A nice little tea-place out in the open beneath the night's sky where you can relax on soft,comfy giant pillows. Usagi sat down one one of the pillows his head drowning in the effect of the poppy seeds and the softness of the "chair".

Priorities [Nozomi/Private] NjQufs_zps42d7f649

"What would you like to order sir?" asked a cute little girl, around twelve of age dressed in a kimono. "Some green tea would be nice" the real reason behind this order being the amplifying effect of other herbs on poppy seeds. She nodded and with an innocent smile she left to get his order. He managed to get another mouthful of seeds when nobody was watching and he started to look around for any signs of euphoria. It seemed the effects kicked in, the lights up on the wires morphing into little moving light-bugs, the sound of blabbering people muted by the strong screeching noise in his ears. "Here..." he moved his hands upward towards the voice slowly "You..." his eyes widened , focused on the object trying ,trying not to drop it "You go sir..."

"Thank you" he said , shaking out the phase and smiling at the little girl.

2Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Empty Re: Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:08 pm



Nozomi was one of those people that never really liked to stay in the areas she was supposed to. There wasn't anything to be gained by just sitting around, and in unfamiliar places, there was just so much to see. It wasn't like she was being unsafe either, Nozomi was perhaps one of the last people anybody should mess with. She had made it to the final rounds of the Chuunin Exams. Making her way through the maze, and even beating another of the Genin in combat. After having displayed her talents in fighting, Nozomi had made somewhat of a name for herself. Quite a few of the people knew who she was. So nobody would try and mess with her. It was bad enough that she was a capable fighter, but as one of the contenders to win the Chuunin exams, this girl Nozomi was a tough girl.

To be honest, she'd already validated her reasons for coming here. After making it through the maze safely, and beating Yokochima Senju without so much as a scratch, she'd shown her worth to the Himitsu clan as a capable heir, who could hold her own and best her peers flawlessly. Nozomi had even watched the event's recording of her fight afterwards and was surprised. She'd been elegant the entire fight. Of course, the aggressiveness she displayed was a little surprising, and it was no wonder that her clan approved of it. They always adopted a very aggressive fighting style, and it appeared that Nozomi took to it to impress them.

Of course, Nozomi was lost in her own world, not particularly paying attention to where she was going, and so it happened that she found herself in some sort of tea shop. Now, Nozomi wasn't exactly the best when it came to money, it had no meaning to her family, so she was still familiarizing herself with the value of Ryo. For the reason, Nozomi was looking around, trying to figure out the prices for a cup of green tea. She was slightly embarassed, but it didn't really matter all that much. She was impulse buying right now, and loved the taste of tea. She looked over to an odd looking white haired boy who appeared to be a couple of years older than her, and noted that he had some green tea himself. A bit shyly, Nozomi tapped him on the shoulder. "Umm... excuse me sir..." she asked quietly. "How much ryo is the tea? I'm not familiar with the monetary system..." she blushed. Nozomi was doing her best to not stare at the tattoo, but it was too strange not to.
WC: 444

3Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Empty Re: Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:45 pm

Kurai Usagi

Kurai Usagi

Euphoria, that's what the young man was going trough right now. His senses almost numb, his ears immune to sound, fingers struggling to keep on to the cup of tea as he took a sip. Of course, people take these kind of substances to forget about the hardships of their life but when you've been trough so much bullshit as someone like him went, you can't forget about it even in death. He saw himself in the tea's reflection, face all twisted, the tattoo on his face circling randomly and then in the next moment he was the reflection, staring out in the whiteness of a void and inside this empty white world there was a light, making the color around him look like darkness. He could feel it's heavenly touch, hope, care, love. Somehow he knew it was all true, he was convinced "Come with me and all the pain will go away.." the voice said, similar to a mother singing a lullaby to her child. Usagi felt a hand approaching, trying to touch his face, to wash him of his sins "No" he replied slapping it away.
Priorities [Nozomi/Private] 2bTh5s_zpse72929ab
He woke up from the trance staring away from the cup of tea taking a deep breath. He realized he didn't slap no hand, he slapped himself. He rubbed at his eyes and stared forward, the blue orbs frozen in their place. His skin got paler, barely visible in comparison to his hair. It was a boy that was standing at the other side of the table, white hair, stupid smug, wicked eyes. A boy he knew very well. He dropped the cup of tea down and reached for him slowly "I'm sorry..." the little boy in front of him whispered "Excuse me..." and then he felt a pat on his shoulder. "..sir". Usagi turned around in an instant trying to grab at the hand. Only then he realized this was a real person. "H-huh? The cost of it? I have.." he let out a sigh checking back over the table but the boy was gone " idea" and he was being truthful , he wasn't planning on paying. That was a stupid thing to say however so he took it back, forcing out a very convincing smile "I'm sorry, it was a joke, i think it's five ryo". He would let go of the girl's arm after that if he managed to grab her and turn back over to check for the phantom of the boy that was haunting his nightmares.

4Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Empty Re: Priorities [Nozomi/Private] Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:44 pm



Nozomi's arm was grabbed and almost instantly Nozomi's free hand dropped to her kunai, but then the guy let go of her. It was rather obvious that he wasn't in a good state of mind right now, but he still answered her question anyhow. 5 Ryo, for a cup of tea. That's good, Nozomi was going to pay like 50. She always underestimated the value of Ryo. But that mattered little to her right now. Sitting next to the white haired guy, Nozomi looked at him intently for a few seconds. Finally she spoke up. "What's wrong? You look like you're a little off. I've seen people like you before, but there's something else wrong too." she said. She knew the effects of mind altering things. She wasn't sure which, but she wasn't oblivious either. She'd been trained to watch somebody and analyze them after all. It was the job of a kunoichi. Especially one such as herself.

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