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Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi yawned as he sat up in his bed, he stared out the window and saw that it was at least noon. Damn it i overslept again He thought as he stood and stretched hearing all his joints poping. He then walked over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts and a light brown T-Shirt. As he walked to the bathroom he walks by a mirror and sees that his hair had begun to grow back out. Takumi usually kept his hair short due to the nature of his job as Captain of the ANBU Black Ops.

He walked into the bathroom and stripped off his bed clothes and stepped into the shower to wash the blood from the previous day off his hands. Takumi as an ANBU was a professional assassin and usually had blood on his clothing, He yawned once more as he ran his fingers through his hair. He could not help but rub his hands over the faint scares that were prominent in his current nude form.

The easiest one to see was a scar that ran from his right shoulder down to the top of his left hip. An injury he received some years before during a mission. It ached every once in a while but it was still quite visible.

As Takumi stepped out of the shower he dried off and grabbed his shorts and T-Shirt. I hope this day entertains me a little at least He thought as he pulled the cotton shirt over his head and shorts over his hips. He quickly walked to the closet and grabbed his swords and put them on his hip. He had learned the art of swords only a few months before but was already a very well known swordsmen within iwa.

He stepped out the door and locked it and began to head towards the fair grounds. He passed by a lot of people from other nations. He smiled as he passed them, it's a shame that they would never know what takumi did for a living. The things takumi saw before breakfast would break a normal man's mind. He just let out a small chuckle before walking farther into the fair grounds.

Last edited by Takumi Senju on Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



The sun peeked through the tent's blinds, causing one yuurei to groan with discomfort. However the sunlight wouldn't so groggily, she took off the two busty woman off her and tossed them aside, not once awakening them. She yawned and rubbed her slightly bloodshot eyes as she  somewhat carefully stepped over the sleeping hippies and gypsies in the tent however she tripped over someone's leg and fell flat on her face. A pained groaned escaped her lips and she got back up on her feet, rubbing her now red nose. However the pain made her eyes widen and she snapped her heading looking around, adrenaline begging to pump through her body. She didn't know where she was or how she got here. A moment of fear passed through her heart as she gripped her shirt a bit. She wondered if she got captured and was sent back to the circus group. Yet she looked down at her ankles that weren't chained together and...she wasn't in her cage? Oh geez She let out a breath of relief which she didn't know she was holding in. We need to calm ourselves down. They haven't chased us in a year

As she sat down on the waterbed, she started to trace her steps. Jet glanced at a small octopus shaped alarm clock which told the date. So one day we were in a bar in Iwa, the next we are in....wherever this place is. She didn't recognize the people around her nor this tent. Pain suddenly pounded her head and she clutched it but recognized the pain as a hangover. The pain continued to plague her and she knew it wouldn't go away so easily. Seeing the only solution in her mind was to drink to make it go away, she rolled off the waterbed that jiggled, making swishing noises as she did so. She looked around the tent and found some clothes that weren't dirty like hers. It was a bit revealing but she didn't care. She also grabbed some toothpaste and an unopened toothbrush package from other person's bag. Jet stepped out and glared a the sunlight that assaulted her eyes. Covering them, Jet saw more tents, about a couple hundred, both big and small.

A boy with a blonde head full of hair giggled with his equally blonde mother as they skipped by her. "Mommy mommy, I wanna go to see the waterfall! Hurry!"

The boy's mother caught Jet within her sights whom smiled gently at the green haired iwa nin "Why hello dear. How are you enjoying your stay in Takigakure? My so-" the woman was cut short as she stepped back in fright as she saw Jet's eyes glowed. She hastily grabbed her son's hand and dragged him away.

The boy struggled in his mother's grip in confused "Mommy, why are we going? Weren't you talking to that  onee-chan?"

The mother kept dragging her child but stopped seeing he would only continue to struggle. So she bent down and smiled wearily at her son "Didn't you want to go to the waterfall hunny? C'mon we should go befo-"

Eeerie giggles rang through the air. Jet knew the look in the mother's eyes and normally she would love it but for some reason it irritated her. "Aw why are you going so soon?" she smiled widely at the woman, showing off her fang teeth. She knew why. Her eyes tended to shift between the colors red and green, being either one or the other or both. Right now they were red like rubies. Plus she had marking on her face and lime green haired, making for an odd combo. Her fang teeth just added to the uniqueness that she is. The woman screamed, picked up her child and ran away. Jet began laughing hard but she wasn't that happy. She chalked it up to just feeling off which she figured nothing like a good bit of sake couldn't help.

Jet floated on her back in a river under a bridge. The festival ground were just on the other side of the bank which was a good things. She was in the mood for games plus she could get a drink from there. She finished her bath and quickly brushed her teeth before changing into the kimono. The kimono itself was short in length, only reaching to a little more than half of her thighs and was a deep ocean blue with a light blue and pink flower print on the hakkake. The obi was a bright sunset orange with a red and white flower print and the otaiko was made into a large bow. With it on she realized the collar was very loose but not too badly.

She placed her forehead protector and goggles into the pocket and left her clothes along with her shoes under a rock for safekeeping. The whole place was covered in grass plus she didn't mind walking around barefoot every once in awhile. Jet then climbed up and over the bridge and crossed in, entering the festival ground that were already bustling with activity.


Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi smiled as he was about to walk into the fair grounds, festivals was one of the few things he enjoyed going to. As he walked he noticed many people walking by some children, others adults. He shook his head at them it's a shame none of them will get to experience the thrill of battle, the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins as your only moments from death Those were the moments Takumi lived for. He saw a girl not much younger then himself speaking to an older woman and her son. Normally takumi would have ignored it and continued onward but he saw the girl open her mouth and reveal sharp fang like teeth to the woman. As most would react the woman grabbed her son and ran away.

Takumi could not help but laugh at the woman's reaction. The fact that people would simply run do simply because she has sharp teeth just shows how simple minded most people are. Compared to some of the people takumi had seen she looked normal. He decided to follow the girl out of boredom, who knows she might lead him somewhere interesting.

He was still following her when he bumped into a group of men who turned around and gave him a look of pure disgust. Takumi began to walk by but one grabbed his shoulder. "Hey Punk you just ran into the boss, now apologize" Takumi was in a decent mood so he drew his sword and only chopped off the man's arm instead of his head. When the dismembered arm hit the ground what was left of his left arm began to spurt blood. Takumi felt a warm sensation in his chest when he saw it. Blood....Blood....BLOOD He smiled at the man "Oh was that your arm, i am so sorry sir" the man was screaming at the top of his lungs "MONSTER, FUCKING MONSTER" Takumi moved at a speed that normal people could never see and placed his sword next to the man's throat "Now i know you didn't just curse in front of a bunch of children did you" He said with a smug grin. The man just backpedaled and ran away bleeding all over the ground while he did it. Takumi just smiled and licked the blood from his blade "AB+ oh now that's rare" And with that done He sheathed his blade and began to look for the girl again.



Jet's mouth was agape, her eyes large with a child's twinkle. They sparkled like stars with curiosity more vast than sea. She didn't expect the variety the festival provided. People from all over the world gathered here, civilians, shinobi, samurai, royalty and so many more. They truly brought this place alive; all of them bring something from their exotic cultures and showcasing them. There was so much and more. She truly did not expect such a thing, ever. Takigakure, about seven years ago she visited this place before, when she was with the circus of course, for a performance, but all these absolutely foreigners weren’t here before. The traffic was minimal at best, with a pretty reasonable amount of tourists passing through. However when she had last visited, it was only for a month and she saw it from a distance since she wasn’t allowed to go in, with the belief she’d runaway or at least draw some suspicion to them. Not that it mattered though since after the month was over, one the day they were packing up, a group of mercenaries and other shinobi the village had hired arrived at their doorstep. Truly a pity all them were slaughtered mercilessly and she personally isn’t ashamed to say she partook in the massacre as well. Plus it wasn’t like the saw what she really looked like. She was in one of her various costumes.

Actually Jet never understood why she was put into a different costume every time she performed when all the other performers used the same one with their actual hair, eyes and well….everything. Before each performance, even during the killing, a halfman would grab a wig, contacts, and a whole lot of makeup and transform her into a character he has chosen. It seemed a bit odd. She remembers the one time she aske, er well tried to ask the halfman. He seemed hesitate to answer her but as he pursed his lips, a clawed hand ripped out his intestines from behind. Oh it annoyed her deeply, the damn neko girl. The neko girl whom she later found out name was Chatty McCatty, was livid that the halfman was going to tell her, or at least attempt to, the reason. She also had Jet punished for the evening and once more after Chatty faced the Ringleader’s wrath for having done that to the halfman. And no it wasn’t because he cared. That creature doesn't have feelings and our little Jester isn’t the only one to believe it. No the real reason was because I wasn’t prepared for the show and thus Chatty had ruined the performance. It was one thing about killing but it’s an entirely different thing for ruining a performance. You never, and I mean never do that unless you want to meet his version of torture and by the end of it you will be begging for death.

Jester was wretched away from the land of past memories when a woman in loose thin red cloth passed by her in a hurry but it was enough for Jet to get a good look at her. Hair darker than an abyss and eyes greener than a forest with lips so supple they reminded her of berries. The woman had very dark skin, taking on a golden brown tone yet it looked smoother than a polished gem. Speaking of gems, she had a beautifully extravagant yet simple pieced together jeweled collar of sorts around her elegant neck, reaching just a few centimeters passed her collarbone. It was definitely showy of course but it also had a humble origins feel to it. Her chest was wrapped in a sheer but not transparent red cloth. Her waist was decorated in a belt of similar style to the collar over an extremely short shirt with a slit on both sides. The one thing that truly caught her eye was the broken chained cuffs around her ankles and wrists.

 Subconsciously Jet touched her wrists, tracing the ever so faint scarred skin were her own chains were just a year or so ago. When the woman was almost out of sight, a pair of two woman,  the skimpiest pair of ninja clothes a woman in that dreadful department could wear chased after her, each hold up their weapon of choice, and screamed at her to come back. Jet managed to dodge a kunai that was intended for the in between of the tribal girl’s left shoulder, and stepped back. She grinned viciously at the sight and damned this village for its no kill rule, feeling her blood lust rise with the thought of someone being impaled by the ever so common shinobi tool. However what they don’t know won’t hurt them. And with that thought she snatched a bottle of strawberry peach sake from a random passerby and sipped it as she followed the two woman, plotting various ways to kill them all without getting caught.

Endurance: E-1 to D (675/675)
Perception: E-2 to D (525/525)
Remaining: 246

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi once again spotted the girl walking through the rather peaceful fairground when a girl not who look to be no older then seventeen run by the girl. Takumi immediately noticed the way she was dressed and caught on to what was happening. And just as he predicted two female shinobi with various weapons ran after the girl like a bat out of hell. Takumi did not need to see anything else he immediately began to chase after them. If he lost the girl he would find her again but this was a more pressing matter. There was two things that made takumi truly mad Women Beaters and Slave Drivers. To him they were the lowest of the low and deserved no mercy. Under normal circumstances takumi would have cut multiple minor artery's and watched as the slowly bleed to death, but this damn village had a no killing rule so he would have to make due with whatever torture he could think of at the time.....which in a way was even better, manly due to the fact that takumi can be a sadistic asshole when he want's to.

He accelerated to his top sped and saw that the two women had caught up with the girl after one of the asshole fair goers tripped her. Takumi would visit that guy a little later and have a....."conversation" with him. He pumped his legs full of power and drew his blade just in time to block a sword strike from the taller of the two women. "You know i don't usually hit ladies but i think this time I'll make an acceptation to that rule" But just as soon as he spoke the other woman took her chance to strike. Damn it i can't stop that one in time!

OOC: i figured allowing us both to block one would be a decent way to meet don't you? :3



Jet was not a nice person. She never was nor will she be because it's simply not worth it. Why on earth should she put herself in harm's way to protect you or anyone for that matter besides a reasonable amount of money? Even then she is hesitant. However, she is not a mean person either. Yes she is a bit bi-polar and yes she has violent tendencies but in no shape or form is she mean. Unless of course you push certain buttons. Generally she is quite happy go lucky and neutral towards people. She did not see others as friends or allies. They were either enemies who had to be dealt with, toys she could mess with, or worthless people who weren't entertaining and thus by extension not worth her time. She felt the same about her teammates. She of course would use them for fun but in no way were they really a team. She has only spoken to Suteki once but she wasn't very interesting but perhaps she will have an interesting reaction when provoked? Maybe. Jet definitely didn't like her other teammate the Nara Ryouichi or at least former teammate. He was too sickly as she imagined and just wasn't cut out to be a shinobi. Not surprising since most at his age were already experienced chuunin or jounin. It was worthless helping him out, especially since the cloud of ash sent him to his knees. It was so....boring. Though she couldn't expect much from a Nara. They are notorious for being stiff. Apparently last she heard was that he was replaced with Heiwa from the CIA or the Culinary Institute of Amegakure. She didn't know much that he was known to be a idiot who's slight off his rocker and had a thing for world peace; as if such a thing existed. If there was true world peace, their would be no need for shinobi villages and a lot of ninja would be out of a job. Clans would be killed off so they don't disturb the 'balance' and Ninshu would be a thing of the past. So currently she had no real opinion on him other than he was strange like her sensei Raishi Kanetsu.

So it was strange that Jet helped this man whom she knew nothing about. She had swiped a large knife from a man cutting meat and used it to block the blow from the woman's sword. Grinning viciously at the blonde woman, Jet bent down and threw the sake at her exposed eyes. Her opponent hissed in pain and flattered a bit which Jet responded with a swift side kick with her left leg to her gut, causing her to crash into a pair of men. "You were a very bad bad girl and bad girls need to be punis-" she was cut off short when a woman yelped as ramen splashed onto her kimono. Apparently she knocked the woman into her and hit a stand that cause ramen to launch itself towards her. And that woman turned out to be the wife of a yakuza. The said yakuza was fuming with anger"You stupid bitch! How are you fucking to that to my wife! You're going to pay with blood along with your boyfriend and whore!"The situation already bad had gotten worse since now Jet along with some mystery man and the runaway slave were surrounded by 10 guys each armed with a knife and brass knuckles. Now as this situation would seem dire to others, Jet felt the adrenaline pumping through her. It's been a long time since she has had a fight and right now couldn't be better. Back to back with the mystery man she whispered to him. "You finish her off and half of those guys and we will take the rest"


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