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Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Yui had done nothing for months except get drunk and sleep, she wanted to get revenge for her village but her heavy heart and the loss of Bokuden weighed on her soul. She wanted him back so badly anytime she thought of him she felt like she wanted to cry, he was gone, her village she worked so hard was gone and now she was just a relic of the past waiting for her time to expire. She had little to motivate her and even less reason to try to get stronger, Bokuden had been the one to push her and without some driving goal or force, she simply didn't feel the need or want to fix her life.

She would slam down another shot as she looked around the bar, maybe someone here could make her happy but she had not spotted anyone interesting. Sekkiea her canine stayed close by and was very worried for Yui, she was spinning out of control like she had when Yui had to kill off all the Kaguya including her lover to prevent a coup. The last time Yui had been this low was that far back, she had done so much to secure alliances and non-combat clauses with other villages only for it to fall while she was away tending to Bokudens body.

When she had returned it was all gone and she made her way to Kiri a land she knew would not fall anytime soon, she knew they were strong and that's why she chose it. She knew for a while she could grieve and not have to much pressure put on herself to really try anything crazy for the village. So she just drank and drank it was her favorite habit and occasionally would drag someone to bed, but it never satisfied her soul, she was empty when she made love feeling zero sparks and barely any interest in the act.

"I really miss you Bokuden... what should I do I cannot be like this forever... you would have yelled at me and told me to stand back up and work hard... but without you... I cant drive myself to try."




As the one being trained to be in charge of the Hunter-nin collective, Nozomi was one of the most qualified individuals to check in on the refugees who had decided to become a part of Kirigakure after Suna had been destroyed. They'd welcomed these individuals with open arms, no questions asked, and Izumi and Nova had even quickly rose through the ranks. However, there were others who didn't seem quite as okay with the way things had gone.

Yui had joined up with Kirigakure, but despite that, hadn't actually done much. All reports indicated that she was in a massive state of depression, just drinking her days away, alone, only briefly leaving with people and then making her way back shortly to continue. Nozomi didn't want her to continue on that way, knowing how that felt. After Kaekio, she had taken a long time to recover to any sort of okay. She'd spent so much time ignoring how she felt that she still wasn't sure she'd recovered. In all honesty, she wasn't letting herself feel much of anything, spending time fighting people and killing those she was asked to.

Entering the bar, Nozomi spotted Yui and her canine, walking towards her. She wore her Hunter gear, but didn't have her mask or any of her weapons on her, except for the scroll containing Serpent's Tongue and the single Tanto over her shoulder that she wielded as her primary weapon. Her hair tied up in a bun as usual, her bangs hanging down, a little messy, but she didn't really care.

Taking a seat next to the grieving Inuzuka, Nozomi would turn to her. "I hope Kiri hasn't been too depressing for you. Are you adjusting well to the different climate? I know it's a lot cooler and more damp than Suna was, and that change can be a lot." Damn, this girl is toned. If she's half as strong as she looks....

Her eyes wandered, taking in the girl. She looked like the type that could really take charge. A half coy smile prodded its way onto her face, almost involuntary as her mind wandered as much as her eyes did. She was almost unapologetically gay, always checking out women nowadays. It always amused her, remembering how she was when she first met Kaekio. She had never really wanted to say anything to that girl about her attractions, so shy as she was. She was still rather shy and almost never initiated with anyone, but she was openly embracing her appreciation of the female form.

WC: 445

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Yui noticed a hunter-nin taking a seat next to her as she began to mention hoping Kiri was not too depressing to her, she laughed a bit as that was certainly not what was causing her depression. No, it was the fact she had thought she had secured peace for her village only for it to be destroyed when she was gone, the Daimyo she hated was now dead, however so was her village. The death of Bokuden also weighed heavily on her heart, she had loved him so much but he was gone forever, that was her soulmate anyone else she would make love to was just something to bring some short pleasure and get her mind off of her past.

"The village is perfectly fine, I actually really enjoy it here, my depression is caused by how much I failed as a leader in my former village. Imagine for two years you had gone and secured no aggression or alliances with other villages thinking you had saved your village. Then you end up watching your soulmate die and go to bury them somewhere where no one can get their body only to come back to the entire village in flames and destroyed."

She would simply laugh before slamming down another drink, yeah she had been a terrible leader, she had been deceived as no one protected Suna and now it was a free for all trying to gain the territory. Greed, the desire for power that's all that inspired people, this world had become so corrupted and twisted, sometimes she wondered if it would not be better for it all to burn to the ground.

"It makes you really think maybe it would be better for the known shinobi world to simply burn. Look at everyone flocking Suna like vultures to a corpse, instead of offering help when the village was fine they choose to try to pick at the carcass. Everyone being lead by greed and power and not a single person thinking of the wellbeing of the people that suffered and died on that day, it really makes me question everything about our world."

She would slam down another drink as she noticed the girl looking her over causing Yui to smile herself, she did look like she would be fun to play with. However she would make it clear if it advanced to that point she would not take the relationship seriously she had no plans to thaw her now frozen heart, it was just going to be for one night of pleasure or maybe several nights of pleasure. She was not sure the woman would even understand her thinking, she had certainly had gone down a very dark path with her thoughts.




Nozomi was unsure how exactly to respond. "I don't even know if any of the other villages knew what sort of state Suna was in before it's destruction. Maybe the shinobi world is flawed, but I believe that people want to help in their own way, they just think they can do it better. I can't speak for the other villages, but Kiri has been through so much war, so much pain. We know how to pick ourselves up, and what sort of efforts can be made to help those in need. That's why we let in refugee's with open arms."

She offered a slight smile, although the pity was quite evident. "I personally know how hard losing a soulmate is. I lost mine when Kiri and Kumo had their last conflict. It's left a hole in me that I don't know will ever be filled." Kaekio had been the love of her life, and losing her had messed with her. If she was the drinking type, she probably would have been drunk ever since, but she bottled up her feelings and let them out when she was fighting. It was probably just as unhealthy as being a drunk would be.

"I'm little more than a tool of war, I get that. That's the life of a shinobi, we all sign up for that when we become shinobi. When I lost Kaekio, I doubled down on being a shinobi. I'd have done anything for that girl, but she decided she would be more loyal to the village she defected from than to me. I didn't have anybody else to live for anymore. Now I serve the Mizukage directly, and listen to her orders without a second thought, because that's all we're really good for. At least, that's all I'm good for."

It was a depressing thought for sure. "Still, I like to think that we all play our own part in making the world peaceful. Kiri can bring peace to the world, and I truly believe that. I have to believe that at least the Mizukage can unite us all and end the hostilities, and until that's done, I'll fight so that others don't have to fight and lose anyone else. Keep on fighting until everyone who would do my home harm is dead." A grin shaped her face.

"But, Kiri's nice right now. We've got peace in our homelands. We can drink, we can have fun, blow off steam. Is that what you really need right now? To blow off some steam? Cause I think I can help you with that, if you'd like." She offered a wink to the woman next to her, leaning partially against the bar on her elbow. She was nervous, but didn't really want to portray that to her.

WC: 502
TWC: 947

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Yui listened to the woman and thought the fact no one really understood what was going on in Suna the leadership had completely crumbled after she had left. From what the reports said the Daiymo was even dead, the nation now full of thieves and those looking to divide up the scraps it made her sick to her stomach thinking of everything that nation had gone through. It seemed this girl also lost the one she loved in the situation with Kuno, she knew all too well about this as both sides kept trying to get Suna to back them. Sadly it was too politically complicated to back either side but the situation eventually calmed down.

When she heard her say she was only a tool of war and that was her only use it hurt Yui's heart, for someone to think like this was terrible. Yui once felt the same way when she was the kage and it had ruined part of her life as she would move her hand to brush along the girl's face and smile, she was far too cute to only think of herself as a tool for war.

"Listen you may have had that drilled in your mind here but you are more than a war tool, you need to enjoy life... I know coming from someone moping around and depressed like I am is funny but I at least lived my life and had a ton of fun until the last year or so. The loss of Bokuden was heartbreaking and there was nothing I could do to save his life even as a medical shinobi he got so sick I couldn't do anything for him, I had to sit at his side for two weeks and watch him suffer. Still, I won't ever forget him I loved him with all my heart just like you loved the person you lost, but never give up your soul, you are far more than a tool for war."

Hearing people say such things felt painful, this was not the past eras where such things could be true, no people needed to think more of themselves. As for her statement to make the world have peace that made her laugh a bit she tried so hard to make Suna safe and it did not matter, a nation did not bring down her village, no some scumbag shinobi with sick intentions, corruption from other nations and filth from other nations brought her own corrupt nation to an end. She knew all too well what happened to Suna could happen in most nations, so much corruption and lies were starting to spread, the overly peaceful times were turning people into schemers and those that prey on any sign of weakness. The world being plunged into war once more would certainly make those schemers have to focus on other things like trying to survive an entire world at war with each other.

"Peace while I want it causes people to become corrupt, people get fat from greed and corruption and people begin to scheme and cause far more serious issues, sometimes I think it would be best if the entire world went to war, it would likely take care of those that can only scheme and take advantage during times of peace."

She then mentioned Kiri was nice and that was true she came here because it was the most secure nation, but she also knew there was a likely spreading corruption even here. Being a kage is hard and weeding out corruption is very hard especially when its someone close to you, she likely had no idea Yui was able to obtain some very sensitive information when she was kage and even when she was not kage, money could buy a lot in Kiri. Yui would need to talk to Aya and explain things to her, or else someday Kiri could fall just like Suna had, the corruption and people being paid to ignore a massive attack that destroyed a village, this did leave Yui to wonder where was Syekven when this happened, he had a huge amount of influence over the village yet he did not stop the attack, was he involved she had no idea but she would investigate information about the attack for sure. Finally, Yui regained her focus as the girl mentioned needing to blow of some steam, she got a coy smile as Sekkiea just shook her head she knew where this was likely going already.

"I could use a way to release some of my frustration, I am sure you could provide with a compatible event to relieve the stress and anger I feel. I must warn you though, I am far from gentle and don't feel like being a nice gentle person right now, it will be angry and may even hurt, so don't complain when I am a bit rough."

Yui would suddenly move over to the woman pulling her face to the side if she would allow. she would try to run her tongue along her cheek before sliding her lips toward the women's. this, of course, was if she allowed for it, if not Yui would wait to see what her response to her words would be, this seemed like it could be a very fun time.




Nozomi shrugged as Yui ran her hand over her cheek. She blushed a little bit, the gesture making her feel a little self conscious. She hadn't been necessarily expecting her to be caring or compassionate at all, so that little act was all the more comforting. The words alone wouldn't have meant much, but the caress was.

A little taken aback at the mention of Bokuden, Nozomi knew from her time with Kaekio that he was a missing-nin from Kumo. It seemed that the world was a small place. Who was this Yui though, that she had been the lover of such an infamous ninja. A light hearted chuckled escaped her. "Funny thought. You were with Bokuden Ryuzoji, and I was with Kaekio Ryuzoji. It seems almost fitting that we find ourselves here, both of us lamenting our lovers."

She didn't acknowledge that Yui didn't think she was a tool of war, because she still didn't think she was anything else. She'd been conditioned her entire life for fighting. Becoming an ANBU and Hunter-nin only reinforced that to a further degree. She specialized in assassination and espionage. She'd participated in so many fights, and didn't often lose. Even Lamya, her most recent fight, hadn't been able to best her, and there was an obvious gap between their power, not in her favor.

When it came down to it, that was what she was good for. If someone needed to be killed, she was the one to go to do it. She wasn't good at anything else, other than training, and that was in and of itself used to make everyone else also tools of war and combat.

The blonde wouldn't voice these thoughts though. She moved on when Yui agreed that she could blow off some steam, telling her that she was not a gentle person, as she licked Nozomi's cheek. As she moved her mouth towards Nozomi's she responded with a single word. "Good." Nozomi wasn't exactly rough, but she didn't mind when other people were rough with her.

Locking lips with the Inuzuka, Nozomi would start to kiss the girl before remembering they were in public still. There were rooms to be had though, and she knew where they were. As a Seven Swordsman, she actually had a place here, so she'd stand up, pulling Yui with her. "Let's move this elsewhere." If she'd follow, Nozomi would take her up to her own personal area, a place she hadn't actually stepped into before. There was a queen sized bed, a large table with some chairs, and a few dressers, but other than that, it was empty.

The second the doors were shut, Nozomi would start to strip down while doing her best to continue kissing Yui, although the task might prove difficult, as she was only 5'2", and she was moving a lot while trying to disrobe.

WC: 510
TWC: 1457

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Yui smiled as she seemed to get a favorable response as the woman would kiss her back, she then suggested they go to a room alone together making Yui get a wide grin. She would ask the woman how she had a room but she did not care as the pair stepped into the room the other woman began to stip her clothing off fast, trying to keep her lips locked as Yui also began to strip down.



Last edited by Inuzuka Yui on Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:44 am; edited 1 time in total




WC: 544
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Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui






WC: 501
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Inuzuka Yui






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Inuzuka Yui






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Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

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