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1Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Two different persons[noel/closed] Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:25 pm



Dray had got up unusually early this
morning.. If he were to skip everything in
the world, hardly would he skip his
morning meditation which he just developed recently after vowing to compose himself due to him getting a sensei. He quickly but calmly went through the meditation process after which he had his bath in a swift motion.
He was all acting like he had somewhere
to go this early morning and of course he
had. He was planning on going to the
Festival grounds of takigakure at a completely different section the large village district early this morning since his snacks reserve was empty. He was not the type that loved to eat much but he knew what to do when the time was right. Everything in this world has its uses including food. If not, he wondered how a hungry nin would serve the village with all loyalty.
After his carefully taken bath, since cleanliness was something important to him, he slipped into his usual attire and of
course, he armed himself cause hardly does he let his guard down. His twin
Swords rested peacefully by his side in a double X format cause hardly had they found a worthy opponent recently except when he found his master. His bandages were also in their place and his. basic projectiles consisting of a couple of kunais, shuriken, and also, some senbons all located at different pouches on his whole attire. He was not planning on picking a fight with anyone but yet, he could not also read the future.
He picked up some money for the food
stuffs he intended to buy and tucked them
in his pocket. Lastly, he picked up his
proud konohagakure head band and tied it
loosely around his neck as he had started
doing.. He left his abode and left for the
festival in the large village of takigakure.
It took him a couple of hours before
getting to his destination since he was simply walking like a normal civilian. He
was not running or jumping like most
shinobis do. When he got to his desired destination, he took some time to scan for
a suitable shop that housed all what he desired to buy. As he continued scanning, he couldn't find any suitable shop in the village markets so he decided to go to the shops and resturants a bit away from the festival grounds with the hopes of finding one.
Training speed: D-D1(325/410)

Last edited by Draygglez on Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:59 pm



The little boy lay asleep in his bed still dreaming about Mikasa and his family all living happily together on the farm, when all of a sudden he wakes up remembering he had to get ready for the festival. He woke up early in the morning as he sat up on the flat bed scratching his head slightly before giving out a small yawn. The bed was still moving as the caravan was taking him towards the festival location in Takigakure. He noticed he got a parcel as he opened it up inside he found some new items including a somewhat large windmill shuriken which he unfolded for a moment before refolding it again and placing it into his backpack. He had some snacks and a bit of ryo prepared for the journey ahead as he stretched his arms once more. He was dressed in a loose white shirt and some white shorts as he gave off the appearance of a little angel with his beautiful fluffy white wings.

He was greeted by a young gypsy lady who laughed at the cute boy's waking up moment. The man kept the caravan traveling at a constant pace doing his best not to make the road bumpier than it had to be.
They made a small stop by a near by lake as the man told him he had to wash and get changed as the boy gave a stubborn look as if he was wasting time. The lady smiled as the boy took his gear and everything and said he would go the rest of the way himself. He walked towards the small little lake as he began to undress as he carefully looked around for anything that might attack him. There was no one and no creatures that he knew of as he dropped his shirt and the rest of his clothes and jumped naked into the lake, his wings splashing in the large expanse of open water. He played around in the water splashing here and there and everywhere as he twirled around in circles, his wings lifting the water and tossing it through the air. After a while he realized he was clean enough and stepped out of the lake, his one foot stepping as the water dripped from his knee all the way down to the tips of his big toe before falling to hit the grass. His foot made its impression as the light grass gave way as the boy took his second step before picking up the towel with his wings and drying himself off, his wings just shook around as all the water flew off of them. He then finished drying off his hair before proceeding to get ready for the festival.

He sat down with his legs spread out before leaning back to look up at the sky, he was in no real hurry but he knew he could not play around too much. He took the first item of clothing followed by the next slowly getting dressed into some decent underwear and a kimono which looked pretty close to one worn by a girl. This was due to his size not being common amongst boys, with the kimono being of the unisex kind. He then adjusted carefully as he took his backpack which contained his weapons for self defense so to speak.

He put his Sunagakure headband in his bag after looking at it for a while before sighing as he looked up to the sky and realized it was going to get late. He began to spread his wings as he looked up once again then took flight into the air, as he flew through the air he felt the warm air rushing beneath his wings, the cooler winds and the resistance of the air as it hit him in the face. The birds flying passed him as he flew over the trees and watched as the land loving people enjoyed their time on land working while he flew off to go enjoy himself. When he got to his location he tucked in his wings as he flew down to land on top of a nearby shop. He noticed someone who looked lost and feeling somewhat curious he followed the strange man with the weird headband he had never seen before.

The man looked to have green hair like him and somewhat green eyes, but the man also looked scary and only time would tell whether following this man was a good idea or not. His curiosity and his need to explore lands and people of the land may end up striking back at him hard. In the end he felt he had to just do his best not to get noticed and follow the person since he lost his way to the main festival grounds.

Words = 806

3Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:28 pm



As dray left the festival grounds, the sounds of good music and the chatter of people having fun, buying stuffs here and there, all faded away. He wondered why such a place would not have the particular brand of the snack he wanted. He continued in search of a suitable shop to buy the exact brand of snacks he wanted, he searched endlessly for one. He could buy it at any price even from any one that did not have a shop. Just any random person cos he so much loved that exact brank of cookies. As the sun began to shine more intensely, dray felt he had to go home.. As he continued moving, planning on taking another path to the small but comforetable beautiful home he had constructed with his wood release in the village of taki, he knew he was not all that very good in perceiving.. but he heavily sensed that he was not alone. Like he was being followed. On a second thought, he waved the minor thought off his mind simply wondering why of course he would be alone in this large village. As dray continued walking, he was not very comfortable. He actually felt like he was right and that he should listen to his inner dray but he did not want to be over reactive. To justify his feelings, dray looked behind his back but saw people, none of which he could recognize. He then wondered why he felt like he was been watched. All along, he had been playing the life of a civilian. A civilian might have sensed that he was being followed but who it was that was following him would be very difficult to figure out considering that he had no skills of any kind but if it were to be a shinobi, he would surely have means of detcting who it was that was following him. As dray resolved to the shinobi method, he stopped in his tracks. He removed the konohagakure no sato head band that he had tied loosely around his neck earlier in the morning before leaving the house and he now tied it firmly around his head. As he looked forward, he saw that he had missed his way but that was not really his concern now. What mattered to him now was finding who was following him and why he or she was following him. Dray now had two objectives. Who was following him and why he was following him. As he planned on figuring out what he wanted, so as not to keep walking in circles, dray stretched forth his hand to the direction of the ground and a small grennish flower grew from the earth. As dray kept on walking, these small little grennish flowers grew at intevals to keep dray from walking in circles. As dray walked on, he now lightened his foot steps. As a shinobi, he had been trained in staelthiness. He lightned his food steps, calmed his nerves and enhanced his senses trying to detect who it was that was following him. As dray decided to give up on the quest, the sun changed it's position and now made visible the shadows of everything at the area. As dray walked on, he kept looking down. He saw a particular shadow much smaller than his walking in his direction and stopping when he was stopping. He wondered if it was truly happening or if it was just an imagination. Dray rubbed his eyes but he was right. There it was. Was it a young person following him, trying to play pranks or was it a small shinobi just that height, dray could not take any chances. Dray stopped as he brought out a shuriken and threw it at the shadow of the person on the floor. He then waited to see what the reaction of the owner of the shadow would be. Maybe the person would run away, would face dray or would just walk past him or even probably just stand still...
Training strength from D-D

Last edited by Draygglez on Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:28 am



He followed the man for some time, the man's green hair made him feel they might be kindred spirits or that he just might be someone interesting. He tried to remember where he had seen the headband before as he kept his eyes on the unsuspecting victim of his exploration needs.

The sun became intense as he felt like he was getting bored following this guy who seemed to be searching for something. As he followed the man who now took a strange path, a different path and maybe even could be a darker path. He noticed the man turn his head back as he just looked to the ground innocently as he blended in with the other villagers.

Then all of a sudden the mysterious green haired man stopped dead in his tracks, placed his headband around his forehead. Then he watched as the man stretched out his hand and then placed it on the ground making a greenish flower grow. As he walked he seemed to be making more little greenish flowers with every few steps. His foot steps were getting light as the boy watched just in case the man decided to make a dash for it.The sun was bright and everyone had a shadow as he walked watching the man look down. All of a sudden a shuriken was flying towards the boy as he took his own shuriken and tossed it back causing them to clash as they landed on the ground.

He gave a serious look as he was not sure why the man was attacking him to begin with, was the man hunting him down and being interesting just to act as bait for him to follow. Either way he stood in his tracks as he got out his last two shuriken preparing for a shinobi exchange if it occured.

Words = 806 + 309 = 1115

5Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:19 pm



As dray threw down, the shuriken, his feelings and suspects were justified. Another shuriken came out from behind dray and clashed with the shuriken dray had earlier thrown and now, both shuriken fell into the ground. As dray turned back to see whom his follower was, he turned to see a small boy who looked so innocent. The boy was putting on all whites which made him look a bit more girlish. Dray on his path had learnt not to judge people by their looks as you do not judge a book by it's cover. The boy might have an innocent face which could fool lots of people but that really did not mean that he was innocent inside. Dray flashed back to a scenario he had with a girl which cost him so much. So much as the large slash on his chest. Now, dray was not ready to take any chances with this young boy who had now brought out two shurikens.
Dray looked astonished at the boy's actions.. He then tried to picture what was happening in his little head full of green hairs.. First, he was following me, second, his shuriken clashed with my shuriken, now, he's drawing a shuriken.. dray thought.. What really was this boy up to? Was he one of those little boys that always wanted a fight or did he really have something he wanted from dray or something to do with him.. The first thing that came to dray's mind was to ask the boy why he was following him but on a second thought, dray thought that for the boy to be able to stand up to dray, he would seem a pretty good opponent.. Following this thought, dray used his thumb to slighty unsheath his sword without fully removing it from his scabbard allowing it to glisten in the sun..but on a second thought, he released the sword back into his scabbard and said out loudly so, they boy could hear and he could know that dray was talking to him...that's no way to be polite..especially to a stranger.. Now you, why is it you were following for the response of the boy who was some meters away from him.
Training reaction time..D-D1(325/385)

6Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:53 am



The boy was not one to take things too lightly as he had not been in many fights in his life, but this man just attacked him for no reason as he turned around to face the small little green haired boy. He looked at the green haired man, then nearly felt like he was in danger as he saw the white shirt was surrounding what looked like quite a built body of the man who must have been an experienced fighter or had done some intensive strength training, not that Noel was not strong himself. He used to get beaten a lot back when he was under the main family, but they had him healed repeatedly in order to beat on him again and again as much as they wanted.

He noticed a look of surprise on the man's face as if he was expecting his shuriken to hit him, or was he shocked that the boy had wings. He was not the most perceptive of shinobi, but as soon as he noticed the green haired guy with the scarred chest unsheathing his sword slightly, he used his free hand to grab an item hidden inside of his back pack. He pulled out a rather large sword like object as he held it to the side of him. As he was preparing for a fight if he had to. All the days he spent training, all the hours he spent being beaten and defeated day after day, hour and hour, minute after painful minute until all that he had left would be taken away in but a few seconds. Was today the day that he would be forced to fight, would he really have to step into the dark world of the shinobi in the midst of a festival.

His wings also spread out as he prepared to take flight as the man all of a sudden sheathed his blade and shouted that he was not being polite to a stranger, as he kept his eyes focused on the man asked him why he was following. How did he know and why did he talk about being polite, he hardly ever spoke but he was not able to trust someone who chose to attack him rather than just ask him to stop following him. The man could be lying to him and he remembered that most sword masters could draw out their swords really quickly, which was also the same for him as well just that what he held was not a sword, it was something else as he stood there his wings flapping slowly. He just glared at the man as he could not trust a stranger who would just attack him as he then looked carefully again and noticed the headband was different from his, it was an enemy from another village is what he thought, as he had not learned everything about the alliances but this could be an invasion even though they were in Takigakure, which was currently a neutral zone.

He did not say a word as the wind began to blow passed them as the area became silent as some people who had seen what happened ran off. It was unclear what would happen from then on but it was all in the hands of the man with the green hair and the boy who had wings like an angel.

Words = 1115 + 568 = 1683

7Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:59 am



After dray finished talking, he shook his head waiting for the reply of the young boy but nothing came forth from the boy's mouth. Dray continued staring blankly at the boy giving him some time. The boy might probably be a stammerer who took long before speaking or maybe he had trouble thinking of what to say or at most, maybe the boy was mute. As dray waited endlessly for no reply, he saw the young boy bring out a sword- like object from behind him. Dray recognised the object so well. It was stuck at the back of his head. The object was a weapon, more precisely, a collapsed fuuma shuriken. His master had used it twice in their fight and dray had well recognized it and its properties based on his master's style of fighting. As the boy did this, it now dawned on dray that the boy was not one to talk. After dray had tried his possible best to be polite, the little green haired boy still did not seem to understand dray.He wanted a fight and dray was going to give him an interesting one. As the boy continued, he spread out what looked like wings and of course, they were wings but could they truly fly, dray couldn't wait to see. He had not noticed them all along as he now looked at them suprisingly but the expression did not show on his face. He wondered how fast they were cause he could remember the female anbu agent he fought at konoha who grew wings too due to a jutsu she used but this boy had not done anything that dray seemed to notice.. Was this natural, dray thought.. As dray calculated the distance between he and the boy to be about 7 metres, before going into a fight, dray loved to access the fighting style of his opponent be it close range or long range so as to quickly select from a group of strategies he had swimming in his head but if the need to improvise arose, then he would simply do so. Dray would then draw six senbons from his ninja pouch, and head toward the boy. With three senbons in each hand, dray would then get to four metres of the young boy and launch two senbons each at both of the boy's legs leaving him with two senbons in hand. If the boy were to actually fly with his wings, he wouldn't fly forever as he would have to land on his legs at a point in time..

8Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:16 pm



The man with the green hair had begun to stare or merely notice his wings, at this stage it was hard for the little green haired boy to tell what was going on in the mind of this stranger who was most likely an enemy. The man began to charge at him after pulling out three senbon in each hand as the boy took that as the sign that their battle had begun. Closing in from seven meters to four meters as he quickly swung his bladed weapon as a huge wave of energy burst forth at a range that was almost impossible to dodge as the senbon were knocked out of the way as the technique would most likely hit his target inflicting damage with the main cut aimed for the man's knee while the other cuts would appear randomly on the man's body at a three quarter inch depth, at the short distance available there was no genin technique that he knew that could stop this technique fast enough from that distance. The technique would knock the senbon close to ten meters away while the target would most likely be knocked back a further ten meters before the boy got ready to take flight.

Was this man crazy or just messing around with him. It was not clear but in the end all that mattered was that he would have to make this man understand that he was not going to be some easy push over the man could just play around with.

Words = 1683 + 257 = 1940
Chakra = 135/150

Jutsu used

Fuurin Kazan:

9Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:56 am



As dray got to four metres of the young green haired boy, he shot the senbons at him but the boy was not much of a slacker as dray had expected. That was the man reason why he always tried to test his opponents before going into full battle with them. As dray shot the four senbons at the boy leaving two of them in his hands, the boy performed a pretty impressive jutsu. He made something like a slash utilizing the air currents. The swordlike slash of air was coming straight and direct at dray at a very high speed. Doing some calculations, dray figured out that his jutsu might not stop the boy's attack in time and even if it could, dray did not want to use any techniques yet. For this reason, the jutsu directly hit dray landing some bruises on him and taking him back about 6 meter from the boy due to his own strength and now stretching the distance between the two green haired fellas to be ten meters.
As dray stood firmly on the ground,he looked at his body and was still suprised at how a small little boy could land such bruises on him. He said in a calm voice to the boy...The more reason why I dont underestimate my opponents. Who could have believed that such a boy your calibre could do something like this.. as dray looked at the little line in the earth caused by the jutsu and he continued...I would have to say that that was pretty impressive. You might have landed the first real blow and also got an edge in this battle but that would not stop me from claiming the victory of this battle..Now now, let me show you what some real shinobi skills are if you haven't seen some before..... As dray finished talking, he cracked the knuckles and bent his neck to produce a bone- cracking sound to show that he was warming up.

Dray then ran forward towards the boy as he would make some quick hand seals, he would then perform a jutsu.. Ninja art:Tile shurikens.. As ten flat objects would then rise from dray's surrounding and take the shape of shurikens. As dray would then launch the ten shurikens at the boy, after that, he would back up the shuriken jutsu with another jutsu ..performing another series of handseal, dray would put his hand to his mouth like he wanted to blow a trumpet and then, he would then release a blast of water from his mouth that he would aim at the winged boy regardless of his position(i.e..if the boy still stood at his current location,dray would aim at him and even if he changed his location,that were dray would aim at.) If the young boy could not defend or manuever around both of dray jutsu, then each jutsu would hit him and dray would have struck the bull's eye.
Training speed:D1-D2(400/511)
Battle info:

10Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:16 am



As the man took a blow the shirt was torn apart by the force of the jutsu as he witnessed what looked like a scar that was caused by something far more powerful than his air slash. He had a look of fear on his face as well as a change in stance. He had knocked back the enemy well, and while flying was an option he chose to save it as a last resort. The man had taken his most powerful jutsu and was still standing, but his main attack did its job as the knee of the man had a deep three quarter inch cut in the knee, not counting the other random similar cuts scattered on the mans body from his feet to his face. This man was definitely tough, but he began to wonder what it would take as the man also was cut and bruised but still standing.

A distance of ten meters was so far away as he just waited for the man who then started speaking to him. The man complimented him, but part of it sounded like the man definitely felt he was the stronger of the two of them. His attack was not a fluke but it would take time before he could focus for an attack like that again. The second one would probably end this battle, but his opponent might not make the same mistake twice.

The man told him he would show him some real shinobi skills as he began to wonder what he meant. The man cracked his knuckles like some cocky martial artist before bending his neck to make the sound of a bone cracking as if he had only woken up from the massive hit he took.

The green haired man ran towards him making some hand seals as the boy focused his chakra into his windmill shuriken once again. The man performed a strange jutsu as the ground seemed to rise up and form ten flat shurikens which headed straight for him only to break against a wind like barrier that was surrounding him. The seemed like a good defence, but the man did not stop there blasting a spray of water from his mouth as a large explosion of water and wind resulted in a very brief moment of mist that got blown into the wind as the boy held his windmill shuriken open with the four blades spinning. He dashed at a speed superior to the man's as he swung the the blades that were rotating towards the face of the green haired man as he glared at him.

Words = 1940 + 438 = 2378
Chakra = 125/150

Jutsu used

Kaze Surashu" :

11Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:35 pm



Feeling the breeze of the wind as dray earlier pulled off his shirt due to the cut the air slash had inflicted on it as the huge stich on his chest was now revealed. As dray watched his shuriken defended by a spiral barrier that was covering the young green haired boy, dray's water trumpet jutsu also clashed with the barrier resulting into a mist that faded away into thin air.
Dray could now feel little drops of blood that he had not noticed earlier coming from his knee. The air slash had cut some inches deep into dray's knee as he had not noticed since he was too concerned with dealing with this young boy that had pissed him off but he was still holding his calm. As the mist faded away, dray could see the boy dashing at him with a rotating wind mill shuriken in his hand. The boy seemed like he was aiming for dray's face.. Considering the distance between him and the young boy, the boy was still about seven metres away from him but dray could not play this silly game any more. The boy was getting the edge in this fight and dray was not on that loved losing.
Without waiting for the boy to get any closer to him, dray would perform a series of hand seals before performing a deadly jutsu..suiton:kamikiri no jutsu..a technique that will create a fast jet of water running through the ground that is powerful enough to slice through solid rock and can chase up a target up to 25m/s.. An eye blinking speed...and leaving lasting effects on the terrain but now, dray did not care what would happen to the surrounding. All he did was focus on the boy with the sense that nature would repair it self as dray would quickly kneel still facing the boy and bandaging his knee before standing up again...sooner or later, he would end the green haired boy, he was sure of that.
Battle info:

12Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:18 pm



He did not want to waste time as he noticed the blood from the knee of this unknown green haired enemy.
The windmill shuriken was currently the best weapon he had available to him at the time as he was closing ground. At roughly seven meters away the green haired man began to perform a series of hand seals as the boy skillfully spun his shuriken and through it straight up into the air as he spun to toss his two shuriken at an angle as they spun towards the shoulders of the man.

As the shuriken flew the water blasted into the ground as he did not want to be an easy target for some strange jutsu he had not seen before, as his wings launched him into the air as the water traveled like a laser beam along the ground creating a different kind of scar to the one his air slash left. He realized that being hit by that jutsu would be bad as he flew up as high as he could the outcome of whether the shuriken hit their mark no longer mattered as the boy watched from above.

However there was one mistake that the green haired man made and that was by being too focused on the little boy and not seeing the real attack as the windmill shuriken fell from a blind spot and would strike the back of the man. He was not perfectly accurate but it would be skillful enough to add on to the injuries of the poor man who should not have taken time to bandage up his knee in the middle of a battle.

Though it was unclear whether the man could realize that the boy's attacks were aimed to disable him, rather than cause any permanent harm. It could not really be clear at this stage but he was not trained to be a killer, though over time he would grow to look passed this since he was not bothered by killing too much. He did not see the man as someone he had to kill, but he did see the man as someone he had to defeat.

Words = 2378 + 362 = 2740
Chakra = 120/150

Clan Ability Fly used

13Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:04 pm



As the water jet blasted through the ground, tearing apart the terrain as he aimed for the boy, dray could see the boy take flight just as he had expected but as dray was bandaging his knee, he felt a little stream of air surging towards him. While he was making handseals, the boy had attacked dray blindly with two shurikens aimed at dray's shoulder. Dray simply closed his shoulders inwardly as the shurikens flew past him.

As dray set for his attack, something struck his back like it had been pulled down by gravity. Dray looked at the windmill shuriken stuck in his back slighty missing his spinal cord spot. The force of the strike shook dray as he stepped a bit forward...another blind attack huh....dray managed to say as he pulled out the windmill shuriken before throwing it some inches away from him.
Dray now stood properly and firmly seeing the green haired boy up high in the sky.
As dray had analysed earlier, things were going his way.
Measuring the boy's height from ground to be about ten metres, dray smirked as the earth beneath him would rise like a flat mountain to about three metres due to him using the earth rampart style leaving a gap of seven metres between he and the boy but dray would not done yet as He would press on and call forth his earth spike missles. As a dozen spike missles capable of exploding would shoot out in a three sixty degree angle around dray.
Dray would then attack the green haired boy simultaneously by launching three spikes at him. One straight at him and the other two coming from his side in a curved path. Dray would then signal them to explode when they got within one metre range of the boy.If the boy tried to flee, dray would still direct the missles at him. (i.e-they won't explode unless they got to one metre of noel).
Jutsu used:

14Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:06 am



His windmill shuriken hit its target well, just barely avoiding the critical point he was hoping it would hit, as he watched carefully from above as the green haired man tossed the windmill shuriken one side as blood came out of his back. The slight flinching made the little green haired boy focus more on the fight not to allow himself to miss out on anything. The man now stood up looking towards him as if he was okay with being cut in the knee and stabbed in the back. It was unclear why the man was checking him out so much, was this man some guy who liked looking at little kids or was he just focused on the fight as well.

The man gave a smirk as the ground beneath him rose up bringing them closer to each other as the boy flapped his wings to reach his maximum height gaining a further five meters of space between them. He watched as spears of earth were made all around the guy as he counted them one, two, three, maybe ten. He then watched as the spears were sent flying towards him, one, two, three. He could not keep track of all of those spears as he flapped his wings dodging the one spear by far, but the other two spears reached close to him as he moved to go between them when all of a sudden from both sides of him they exploded as all that could be seen was rubble in the sky. After a while the boy fell out from beneath the dirty dirt cloud caused by the explosion, his wings having wounds in various places as he was falling he glared as he tossed some dirt from the explosion towards Dray's eyes while he seemed focused on his jutsu as the boy was falling before crashing into the ground as the dust flew up into the air.

What was the man going to do and was the boy still okay as he reached out towards a rock as he shared a moment of bonding with it.

Words = 2740 + 352 = 3092
Chakra = 110/150

Fly Ended
Chakra infused into rock for jutsu


15Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:11 am



The feeling of victory was good. Tasting victory was wonderful but fully embracing victory and a sense of feeling on top was everlasting. Dray had wished that his sensei was here to watch him threading the path of success. Living up to expectations and pushing himself beyond his limit. The boy might have inflicted several injuries on dray as dray felt the pains a little but none of the injuries were up to the level of the stitch on his chest. A lasting injury that affected him not physically but emotionally. Something he did not like to think about but due to him tasting victory over the boy, it had nullified the pain of the young boy's attacks.

The flying boy fell out of the sky with a rubble as if his wings had been plucked out or like the gates of the heavens were shut out on him. As the boy fell, he kicked some dirt into dray's eyes before continuing his fall. As dray used his right hand to clear his hand, he knew he was this close to victory. He had always known that every opponent had a strategy. It only took some time to figure it out. He knew that his attack had been fatal as the boy didn't seem to fly when he fell from the sky. His attack might have bruised the wings or probably hinder the boy from flying for a while.
Still using the earth rampart style, dray brought the earth beneath him down but still one metre above the ground incase the boy had any more suprise attack like he had always done.

Dray now peered and saw the boy around a rock looking innocently. Did the boy actually expect dray to stop or what exactly was he thinking.. Behind those little eyes, dray was aware that the boy was not ready to give up yet because if the young boy had the courage to stand up to dray and even inflict some injuries that might have been fatal to him...then he wouldn't be done yet.

As dray watched about three drops of blood fall to the ground from his back, he knew he wasn't done with the boy yet. Everyone had their place and this little boy needed to know his. As Dray calculated, he was still in control of his earth missles. Originally, he had created of dozen of them and had used three of them to blow the flying boy out of the sky. He still had about nine missles left and he didn't plan on wasting them.
Taking a quick look at the boy, dray would reach for his pouch and fling his hands forward, directing four earth missles at the boy laced with two kunais each. He would then distract the boy with three of the missles and the kunais underneath directly at the boy as the fourth kunais would then project upwards, curving and attacking the boy from behind like the boy's wind mill shuriken had done and as usual, dray would signal the last missles to explode upon getting to a 1 metre radius of the young boy.

Training strength: D1-D2(400/532)

16Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:37 am



The dust cleared as the young boy was lying on his back looking towards the green haired man as he glared at him sitting up slowly, his wings were hurt but he was prepared for it. A member of the Santaku clan must protect his wings, but his wings must always protect his life or else they have no meaning. No need to fly when you dead and so as he sat up he noticed the man lowering his foothold which to him seemed like a form of underestimation.

The boy could not see too well as he watched the man watching him watch him. This stare off would soon come to an end as he unfortunately did not see just how much of an effect his last attack had. He figured that the guy either dodged or knocked the dirt out of the way. As he coughed some of the dust the man was preparing to use the next few spears, which seemed more like flying explosives. He could not let the spear hit him, but he also could not just dodge it easily either and with his one shuriken a few feet away and his Windmill Shuriken lying on the ground next to the elevated ground he knew he at least had an option of attacking still.

As he watched the man fling his hands forward he knew what to do as the spears all converged on him as he kicked up some dirt to obscure the view, however this was futile as the missiles hit in the location where the boy must still be as the dust was only enough to obscure him slightly as the kunai seemed to strike as well into the location. As the explosion occured like a massive expansion of mini explosions as broken pieces of kunai, some dirt and bits and pieces of rock flew into the air. Some distance away from explosion stood the boy as he had used the rock as a replacement to take the entire attack as he used the dust build up from the explosions to hide his location when he moved to get the two shuriken that started it all as he tossed back the green haired man's shuriken as he dashed towards the rock that the man was standing on as he ducked to use it for cover as he grabbed his windmill shuriken while running around this pillar of support his blade cutting one inch into the foundations of the rock, would he stay on the rock not knowing what the child is planning or would he give up his foothold and begin his attack.

Words = 3092 + 442 = 3534
Chakra = 105/150

Jutsu used Kawarimi replacement shown in previous post spoiler

17Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:33 am



As expected, the earth missles locked into position creating another expected explosion. The explosion soon cleared as the view of broken pieces of kunais and shattered rock could be seen... Not thinking too much, dray knew the boy had used the kawarimi jutsu. A basic shinobi jutsu that had kept dray alive a couple of times.. The boy and his suprises..dray smirked..

Dray began scanning the location looking for where the boy might have hidden. Since their fighting location was an open area, there wasn't much of a place to hide but for someone so little, there might be..
Suddenly, dray felt the earth beneath him crumbly..was he losing control of his jutsu, or what exactly was happening.. Dray released his hold on the earth returning it back to its place and flipping forward to get a better view of things.
Now, dray could well see the little green haired boy with his windmill shuriken. The weapon that cost dray some blood as dray felt a little pain from his back..

time to end this..dray said to himself as he would launch seven kunais aimed at the boy together with three shurikens and fifteen senbons giving the little boy something to deal with as dray would go beneath the earth and coming out after dragging the boy deep down into the earth depending on the boy's location..having stuck the boy firmly into the earth,dray would then quickly send chakra into the ground growing thick timbers from the ground around the boy forming it into a prison with the boy in it after which he would stamp his foot on the ground to create 15 rising spears all pointed at the boy ready to attack..but if dray's first attack wasn't succeful, he would still emerge and imprison the boy with the wooden prison and aim the rising spears at him.
How the boy was going to escape this attack was what dray was interested in.

Jutsu used:

18Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:16 am



He was running in circles for a reason as he was not just trying to cut away the man's support but was planning to attack him by running up it, however he took too long as he watched the ground come down to a level standing as before him stood the man who if he had not flipped forward would have been right next to him nearly. As he stood looking foolish with his windmill shuriken as he applied a seal to it.

He watched as the enemy launched a massive arsenal of projectile weapons. He activated his seal the vector stream as fuuton chakra help knock down all the projectiles while propelling him away from the direction of where his opponent was. He had seen him go under ground as he knew he would have to do something about that as he decided to jump back which put him roughly ten or more meters from the original location of his opponent as he then regrouped. He noticed the man pop out from under the ground as he watched him place his hand on the ground at around a meter or two away, he was a bit hesitant due to him not being as reactive as he should be. He panicked using his defensive technique to knock back the green haired man about one more meter as he they were three meters apart as the man somehow managed to summon a wooden cage around him as he kept his eyes on his opponent not looking away for even a second when all of a sudden something hit. This combination was brilliant as with a single stomp to the ground as the rising spears thrust towards him, his wind seal breaking the spears apart but not without him taking a couple of scrapes and slight bruising as his wind barrier had been broken for the second time.

He glared at the man as he looked down, he could not believe he got hurt directly this time as he dashed towards the man with the green hair. He tossed his shuriken at the man as he moved in towards him as he charged full force with his windmill shuriken as he struck the walls of the barrier as it did not even crack, bent or as he hoped broke. He stood inside the cage glaring intensely as he hit once, twice and three times before considering just waiting out the jutsu. Even if he was trapped it was not like he did not have any means of escape as this technique did have a weakness which he could exploit, as long as he had time he took these moments to let his wings recover so when his time came he would fly out faster than the man could expect.

Words = 3534 + 468 = 4002
Chakra = 85/150

Jutsu used

Fūton Fuuin Nagare Bekutoru:

Kaze Surashu" :

19Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:30 am



The green haired boy had some how manged to escape dray's decapaitation technique but dray was still in control. He was successful in caging the green haired boy but the earth rising spears were destroyed with a barrier he had used earlier.
The boy had also managed to push dray back a little creating a distance of 3 metres between them both.

The boy ran forward in the barrier as he struck the barrier with his windmill shuriken. Sooner or later, dray knew the barrier would crumble. So, he had to utilize the time he had. He infused a bit of chakra into a nearby log hoping to use it for its purpose.

Getting on his toes, dray brought out two shurikens and would launch it at the boy inside the barrier through the spaces between the columns of the timber logs of the barrier. Followed by 3 shurikens which dray would launch after the shurikens at the boy after which dray would get to two metres of the boy and speak out you wish on giving up now and know your place or should I just leave you in this barrier till you are able to break out or maybe I should you your place...dray said as he unsheathed two of his swords. The swords glowed in the sunlight as they made a tingling sound as dray unsheathed them.

Immediately dray unsheathed the swords, his hands began to vibrate continously. The more reason were he had kept the swords sheathed in the first place but this boy..this little grew haired boy had called out the beast in dray and he was yet to see it as dray's hands continued vibrating.. The swords were calling out to battle and dray wanted to give them just that.....

Infused chakra for kawarimi

20Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:33 pm



He watched as the enemy tossed two shuriken between the bars as he knocked both of them to the side with his windmill shuriken as he opened it up and rotated it so he would not miss any excess projectiles. In the wake of this he realized he was actually surrounded by all the ammo he needed as he remembered all the projectiles that failed to reach him scattered around some on the inside and others on the outside.

Before he could even think of doing anything with them he just noticed more shuriken flying towards him as he swung his blade to strike two of them as he jumped back to avoid the third shuriken in that wave of shuriken. Then the man got close to the bars of the cage as if to taunt him and asked if he wanted to give up now, have him leave him here or if he wanted to be shown where he belongs. As the man said this there was a quick flash of a fragment of a moment within his memory as he remembered.


"Noel, Noel, wake up Noel, stop being some useless child and get up right now!!!", as the boy opened his eyes as he just felt a pain in his gut as he looked down and noticed he was lying in blood as he tried to stand up struggling, a woman with Black Wings was watching over him as he stood up as a man was grinning as he looked down at the small little five year old boy. The man began to laugh as he showed off his muscles opening up his arms as he spoke. "Is this suppose to be some kind of joke, you should really learn to get some better quality slaves he did not even last five seconds. Come on kid, just stay down this time and maybe i will let you live."

He was a bit out of it as he looked to the man confused as he still held his gut, he then looked behind him to where he thought the voice had come from. A woman who was watching over him, who ruled over him, whose very words were the commandments themselves. She called his name and told him to no longer be useless. How could he prove to be useful when he has never been useful to anyone in his entire life, how does he prove himself when he can not even look after himself. The man then grinned as he spoke once more, "Do you know your place boy?" as he said that smacking the boy down to the ground with a hammering blow from his fist as the boy's face was near the man's feet. "Kiss my shoe, and i will show you mercy", everything was telling him he had to kiss the man's shoe and survive as he moved closer about to cry as the woman then got up as he looked back in the corner of his eye watching her walk away. He was not ready to be cast away as rose up full force punching the man with everything he had right between the legs as the man dropped his hammer which he had not even used yet.

Everyone grew silent as the woman stopped walking away, he then flew up for a moment headbutting the man under the chin as the man was falling back he held his head in pain before flying full force knocking the man off his feet and crashing them both into the pile of weapons as the man was injured. He did not remember much, but for a moment he thought he saw his goddess smile upon him for doing what she wanted him to do. He wanted to make his Goddess smile upon him once again as from that day onwards he would run away, but when standing before his Goddess he would not back down from any mortal foe.


He watched as the man had two unsheathed swords, with a third sword just hanging there as if it was suppose to be useful to have more than two. He became focused as he did not wish to disappoint his Goddess with stories of defeat, but rather how he defeated a swordsman in the midst of the hidden falls.

He knew if it came down to being a sword fight, he could match him quite well, but without an actual sword he would be at a disadvantage. It was then that he began to gather as many of the projectiles as he could before stopping and holding up his windmill shuriken at an angle as he spread out his wings slowly, before pulling out his forehead protector and putting it on his shoulder.

He did not say a word but he glared back at the man behind the bars as if to say he should bring it, as he was not going to be some useless child any longer. He knew his place and it was under the guidance of his Goddess and no one else.

Words = 4002 + 852 = 4854
Chakra = 85/150

21Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:35 pm



As dray threw both the kunais and the shurikens at the boy in the cage, the young boy skillfully rotated his wind mill shuriken to deflect the incoming projectiles and protect himself from harm.
For what looked like some minutes to dray, the boy quickly seemed to think about something. Maybe some memories of inspiration, motivation or so because as soon as the boy seemed to regain himself from a self incurred trance, he started gathering up the basic projectiles that were lieing around the floor of the cell.

If the boy had hoped to attack dray with those, then he would not even stand a chance against dray's C-ranked swords and even though the boy still tried to attack with his wind mill shuriken, he's got just one and dray's got all three of his soul swords on the battle field though one was still serving its purpose resting in it's scabbard beside dray's waist.
As the boy did not give any reply to dray's words, dray knew the boy had opted for the option of being put right where he deserved and that was exactly what dray was going to do. Everything in the world had a certain place for balance to be maintained.

Dray knew what his next move was even though it sounded crazy to anyone but himself but to win a game of chess, you have to sacrifice the pawns to pave way for the king. As the green haired boy's previous attacks on the wooden bars of the prison had weaken them, dray wouldn't have any tough time bringing them down as he had planned.

Still two metres away, dray started towards the direction of the green haired boy in the wooden prison with both hands on the swords and backwards. A calm breeze that now filled the area blew against dray's bare chest as it brought about a silence that was spelling out the end for the young boy.
As dray got closer to the wooden cell, dray would then move both hands and the swords in them to the right at his waist's level with one sword above and the other directly beneath it using sheer force to strike through the walls of the prison with a probability of injuring the boy as he was close to where dray was cutting through as the prison would then collapse on top of the boy as dray would then continue by rapidly flipping backwards to create a seven metre distance between him and the boy still with vibrating hands on his soul swords.

Training reaction time from D1-D2(400/440)

22Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:11 am



He looked towards his opponent ever closely, more focused then he had ever been as he did not back down.
As he adjusted all the weapons he had placed within the gaps between his feathers as he held them as his wings pulled tight against his back to lower the effect they would have on him now. He did not understand what the man even wanted from him, other than the feeling that he had to beat this man to prove his worth and so he decided he would give this man as an offering to his Goddess as he whispered.


The green haired swordsman began heading in the direction of the green haired little angel boy Noel as he held both his swords backwards dual wielding as he came forth to destroy the very cage he created, as he had chosen to set the bird free from his cage, he watched the attack as he took a step back as the man's basic double sword strike broke the bars of the wooden cage as the boy was now finally set free.

He dashed towards the man who had been two meters away with his wings behind him after that attack and had watch the swordsman make a quick retreat to build up a distance. The boy made his way out in that time as when the man backed away as half of the wooden prison crumbled behind the little boy as he was not fighting with the intent to kill, but the need to prove himself.

The man may have been aiming for a gap of several meters, but the furthest he got before the boy reached top speed was five meters as within two of the man's over the top, yet somewhat useful flips, in order to make more distance, it failed to succeed as the boy had already reached him and was now within a meter of the man. Having timed the attack during one of the flips was slashing as his blade was going for the man's unguarded back, but his combination would not be this simple as his follow up to any counter was that he had the weapons and projectiles all in his wings as the number was unclear, but regardless of if the man countered the slash the kunai, shuriken and senbon would be heading for various locations on the man's body as well as the escape routes to the sides. His wings were not in flight condition, but like having extra arms they were good for throwing things and were not just meant for flight or defense, they were what made his clan so powerful and were the source of his main strength.

How would the man deal with the child's overwhelming speed and his massive onslaught that was actually a result of the man giving him the weapons in the first place. He waited out the man in order to wear him out as he felt the man was actually beginning to fall behind in the battle earlier then he expected. He had read about chakra being a valuable resource that should almost never be wasted unless you were forced to use it. He already knew that he had an advantage as far as it came to using his projectiles which probably came from the fact that flying placed him out of range for most normal shinobi, but the man did not understand just how bad the situation really was as the wind being released over the area was blowing in favor of the small boy, who was going to use everything he had learned to defeat this man. He was not sure how much more the man still had left as he knew if this battle dragged on too long he would be in trouble too as he barely had any wounds on himself, but his wings were soon going to become a problem if he got tired as the rush of adrenalin running through him made him keep his focus.

Would the man see through his trap or would he be too weak to even make it that far, only time would tell.

Words = 4854 + 700 = 5554
Chakra = 75/150

Jutsu basic scan used on self

Kisoteki Sukyan:

23Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:46 am



As draygglez tried to extend his distance from the boy to be up to sevem metres, such was not the case. His actions were not too successful. His plan was altered by the little green haired boy who broke out of the prison before it crumbled and dashed forward towards dray closing the distance between them to about one metre after which he landed his attack by trying to strike dray with his windmill shuriken and launching about a dozen projectiles at dray afterwards.

As dray was still in mid air, he could feel tiny bits of earth past his face. This bits surely caused by something thrown through the air probably projectiles that were earlier stuck into the ground.

Still in mid air, dray was about to save himself with a difficult style that had become easy to him over the ears. It was time for his third sword to unleash its purpose. He was sure the young boy would have been wondering why the sword was seated there all through the battle and an onlooker would also be curious to know how someone would wield three swords together but dray well knew how to and he was about to show the boy by defending his attack.

As dray was about to land, he tucked his head into his waist and his hands crossed in an inward X format as his gripped the third sword from its scabbard with his teeth and parring the slash from an incoming shuriken before completing the backflip with a spin of his body that utilized the movement of his swords to deflect most of the projectiles though two shurikens still managed to bruise his shoulder a little. An injury that didn't mean anything to him as dray landed on both legs with a terrifying posture.

As the boy was already within range of dray, going for nothing else but a brutal strike and a dark intent, dray would get to few inches of the boy as he would land a strike with his right hand coming from the left and a strike with his left hand coming from the left as he would then strike him with the third sword in a jabbing upward motion and getting on the defensive.


24Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:37 am



He was a bit impressed by the triple sword wielding style used, if he had chosen to start off with that he would have avoided the two small wounds to his shoulder. It was at this time that they were within a range of one meter as their close range battle began.

He watched as the skillfully parry of his windmill shuriken was all well and good, but as he sent projectiles forth the man spun with such interesting and unique skill as the projectiles were being knocked around all except for two that hit the shoulder as blood shot out in a small splatter that was easy to forget about. The weird stance probably would have been a nuisance if there was not a bandage there as the knee he hit earlier had a small red spot in that area. He wanted to go for that weak point but it was too risky at this close range with three swords to have to deal with.

In this close range fight he watched as the swordsman was slashing from his right, but he got a ping from below as well. He unfolded his windmill shuriken as he thrust it downwards while pinning down the sword with two of the shuriken's arms like a fork as he used the other two arms raised above held by his arm at an angle to keep the sharp end away from his arm in order to block the other two blades as he used this moment to launch a powerful left thrusted kick to the man's face as he kicked up some dirt as well. From his left wing that shook strangely overhead a paper ball had already fallen as the cloud would hit both of them as the boy smiled with his eyes closed. There would be no way for the man to see that the boy closed his eyes and focused on pulling out his swords to attack how would the man react next, if he did close his eyes he would not be able to open them without being blinded, but if he did not take it now he is saving up his problems for later.

This was his close range trap that he had kept hidden all this time, the curse of Metsubishi as he would use his superior sensory technique to then throw his last shuriken straight for the mans eyes.

Words = 5554 + 404 = 5958
Chakra = 75/150

25Two different persons[noel/closed] Empty Re: Two different persons[noel/closed] Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:04 pm



As dray unleashed both strikes with one sword slash coming from the right of the young boy, another strike coming from his left and the last one coming up close, the boy seemed to quickly detect him like he had some sort of sensory skill or something that left dray astonished. The boy then unfolded his windmill shuriken as he skillfully thrust it downwards while pinning down dray's first sword with two of the shuriken's arms like a fork as he used the other two arms raised above held by his arm at an angle to keep the sharp end away from his arm in order to block the other two strikes from dray's swords. The boy had some pretty impressive skills in bukijutsu dray could see.
The little green haired boy then used the available moment to launch a powerful left thrusted kick to the open direction of dray's face as he kicked up some dirt as well with the hope of landing a blind hit as he had always done but dray was well beyond all that as he simply head butted the kick as some dirt flew past his face receiving little pain from the kick due to the presence of his konohagakure no sato fore head protector at the same time, before completing the raising of his head to re- attack, dray felt some pieces of fillings falling to his bare neck and the air pressure above him becoming hotter. Thinking it was a smoke bomb, he quickly closed his eyes, used his other sword to lift up the windmill from below thereby releasing his pinned down sword and he used the memories of his earlier view of the battle field to dash out of the perimeter of what now appeared to be a small cloud.

Getting out of the perimeter of the cloud, dray could see the boy pretty well with eyes closed but he didn't attack head on as the cloud of what was thrown on the floor was just clearing. What a weird smoke bomb. Instead, dray ran in a curved path appearing just about one metre behind the boy as he would slash up the little green haired angel boy's wings with both swords and great force with the intention of decapaitating it. Even if the wings did not come off completely, if dray managed to land the attack as the boy would still have his eyes closed and little time to react, then the boy would suffer a great deal as his little pretty wings would have major cuts on them.

Training perception:D1-D2(400/436)

Last edited by Draygglez on Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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