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Motoichi was still gathering his wits and breath when the old man came out and announced the second phase of the Chuunin Exams.  The whole thing was rather too abrupt for Motoichi. He had just nearly escaped death by wolf dinner and now he had to fight someone?

A set of proctors dropped down, the flickering affect highlighting the Body Flicker jutsu.  Motoichi’s eyes locked onto his previous proctor’s eyes.  There looked to be a slight glimmer of happiness in her eyes.  Was she happy to see I made it this far?  Her feet came to rest on the ground beside him.  “You nearly lost it there,” she said as she began to walk and lead him to the arena.

”You were watching me?” He moved along and followed in his proctor’s footsteps, one eyebrow arched with his question.

His proctor’s face appeared to have a slight shock run through her body, creating a very subtle jerking motion in her head that triggered her cheeks to flush red.  The reaction stayed for a moment before she cleared her throat.  She seemed to do that each time they talked and Motoichi took notice of it.

“You’re up for a fight.  So get in there and meet with your opponent. He arrived ahead of you.” She had now lead him into the arena which was still in the middle of the giant hedge maze.  “Try not to pull a Cedric Diggory.”

Motoichi couldn’t help but laugh at her joke, seeing that she was laughing a bit herself.  Her hand then extended to show him the way into the arena outside of the wall and small viewing area for the proctors and other Genin participants that had made it to the center of the maze.  He made his way down the stairs of the viewers’s stands and into the arena.

The arena appeared to have a similar likeness to that of a circle  At the end of the circle was ring of water, a moat of sorts, which was three meters deep although Motoichi was not aware of its depth.  As he hopped himself into the room, he took a glance to the only fellow Hidden Rock Genin that had made it through and then nodded farewell to his proctor.

The laughter and smile was gone now and anyone who looked upon her now would think that she had never laughed.  Still, a slight quiver appeared in her bottom lip before she called out once more.  “Yumi.  Otohi, Yumi.”

A small smile formed upon Motoichi’s face to show his recognition of what she had said before turning to face his opponent who already stood in the arena, on the opposite and eastern side of the circular arena.  So her name was Yumi.  His face grew serious as he finished preparing himself mentally for the fight.  Once the proctor said so, it would begin.



Within minutes of arriving at the fountain Kaneda was ushered away from the other students, are they mad about the trees? Hell i'd be pretty mad if someone burned all my tree, Kaneda began to giggle to himself he stopped because he was getting a stern look from one of the proctors that were escorting him. Within minutes they had arrived at a gated locker room area, all but one of the proctors stayed in the room after that, "Welcome to the preliminary rounds of the chuunin exams, in a few minutes you will be facing an opponent. Do you have any medical issues that need to be addressed. Kane stared at the man blankly, "No, I'm fine let's get this show on the road." The bearded man smiled at Kane and lead him down yet another corridor. "Good Luck out there kid." The proctor opened the gate and pushed him forth into the small battle area, "Thanks." Kane replied as he casually strolled to the center of the ring, Kaneda didn't wait long as his opponent arrived shortly after. "I'm Kaneda Sarutobi, nice to meet you." he said with an emotionless face and his hands behind his head.



Motoichi stood, only ten meters from his opponent, facing the man as he identified himself as Kaneda Sarutobi. The symbol etched into his forehead protector signified his allegiance with the Hidden Leaf village. He was no more than a child, Motoichi assumed Kaneda to be nearly half his age give or taking a few years. Probably doesn’t even know about the ‘Birds and the Bees’ yet.

”Oi, and I am Mitarashi Motoichi.” he said, keeping his eyes trained on the boy.

With the pleasantries exchanged, there came the announcement, ”Let the fight begin!” Yet, in the moment the words were said, only the movement of two kunai slipping through Motoichi’s right sleeve to his fingers occurred. The voice finished speaking and the kunai came to rest in his right hand. The nerves of the sudden fight making him wary. Instead of making any further movement, he waited on his opponent for the first move.



”Oi, and I am Mitarashi Motoichi.” Said the man, he is old...too old to be a genin. They were about 10 meters apart, the proctor announced the match to have started after the brief intro. Kaneda waited a second to see if Motoichi was going to start things off, Motoichi began to make a move but he just grabbed a kunai, Kane knew that with this his opponent would allow him to pop things off, Kaneda quickly reached into his ninja pouch and pulled out three shuriken. He held the projectiles in his hand for a second before launching them at his opponent one coming from the front the other two from opposite sides. He used this moment after the throwing of his projectiles to activate his "Sword of the Will" KKG, he was now ready to attack. Kane came at his opponent using the lack of space between them to his advantage and threw a punch laden with Katon Chakra at his opponent. He knew his opponent would have to make the choice of getting hit with a the shuriken or taking a punch to the jaw.


Sword of Will:

-15 chakra



He stood there, two kunai in his hands for a second as the boy stood there, realizing Motoichi wasn’t about to make the first move.  The boy’s hand reached into his ninja pouch, the boy held out three shuriken for one second.  Kaneda then threw out the three shuriken, flying side by side horizontally.  Quite a sad toss, Motoichi thought as he noticed the slow velocity of the three incoming projectiles.  By the time they got to him over the ten meter distance, he quickly was able to bat them away with his two kunai of his right hand.  The shurikens fell to the ground a foot in front of him as the boy started to charge now.

The boy’s fist cocked back as he ran all the ten meter distance, his speed accelerating as he came to meet Motoichi.  The kid had vigor, that was for sure, but the attack was sloppy at best.  He could see that the boy’s path would lead to disaster as the three shuriken stuck out of the ground like three pieces of Makibishi.  With the boy running up for some close combat, body coated in fire, there was only one thing to do.


Once the boy had closed in on Motoichi to just about one meter away, he activated his Precision jutsu and immediately hurled one metsubishi into the boy’s chest, which would explode into a cloud of smoke as it sped in what would appear to be supersonic speed though only being fifteen meters per second.  The close proximity of Kaneda creating the appealingly instantaneous contact of the projectile.  Instantly following the firing of the metsubishi and before the moment of its explosion, he would push off with his feet to move laterally half of a meter to his left and fire off all ten of his shuriken that were strapped loosely around his waist.  Each one fired off with deadly precision and just the same amount of speed as the metsubishi.  The whistling of flutes could be heard as the black metal stars found their fleshy targets in the ribcage and neck of the young Sarutobi who would be, at this moment, stumbling forward due to the confusion and stinging created by the metsubishi.  The chance of dodging such a quick, and close quarter attack such as this was nearly improbable even for a Chuunin.  All of these attacks happening in the timeframe of less than five seconds.

The picture presented would be more akin to a man stumbling out of a burning house, covered with flame and panicking in distress as metallic projectiles rained down upon him, cutting him down. Not forgetting that the cloud of powdered glass and ash would also cause Kaneda to stumble into his own three Shuriken that pointed up just in front of his route in which he ran.

Chakra 140/150:

Items Used:



Kane's move was dodged, what happened after that was a flash all Kane knew was that his entire world was dark he was having trouble breathing, the boy passed out before the shuriken connected.


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