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As the exam proctors began herding the participants who had been relegated into the elimination bracket to their designated locations in preparation for their fight, Ryusei scanned the area for any signs of his mark. Much to his chagrin, his target was still nowhere to be seen. Just how long did he have to keep this ruse up before he could cash in his bounty and move on from this ridiculous competition. What’s more is that this entire event was being televised back in Takigakure. He should have figured that the shinobi world would be interested in blood sport, something that even the Shiryo did not participate in. The irony of the “civilized world” being the ones to glorify savage blood sport was delicious.

Still, as long as his job was unfinished he would have to continue to be a willing participant in these exams, and at this point that meant was fighting whoever it was that he was assigned. Ryusei would not even bother looking at the screens displaying the brackets for the preliminary tournament to check who his opponent would be. As far as he was concerned the name of his opponent was irrelevant, as was any information he might be able to ascertain from looking at the bracket. None of it would change the fact that this person would merely be one more obstacle in the way of him completing his hunt. It was unfortunate, as this person probably cared a great deal about their success in this competition and was obviously skilled enough to have made it this far while so many of their fellow participants had fallen by the wayside.

As he entered the arena the doors behind him through which he had entered slammed shut behind him, locking him into this battleground to wait for his opponent. His eyes remained trained on the open doors opposite to him which he could only assume was where his opponent would enter from. He rested his right hand onto the handle of his light gun in its holster on his right hip and tapped his index finger on the side of the trigger impatiently as he waited. He pondered the merits of waiting out his opponent to get a feel for his fighting style as opposed to simply going all in at the very beginning. One was the smart choice, but one would also make his job faster. It was an interesting decision, but one that would ultimately be made dependent on the opponent themselves. Hopefully they wouldn’t make this too boring for him.

Situated high above the arena was an exam proctor who seemed to be acting as the referee for the fight. He was a middle aged man by the looks of it dressed in standard shinobi attire. Raising a hand into the air grasping a red flag to get the attention of onlookers he would speak out in a booming voice that seemed to echo through the arena, “When both participants are sealed inside of the arena the battle will automatically begin. Good luck.”



With the first event behind him all Suutei had left was to conquer the next trial.  Hopefully this would entertain him better than the last, and give him the chance to show off his prowess as a Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village.  Unfortunately for Suutei, the first four Genin were given a grace period and would not have to participate in this event.  Though this would give him the opportunity to do just what he initially planned, and let him stand out amongst the others.  Focusing his attention on the screens above showing the names and pictures of eight contestants.  Though his main focus was on his own opponent, another male who looked rather strapping his name was Ryusei.  Before he could begin searching for a full glimpse, the proctor who escorted him appeared next to him in a cloud of white smoke.  "I have a lot of money on the line for you kid.  Don't screw this up okay."  Suutei chuckled awkwardly as the man, stood both arms crossed staring at him showing he was not joking.  The proctor walked away towards a large metal door much similar to the first event, "Your opponent is just behind this door, he got here earlier because you were to busy daydreaming.  Look kid I know you have guts but being a shinobi ain't all about guts.  Its about honor, respect, and having your own reason to live and fight as a shinobi. What is your nindō?"  Suutei clinched his fists, hoping to not saying anything stupid.  "My nindō is to protect those who are waiting for me, which is why I must become stronger to do that I have to win the Exams."  The proctor still with a stern face disappeared in a cloud of white smoke and left an echo before leaving, "Good Luck.

The large doors opened slowly and his challenger awaited inside, Suutei walked into the arena calm and collected.  Standing up ahead was his opponent Ryūsei, and high to the side of the field was the Proctor who was the stand-in referee.  Approaching the center he saw the white-haired male with one hand on his hip, tapping at some sort of sheath.  Though it was to small to be a sword, taking precautions he assumed that it was some sort of weapon. The door he entered soon shut tight locking both competitors inside, the real battle would soon begin.  Analyzing his surroundings, there was a moat surrounding the battle grounds that could come in handy depending on how deep it was.  The battle proctor swung his red flag down signaling the two to begin, "Let the battle, commence!"  Suutei inhaled deeply before blowing out a large fireball, roughly three meters in diameter into the air above Ryusei.  The fireball split into eight more fireballs, and descended around Ryūsei and would detonate causing first degree burns.  Suutei wanted to start with a bang and those fireballs, were the explosive momentum he needed.  Though he would keep his two most prized techniques hidden unless needed.  Lets see what you got Snowball...

Chakra: 140/150



Ryusei eyed his opponent as he entered the arena, not overly impressed by what he saw. Before him stood a small, frail looking, blue haired child. Was this really who he was meant to do battle with? He found himself somewhat disappointed by the enemy before him, not thrilled by the prospect of having to fight this person at all, let alone with however many spectators were now involved. Even so, Ryusei knew better than to assume strength based on appearances. The jungle was an unforgiving place where even the tiniest of insects could prove lethal. More so if the victim was careless and did not respect the threat.

This insect in particular seemed to be a rather pugnacious one, wasting no time after the proctor had signaled the beginning of their match to make his first move. Ryusei’s opponent didn’t seem to want to waste time with niceties or unnecessary greetings, just Ryusei’s style. The less time they wasted pretending this was a friendly match the sooner they would be done with it. Ryusei watched closely as his opponent inhaled deeply and demonstratively, his entire upper body seeming to heave with a single breath, before spewing forth a large mass of flames overhead. This was something Ryusei should have expected. After all, this time his prey was not a wild beast or some run of the mill criminal. Shinobi always were the most bothersome prey, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t take some satisfaction in bringing one down.

Shinobi always did have all of these little tricks up their sleeves. Tricks that Ryusei and other Shiryo had to emulate in order to adapt to the new landscape. Funny that ninjutsu, the shinobi’s greatest weapon, created enemies that would use that weapon against them out of necessity. As Ryusei watched the large mass of flames divide and begin to rain down upon him he would prove his own musings correct. In response to the flames raining down upon his location he would flow doton chakra throughout his body to activate his stone skin technique. He felt nothing but a warm sensation as the balls of flame collided with his skin, his own jutus protecting him from the burns that surely would have ensued otherwise. From the flames settling on the ground during the jutsu he would emerge with a pounce in his opponent’s direction.

While midair Ryusei would draw his two trench knives in hand with blades facing downwards. His goal was clear; use his momentum from the pounce to bring the blades downward and into the boy’s shoulders. Should he succeed he would use the weapons dug into his opponent’s flesh to drag his upper body down and deliver a swift knee into the boy’s nose.




Suutei anticipating his target to be a bit charred or tattered, but in fact he was the exact opposite. His body seemed rugged almost like a mountain terrain, and he was completely unaffected by his technique. In return he jumped towards Suutei with what looked like knives, he quickly charged at Ryuusei hoping to prevent him from stabbing him. Suutei slid forward while Ryusei was in mid-air, then after channeling the chakra threw his lungs he spit out a large fireball. The fireball would burn and hopefully stagger Ryusei since he was so close. In the process he would get the drop on him, and stomp both feet into his chest flipping him over onto his head if his attack succeeded.

Chakra: 130/150:



Well this was something Ryusei hadn’t expected. As he charged forward through the flames and towards his opponent Ryusei would notice that Suutei, instead of fleeing or bracing himself for the incoming assault, charged forward at Ryusei in turn. Did he really intend to take a fight in melee range with Ryusei? The Shiryo could only dream he was so lucky. But no, it wouldn’t take long for his opponent to go from a sprint into a slide to break his momentum, stopping just short of Ryusei midair and inhaling deeply. It was a decent plan, aiming to blast Ryusei midair while he had no footing to reposition himself. It was a strategy that likely would have worked against most people, but Ryusei would have never put himself in such a vulnerable position without a safeguard. Furthermore, he didn’t really believe that such a telegraphed jutsu could be used without drawing a response, did he? Especially after having just done something similar mere moments ago.

Ryusei wondered whether or not he should bother avoiding this attack. It would require some effort because he was still mid-air and had no solid footing, but it could be done. On the other hand, maybe face tanking the attack was just what he needed to do to send a message. With his stone skin still on, sure he might have taken some damage if the jutsu was strong enough, but maybe the demoralization of watching your opponent treat your attacks as if they were completely irrelevant was worth it. Moreover, now that Suutei had committed so much to the attack by running forward into Ryusei, he had all but forfeited his ability to run away now. As his opponent prepared to exhale and release his jutsu though, Ryusei decided against the idea of allowing himself to take free damage.

“Maybe that’s a bit too much,” He thought to himself as he deactivated his stone skin and proceeded to activate his gale thrust technique. As the large fireball spewed forth from Suutei’s mouth Ryusei would use the fuuton chakra focused at the soles of his feet to catapult himself down to the ground behind and off to the right of Suutei’s back, using the bright light of the fireball that now consumed his opponent’s vision to mask his movements. Upon landing he would allow Suutei no respite, immediately utilizing his second dash to reposition himself directly behind Suutei in a low crouched position. From there he would target behind Suutei’s knees with one sweeping slash of his blade, aiming to sever his opponent’s collateral ligament unseen.




The plan was full proof until again he was outwitted by Ryusei once again. Suutei watched his opponent propel himself forward out of the way of his roaring flames. Needing to react quickly because as he was anything could happen, this guy was toying with him something Suutei didn't take fondly. Before he knew it Ryusei had already positioned himself out of his vision. Suutei unaware of his opponents vision didn't have many options at the moment, and as was he was the most vulnerable he'd been all battle. Such an idiot...

Before the moment was too late, Suutei nimbly brought himself to his feet. Playing on his wits he heard a gust of wind, as he turned his head it was Ryusei. He had gotten the drop on him slashing at the ligament on his left leg. Had Suutei not moved in time he would have gotten both legs, and been out of the fight for sure. Suutei stumbled forward tumbling a few meters, hoping to find a new angle in this fight. Crippled and nearly out of options, Suutei grimaced barely supporting himself on one leg. His next move would be out of sheer desperation but effective none the less, he let out a breath of hair blowing it towards his left forearm. Followed by the respiration a streamline of flames orbited his forearm, Suutei then inhaled once more then exhaled sending out an invisible gas towards Ryusei, then releasing a flamethrower shortly after. The gas only surrounded Ryusei it would take a highly trained eye and nose to identify the gas, but the target would be struck by the flamethrower before they could identify it. If he succeeded with the roaring flames, he would swing his left forearm horizontally. The flame would extend 15 meters and come into contact with Ryusei, potentially breaking and burning his arm.

Chakra: 105/150:



From the corner of his eye, atop the spectator's wall Ryusei would get a glance of his target. That was all he needed to see. This fight was over. Ryusei would signal to the referee before his opponent could even hobble away, ending the match.


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