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At Hotel

A pink haired teen slept soundly on her king sized bed. She hugged the pillow tightly as if it was going to attempt to make a run for it. The air was so placid and warm, even smelling faintly of roses dusted with cinnamon and mint leaves, from the burning innocence. A bit of sunlight peeked through the silk velvet curtains and shined onto her. Feeling the sudden brightness her eyes fluttered open and a soft yawn escaped her lips. She settled her sight on the wall clock to her right and her eyes widened at the time. It was already 8:00AM and she was still in bed. Humph this bed is really comfy. Despite feeling totally and utterly relaxed, she willed her body to untangle herself from the sheets and blankets of the bed. Aimi rubbed her eyes and did a feet morning stretches to make her body looser before heading to the closet and grabbing an outfit for the day.

With the outfit in hand she departed into her bathroom, careful not to make so much noise because for all that she knew, her little brother Mure was still asleep. Stripping her pajamas off, she plucked her toothbrush and other hygienic material from a drawer and stepped into the shower. Organizing them all neatly on a stand, Aimi turned the knob to allow steaming hot water to flow out. The water rid her body of any and all alignments she previously had stuffed inside her. About half an hour later, she emerged from the bathroom feeling rejuvenated and most of all clean. She was dressed in blue tank top and form fitting jeans with her usual ninja sandals. She wasn’t expecting to do much today except go jogging and explore the village.

Grabbing her key card she left the hotel room and went down the stairs into the lobby, passing by a few maids and bellhops on her way down. Hm, Takigakure is doing very well for a tourist attraction. How many years has it been since it retired as a shinobi village and became a neutral zone? I wonder what Konoha be like if it retired as a shinobi village and became an ordinary one. Tch that’s not happening any time soon, at least not with its standing and all that shit. Huh that makes me wonder, about what life would be like if ninja never existed or at least the manipulation of chakra never did, hmm. Just then Aimi bumped into someone and she was taken from her thoughts. She glared at whoever it was without sparing them so much as a glance “Watch where you’re going”

She turned to leave but whoever she bumped into grabbed her arm. What the fuck is with people and grabbing my arm!?! “You’re the one who bumped into me so you’re the person who should be apologizing” the voice belongs to a man whom turned her around so she would face him. He was around 6’2, and lean with a medium build. His hair was a shaggy red and his eyes were amber which complimented his tanned skin. He wore a grey beanie, white shirt and black shorts with blue sandals. The only slightly interesting aspect about him was the tribal tattoo that covered his left arm along with part of his face. Oh brother. She shrugged his arm off but then he grabbed her chin, inspecting her being impressed “Hey you’re pretty cute. How about you spend the rest of the day with me as an apology huh miss…?”

Aimi’s temper went through the roof and she growled “Don’t touch me”. She slapped his hand away and backed away a couple feet “You don’t need my name so fuck off!”

The mystery man clutched his chest, as if her words hurt his heart deeply “Aw your words hurt me” He smirked and invaded her personal space once more. What the hell? Does he have a death wish?  “Such nasty words shouldn’t be coming out of such a pretty mouth. C’mon what do you say? Oh and my name is Kain” Yup he definitely has a death wish.

Aimi gave him an insincere closed eyed smile before she punched him in the stomach as hard as she could. “Did you not hear me? I said fuck off. Are you too retarded to comprehend that?” All the air left his chest and he fell back onto the ground. Before he could speak she bent down to his level and harshly grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him up to his knees. She was still smiling as she slammed his face into the wall, an action she repeated a few times before tossing him away from her into a door to her right who now was spewing cusses and holding his throbbing head “Hm maybe you are? It would certainly explain much Kain”

Apparently tossing him into a door awoke whoever was sleeping in the room. The door opened and hits Kain in the head once more, causing him to yelp and groan. A middle aged woman stood in the doorway. “Why are you two making so much noise?”

Aimi pretended to look a bit bashful, brining slight tears to her eyes “H-he c-c-came onto to me and” she sniffled, her body shaking “I-I-I pushed h-him a-away. I’m sorry!”

The woman’s eyes widen and were sorry right away. She grabbed Kain and lifted him up in the air in one hand with surprising strengthen. “You beast! You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you do that to a poor defenseless girl?” Kain tried to speak up to defend himself but she cut him off. “Don’t you dare speak another word! Satoshi, call security right now!” Aimi assumed that was her husband. The woman then turned to her “Dear you should go off and enjoy your day. Don’t worry I’ll take care of this”

Aimi sniffled once more and smiled weakly “T-thank you m-miss” the woman just nodded and Aimi took this as her note to depart. But as she left the hotel she saw a sign advertising a waterpark. Maybe I’ll head over there and see what they have.


Aimi smiled and was excited to take part in the rides but she realized she didn’t have a swimsuit, but a gift shop caught her eye. Well that’s a relief. And with that thought she entered the gift shop, looking for a swimsuit that was to her liking. A few minutes passed and she found one she liked. Good thing too since practically every swimsuit seems like a freaking pile of strings! Aimi purchased the white bikini and was allowed to change into it in one of the fitting rooms.

Splish, Splash, and Dash [Private/Training/Invite-Only] Untitl11

She stepped out and pulls on a pair of white swim shorts to cover her up more. “This thing feels a bit girly but fuck it” She wondered where the lockers were so she can put her stuff away so she called out one of the gift shop’s employees “Hey where can I rent a locker?”

The employee rolled her glowing purple eyes and flipped her green hair “Seriously Aimi I don’t get so much as a hello? Not even a ‘where have you been’? That hurts girl”

Aimi’s eyes widen as she recognized the girl “Nono? Why the hell are you here and not with your brother?”

Nono was the green haired employee’s name. She was the twin sister of Nobu, an employee at a coffee shop back in Konohagakure and one of her longtime friends. Nono chuckled and grinned, popping the bubble gum in her mouth “Oh I’m soooo glad you asked. And if you haven’t already noticed I work here”

Aimi smiled at Nono and gave her a light punch in the shoulder “Alright alright now can you help me with the locker situation?”

Nono grinned and gave Aimi the once over “Eh? You are getting dressed up for someone special?” Aimi rolled her eyes and blushed slightly “Well not my business. You can use my locker in the backroom, I’ll tell my manager so he knows ok? I’ll see you later Mimi-chan”

Aimi just sighed and nodded heading to the back to stuff her things in what appeared to be Nono’s locker. And with that she left the gift shop, ready to see what this place offers.




Vacation, it was something he was aware of but had never actually been able to partake in especially while his village recovered from the war. He had duties and responsibilities on his shoulders that very few could ever comprehend. Not only was he a Seven Swordsman with a direct line to the Kage he was also the ANBU Captain of the village and a Sannin. His days and nights were always booked with needless busy work, patrolling, and supervising the entire defenses of the village. Not once in over a year had he been able to sit down and take a break for himself. Now he was in the tourist village at a hotel days away from his home sleeping and relaxing. It was something he needed to catch up on but he also felt anxious from not having anything to do or someone to do something with. That was the story of his life though. Much of the past year he had spent alone with minimal contact with anyone from the village and quietly trained whenever he wasn’t working his ruthless schedule. After all it was the only real life he had known. Alone focusing on his development as a shinobi rather than building relationships and letting them get in the way. Not to mention the only time he had actually had a relationship he had been betrayed at least in his mind. Dameon was already a person who barely trusted anyone and the one time he had let down his guard he got hurt.

At the moment he just sat there staring out the window of his hotel room gazing out into the tourist city he was now held up in. He wondered if anything in his life would change or if he would be forced to live out the rest of his life like he already was. It was tiring to him and he knew something needed to change but he didn’t have the slightest idea of what or how to change it. All he knew was that he was suffocating himself and running out of time to change his ways. The hotel room he was in was nice but nothing too fancy or expensive. Instead he preferred a room with a good view which was what he had all his newly acquired money and wealth couldn’t buy him what he truly wanted, happiness. He sighed as he leaned against the window, his forehead touching the glass as he exhaled causing the glass to fog up under his breath. He closed his eyes for a moment as he thought about the past a few moments later he would open his eyes and stand up from the window. He grabbed his coat from the back of the door and put it on. He grabbed his coat from the back of the door and put it on. Unlike his old attire his new ones were all black and his coat nearly touched the floor. He needed to leave the hotel for the sake of his own sanity, though he had no idea where he would actually go.

Dameon would leave the room and exit the hotel and out onto the busy streets of the city. His presence would go overlooked much like in his own village. The only glares he got was from curious eyes that looked at his attire whilst the rest of those in the village generally were wearing less clothes like shorts and short sleeves to deal with the heat. It was an interesting contrast and ironic as well because Dameon had purchased the clothes for its color and black in his mind was much stealthier than his last set of clothes. He would shrug off the confused eyes and proceed onward knowing that the random people in the village would still not know who he is and that was better than what he had going on in his own village. He preferred not to stand out no matter where he was but these days it was becoming near unavoidable. As he walked down the street he would tilt his head down toward the stone walkway as he proceeded. Eventually after walking through the crowd of people long enough he found himself at a large gate which peaked his interest. He looked upward and read the sign noticing it was some sort of tourist attraction or park. Curiosity got the better of him as he walked through the gate and into a completely different environment.

As he proceeded into the park he noticed he was becoming more and more out of his element. He seemed to be the only one wearing any amount of clothes as most people were walking around in their bathing suits. This was definitely out of his element he was still rather tired as well. He decided that his best course of action would be to find a place to rest or take a nap. He would walk past a group of very attractive women and proceed to try and find a place to rest. The place was jam packed though and finding an outdoor lounge chair seemed to be nearly impossible but after a while he managed to find what was seemingly the only two that were left in the entire park. He wouldn’t bother taking his jacket off as he fell back onto the comfortable lounge chair and closed his eyes underneath the shade of a nearby umbrella. This was the kind of place one wouldn’t want to go to alone and he was trying hard to repress his feelings of loneliness with his usual blank face and anti-social demeanor. Everyone else seemed to be having fun though riding the slides to the large pools of water and here he was wearing all black and fully clothed at the first water park he had ever been to. Still tough it was a nice day out and nothing was going to stop him from enjoying the warm sun which was a nice change from the damp and sometimes cold village from which he came from. He rested his arms folded behind the back of his head and started to day dream hoping to doze off as soon as possible.

1,038 WC



Aimi licked her ice cream cone she had gotten at a stand. The weather had been good but now the heat was starting to rise as the day went on. She was a bit bothered by this but it wasn't like she could really complain. It was to be expected. It just that she wasn't the biggest fan of the heat. The heat tended to bother her, making her temper a bit shorter than it already was. Kind of ironic. She lived in Konohagakure where the temperature ranged from slightly cool to sizzling hot. Heck her usual outfit consisted of an oversized hoodie which was made of think material. The hoodie actually wasn't suited for that weather at. She just picked it out of some traveling merchants wares whom was from the Land of Snow and was heading back. Speaking of Konoha, Aimi wondered about her little sisters, the twins Cho and Eiko. She hasn't heard from them since a few days ago when they helped her and Mure get out of the clan compound safely. It truly would've been a huge mess if they were caught. She made a mental note to thank them next time she saw them. Aimi took another lick of her ice cream and stepped back a bit as a few children, no older than 10 or so, ran by laughing as they did so. The sight made her smile. Perhaps next time she went traveling, she will bring her sisters along. Might be a bit hard to do so with her overprotective parents but what they don't know won't hurt them. What Aimi wondered is where their parents were, but in this day and age, whose kids didn't run around on their own.

Aimi finished the last bit of her ice cream and decided it was time to decide what she'd do. However she hadn't taken one of those map things. Damn thing made her feel like a tourist....though technically she was one. Aimi rolled her eyes "I could go and get one.....but where's the fun in that" Aimi saw a large water based roller coaster in the distance. It looked like fun to ride but she'd save that for later. She wanted to save that for later since the line for it seemed atrociously long. But it would be a good vantage point to see the whole park. Grinning at her plan, she made a run for the roller coaster, hopping up the side like she was climbing the trees in the Dense Forest. People yelled at her to get off but she just smirked at them and flicked them the finger, no doubt pissing them off. The view from the top was definitely awesome. Aimi could see the whole freaking water park from here. She heard more yelling, this time from close behind and saw three security guys climb up the side of the coaster like she had. Shit. One of the moronic security guys threw some wire at her legs to capture her. Luckily she was able to dodge but however her foot slipped and she fell back.

"Fuck!" she cursed as she swung her hips, kicking off between the beams that held up the water coaster till she reached the bottom. She breathed a sigh of relief but just then more security guards came her way. Aimi saw the kids from earlier running by so she henged into a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes and slipped into their group, doing her best to act like she was a regular nine year old. It seemed like no one noticed at all due to large crowds in the area. Once she was safely away, feeling that she was no longer pursued, she slipped behind an arcade and released the henge, bursting out into a fit of laughter.

Chakra: 145/150
Jutsu:Transformation Technique (変化の術 ~ Henge no Jutsu)



Dameon would just start to nod off as he fell into the beginning stages of peaceful sleep. That’s when he was interrupted by the sounds of people running and the crowd beginning to talk in a commotion. He would ignore them as he rolled onto his side and yawned. He was trying to block out the rest of the world not listen to it intently but alas his curiosity would get the better of him. With a sigh he would open his eyes and look for the direction of the noise. He rose to his feet not being able to see anything as he brushed his coat downward to keep it from winkling it up. As he walked the noise would pick up more and more as he saw a woman in her bathing suit climbing up the side of the rollercoaster. He scratched the back of his head with wonder; it was like nobody here had seen a kunoichi before. All the racket was for a cute girl climbing the side of a rollercoaster to presumably get a better look of the park? This was what he had been woken up for? It was annoying to see a bunch of people causing a racket over something so minor and not to mention the slow security guards chasing after her. He would continue walking ignoring the crowd of onlookers as he purchased from a vendor a couple of fruit smoothies and moved onward as he sipped on one. The crowd eventually would become bored and continue on with what they were doing.

Dameon however was curious to meet the girl that would stir up so much trouble in a quiet little town that they were in. At the very least she was be pleasant to have a conversation with or at least that’s what he thought. As he continued sipping on his drink he would duck into a building and move through the shade out of the rays of the sun and walk through the kitchen of the restaurant and out the back door, taking a ‘shortcut’. He would continue to do this as he was simply too tired and wasn’t planning on exerting any more energy than what was needed to get to his destination. He kept an ear out for crowd and could tell where the girl was running to at pretty much all times as he ducked into a small arcade and waited for her to pass by. Assuming she was smart and didn’t want to run around all day she would just simply blend in somewhere and have the guards run on by like a bunch of morons. His assumptions would prove correct as he saw the girl appear before him laughing as she exited her transformation jutsu. Without a moment of hesitation he would extend outward the other smoothie and offer it to her.

“To the victor the spoils,” he simply stated in his usual tone. Dameon whenever he spoke seemed to lack any form of emotion for the most part. His tone though friendly in pitch would not come off in any way that one could interpret alternative motives. It wasn’t something he generally could control but most of the time this was the tone he spoke with whenever he was bored or tired and looking to sleep. He would keep his eyes leveled with hers should she look back at him. She was indeed very attractive but Dameon was not the person to just dive headlong into a flirtatious conversation or even send out signals that he was interested even if he was. He would simply sip on his own smoothie and await her reaction to his gesture.

615 WC



Aimi was laughing hard. She enjoyed the thrill of being pursued and causing a ruckus. It was hilarious to her to see their faces. Honestly this place was hosting the freaking chuunin exams! Shinobi was all over the place! But damn those reactions, she couldn't get those as often back in Konoha since people were becoming used to her antics. Besides they were used to seeing shinobi on a daily basis. She couldn't help but wonder what this village was like when it wasn't hosting the chuunin exams. The area was pretty nice so she would expect some sort of traffic, for vacations at least; though what she really was perplexed about was how the hell did those freaking security guards manage to scale that roller coaster if this place doesn't have any freaking shinobi! She just chalked it up that people still practiced the basic shinobi arts, like academy level stuff since it does prove useful on a daily basis. She laughed even harder getting a tad red in the face when she realized the security guards looked practically the same! Like clones! Oh man this place is fun. Maybe I should mess with this villagers more.

Aimi hadn't been pranking often. Sure she was still picking a few fights with people but nothing really interesting happened. Ok so she did prank some people but those were minor kiddie prank. She hadn't planned out something elaborate; something crazy. Perhaps she should get back at her father when she returns home. It would be a bit difficult though. Her father was not stupid and had a bunch of countermeasures for whenever she causes trouble which is more often than he likes to admit. He had been especially vexing to deal with ever since she skipped out on that marriage meeting awhile ago. It has been tough to move around without her father breathing down her neck all the damn time. He needed to take a breather and relax. Plus she was only 16. She can't possibly get married now! It's ridiculous. She needed to live her life and all that shit. Not be taking bridal classes on how to be the perfect wife. Most of which she was able to avoid but the ones she couldn't were simply cruel and unusual torture, at least in her opinion.

The adrenaline was still pumping through her veins so she hadn't noticed someone was already here behind the arcade. When that someone spoke up it certainly startled "Oh! uh....damn" she looked around for an escape route but then she realized he was holding out a beverage to her, a smoothie to be specific, and finally processed his words, however strange the tone. "Haha thanks man" she took the smoothie and sipped it enjoying the taste. "So you aren't hear to rat me out but give me a smoothie" she paused, holding the smoothie in one hand and using the other to light tap her cheek "Can't say I'm bother by it. Anyway what's your name? I haven't seen you around before. I'm Aimi........also what's with the get up? I mean I like the color black as much as the next person but isn't it hot wearing that?"




Dameon was pleasantly surprised with the way she had reacted having been caught entirely off guard. He couldn’t help but half a halfhearted smile form at the end of the right side of his mouth as he sipped away at the smoothie he had purchased for himself that was now nearly empty. He listened as the woman spoke and even he just acknowledged his own discomfort in his clothes in the hot sun. Though he was trained to ignore such things. He looked down at his pants and shirt and around his shoulders to his jacket that nearly tailed the floor. He then brought up his hand to his chin and rested it there for a second as he contemplated. “I suppose it is a little warm but I don’t actually own any other clothes,” he said with a somewhat serious tone though by his tone he was also questioning this himself. He stared at the floor as he thought about this and how when he went clothes shopping he didn’t just buy more than one outfit. All he had was this one and his older one which was back in his village. As he stared at the floor he realized he was beginning to act a little strange. He picked his head up slowly and just scratched the back of his neck in a bit of nervous confusion.

“Aaanyways, my name is Dameon and I am just a humble traveler,” he said continuing to nervously rub the back of his head though his sword would be clearly visible as the hilt extended up from over his left shoulder. He would eventually stop with a little bit of an embarrassed look on his face as he returned his eyes back to hers.

“And no I wouldn’t rat you out. Where would the fun be in that? What brings you here?” he asked trying the deflect away from his awkward behavior. One thing Dameon had was extreme training as a shinobi but one thing he didn’t have was any social skills. Especially lately as he had closed himself off from nearly all human contact. Especially when it came to someone beautiful like the person he was talking to. Normally he could brush off women left and right and ignore them just like he did with anyone else. There was a certain type of girl however no matter how hard he tried he failed, those were women with red or pink hair. He didn’t know why but it was just the way he was. As a result it made him seem like a mess and a lot weaker than he actually was. He shook his head slightly to avoid thinking about it any further as he tried to get a hold of himself and get his act together. He didn’t even know why he had come over to start a conversation with her to begin with. Perhaps it was because she was the only person doing something he considered remotely interesting in the entire village. Deciding it was best to just shut up and let her do the talking and answer his question he sipped more on his smoothie and finished it.

529 WC
2,182 WC Total

Perception C-1 -> C-3: 1,625 WC
557 WC Remaining.




This person was different, far more than any other person she has met. He seemed a bit awkward, though leaned towards the aloof side. It would appear the heat didn’t bother him much, so there was a chance he was used to it. Perhaps he was from a warm country as well. Though he also could be from a colder country and was trained to withstand it. She could definitely use that. She hated the heat anywhere and everywhere. What was ironic really was that she has several, though particularly faint, memories of enjoying the sun and seemly endless summer where she would soak up the rays without a single burn or she’d spent hours in the forest exploring even though she was dripping with sweat. Aimi wondered what happened, what changed. She had a feeling it began sometime around when she went to Suna but she can’t quite remember. Perhaps she was better off not bothering herself with such small things.


It pretty much summed him up now. It was quite the turn over. He didn’t seem the type to even feel that emotion, let alone act it. Ok that may be a bit judgmental of her but not that she would admit it. When he was staring at the ground it gave her some time to really get a good look at him. Black was definitely his favorite color or at least preferred one. He was completely dressed in it. His shirt, pants, and weird jacket all were colored dark. The jacket was what really made her curious about him; it kind of reminded her of those men who prepare the corpse’s bodies for burial at funeral home. The jacket made her think of this one man who prepared her Aunt Kiyoshia’s corpse as well as her coffin years ago. Aimi could smile at the memory of him. He was someone whom really understood her.

Peculiar sword

What had caught her eye really was the sword on his back. It seemed….familiar? She wasn’t sure. Perhaps it reminded her of one of the weapons her family member created, though she doesn’t really spend a lot of time with that branch. Could be something she learned about. It was really an unique looking sword and the more she looked at it, the more she felt like she knew of it. She simply couldn't fathom why. “Nice meeting ya Dameon. Nice sword you got there”

“Why am I here?” Aimi repeated in a playful but somewhat dull tone, almost aloof yet had a hint of amusement. She stopped sipping the smoothie which she was halfway through. Her voice turned light and airy as she spoke. “Well I’m certainly not here for the chuunin exams you see. Just for a vacation with my little brother; though I wish I was in it” Aimi did regret not entering sooner however she wasn’t quite that fond of tests. She tried to take it a few months after she left the academy two years ago however for some reason she wasn’t allowed however she suspected her parents were the cause, specifically her father. The second round of the exams she had gotten sick with a horrendous flu which she had gotten from her Uncle Toshi. This time however, she simply did not feel like it. Somewhere in the back of her mind there was a different reason yet she won’t acknowledge it.

Aimi moved sipped the smoothie and opened the backdoor of the arcade, stepping inside of it. Before she continued she glanced back at him. “What about you? Are you just passing through or do you got a special agenda?”




Dameon listened intently to her answers as he heard the sounds of talking in the background along with footsteps. He already knew what they were but his sense of hearing and perception were much higher than most others. They had time. He would follow her as she spoke though his demeanor was changing slightly. Sure he had a genuine weakness for beautiful women with pink or red hair but he still had his training and he knew how to snap out of such situations at a moment’s notice. It was interesting that she had mentioned his sword though he supposed it was a topic starter. He didn’t know how much the other villages knew about the seven swords except from physically seeing them in battle. There were a number of ninja he had fought alongside with in the war using his majestic blade but he wondered just how popular he and the sword had become. It was kind of annoying in a world where he was assigned to be a master of stealth that everyone knew him by reputation luckily he had recently changed his appearance, which meant the only way someone could identify him was by his sword. “Nice meeting you as well Aimi, and thank you. It was a gift,” he said trying to deflect attention away from his sword and more on him or some other piece of the conversation. The last thing he wanted was to be noticed in the middle of a water park.

“Same reason as you I suppose. My village decided I could use a vacation and here I am. Though I am in town alone aside from those from my village who are in the exams. I honestly don’t even know who is in them or that it was even going on here. There is more than one way to become a Chuunin, at least in my village. I know that from experience though,” he stated as they walked toward the back door and he tossed his empty cup in the trash. The sounds of the footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer at least to Dameon and they were coming from all over. No doubt it was the guards from earlier realizing they had been duped. The village though not a shinobi village still hired security from shinobi from various locations and backgrounds to make money. Though none of them were particularly adept. As the two of them exited out the back they were confronted by the group of guards that surrounded both him and Aimi. Dameon raised his hands up to show that he wasn’t going to do anything though he could very easily kill them all but they were in a public vacation spot in a neutral village. That would look horrible for both himself and Kiri.

“You in black step aside and let us arrest her,” The head guard said speaking up as he stepped forward as he pointed at Dameon with an old rusty katana.

”Arrest? That seems a little harsh for someone just goofing around,” Dameon replied lowering his hands by his sides to talk to the man more comfortably.

”She put innocent people at risk and deserves punishment. Step aside or we will arrest you as well.” the guard replied sternly.

”She is with me let me punish her and you can go about your day. As for arresting me, you ten wouldn’t stand a fighting chance against me. So for your sakes please don’t make me defend myself and let me take care of this situation,” Dameon said trying to defuse the situation though he could tell the guards wouldn’t have it.

”You were warned. Men apprehend hi-”The guard said tryng to order his men to arrest the two of them. However his words would be cut off by Dameon’s blistering speed as he appeared behind the guard captain with a kunai drawn to the man’s neck.

”I warned you as well. You ten don’t stand a chance against a Seven Swordsman let alone me Dameon Shikyo. If that name rings any kind of bell you will apologize and get out of here and continue with your day,” Dameon said sternly as he held the kunai against the man’s skin. The man would gulp and the other nine guards would back off as they heard the name and take off. Dameon would release the man and the man would stumble forward and bow and apologize to them both before he himself ran after his men. Dameon would look around to see if there was a crowd or anyone else had seen that but because they were behind the other buildings they had gotten lucky.

”Sorry about that,” Dameon said scratching the back of his neck as he returned to his previous embarrassed and less serious self.

803 WC
1,332 WC Total

Perception C-3 ~> B: 875 WC
457 WC Remaining

2,985 this thread toward EP.



Splish, Splash, and Dash [Private/Training/Invite-Only] Arcade-slide-2-1500x430-1500x430

The arcade, it was a place where children, teens, and yes even adults could go out and play. It was where you played games vigorously to defeat the 8-bit villain, kill digital beasts, and try your luck at the claw machine, hoping to snatch up a prize. Some came here with their friends to test out the photo booth, taking the silliest of pictures. Other join in to appease their children while they sat down at a booth and had a nice, relaxing drink as they rested their feet; exhausted from walking around the entire waterpark and taking a spin on each and every ride available. The employees pretended to enjoy their job even though they hated it. The place always ended up a mess, with popcorn, candies, and various soft drinks littering the ground. The children always cried and whined when a game broke or they didn’t have enough tickets to get the prize they oh so desired. But even so, the gaming arcade was a place to go loose and let your inner child out as you played the coin-slotted games of your past. So it was the last place she’d thought that she would get caught in.

Once the two of them stepped foot into the establishment, they were surrounded on all sides. Damn. She didn’t figure they would catch on so quickly. Usually but in Konoha it took them a good forty-five to sixty minutes to understand the situation and capture her. Looking around however she wasn’t too concerned. She had a feeling that she might, no that she can take them on her own. They proved not to be totally useless but from their stances, they weren’t that tough. Now this here ladies and gentlemen was a prime display of how foolhardy this pink haired clan heiress could be. Aimi always had a bit of superiority complex which she developed during her time in the academy. She loved that feeling of dominance, the strength, the power from defeating another foe. She had done so many time that she believed they were all inferior. Not to mention that was how she was raised. It was one of the few things she took from her parents’ teaching; to not waste her time with distastefully feeble company for she knew true beauty in strength and power.

So when one stepped forward towards them and ordered Dameon to step away so they could arrest her, she clicked her tongue. It was typical behavior. She honestly had done no wrong so where did this moron come up with the idea that she committed a damn crime. She hasn’t even made her art appear anywhere and even if she had, they should be grateful she has wasted her family’s ink on unworthy people. Aimi’s temper rose as she watched Dameon speak. How dare he say that he will punish me? He knows I haven’t done shit and now he’s making me look like some damn child whose about to get a scolding from her fucking father. Her jaw clenched and her eyes glare daggers at Dameon’s head. She didn’t even listen; no she couldn’t hear what he said after that particular sentence. She didn’t need his help. I bet he wants to feel chivalrous for trying to help me and ask for something in return. Aimi stepped forward, ready to swear like a sailor to these men including Dameon however the situation had suddenly changed.

With blinding speed that her eyes had no hope of following, he appeared behind the security guard captain, a kunai in his hand held to his neck and when he spoke the gears in her head finally clicked. Now everything was clear and if she could get a good look at that sword she could confirm however it now seemed unnecessary. Aimi remembered her father once spoke about the Seven Swordmen and Kirigakure’s Seven Bells War during a casual drinking meeting with other clan heads of Konoha that she just so happened to stumbled up upon. Her father along with the others were discussing among other topics she couldn’t hope nor care to grasps. But hearing his feats, though few that were spoken about among them, she was amazed. Most of the men around her life were nothing she could look up to but he however, was something worthy of her acknowledgement which was a troublesome thing to obtain. So here he was right in front of her and all she could think about was “I would’ve believed the Dameon Shikyo was a good bit older and not somewhere my age” apparently she voiced her thoughts out loud which was an embarrassment in and of itself, but she deiced not to pay it any mind. She grinned at him and placed her practically empty smoothie down onto an air hockey table. “That was quite the display but next time, if there even is one, don’t do that. I could’ve handled the situation fine as I’ve done so before” though she was smiling, her tone had a bit of an underlying hint of annoyance and anger. This person may have helped her and gained some of her respect, she still didn’t like how he ‘took care’ of this at all.


Last edited by Aimi on Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:22 am; edited 2 times in total



“Oh, I have no doubt you could handle yourself. They just aggravated me is all and if we weren’t in a neutral village surrounded by hundreds of people I might have killed them for not heeding my warning and dropping the subject. The fact he thought I would just step aside like a good little soldier to such a pathetic group of shinobi’s was enough to insult me. Anyways perhaps I should head out,” he stated as he looked back at her with a smile even though what he had said seemed to be quite the opposite of anything pleasant at least to most people. He twirled the kunai in his hand back into his holster around his leg and cracked his neck. Dameon was definitely not someone that was typical or a stereotype to any one personality. His feelings and actions often varied because of his lack of social skills. He often tended to blurt out the cold hard truth and what exactly he was feeling at the moment rather than beat around the bush. At least at that point he could be called honest no matter how many feelings he ended up hurting in the process. He honestly at this point didn’t really know what else to say. He saw potential in the young beauty and a rare spitfire personality that not only would blossom her into a great shinobi but it was a personality he was also attracted to when it came to women in general.

“I get told that a lot actually. I am not that old and people that actually end up finding out who I am often are curious how I could have developed such a name and reputation in such a short time frame. I suppose when you go from Genin to Jounin in a week and the next week you become a Seven swordsman than a Sannin and a leader in a Black Ops division word spreads like wildfire. I don’t much care for the titles though. I would rather do my missions and do what I am asked to do so I can get stuff out of the way and enjoy what little free time I have in my life, he stated again as he scratched the back his head as he spoke a little bit about his past and how he had gotten such a name at such a young age. There was a lot he had left out including the hundreds of men he had slaughtered like they were flies or the suicidal missions he had managed to complete despite the fact he was intended to die. His lack of disregard for his own life had carried him into a life of glory and it was something new and baffling to him. He would have much rather been a shinobi that just did a few missions here and there and had more free time to himself and be called in only when things got very serious. Instead everywhere he was sent he was on the frontlines fighting and turning the tides. He looked back at her with a slightly embarrassed look on his face realizing he had been rambling.

“I could go now if you’d like,” he stated waiting for her response.

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