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1Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Empty Its called fun?! [Open to All] Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:11 pm



Takigakure Hero Resort

Suutei tossed and turned on the sheets of his double king size bed, within the presidential suite each Exam participant received.  The silk sheets were so soft and subtle even death would have a respect for life.  One could would feel as if they were resting upon the clouds that grace the great blue above.  Suutei rolled over onto his back staring at the elegant Victorian painting, he wasn't a stickler for art but he knew passion.  Every ink stroke was a form, a technique a symbol of their devotion to their work.  Like a fathers love for his son or a lion and his pride, the same with his passion for photography.  The camera was his paint brush, the world was his canvas ready to be exploited to all who dared to imagine.  Suutei laid in his bed shirtless with his green pajama bottoms and bare feet.  Looking over to the large grandfather clock near the sitting area of suite, it began chiming that it was noon.  Suutei didn't have a particular agenda for the day, and this was suppose to be part vacation as well so why not enjoy the enviornment.  Swinging his legs off of the bed and on the ground, he stretched his arms above his head feeling completely rejuvenated.  He stopped as his eyes widened and he felt the tingling sensation of waking up in the morning, his morning procedure of using the bathroom.  Flipping backwards to the opposite side of the bed, he ran towards the bathroom to relieve himself.

Returning from the luxurious bathroom of the suite, it was as good as a bathroom could ever get.  A waterfall shower with a long shower head above the floor, that flowed water from above like pouring rain.  While taking his shower Suutei decided he would checkout the most popular attraction within the village, Raging Waterfalls.  An unlimited assortment of water themed rides, games, all in one park.  Including the world's largest water based roller coaster "The Great Falls".  Suutei was feeling great after the refreshing shower and his great plan to visit the water park.  Suutei went through his luggage searching for his swim trunks and sandals.  The day would be filled with fun of course and there would be plenty of girls there too, he had no time to waste.  Slipping on his black long leg swim pants with green patterns on them, he usually wore these when he had to swim competitively.  Suutei grabbed his beach towel and looked around his suite.  It was a mess and he wished he'd brought Chopper so he could clean it for him, the idea of someone cleaning for him sparked.  Suutei opened his door poking his head out into the hall, he saw a woman with a cart walking towards the elevator.  He called out to her waving his hand signaling her to come to him.  The maid walked back to his room with a frustrated look in her eyes, but Suutei could not put past how pretty she was for a maid.  Once she approached him at his room door he completely forgot what he was asking, until she spoke to him.  "Oh I know you. Your the kid in the Chunnin Exams from Konoha correct, Suutei is it?"  Suutei was shocked that he was known in this village, then again rumors spread that he was the top contender from Konoha.  Haha yeah I guess you could say that.  I have uh somewhere to be and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind tidying my room.  Suutei stepping out of the doorway closing it behind him, hoping the maid would not strike him with one of her supplies.  "Yeah sure I'm not getting paid for nothing am I."  She giggled and Suutei rubbed the back of his thanking her he then took off towards the elevator hoping to get to the park before there was a crowd.

Its called fun?!  [Open to All] 0943_b865

Approaching the entrance of the beach Suutei was able to get into the resort with no problem.  At a shop within the park he went inside and purchased a blue open shirt, as well as a straw hat.  Suutei decided to watch the others at the park play, and would just lay on his beach towel until he felt like swimming.  A great day to be in Takigakure, no danger in sight.

Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Sakata.Gintoki.240.638845

2Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Empty Re: Its called fun?! [Open to All] Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:13 am

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

The day was young with the people enjoying the foreign country with their loved ones. The sight was amazing and the gathering of people was a beautiful scene captured like it was a painting on display for an auction. Those who decided not to show up were missing out on an amazing experience one they would remember for ever. The smell of different foods and the feel of curiosity coursing through the body made the trip worth while for anyone that stood with in the land. Most have come for the chuunin exams others coming for business and some just for vacation. Of course there were some that came for darker reasons, but that was then least concern for anyone, since that type of stuff was dealt with on duty shinobi scattered across the land. So many things could be done Ina day, but still that would not be enough to fully experience the land. So many environment to explore and of course the main attraction the giant waterfall of the land as a symbol for the entire country. Anyone not able to attend such an event has surely missed out on something that most likely they will not be able to obtain. Keigo knew he wouldn't miss out on such a thing plus he came to support friends who are apart of the exams. He rose from his hotel bed excited for the experience.

Keigo knew he need to come and be a supporter. He was working on himself lately trying to recapture that fortified attitude he used to have. Now the constant struggle of fear and desire of strength was tiring for him. Things are getting better and the trip to this land of waterfall was a nice desert for him to experience and clear his mind of futile things that would distract him. Keigo sat on a chair in his room to think about all sort of thing just for a minute as some sort of meditation. He didn't do this much, but he felt it in his gut to do such a thing just for today before he decided to head out into the unknown. Keigowas a bit disappointed that his family couldn't come but he wouldn't let that take away from what he planned to experience by himself. He thought about ordering room service but then felt that would take away from tasting other foods from different culture within that land. Keigo focused on meditation more to get a better idea of why he was here and to make sure he didn't forget. Being a perceptive person was always looked as a negative by Keigo, but he never realized it was a good thing to have. Keigo finished up his meditation to finally head out , maybe to the beach. "Guess I should go"
Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Jellal_by_sango_bluewolf-d52rdnz

Keigo decided to make his way to the beach to enjoy the view and relax. He left his hotel room and saw the lot of people in the hotel and the entrance way. "Looks like things are plenty lively." Keigo made his way out of the hotel to head for the beach. He smelled food and saw many shops selling things and people from different lands. He was definitely glad to come here. Keigo wondered if there were any leaf citizens around that he knew. As Keigo made his way to the beach while also enjoying the site he continued to look for someone he knew, since he didn't know were others would be staying on their trip here. Keigo finally made it to the beach. The view was beautiful and surreal. "Nice view" Keigo took a quick dip into the water then quickly went back to land he just wanted to get a solid feel for the water. So as he looked around the beach trying to find a good spot to rest, he also realized he forgot his beach towel and only brought a regular towel. Just as he thought this he saw someone familiar. He approached the person. "How's it going Suutei."
Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Mystogan_Wet

3Its called fun?!  [Open to All] Empty Re: Its called fun?! [Open to All] Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:50 am



Suutei's vision obstructed by his strawhat, heard a familiar voice call out to him.  Suutei tipped his strawhat upwards looking to find none other than his bestfriend Keigo.  It was by surprise that Keigo came to the water park, after addressing to Suutei he would be off training while in the village.  Suutei stood up to eye level with Keigo and smiled, "Woah Keigo I didn't expect you to come out for fun.  Thought you said you would be out training.  Oh well your hear now, we should check out the rides here."  Suutei and Keigo hadn't gotten hangout a lot since their first encounter, and today would be a great day to do so.  Suutei tilting his strawhat back down, wondered what kind of training Keigo had done recently.  Maybe he still was far from matching his power in the slightest, which would mean he was in trouble the next time the two of them duked it out.  Up until now the only training Suutei had done was for the Chunnin Exams, maybe he limited himself to one task he needed a way to tap into his potential.  Throwing his towel around the back of his neck he waved his hand forward, signaling Keigo to follow.

Suutei approached a pool used by the adults and others who were more experienced swimmers.  Dropping his towel on the ground he performed a torpedo dive into the water, swimming vigorously to the other end and back several times.  Climbing out of the pool his head held down from the weight of the water his hair absorbed, he grabbed his towel and shook his head side to side.  Suutei heard a shriek and went on the defensive looking around for the threat of danger, but it was only a group of nine girls running frantic in his direction.  "Oh my gosh!  Are..Are you Suutei, from Konoha the one representing them in the Exams!?"  Suutei was a bit confused at this point he knew he was an excellent contender, but he never knew he would become this famous because of it.  "Uh yeah that's me.  Are you guys hear to watch the Exams?  Oh and this is my bestfriend Keigo, he accompanied me here to Takigakure."  Suutei smiled turning around to Keigo.

Its called fun?!  [Open to All] TAG_32645

Word Count: 1117
Trained Thus Far...
Taijutsu A > S 1000/1000

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