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1Tears of Love [Sousetsu/Private] Empty Tears of Love [Sousetsu/Private] Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:04 pm



Tears of Love [Sousetsu/Private] Penthouse-2bdrm

A few hours earlier

Chisaki pushed open the door with a slight sound of exasperation. Tomomi fluttered up to her shoulder and sat down, the key to the room locked in his feet. Gratefully, Chisaki smiled as she pushed through the door. Behind her, she was pulling a large suitcase, with one of the hotels members of staff behind her dragging several more suitcases. Chisaki's wasn't ashamed to admit that a good 90% of them were hers, the rest belonging to Sou. Originally Chisaki had only intended to bring a maximum of two cases but had instead ended up with ten, it was a good job the carriage has space for them all. Chisaki pulled the suitcase through the luckily wide door frame and into the room with her, Tomomi still sat on her shoulder quietly. In the room very large and luxurious, as was befitting of one off the Kage and his female companion. Chisaki had to admit that being in a relationship with Sou had its benefits, more than him at times. Sighing, Chisaki walked into the center of the lounge area, he heels clicking on the tiled flooring beneath her. Tomomi took off from where he was sat on her shoulder, his wide wings spread out to allow him the wingspan until he landed on the sofa, placing the key next to him. The member of staff, utterly confused about the presence of the owl but he dared not question Chisaki's actions. He pulled all the remaining suitcases and bags into the room one after another before he bowed himself out, closing the door behind him.

On the sofa, Tomomi huffed and said "Honestly, did you need to bring so much with you? It's just the Chuunin Exams it's not like it's a holiday" Chisaki smiled over at her dear friend, before replying to him "I never pass up the chance to look good Tomomi, you should know that, and with all the Genin around I must look my best" The group that Chisaki and Sousetsu had traveled to Takigakure with was an excessively large one. It consisted of several ANBU members, some members of Sousetsu's staff and some of the Senju. Yet, Chisaki didn't few this as a work venture. She'd left behind her medical corps uniform and only brought a few of her shinobi outfits. Sighing again with a smile, Chisaki walked over to the window and looked outside. From the height they were at in the hotel, Chisaki could see the entire holiday complex. When she had come down to watch the exams, she had worn to herself that she would enjoy her time with Sou. This was a holiday and buisness trip for him, so he'd enjoy it if it killed him. On the sofa, Tomomi was idly reading through a leaflet that described the attractions at the holiday complex. Smiling to herself, Chisaki began the long and arduous process of unpacking all of her and Sou's clothing and other items around the suite. Sou had been waylaid by some last minute Kage business, so he would come up the room later on. Chisaki opened the third suitcase of hers, smiling somewhat at its contents. Inside, her sleepwear and swimwear could be found. Chisaki lifted up one of the many bikini's for brief inspection, before calling out to Tomomi, who was still on the sofa "Tom, are there any water attractions or a beach maybe?" In an almost instant reply, the owl hooted back "Yes, there's a water park not too far away from our hotel" Chisaki grinned broadly, having decided on what she was doing first with Sou. Changing quickly out of her travel clothes, Chisaki slipped on one of her bikinis:

Tears of Love [Sousetsu/Private] YoWjvaY

Nodding to herself with a small grin. On her feet she placed a set of sandals that clung tightly yet comfortable to her feet. She then tied up her hair in its usual ponytail before sliding a white pair of sunglasses into it. Smiling, Chisaki continued to unpack in just that attire. Eventually, she found a transparent skirt made of white silk, which she placed on. It was slashed open on one leg, and was very transparent and it caught the light wonderfully. Finding one of her bags, she began to pack it with several other items, including books, sun tan lotion and other items of choice interest, including her money purse. Heading into the other room, having completely unpacked Chisaki sat down next to Tomomi who flew onto her shoulder and sat there, using one of his feet to hold a small book which he was reading. Chisaki then patiently waited for Sou to arrive.

While she was waiting however, Chisaki turned her attention to the window outside. From their lofty suite, Chisaki could see a lot of the holiday complex and she could also see for miles around. Several aera of interest could be found, and Chisaki would attempt to explore the most interesting ones if she had the time. The weather was scorching hot. Not a cloud could be seen in the sky and the warm weather was almost as hot as it was in Suna. This weather combined with the attractions that the holiday had to offer were enough to sell Chisaki on the idea. Smiling to herself, she stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Once there, she opened the fridge to find it fully stocked already, courtesy of Sou's status no doubt as the food was provided for free, as was there accommodation costs. Smiling to herself, Chisaki plucked out a soft drink and closed the fridge door with her hip. On the counter in the kitchen Chisaki found a bowl of nuts, she flicked one of them into the air where Tomomi promptly snatched it up and ate it owl, with a hoot of appreciation. Sitting back down, Chisaki opened the drink and drank from it, watching the door as she sat there in her swimsuit, skirt and sunglasses.


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