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1Supply Run   (Mission/D-rank) Empty Supply Run (Mission/D-rank) Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:38 pm



Supple Run:

Ryuujin was lying right under the fan trying to cool himself down. Today had to be the worst day ever. It was so damn hot he could hardly move himself. But he forced himself to move. He walked into his parents' bedroom and grabbed the two fans in there (though why they needed two fans was a mystery to him). He walked back into his room placing the fans around his bed and got back onto the bed breathing a sigh of relief. That felt so much better. After a while he dozed off but came back to himself when he felt something hit him in the face. He opened his eyes only to see a white paw in front of him.
"Ryuu get up. You have a mission today remember."
Ryuu groaned and rolled over to try to hide his face in his pillow but the pillow was dragged from him.
"Get up or I'll tell your mother about what you did last weekend."
Faster than he thought possible, considering how hot the place was, Ryuu shot out of the bed and, with a glare to Kai, had a really long bath until he couldn't delay anymore. He got dressed in front of the fans, ate some food in front of the fans, packed a backpack with bottles of water in front of the fans and then he left shooting the fans a regretful look. Ryuu, however, didn't miss the fact that Kai had chosen to stay at home sleeping on his bed in front of the fans.

If he had thought inside was hot outside was even worse. Already he could feel himself sweating and he had just had a bath. He quickly made his way to the administration building. He wanted this mission over and done with so he could get back to his fans. Once at the building he collected the supplies that needed to be brought to the Army Training Camp.

"Oh this had better be important 'cause I swear I'll kill somebody. Too damn hot to do crap." Ryuu muttered as he examined the box he was given,before heading off.
According to the mission request the training camp was at the eastern side of Konoha and they were doing war games. How anyone could do anything on a day like this was beyond him but he didn't really care. He just wanted out of this heat. So Ryuu made his way to the west of Konoha. At one point he took a one-minute break to drink some water and to wet his face before he continued. It was weird but he could feel something sticky coming off of the box in his hand. He looked at his hand only to see something pink on it and when he put his hand to his mouth it tasted like...
Quick as a lightning, Ryuu ran to the training camp. He called out to the soldiers that he saw doing some warm ups and was immediately directed to an officer that seemed to be overseeing the war games. Ryuu handed the man the delivery eyes fixed on the box.

"Ah! You made it right on time. Any later and it would have been completely melted." The officer said after he opened the box. He took out two cups and a spoon and began spooning out scoops of ice-cream into them.
"Thank you, young man, and here's your reward" the officer said giving Ryuu a bright smile.
"Oh potato! Oh hot potatao! Thank you! Thank you so much I was dieing. Oh I could kiss you." Ryuu said, relief in his voice.
The officer shot Ryuu an amused glance.
"No problem and you really don't have to kiss me. You're thanks is all that's needed."
After finishing the treat, Ryuu returned the cup and spoon thanking the officer one again before heading back home with a smile. He couldn't wait to tell Kai about this. That's what she gets for abandoning me.


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