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Mission name: Supply Run.
Mission rank: D-Rank.
Objective: Bring the supplies to the army training camp in Konohagakure.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 150 Ryo.
Mission description: The army training camp located on the western side of Konohagakure is running war games and needs somebody to do a supply run for them. Pick up the supplies from the administration building and take them to the Army Training Camp as quickly as possible.
Mission Details: There is fresh ice cream (a treat for one of the officers) in the order, if you don't hurry, the ice cream will melt and you'll have a very sad officer on your hands. If you make it with the ice cream, you may even get to eat a scoop.



It was the early morning the sun was just coming over the horizon to shine its light upon the village hidden in the leaves, the morning dew on the grass getting the boys open toe shoes wet along with his toes as he strolled through an open field on the west side of the village. The boy was finding himself spending more and more time in the village lately, he wasn't sure why he suddenly decided to start working for the village after so long of a time away. Was it because he was simply trying to honor his family like he kept telling himself, or did it have something to do with lady Yasuda the highly persistent young heiress that had stumbled upon him in the woods. It was after their encounter that the boy began finding himself in the village, offering his services to the village however they see fit though the boy's true service was to that of lady Yasuda. The girl never spoke a word they only talked through sign language and he felt a special connection to her, the boy did not know if the she felt the same and it did not matter to him. It could be due to the fact that the girl was the only one he has ever been able to sign with since the death of his parents almost ten years ago, or it could have to do with something entirely different that the boy could not understand either way he would serve the Lady Yasuda to the best of his abilities and for the time being that meant spending time in the village and getting reacquainted with the world.




"Hey you there what do you think your doing?" Came a loud voice from behind the boy, the boy had been so caught up in his own thoughts that he was oblivious to the approach of the man behind him despite his Kikaichu sensing the man. Retsu turned to come face to face with a rather official looking man, the man had an irritated look on his face however that quickly changed when he noticed the boy's hitai-ate on the boys forehead. "Oh wait your a shinobi, perfect that is just what I need." The man said his excitement obvious in his voice, "we need some supplies from the administration building, if you could pick it up for me and get it here as quickly as possible I will make it worth your time." The man finished the excitement in his voice turn to urgency, the boy was unsure why the man or one of his subordinates could not go get the supplies but he was not going to argue with the man. If anything it gave the boy something to do, with a simple nod to the man the boy turned and headed for the administration building without so much as a word. It would not take the boy that long to get to the administration building even from the far East end of the village, yet still the boy would make the journey faster by taking to the rooftops to avoid the now waking villagers.




Once the boy made it to the administration building he quickly made his way inside and to the front desk, calling his Kikaichu to form the words "I am here to pick up a package for the Western Camp" in front of the man sitting behind the desk. "Ah yes, sign this and I will go get it," the man behind the desk kindly replied handing the boy a clipboard before standing and disappearing behind a set of doors that sat behind the desk. Before Retsu had even finished signing his name to the document the man had given him, the man returned from the doorway holding three parcels and what looked like a tub of ice cream. The boy looked at the man with confusion in his eyes, of course the man could not see the boy's confusion due to the goggles and mask the boy wore. Retsu quickly dismissed the thought his job was not to question what he was delivering it was simply to deliver it, and that was just what the boy planned to do. Taking the Parcels and ice cream from the man, the boy turned and made his way out the door. Once he was outside the boy made his way back up to the roof tops and started his way back towards the camp to deliver the items. The heat from the sun seemed to be more intense then it had been when the boy entered the building, or maybe the boy was just imagining things because of the fact that he knew he was carrying ice cream that would melt if he did not hurry. As the western camp came into the boy's view he picked up his pace, doing his best to get there as soon as possible.

As he drew closer to the camp he saw a bunch of different soldiers doing push ups in the field that he had been walking in just moments before, he assumed that was why the man had questioned what he had been doing there. Retsu found the man that sent him on the supply run standing at the front of the pack watching the rest of the men, when the man saw the boy and the things he carried he called a subordinate to take over and directed Retsu to follow him. Once the two were alone in the man's quarters he would ask the boy if he wanted some of the ice cream as a thank you, however Retsu was not much for eating in the company of others due to him having to remove his mask to eat. So the boy turned down the mans offer and simply took some ryo that the man offered him instead and then took his leave.

{Exit Thread}


Mission Completed: 996/750
Extra 25 Ryo per 100words: 296/200
96 words discarded

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