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1Woaaaaah! (Mission/C-rank) Empty Woaaaaah! (Mission/C-rank) Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:19 pm




After completing the D rank mission and getting an ice cream reward, Ryuujin immediately went home and had an even longer bath than he had had earlier that morning. He was sweaty and he had gotten some ice cream on himself so he got himself cleaned up and headed into his bedroom to lie under the fans (after gloating to Kai about eating ice cream of course). Ryuujin then fell asleep and had a wonderful dream about living on a candy island. The island had cotton candy clouds, lollipop trees, a house made out of skittles and gummy bear servants. There were animals also that was made out of the same chewy substance as gummy bears. Gummy dogs, gummy cats, gummy rabbits. It was deliciously beautiful and by the time he woke up it was after two o'clock and mercifully cool. Ryuu gave a relieved laugh rolling around on the bed. He considered going back to sleep to continue the wonderful dream he had had but remembered that the supply run mission wasn't the only mission that he had taken. He had taken another mission. The mission for training some academy students. For a minute Ryuu wondered why the hell he had taken the mission but then remembered the rewards. The reward was a good one and maybe it would be a good mission like the one earlier.

Ryuu got himself ready and headed out once again by himself. As he made his way to the Konoha Shinobi Academy he remembered his days there. Oh how he had enjoyed beating up those who thought to try to hurt Kai. Ah the good old days. He was so caught up in his memories that he almost walked pass the academy. He entered the academy and made his way to the principal's (?) office introducing himself and giving his reason for being there. He was then lead to a classroom. He tuned out the the introduction the academy teacher was giving out as he gazed at the fifteen kids that he was supposed to teach and thought up a lesson plan (something that he should have done before). Afterwards the teacher left Ryuu with them and Ryuu took a seat and asked them what each of them had problems with. There were eight boys and seven girls. All of the fifteen students had a problem with taijutsu. While Ryuu wasn't the best he knew was at least good enough to help with academy level taijutsu and martial combat. Five of the students where weak in medical jutsu and ten were weak in genjutsu. Medical jutsu he could definitely help with and genjutsu as well. Ryuu nodded to himself and led the students out onto the academy training grounds.

"First thing we do today is some warm up." Ryuu announced. Some of the students looked like they were going to protest until Ryuu shot them a glare. They shut up though Ryuu made note of a red head who had a stubborn look on his face. He was definitely the trouble maker and the leader.
Ryuu made them do one hundred jumping jacks and thirty walking lunges with one minute breaks in between both exercises before telling them to stop. They did so and gathered around him. He went through some martial art stances and the students followed him. He was asked by a petite blonde girl to go through the stances slower and he did so and then he went to each student fixing how they set their hands, feet and torso until they got it. Though it wasn't easy and they had to take their time they eventually got it. After that Ryuu made them run around the training ground. He set the speed at a manageable pace and every fifth lap he upped the pace. At first the students could manage it but by the twenty fifth lap they were panting and by the fiftieth only five off them were even trying. The others had already given up. He stopped and gave them a five minute break. He himself took out a bottle of water from his backpack and drank it.

After the five minutes he called the students back to him and gave them a task. This time he asked them to show him a jutsu specifically Genjutsu Dissipation technique and the Doppelganger Technique. As each person went through it he examined the results. The ten persons who had a problem with genjutsu apparently also couldn't dissipate it. Only six of the clones looked decent of which six of them dispersed after three minutes.
"Alright I see the problem. Before you try again why don't you try the chakra control exercise. The one where you try to get a leaf to float."
This time however there was dissension. And surprise surprise it was the red head who got up to speak.
"This is stupid. What makes you think you can teach us anything? And anyways you're like the same age as the rest of us. Take you're stupid chakra exercises and leave. We want to learn some real jutsu not this bunch of crap." There were cheers and nods of agreements from the other fourteen students.
Ryuu took a deep breath trying to control his angry.
"I assume you are the 'strongest' out of the fifteen of you?" The red head gave a proud nod.
"Alright let us have a little battle. You can use anything. If you win I leave and if I win you shut the fuck up and do as I tell you." Though they looked a bit startled at Ryuu's use of the curse word the red head agreed and his classmates cheered him on.

Three minutes later the entire class was subdued and doing exactly as Ryuu had requested. Every time Ryuu glanced at the red head he couldn't help but give a little smirk. Technically he hadn't needed three minutes but Ryuu had been so upset that he had used that little battle (which had been pretty one sided) to relieve some stress. He didn't even use any jutsu and he let the five students who had had problems with medical jutsu practice on the red head. After doing the chakra control exercise, there was a marked difference in the result of the jutsus. Afterwards Ryuu taught them parts of the body that they should aim for in different types of battle.

An hour after that Ryuu left the academy waving at the students who all went there separate ways and Ryuu couldn't help but smile as he thought of all he had done. Though the day had started of badly with the heat he had gotten ice cream, some cash and a punching bag. All was right with the world.

words: 1141/1000

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