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1Sweet... Sweet Curiosity [Private][NoKill] Empty Sweet... Sweet Curiosity [Private][NoKill] Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:51 pm

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Ooc I hope the post was okay~

After about an hour or so of moving around, Kasumi finally made it to her destination, or at least, the beginning of it.

After gaining some interesting information regarding her clan, specifically another member of her clan, Kasumi's interest in this particular thing caused her to begin asking around her village, her eyes brimming with curiosity and her body moving quick with anticipation. The more of the minor shreds of information she gained, the more interested she would be, as so far she learned that a fellow Osada Clan member, a cousin in particular that she never knew about lived within an old, broken down and abandoned mansion. This wasn't what excited her though, what excited her about this very setting belonged to two reasons; one being that it belonged to the deceased Mizukage, which it alone would excite her enough to go check it out, and the other being that it was apparently haunted. Though she was never one to truly believe in the existence of supernatural undead beings such as ghosts roaming around, the thrill seeker within her still wished to see for itself what exactly made these people believe so.

Now, after spending a while searching, she had finally arrived, finally reached the bridge that led to the single, minuscule island which the mansion is located on. The mist itself seemed to get colder as the Genin stepped foot onto the bridge, the old stone beneath her still appearing to be stable though some parts were missing and a section of the middle of the bridge was nonexistent. It felt... Weird though it also merely egged Kasumi on, as if the gradually cooling air, the low visibility area, and this bridge she was crossing were all things that seduced her and made her wish to venture further and further in, a fly caught within the web of a spider, so to say, and no regrets were felt as Kasumi, after reaching the middle of the bridge where a section of it was completely gone, revealing the rough, cool waters below, jumped across, landing on the other side.

Perhaps some regrets should have been felt, though, as when she landed just a foot away from the ledge, the stones under her began to give way, causing her balance to be lost. An expression of surprise would suddenly appear on Kasumi's face as she would be forced to lean backwards before falling off of the bride alongside the stones, though luckily enough, her right hand was thankfully outstretched into the air, which turned out to be the only thing that stood between her and falling into the waters below as she was now hanging off the ledge, her right arm muscles tensing up as she didn't wish to let go. 'That was a close call..' She would say to herself as she looked down to the misty waters below, glad that she wouldn't be faint into them today. She didn't mind a dip, of course, though she did mind being wet when she reached the mansion. She would reach upwards with her left hand, grasping the ledge where she would then begin to pull herself up. Inch by inch she would go until she was able to swing her left leg over the ledge and onto the stone bridge, her right leg following along as she would preform a small roll before getting up on her feet.

Now continuing on with her small quest, Kasumi would continue walking across the bridge, noticing the mist beginning to grow thicker as she neared the island. It was exciting, to be nearing the mansion, to be nearing what she convinced herself wouldn't be a waste of time. This apparently haunted and apparently abandoned mansion would be abandoned no more, at least not until she gets as much as she can out of exploring it. By now, she could see small and dark specks of the large home peering through the already very thick mist, exciting her even more than before, causing her to nearly grin and reveal her shark-like teeth. The raven-haired Genin seemed to be in a daze as she calmly kept moving on, nearing the building at a steady pace, one which showed she was in no hurry, though also that she wasn't trying to take her time. This pace she uses has always been her usual one, a perfect speed for her really, and one she will most likely never change unless she really needed to.

It wouldn't be too long before she stood within what would appear to be an unattended hedge garden. What was once beautifully cut hedges shaped into different designs now appeared to be rooted monstrosities and what was once a functioning fountain was now a dried stone platform covered in weeds and thorns. The very paths through this place were covered with plant life, as if Mother Nature wished to reclaim her throne, and the walls of the mansion itself, this large humdinger towering over the garden, were riddled with creeping vines and destroyed statues. Though she wasn't scared by these damaged and partially plant-covered decorations there was something about them which proved to be slightly intimidating, something about the way they were positioned, as it they were almost trying to yell out to the wanderers below.

The mist helped very little in this situation either. In fact, it gave off an eerie atmosphere that Kasumi couldn't describe, though it definitely made her feel as if she wasn't alone, and that whatever is there with her was ready to jump out of it's hiding place, ready to grab and attack her. Still though, even after making all of these observations and mental notes, Kasumi still didn't stray away from her primary objective which she was nearing. Her primary objective being to enter this apparently accursed place, this home full of overgrown plants, destroyed sections, and boarded up and broken windows would be her spot to observe and explore, to seek and discover, and nothing would stop her from doing that. Soon enough, she would reach the entryway, though one of the two doors greeting her was laying upon the ground, as if something had knocked it of it's hinges and left it to rot and be stepped on. She figured that, since technically, the doors were already open to her, she had little to no need of knocking, so instead of being polite to whatever imaginary owners were left in this obviously worn out place, she instead stepped in, and thus began what she set out to do.

Wc 1112



Something within the Island was stirring even as the first stone on the bridge shifted. It was something darker then man was meant to be but somehow it made the entire island seem to awaken. Sero was laying in an old room within the manor. The master bedroom was dark with dust coating most of the pictures and surfaces. His weapons lined the room and in any direction there was some sort of sword or bladed weapon within reach. He even kept a flash bomb under his pillow. Still at the sound of crumbling stones his eyes opened slightly. The cold grey gaze like that of the dead stared at the broken remains of the window. As if piercing through the thick mist. He doubted the bridge had given away on it's own finally. Slowly he rose to a sitting position and snagged the flash bomb. Pushing it into his hooded cloaks front pocket. He was always dressed for the idea of combat. His grey clothes matched the mist perfectly. He was wearing grey shinobi pants with a grey tank top and a grey hooded cloak. His boots were even colored grey and padded for silence on the bottom.His headband had grey cloth with the metal showing the kiri symbol faded so as not to gleam in what little light the island provided. And that was tied around his neck, hopefully protecting one of his vital points.

Still he hopped to his feet in total silence. His small form reaching out to grab shuriken and slip them into pouches connected to his cloaks shoulders, five per shoulder. His Kunai he strapped five per thigh and one was put into a hidden sheath on the back of his neck. He tucked three Senbon up each sleeve carefully. He then slipped on a Metsubishi bracelet onto each wrist. Each bracelet containing five Metsubishi. He did the same with his Makibishi but with ankle bracelets with the points facing away from his ankle. Five Makibishi per ankle. His smoke bomb he placed in a cloak pocket like he had the flash bomb. He strapped the windmill Shuriken to the small of his back and took his cutlass and strapped it to his right hip while his rapier he strapped to his left hip. His other swords he left in his room for now. If the weaponry he was bringing with him wasn't enough then he was likely in serious trouble. And if he was in that much trouble then two very large swords would hardly help him much.

His Kaginawa was already firmly set into an old radiator with the rope bundled up on the window sill. His escape route already planned out should someone invade the house that he felt it better to run from then to face. Retreat and assess before attacking. Though so far the only company he had ever experienced on the island was either easily killed or strangely pleasant. If it was that Kaguya boy again then there was a chance the Kaguya had brought back his nemesis and elder cousin Wolfgang. If that was the case he would kill them both. Or light the building on fire with them inside and make coming out just as deadly as remaining within. He really needed to buy some explosive tags for traps. But then again if he blew up some curious onlooker then Ayakashi might not look fondly on him anymore. Though his other instructor Gin would likely applause him for blowing up an intruder. Both of them were odd ones. Either way he didn't really care if he killed someone. He just wondered what the consequences would be. And if he could continue living within the manor after the damage it sustained. Not really the thoughts of a twelve year old usually. But he was much colder then your average child. And far more deadly.

Still he slipped on his gloves with the grips and grabbed the rope. Leaping out the window he judged the appropriate distance before applying his grip and slowed his descent towards the ground from the fourth floor window. The rope dragged at his glove but in the end his fall stopped just short of the ground itself. His padded boots touching down without a noise. It was time to investigate who was visiting his fathers once great manor. And the manor that still rightfully belonged to the Osada clan. None of the rest of his clan had ever come to dispute that with him though. As if he were a ghost Sero sunk slowly into the mist. His clothes blending in so well that he might of actually appeared to actually become nothing more then Mist. He liked this island because it was surrounded by water deep within the mist that hid the village. The mist was just naturally thick there. Still he was little more then a grey spot in the mist itself. And now he was going to investigate this intruder. See what they were after and why they had dared to venture here. Ventured into his territory.

It didn't take him long for his grey eyes to peer into the mist and detect a young individual moving with purpose past the hedge maze and straight for the front door. He frowned at that but made his way through the mist. Just close enough to make out the individuals form but far enough for the mist to blend with him. But the other person would feel it. The feeling that something was watching. That they weren't alone. Sero had a presence about him at all times that was like a monster just out of sight. Like something evil was stalking you, It's claws out and waiting for you to fall into it's grasp to consume even your soul. People said this island was haunted because even sailing too close you could feel that presence. The killing instincts that sent shivers down the spine. It was his curse and his blessing. He would never be truly stealthy because people would always feel him nearby like a blade against the throat. But for now he was interested in her purpose. He just needed to get inside ahead of her without being noticed.

Quietly he scooped up a rock and with some aim and strength he tossed it high into the air. In a flash he moved from his spot int the mist and through a bottom floor window that was already broken without a sound before the rock slammed down on the dry fountain with a loud crack of rock hitting stone. But when looked at there appeared to be no one outside. Sero moved towards the front of the house until he came towards the entry hall and slipped behind one of the curtains heavy with dust and partially eaten by moths. One of the tiny holes he would peer through with those cold grey eyes. Watching as she entered from the hall. The house itself was dark. No lights seemed to be on but inside was the great entrance. a set spiraling staircases led up floor by floor. All four floors of the house hold were connected to these steps which crisscrossed each other. Each floor looking as barren and dusty as ever. An old broken chandelier rested on the ground in pieces. But parts of it looked melted. It had not come down by accident but had been melted by something. Directly between the twin stairs was a door way that had the door handle crushed away. Within that cracked open door was a library and the only light switch that worked. And within the library was hundreds of books with most of them in stacks or opened on an overflowing table. A heavy red curtain hid the back of the library though. Something behind it smelled of blood and fire.


Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Ooc: Sorry for the wait ^^; I wasn't feeling very well

'Perhaps this place really is haunted after all...' Kasumi would inquire silently within the safe tomb that is her mind, noticing an odd feeling which felt so unnatural considering she never truly felt such a feeling before. Something was watching her, or at least this is what her instincts screamed loudly out to her. This feeling though, felt indeed different from anything normal from one watching another. It didn't even feel human, though more like some wicked creature or demon had laid their eyes upon her, and is now just waiting for the opportune moment to strike. During a different situation, perhaps such a feeling would make her chuckle, even feel excited, perhaps when reading a novel which demanded such a feeling or even during training, though now, it just made her feel like there's an actual reason for her to be on edge, like there's an actual reason she should be afraid, and while in such a place as a supposedly haunted building, it wasn't something Kasumi would exactly welcome.

Kasumi's attention would soon enough be reverted to the dried out fountain, which is where she heard something strike it, creating a sound loud enough for her to be distracted. Carefully, suspiciously she would move towards the fountain. Her right hand would slowly inch towards her pouch as she neared the abandoned creation so she will be prepared should there be any "unwanted" visitors lurking about. As she reached the fountain and saw nothing more than a newly place rock within it, she relaxed herself, though merely slightly, and shook her head. She knew it was foolish of her to get distracted by such a thing, and perhaps in the future she should work on increasing her ability to perceive and know when something is something which should be attended to or when something is something that holds no possible threat. Though that is in the future, and in the present, she could do nothing but mentally scold herself and continue on into the manor, just like before.

While inside the main area of this large and ruined home, Kasumi noticed how dark it is. The absence of light would prove a problem as she continued about, exploring the area, observing things, though without a proper light source, there would be little she can do to truly observe such things unless she willed to drag them out into the open herself. Not even the mysteries of an abandoned manor that was once owned by the Mizukage was worth such a tiresome task, or at least that was how it was inside this Genin's mind. She noticed the spiraling staircases and the fallen chandelier, and though one was interesting and also provided a means to get to the upper floors, the latter had something strange about it. Upon closer inspection she had noticed that some parts of the decoration had.. melted or at least been worn away by something of the sort. Either way it was a slightly strange sight, though not strange enough as to warn Kasumi of any potential dangers lurking about the home other than old floorboards or perhaps something else which could give way.

Kasumi decided to head to the upper portions of the home later and instead walked in between the stairways, moving directly towards a door which had been cracked open. It was too dark for Kasumi to see within though from what she saw before even opening the entryway to the room entirely, contradicting the dim lighting that the main area held. Opening the door, she would venture within, her hand moving along a nearby wall in search of a light switch or perhaps something else, and succeed in finding one she would as her fingers would have brushed against something, moving whatever it was and turning on the light within, allowing her to see she had entered a library.


She would quietly say to herself as she began to move about, scanning each book for something which may prove to be interesting.

WC 677
TWC 1789



Sero watched her for a time. He couldn't really ascertain her motives for being there but she lacked the fear he expected from most intruders. His cold eyes watched her for a moment as she moved about and observed things here and there. She was fairly decent at her skills of observation for a young female. He supposed that she had undergone some training at some point. Still he was careful to keep his distance as cold grey eyes followed her. Each trespassing step into his domain was noted in his mind as he moved from curtain to cover behind a crumbling pillar to under the staircase. Not a sound from his passing has his feet expertly avoided any loose debris from the crumbling building. His steps were light but for the moment he was just observing. The house was not without its treasures and if it turned out she was another treasure hunter then he would slit her throat. He had no patience for people here to loot his fathers, no, his home. For the moment though she seemed rather aimless. For once someone might just be there exploring. Not like that Kaguya student of Wolfgangs. He had appeared to be just curious but in fact he was with someone that had survived Sero before. He had warned that one not to return on pain of death. Was this perhaps another scout of theirs? The chances were higher that it was someone after something then just an individual just sating their intense curiosity.

It was then that she entered the library and turned on the light. The sudden difference in lighting would make the dim house seem dark in comparison. Still she muttered one word like a triumphant sound. Bingo. And then she began to search through the books. Sero quietly closed his eyes as she searched so they would remain adjusted to the dark. The books were a series of different types. At the very bottom of the stacks were dust covered childrens books and as the stacks rose higher the age range of reading material grew as well. Near the top were advanced books on tactics and mathematics along with engineering and a history on chakra manipulation as well as several others. On the table itself were scrolls of Ninjutsu techniques as well as some the previous Mizukage had made and some that were being drawn up like experimentation notes. Whoever was in this library was a very avid reader. Still were the back wall should be was an old curtain drawn closed. The smell behind it was that of an old copper and metals along with an old burned smell. But Sero had seen enough. He focused chakra into his feet and when her back was turned he moved to place his feet on the wall. His hand slapped the light switch down to make the room dark once more. With no windows the room was fairly dark but Sero had kept his eyes adjusted to the dark. So as he reopened them he could see well enough. He raced up the wall and along the ceiling before launching off the ceiling directly above her to attempt to tackle her to the ground while she was still blinded by the light difference. One of his Kunai coming to his hand whether or not he actually managed to tackle her. If he did manage to tackle her he would press the tip to her jugular and if he missed then he would slide under one of the tables and out of sight again. Either way he said the same words in a cold voice.

"No thief shall trespass here. This is my domain. Speak your purpose or rest beneath the waters around this island forever."



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