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1All in a day's work! [Solo/Mission] Empty All in a day's work! [Solo/Mission] Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:45 pm



Doing the mission:

Another day, another mission. This time, Yasu had been assigned two different tasks, and was to do one after the other. They were still way too mundane and basic for his likes, but at least he did not need to go around playing babysitter this time. "So... first one is pretty basic. Patrol the outside of the village. Gotta admit, this does look more like actual Shinobi work than the last one. Nevertheless, it's probably still gonna be boring."

Already way past the gate, Yasu was rather close to the area he had been charged with keeping an eye on. It was fairly simple terrain, lots of grass, few houses, short roads... though the abundant fog so characteristic of Mizu no Kuni was probably still going to obscure a lot of the Genin's vision, and present some difficulties. Eh, of course... that is if anything does go wrong, something that Yasu was partially rooting for, but was not confident would happen. He was sure this was going to be a normal, boring day. Luckily, he had remembered to bring his small flask of Sake with him, in order to keep him company and surely help pass the time. It was actually after a brief but long sip from the mentioned recipient, that the Genin began his patrol duty.

Hours had passed, and during all of that time, Yasu had been patrolling by walking the perimeter and scouting for anything out of the ordinary. He had even thought of meeting some people in the hopes that they'd keep him company through this long, boring mission, but all of those that he could find were either old farmers or homeless hobos. Surely not the type of persons that one would want to socialize with. So with a sigh, he made his way towards a small hilltop, seeking refuge in his Sake as he more or less oversaw everything. At times, he wondered if he could just "skip" these types of missions, and just simply choose them. Because if somebody else was doing that for him, he sure was an assface. Yup.

Finally, after Yasu was about to fall asleep, an old woman's angry shouts were heard, which snapped him off his distraction. With an eyebrow arched, he made his way down again, questioning the reason for such ruckus. "It's those thugs again! Those punks! They came around and stole my chickens again!" Yasu merely stared at the elder, imagining a bunch of guys carrying chickens undr their arms. "Wh-... why would they even want to steal your chic-... ah, whatever. Don't worry about it, ma'am. I got this!" He confidently spoke before he was about to take off in the direction of the group, though he was abruptly stopped as someone grabbed the back of his shirt and prevented him from doing so. Glancing back, he noticed it was an higher ranked Shinobi, having a group of few more behind him. "Yasu! The mission clearly stated that you were not to engage them! Leave that to us!" He said, before the higher ranked took the Genin's place and began their run after the group of robbers. Needless to say, this annoyed Yasu, but he nevertheless accepted. "Hmph... what a bunch of buzzkills. Well, I guess I better get going. I still have another mission to do. I'm sure all those trained guys can take on a few street punks."

He had to be right, so without too much of a wait, he took off towards his next destination: an old, allegedly haunted mine. This had to be fun. Well, at least more so than what he had just done.

WC: 616

2All in a day's work! [Solo/Mission] Empty Re: All in a day's work! [Solo/Mission] Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:25 pm



Doing the mission:

IC: Well, only one more job to do, and Yasu is finally able to go home, or at least that's what it would seem like. It seemed that he had been climbing a lot for a while now, being the only way to reach the mine, something that would've been problematic for him had he not been used to physical exertion by now. Nevertheless, he kept thinking about why the place had such a dark and mysterious reputation; how could it really be haunted? Yasu was not usually a person with beliefs in the occult, yet in a world full of magical techniques capable of performing the most impressive of feats, should he really hold such an opinion? With a large, empty bag in his right hand, he was regardless ready to do the job, and in the process determine if the rumors spread were in fact true or not.

As he finally reached the entrance, a part of him could understand why so many people were afraid of the place. Even the entry point was a desolated, empty, dark mess, with the insides being barely illuminated by the outside sunlight. Not that Yasu was intimidated at all, at least for now, so after lighting up his torch, the young Genin finally entered, his only source of light being small and weak. A few minutes in, and he was already at a rather deep location inside the mine, so far having not witnessed any abnormal sounds at all.

However, it was soon after such a thought that he did began to consider whether or not there was something wrong with this place; random, unexplained noises of what could probably be footsteps and strange movements occasionally emitted throughout the area around him. He glanced at the source of the sounds, but he could not see anything, and asking if there was anybody there was pointless, for no answer was given back. Nevertheless, Yasu proceeded as normal, finally beginning to gather the requested materials and placing as many as possible inside the bag. The process went on as normal, but then, the Genin abruptly stopped, for it was then that a strange, metallic sound, like a giant, long blade scraping along the floor was heard, along with heavy footsteps, as if the one carrying it was a rather big specimen himself. And to make matters worse, the sounds were constantly getting closer and closer. Yasu wasn't usually scared at all, at least not at such things, but this was the first time that he legitimately was. A feeling deep underneath occurred, and he knew he had to get out of there as fast he could. After quickly tying up a knot on the bag, he began his way towards the outside, at which the noises started to get closer at a faster and louder pace. In reaction, Yasu assumed a running pace, as fast as he could given the weight that he was carrying on his back. Eventually, the footsteps too increased in pace notably, as if whatever that was in there was now running as well, still in the direction of the young Genin.

This whole "chase" took merely minutes, but to Yasu, it felt like much longer. Finally, he reached the outside, the sunlight giving him some much needed illumination, but as it did so, the youngster glanced back one last time inside the cave. He could not explain what he saw; maybe it was his imagination, or maybe it was something else. With the sunlight barely illuminating what he witnessed, he saw what could only be described as an horrible, giant, red pyramid, and below it, a big, tall, humanoid figure, as if its head was the pyramid itself. And to make matters worse, the metallic noise was explained; as the creature was also carrying a long, seemingly heavy blade.

Yasu only saw this creature for a fraction of a second, so it may have been likely only a sight made up by his imagination. But nevertheless, he would never forget such an horrible looking figure. Maybe one day, that same monster would come back... but only to prove to be useful to the youngster.

WC: 698

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