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Kyohei waited outside of the bathroom until Risu finally emerged changed back into her normal clothing, waving and calling out to him when she located him. Playing the role of concerned boyfriend he would rush over to Risu and take her by the hands. “You’re okay,” he said with a sigh of relief, “They began to evacuate the restaurant after a fire set the sprinkler system off. Things got so hectic that I could barely see through the crowd. One of the restaurant staffers told me that they would evacuate everyone. You were gone for so long I figured you must have already finished and were being evacuated yourself. When I heard the talk about an attack on a customer in the bathroom I rushed back in to find you. I relaxed a bit when I saw that the problem was in the men’s bathroom, but you didn’t answer when I knocked on the women’s bathroom.”

He expressed his feigned concern as best he could, even though he knew that she was perfectly fine the whole time. She however, did not need to know that. As far as she would be concerned, Kyohei was confused and misinformed about the true nature of the incident in the restaurant and was simply a boyfriend worried for his girlfriend’s safety. His whole escape from the situation in the bathroom had went much smoother than he could have hoped for and now that the target had been handed over to Myra for transport he could absolve himself from any further responsibility.

“So much for our date,” he said in a disappointed tone, resting his right hand on her cheek as he looked at her with saddened eyes, “I’m sorry Risu. I just wanted to enjoy a night with you with no complications or interruptions. I know you wanted to eat here, but given the circumstances the pub has to close for the night while an investigation is conducted… we’ll have to do something else tonight.” He would look down towards the necklace he had given her earlier and moved his hand down from her cheek to her upper chest, placing it over the heart shaped pendant and pressing down softly. He would then widen his eyes, feigning surprise when he looked up at her before speaking, “Wasn’t your hair tied up when we arrived? Where did your hair pins go?” And in that moment a bit of Kyohei’s sadistic side came out.

As long as he had more information about the night than she did he could continue to keep her on her toes by making her explain any oddities in her absence. It was time to see how quick on her feet Risu was. It wasn’t like she had pockets or a purse with her to be storing her rather expensive looking jade hair pins. How would she explain their disappearance to her innocent and curious date?


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Risu's pupil's slightly widened when Kyohei started talking about the evacuation of the restaurant and the fact he had been at the women's restroom trying to call her out, but she did not react. Ofcourse he knew the truth, but she did not know the fact that he was the one who had been stalling her actions towards her target all along, thinking it to be some daring idiot who had the gall to pose like her beloved Kyohei in front of her with the use of a henge no jutsu.

"I know they came for the evacuation, but…" The young woman staggered for a moment, thinking about the fact that she had to chose her words right if she did not want to make a fool out of herself or expose her actual whereabouts at the time. "I couldn't get out of the toilet because I was feeling a bit sick…really, dont force me to elaborate on everything."

Gaining a bit of color because she had insinuated that she was most likely throwing up in the toilet, she turned her head slightly to the left, trying to avoid eyecontact with Kyohei. At the same time her hand went towards the pendant she was gifted by Kyohei, caressing the heart shaped and gold-encased jade again.

When suddenly Kyohei noticed the fact she had lost her jade hairpins, Risu quickly had to find an excuse for it, which thanks to what she knew and the fact that she had been escorted outside by some regular shinobi didn't make making one really difficult.

"I must've lost them during the commotion of that second incident at the main street," Risu sighed, pointing at the two shinobi that had brought her outside in a rush. "Apparently just a minute or two after the fire alarm went off, a wagon outside on the mainstreet has been crushed and there have been several casualties according to one of those shinobi, they rushed me outside and I think I've lost my hairpins somewhere between the moment they startled me in the toilet and…now, I guess?"

The only thing she was really glad about, was the fact that she had finished her mission after all, or at least it seemed so, though she was surprised that there was another, female Black ANBU operative  escaping from her rather plain-sight assassination attempt and the fact that that woman carried Izuto Keita like a lifeless doll meant that probably even dead he could've been of some value. Strange though, some things simply didn't add up, like why that man, why was he important for those guys and second, why the Black ANBU, as far as she knew they weren't a group that was acting in the limelight so much…what had gotten them to act so openly lately?

"What about…going to the Orochi estate for now?" The young woman sighed slightly to answer Kyohei's question, taking him by his hands. "My uncle's in Iwa and it's boring without any company anyway…not to mention it's a hassle to deal with Uraeus, he's kind off a bit like you but…a snake."




“Ah, I see,” Kyohei laughed, patting Risu on the head as she told him of her difficulties in getting out of the women’s restroom, “I understand, you don’t have to go too much into it you don’t want to. I’m just glad that you were okay through all of the commotion. How are you feeling now?” He would lean forward to peck a kiss onto her cheek as a blush crept onto her face and she turned away to avoid eye contact with him. It was comforting to know that even under the cold and tough exterior that was necessary for the shinobi life, Risu could still have such cute and endearing reactions when she felt embarrassed around him.

A smirk would form upon his lips as she invited him to the Orochi Estate with her uncle out of town. “So I finally get the honor of paying a visit to the Orochi Estate, huh?” Kyohei teased as he spun Risu around in his arms, pulling her back into him and wrapping his arms around her, “With her uncle out of town the princess isn’t worried about bringing her street rat boyfriend around? It’s a good thing your uncle won’t be around for you to be ashamed of me. I’ll have to figure out a way to repay your kindness to me hime-chan.” Obviously he was just teasing her about her being ashamed of him and keeping him away from her family to avoid embarrassing herself, but he wouldn’t mind guilt tripping her a little bit with the distance she had put between the two of them of late. But obviously the best part of teasing her like this would be comforting her afterwards.

Keeping his arms wrapped around her Kyohei would walk Risu over to a nearby table and move her hair over to one side, nuzzling into her exposed neck while he reached down to the table and slid a single chopstick from its ornate wrapping. “I’m sorry about your hair pins, hime-chan,” he spoke into her ear as he began gathering her hair into a low ponytail in his hands, “I brought you here. You losing them was my fault. I’ll replace them, I promise.” Twisting her hair directly up he would begin to tighten and coil the roll before tucking the loose hair underneath it and sticking the chopstick in the roll to hold it all in place, leaving her hair in a French Roll. As it turned out, some old tricks that he learned back when he used to help his mother and sister as a child didn’t fade away.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It was quite confuzing for Risu to figure out how to react, but her body seemed to react to Kyohei's touching before she could ever decide how to react. It was as if he always managed to get her body to become warm and fuzzy, like after taking a long warm bath. So at the very moment he patted her head, she'd blush and close her eyes a bit, if she had a tail she would've surely started wagging it, that was what the Uchiha managed to make her feel: total satisfaction, despite his sometimes rather sadistic tendencies even.

"I uhm…thought you'd rather be there without the old man lecturing us on young people's relationships…or something like that," The young Orochi woman said with closed eyes, though her face got even more red despite her efforts to avoid the Uchiha's grin and glistening eyes as always at those times he had his sadistic and somewhat menacing tendencies activated. He was so unpredictable, yet that was what made him so dreamy for her. "I think somewhere…that statement totally doesn't fit you…you're not a rat…more like, a snake toying with that which he loves to devour the most."

Even though her blush remained, Risu was quite happy with her counter to his teasing, comparing him to a snake while he always managed to call her Hebi-hime or other snake-related nicknames. However right at the point she wanted to show her widest grin, he yet again surprised her with his typically unpredictable actions, wrapping his arms around her and putting her on a chair so he could fix her hair, which had been hanging loose the entire time.

"I uhm…wait, you did this before didn't you?" The young woman remarked, when she realised he had actually had made her hair in a French Role, way to easily for someone's first time. "You're way more handy and useful than I already thought you were."

Giving a soft grin, she suddenly closed her eyes and give a satisfied sigh. "Shall we go?"



Last edited by Lamya on Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



The grin on Kyohei’s face would grow more and more devious as Risu closed her eyes and began stumbling over her words to explain herself as a bright hue of blush began to come over her face. With her hair now worn up again it was no longer flowing over her shoulders, leaving her previously covered back and neck exposed. “I’d rather be where you are, regardless of what anyone has to say about it hime-chan,” Kyohei whispered as he traced the line of her hair down her neck ever so gently with the tips of his fingers, brushing along any stray hairs that may have escaped his French Roll, “That is all I need to know about this ‘young person’s relationship’.”

Reaching down to grab Risu’s hands in his, Kyohei would wrap his hands over the top of hers so that when he closed his hand their fingers would intertwine together. Wrapping his arms around her from behind he pulled her into an embrace and pecked a single gleeful kiss onto Risu’s left cheek. Regardless of the events that had transpired earlier, he knew only one thing for certain: when he was with Risu he felt happy for the first time in a long time. He felt like he wasn’t alone. It is for that reason that he would protect her, one of the lasts remnants of his humanity left to be found, and he intended to enjoy their blissful and innocent relationship as long as he possibly could. “You lead the way Hime-chan,” he said to her with an affectionate smile, ready to take her hand and allow her to guide him to the Orochi estate that he had yet to visit, “I’ll finally get to meet this Uraeus. If he’s like me like you said, I think we’ll get along just fine.”

At some point after they had left the restaurant and were en route to the Orochi Estate Kyohei would stop and turn to Risu, staring into her eyes as thoughts of her attacking him ran through his head. “A snake…” he stated as he leaned his face into Risu’s, leaving just enough space that their lips were still apart, “Toying with that which he loves to devour the most. How accurate.” With that said he would lean in to kiss Risu, once again alone with each other under the moonlit sky, no more prying eyes or missions to get in their way. When he pulled away from the kiss he would use his teeth to gently tug on her bottom lip. “Delicious,” he whispered to her with a devilish grin, licking his lips and forcefully pulling her body tightly against his before continuing. “But I won’t devour you just yet. It’s so much more fun if I play with my dessert before succumbing, isn’t it? And besides, that sound you made when we were in the restaurant... when I was nibbling on your ear at the table… I liked that. I think I want to hear it again."

Kyohei’s breathing became almost a growl as he leaned his mouth down to the base of her neck, repeating the same trail of kisses and ear nibbling he had done at the restaurant. Between each kiss he allowed the heat from his increasingly ragged breath blow against her exposed neck, allowing his hands to begin tracing her form until finally coaxing a similar moan to earlier out of her. Then, as quickly as he began he would abruptly stop removing his lips and hands from her and stepping away. “No, this isn’t right,” he said teasingly with a haughty smirk, “You are a woman, not some toy for me to play with. Surely you have no interest in your body being treated like my play thing. I mean, it isn’t like you enjoy being toyed with…” He let out a chuckle as he turned back to face the direction in which they were heading, waiting for Risu to continue leading the way after he played his newest game.


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