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1I hate this date(Private/Mission) Empty I hate this date(Private/Mission) Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:56 pm



Getting up in the morning, Sanosuke slowly yawned. He had gotten a good night's rest. The previous night he had learned several new kenjutsu techniques to be put in his arsenal. The techniques he had learned was significantly more advanced than any of his other kenjutsu techniques that he learned. And they really did drain a lot of chakra from Sanosuke than his other techniques. Needless to say that after learning 2 B ranked kenjutsu, Sanosuke was starving.

If he hadn't been taken to a buffet by the Akako Vassal, Sanosuke was sure he would have passed out from hunger. He remembered eating until he couldn't eat any more and drinking a lot of sake. After taking the vassal back home, he came across the sexiest cat burglar he had ever seen in his life. Sanosuke had a vivid memory of every single curve of her slender body. It was a shame Sanosuke didn't catch her, now that would be a prisoner Sanosuke wouldn't mind visiting.

On his table was the note that Celine the sexy cat burglar had left him. He had already relayed the information back to his superiors in the administration building. After sending the ninja to retrieve the stolen goods, one of his superiors winked at him and allowed him to keep the note. "What'd I do to be young again" the superior said nostalgically to Sanosuke as he walked back home. His cheeks were blushing slightly.

"Idiot" Sanosuke mumbled to himself as he got off from his bed and head towards his wardrobe. Once he opened his wardrobe he got on his chuunin vest and his short sleeved hooded overcoat over his black long sleeved shirt he was wearing. Then he got on his boots and tied them up nice and tight so that he can make his pants more baggy. Walking over to his dresser, he got his headband from it and tied it on his left bicep. And then he tied his kunai holster on his other bicep. Finally he grabbed his sword that was leaning on the cave wall and put it over his shoulder through the sheathe. Sanosuke smirked as he walked out of the cave and to the mountain trail that would lead him to the mission board of Kumogakure. It only took Sanosuke about 10 to 15 minutes until he reached the building and the second he walked through the door, he was tackled into a hug by someone. He was knocked on the ground and when he looked to see what had tackle him, all his vision could take in was boobs. The random breast was covering his mouth as well.

"You Cretan!" A woman's voice said as Sanosuke was delivered a painful smack to his face that sent the chuunin skidding a couple of feet away from where he was. Sanosuke grunted in pain as he picked himself up from the ground.

"What the hell was that for?!" Sanosuke yelled at the person who smacked him, a tick mark was beginning to fester against his forehead in anger. What he saw was a woman around the age of 18 who looked like she was dressed with class and the biggest boobs Sanosuke ever saw. Seriously, what the hell was up with Sanosuke meeting all these hot women?

The woman looked as though she was taken back, and she screamed back "How dare you speak in such a tone to me, Jasmine Charington, a member of the Charington family in such a gross man-" she began before getting a good look at Sanosuke. Her eyes lit up and grabbed his arm tightly. "You will take me on a date to compensate for your perverted manner, now tell me your name right now"

The tick mark on Sanosuke's temple grew larger, and he shouted back "For starters you ran into me for no damn reason and I don't care who you are! Don't tell me what to do!" Sanosuke yelled back.

Jasmine stood there, shocked into silence. She pursed her lips as she fished into her small red bag that slung over her left shoulder. Finally she pulled out what was easily looked more than 100 ryo from her purse. "I see you're a ninja, okay. I'll hire you to take me out on a date. How does 180 ryo sound?" She asked with a sly smirk of accomplishment on his face.

Damn this woman pitched a hard bargain. To abuse the shinobi system just to get a date, she must be loaded. And with Sanosuke's financial situation he needed every penny. Sanosuke sighed as he scratches his head "Fine then, how about we go for a walk then? My name is Sanosuke, Sanosuke Flynt" Sanosuke said. The woman nodded and immediatelt dragged Sanosuke out of the building and into the streets of Kumo.

It hadn't been an hour before Sanosuke was repressing his urge not to leave this bitch's ass. For starters she was clingy as hell to his arm, she complained about everything no matter how small, and she would not SHUT UP! On and on she went, if this mission didn't end soon Sanosuke was sure that he would go insane! Sanosuke thought taking her to get something to eat, in hopes her eating would shut her up, but it backfired on him. She complained about everything on the menu!

Now they were walking to kami knows where until they came across some guy with red hair and a mohawk. He had squinty eyes and dressed in a rich clothes, on his side was a katana. He didn't look please either "Jasmine! Stop being stupid and come back to me!" He bellowed.

"No I'm here with my new boyfriend Kuwabara. So beat it!" Jasmine said as he went to kiss Sanosuke on his cheek. It caused him to blush and made his body go stiff. Especially the fact that she was grinding her boobs against the arm she was holding.

This got Kuwabara fuming with anger, he got out his katana. It was rusty but it can still deliver quite the nasty cut if he wasn't careful. "That's it! I'm gonna kill your new boyfriend then" Kuwabara roared as he charged Sanosuke with the rusty katana. It was just Sanosuke's luck to be dragged into a fight that he wanted nothing to do with. Sanosuke got himself ready for a fight by getting out his kunai from his kunai holster. Before the sword came, Sanosuke batted the katana out of the hands of Kuwabara so it would spiral out of his hands. Kuwabara's eyes widened as he noticed a fist was coming at him. Sanosuke punched Kuwabara hard in his face so that he would be sent flying. After seeing that he had been hit, Sanosuke noticed that the guy was knocked out. Sanosuke wasn't a taijutsu specialist so his punch couldn't have been too hard, maybe Kuwabara just can't take a hit.

Sansouke put his kunai back and cracked his knuckles. "That takes care of that" Sanosuke mumbled. Then he felt a wad of ryo get put in his hands by Jasmine. Sanosuke smiled at that. "Thanks, but my mission isn't finished though".

"Actually you are, I hired you so that I can get my ex jealous. And that did the trick Mr. Flynt so your services are no longer needed. I do not wish to be affiliate myself with the poor any longer." Jasmine said with a snotty huff and walked off. Sanosuke grumbled about rich people being troublesome as he out back the money in his pockets.

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