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1New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:14 am



Chisaki smiled as she walked through the streets of Konoha. The day was a glorious one, fitting for the occasion. The sun rested among the blue blanket that was the sky as it shone down rays of light onto the village. Leaves were gently stirred by the tender touch of the breeze. Everything seemed peaceful, not a single hint of anything wrong with that day. Everything was certainly fine. However, the occupants of the village were not as peaceful as the nature that surrounded them. The entirety of the village was electrified with excitement and Chisaki could not honestly blame them. Today was the day when Sousetsu had officially accepted his title as the Seventeenth Hokage. Vividly, Chisaki could still remember the look on his face as he had come home that night. A dumbfounded yet happy expression. Overjoyed at the news, Chisaki had congratulated him earnestly, in more ways than one.

An hour earlier, Sousetsu had donned the attire of the Hokage as he was presented in front of the entire village. Chisaki had been there naturally, with the rest of the Senju people at her back. Many seemed happy with the decision to give the title to Sousetsu, however Chisaki was still well aware of the amount of people who disliked the option. Some begrudged him for stealing their title, others just disliked him. Jealously over a title was a fickle thing in Chisaki's opinion, and it wouldn't change her opinion of Sou. He was still the same guy he had been before getting the title, only now he had a duty to the village as well as her; Chisaki was fine with sharing, but in finite amounts.

Right now however, she was walking through the crowded streets of the village. The people who backed her Sou were celebrating openly in the streets. Happy music drifted throughout the entire village, elevating the entire mood of the village. Children squealed with delight as they ran through the streets, off on some adventure no doubt. Chisaki wasn't alone on her trek through the village. At her side were the elders of the Senju clan. They were happily discussing the crowning of the seventeenth Hokage, such comments as "I always knew he'd do well" or "I never lost faith in our Sousetsu" Chisaki remained quiet for the most part, but happily gave he thoughts when they were asked of her. A smile as bright as the sun adorned Chisaki's face as she and the five elders meandered there way back to the compound. Chisaki enjoyed the company of the elders, and them her. They didn't try to seize control like many clan elders did, they sat in the background and advised Chisaki with the accumulated wisdom they had. Some days, Chisaki didn't honestly know what she would do without them.

After a while, their small group arrived back the compound. The compound had not been spared the celebrations in Sou's name. People happily chattered in the open areas, people exchanged stories and all in all the mood in the compound was one of jubilation. Chisaki bowed to the elders as she excused herself, they nodded with a smile and a bowed head. The five elders headed back through the compound to the central area. In the central area of the compound, a gigantic tree stood sentinel over the Senju people. Then outward from it, the stone homes of the Senju people adorned with all kinds of nature could be found. Smiling, Chisaki weaved her way through the streets until she reached her sprawling house, the largest one in the compound. Three floors, an extremely large garden, walled off from prying eyes. Walking to the front door, Chisaki pulled out her key and unlocked the door, pushing inside. Taking off her shoes, she headed upstairs and changed out of her formal attire. Instead, she donned a simple dark green dress, slashed with shades of jade. Slipping on some sandals, Chisaki headed out into the garden. Paths wove their way throughout the garden. Several sakura trees grew which shaded the garden, and even a river meandered through the garden. Chisaki gently crouched down among the flowers, and with her mastery of Mokuton, she began to tend to the flowers, a smile on her face as she knelt among the flowers.


Last edited by Chisaki on Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

2New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:43 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

A sea of people watched as the new Hokage departed from the ceremony that gave him this title. The many cheers drowned as the Juushichidaime Hokage let the sun kiss his skin once again but in a new ray of light. Their cheers sounded distant like the last echo in a long and dark cave. His mind wandered elsewhere. Was he ready for this? Could he fill the shoes of those who ended their journey for him to continue onward? Sixteen Hokage had passed and he had been blessed to serve under five of them. It was a dream to Sousetsu and even at this moment it still felt so. The soft breeze brushed through his hair, the cloth headband with the Senju insignia waved its loose ends to greet those before him. His eyes closed as his took in a deep breath, soothing his mind and soul. To be filled with such doubt and the weight of the world was already beginning to crash down on his shoulders made him feel like he was sitting under a waterfall, another heavy burden that he felt he must endure. His eyes opened to reveal many emotions; sadness, pride, joy, guilt, and a longing for something that he did not yet know of.

The voices began to approach within the cave of his mind. Reality was reaching its way towards him. He had to accept this. He had to show the village hidden the leaves his will, his dreams and his goals. He could be seen wearing his usual attire of a black sleeveless jumpsuit, his trusted Senju armour with blue metal plates, but this time he wore a white coat with blue decal as opposed to the traditional red. The traditional red hat was found attached to his waist along with his blade. The applaud grew louder still as he overlooked the crowd, it was nearing its destination. His face was stern but soon fell as if the weight of his heart began to let it sink. His dream finally became a reality. The sound was overwhelming. The cheers, the many palms within the air waving towards him, the voices calling out to him was something to remember. He turned to face the Hokage mountain behind him, his face now resided upon it. His eyes widened, his mouth beginning to fall. What was this feeling? Was he happy? Scared? The emotions ran through him like a flowing river that crashed into the banks that kept it contained. The back of his coat was emblazoned with the words 'Juushichidaime Hokage' which made the crowd roar even more so.

He turned and scanned the sea of people once more, shocked at the disbelief of it all before he collected himself once more. His eyes closed again and another breath was inhaled deeply before he bowed formally to the entire population. Raised fists accompanied raised glasses in another cheer. The sounds of laughter and screaming individuals proved the day to be one not soon forgotten. Still, the weight resided upon his shoulders and ceased to move. Would it ever leave him? How could he know? It was something he would live with but just how much could he take? He made his way down to the crowd and wore a grin for those in return of their own. A road was made as the crowd separated for him to pass through freely. He patted the heads of a few children who rushed beside him before they were taken back by their parents. He let out a soft giggle. Something he would have to do to keep his brain unoccupied by the shear pressure of his new role in life.

He made his way to the Senju compound, almost fighting people off to make his way there as they grabbed his attention and congratulated him rather forwardly, placing their hands into his for a strong shake. As overwhelming as it was, the popular lifestyle was not suited for this particular individual. He wanted to remain a mystery, not shouted from the rooftops. The weight still showed no signs of shifting. Was he in this alone? How could one man defend an entire village or even think for one let alone? He ruffled his hair, grabbing it from time to time and wiping his face in hopes of washing away the mixed emotions. Each breath grew deeper as if his personal space grew smaller. He looked down at his fist and clenched it in hopes of feeling the strength he needed but did not seem to satisfy his need. Before long, he passed the Senju elders and did nothing but nod in respect to which they did the same happily.

And there it was. Chisaki's home. It felt like a safe haven for Sousetsu now more than ever. His face sank once more as he seen Chisaki tending to her garden. It was beautiful and well-kept. He managed to glance at the ones he had picked for her some time ago on their first meeting. He wished he could smile but he was actually more saddened. Would his time be cut short with her? Could they still close at this time? They both knew of the consequences with this new title bestowed upon him but only now could he realize the impact it may have on him. He did not want it to end. He wanted it to be a strong relationship. He wanted to grow with this person and share mutual feelings towards one another. Was it still possible? He let out a soft sigh before opening the gate to her home.  

"Hello, Chisaki..." he spoke, trying to uplift the tone.

Words: 946

3New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:23 am



Chisaki continued to kneel among the bright and eccentric flowers that grew in her garden. Violent shades of red, calming blues and delicate purples all found there way into the vast garden somewhere or somehow. Each one of the flowers stood up tall, flourishing in the home Chisaki had created for nature. Overhead, two birds danced through the sky, one slightly smaller than the other. Chisaki looked up as she watched their progress along the sky for a moment. Remarking how they were most likely mates, Chisaki smiled somewhat again and turned her head back to the flowers. Holding her hand above a blank expanse, Chisaki molded her chakra into Mokuton chakra and used it to cause a new bloom to take shape. A white flower soon burst forth from the dirt, except it had two heads which was strange. Two separate flower heads connected to the same stalk. It was a curious sight. Whenever Chisaki grew anything using her chakra, she never had a specific shape in mind she just let her chakra weave its way into the earth and let the life there burst forth from the ground. A slight breeze stirred up the garden, the breeze causing Chisaki's dark blue hair to snap into life as it blew with the breeze, causing it dance in a strange fashion in the wind. Chisaki looked up, using her hand to shade her eyes somewhat as she did so. It was about mid-day now, the sun having reached its climax in the sky above. Standing, Chisaki decided it was time to kick things into overdrive. Raising her arms, so her palms were facing the ground, Chisaki released a considerably larger amount of chakra into the ground. A brief pause, before from the earth several new flowers erupted from the ground in a violent way. Several new colours overtook the flowerbeds, leaving not a spec of dirt to be seen. Then, from the exact center of the ground something larger began to grow. White limbs clawed their way out of the earth into the sky, twisting around each other. Chisaki's eyes were closed as she bent this new life to her will, causing its limbs to reach into the sky ever higher. Finally, with an audible snap, the limbs branched out, causing the tree to be born. It's bark was bone white, and its leaves a dark green colour. It's shade covered most of the garden, the tree was huge. Smiling somewhat, Chisaki released the flow of chakra into the earth, causing the flowers and trees to shudder somewhat.

Chisaki paused as she heard a very familiar voice. Smiling, Chisaki turned around to look at its owner. Sou had come home. Instantly, Chisaki noted something was wrong. In her line of work, she'd carefully studied the human body and spent a lot of time around people, Chisaki was good at picking up emotions by people's statures or tones in their voices. This was especially true for Sou, whose body she almost knew as well as her own. Carefully, she stepped out of the flowers and took a few steps towards him, a slight frown creasing her . A few more steps, before she laced her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a light kiss on the lips. Smiling ever so gently at him, she whispered in a kind tone to him "I know this new title is a lot for you to deal with, but I'll always be here, I won't let some new title or fancy new office tear what we have apart okay? I'll always be here, promise" Kissing him again, she hugged him tightly for a while. Steadily, Chisaki could feel his heartbeat gently as she rested her ear against his chest. Closing her eyes, Chisaki let the constant noise fill her. Around the garden, petals snapped off the trees and danced around them, no other noise being heard.


Last edited by Chisaki on Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

4New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:19 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

She carefully stepped from the beauty of her garden but greeted him with a frown. His eyes opened a little wider and his mouth was slowly dropping as he breathed in before her arms wrapped his neck and pulled him in to a peck on the lips. They were soft. For that brief moment he knew he could not show his sadness or discontent for his current state of mind, but he could not lie to her. Before he could speak his mind she whispered gently to him with such a caring tone with words that he would not soon forget.

"I know this new title is a lot for you to deal with, but I'll always be here, I won't let some new title or fancy new office tear what we have apart okay? I'll always be here, promise."

Another kiss landed on him as he stood before her, speechless to her words. He was hugged tightly. He still stood tall and his arms still by his side. It seemed he was shocked to hear what she had to say. She may have known him all too well. She knew his thoughts, his problems, she wanted to help bear the burden that what bestowed upon him. Be by his side every step of the way. His lips slightly trembled as the realization began to set in. His arms lifted and wrapped themselves around her, his left hand on her lower back while his right rested on the back of her head, caressing her dark and soft hair from time to time. This is what he wanted to hear. This was all he needed. He did not need to fear of losing her. The only person to ever stop Sousetsu in his train of thought was one he held close and he would never let go. His lips stopped trembling. His heart slowed to a calm and steady beat as her head lay closely against his chest, hearing what it had to say. Strong and solid beats were emitting as he tried to recover himself with her aid.

The petals danced around them as they fell from the many wildlife within the garden. He hugged tighter, wanting to be closer to this woman and continue the bond they shared. He had to be strong for her, if not everything else. He slowly moved his hands to the sides of her face, caressing them slightly before moving back slightly before planting his lips onto hers with as much passion as he could give her. His emotions were let free for this very moment. It felt like quite some time before he decided to lean back and kiss her forehead before giving her a small smile.

"Thank you, Chisaki..." he spoke from his heart.

Like an open fire, he felt warmth around her. Her very aura was filled kindness which felt like it seeped into Sousetsu being within her presence. With lifted spirits he grinned once more. A small and brief chuckle was heard as he restored his mind to what it once was. He looked at the garden, noticing the large white tree and the many flowers that accompanied it. She seemed to have been tending to it quite recently as the scents began to coincide as spray hints of their contents to the Senju. His eyes closed and his head tilted forward towards the woman he respected most in this world. He was thankful in this moment that was given to him by her. Something he would never forget in his lifetime. He inhaled deeply and exhaled as if he was drawing air into a new life before opening his eyes with a cheeky grin. He chuckled again as he placed his hand on her back and knelt down slightly to lift her legs with his other hand. Lifting her in his arms he smiled widely to her.

"Meeting you was fate, but falling in love with you was beyond my control." Sousetsu spoke dearly to her, still feeling the same way as he did when they first met.

Words: 1625

5New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:51 pm



Chisaki remained in Sou's warm embrace for what seemed like an eternity. The sun continued to lazily drift its way over the clear blue sky. Some grey clouds had appeared in the sky, but not many enough to cause any trouble just yet. The sun beamed down onto the couple as they stood there. The only sounds were those created by the wind as it caused several things within the garden to shift and move. Chisaki's hair didn't move due to it being held in place by Sou. Chisaki's eyes were gently shut still as she rested her ear against the chest of Sou. She listened to his heartbeat, its rate slowing down and becoming more natural the longer they embraced. Ever so quietly, Sou inhaled and exhaled in a constant pattern. With her hands on his back, Chisaki felt out his back. Each of his perfectly toned muscles were touched by the tips of her fingers as she got to know this man even further than she already knew him. An intimate and physical way, and a bond that ran even deeper than words could describe. A few short weeks she'd known this man, yet it felt as though he'd always been by her side. Or perhaps, it was simply the fact she'd found the one man out of all the ones in the world that fit her perfectly. Two halves to the same whole. Together they were far more than they could be apart, so Chisaki was not going to let a new job and title tear this deep bond they hand apart, she would simply not let that happen. She wouldn't even let it limit the time he spent with her, she'd visit him in his office if she had too. Smiling and sighing in a contended way, Chisaki held him. Seconds and hours blurred as the petals danced around them, a residual effect of the chakra Chisaki had imbued into the earth. Chisaki wished this would never end, as long as he had his powerful arms around her, and her delicate arms around him. Here in this garden was where Chisaki truly felt as peace with the world.

Reality caught up all too soon. While they had been locked in an embrace, the approach of even more clouds had quickly gone unnoticed. The grey warriors had driven out the blue sky and replaced its clear surface with an intricate puzzle of dark heavy clouds. Chisaki looked up too the sky and opened her eyes, noting the sudden downpour of water that was heading there way. Smiling up at Sou, she spoke gently "We best head inside, unless you want to get us both soaked" Laughing somewhat, Chisaki took Sou's hand and squeezed it. Smiling brightly still, Chisaki pulled him through the garden and into the house, sliding the doors back into place, locking them tightly. As the click of the lock was heard, the rain came down in heavy sheets. Where it had come from Chisaki had no clue. Releasing Sou's hand, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly once, before turning. As she turned, her dress and hair turned with her. Quiet as a mouse, she entered her kitchen. The whole kitchen, like the rest of the house, was extravagantly large and well-equipped. Chisaki crossed over to the kettle, checked it had water in it before setting it to boil. Then, she went about making tea for two. The kettle began to quietly hiss as Chisaki carefully measured out the ingredients into each cup. Making the tea just how each of them liked it. Chisaki nodded to herself, humming a gentle tune as she went about her tea making. The kettle reached the pinnacle of its hissing as Chisaki lifted it up, pouring the water into each cup and stirring. It seemed strange, how one day she could destroy an entire landscape and in another she could make tea. Two things, both seemed simple to the shinobi as she finished the tea. Carrying the two mugs, she placed them onto her coffee table in front of her black sofa, which was in front of the fire. Chisaki walked around the room, shutting the blinds and flicking a switch. The lights all blinked into life, bathing the room in artificial light. A storm meanwhile was raging outside. Chisaki sighed as she sat down on the sofa, presumably next to Sou. Carefully, she drank her tea while listening to the down pour outside.


6New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: New Dawn [Private/No Kill] Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:42 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Dark clouds were beginning to occupy the sky, drowning out the azure blue and fading grey. Water erupted from the newly formed clouds above in a sudden motion, showering the two in water. Sousetsu embraced the downpour however as he tilted his head upwards with his eyes closed and let the water wash over him briefly. For that brief moment it felt as though they were washing away all of his burdens, his sins, cleansing him to prepare his new life that he and Chisaki would share. He could not help but grin as the droplets of water bounced off of his skin and flowed down his person to soak him further.  

"We best head inside, unless you want to get us both soaked" Chisaki laughed.

He snapped back to reality and looked down at the beautiful woman before him. His mouth slightly hanging open in a small shock. His eyes widened for the shorted moment before realizing the moment he had lost himself in and nodded with another smile for her. She took his hand and brought him towards the house through the well kept garden. He envied the plants oddly enough. They could embrace the feel of the rain washing over them and helping them grow but Sousetsu also could not leave Chisaki's side. She promised she would help him and he wished to do the same, even if it was just to be by her side he would do so. They entered the home and slid the doors behind them leaving the rain outside. Letting go of his hand she turned and kissed him lightly before turning to make some tea for the two to enjoy with each others company. Everything tasted better with a close friend, or a significant other for that matter.

As she prepared the hot beverages, Sousetsu began to remove his clothing until he was left only in his black jumpsuit which barely caught the rain. His clothes remained by the door on a stand which seemed quite fitting with his hat on top. He turned and smiled once again as he seen Chisaki place the cups of tea on the coffee table before the sofa to which he proceeded to have a seat and enjoy the beverage that was made for the two. The aroma was pleasant, the room was becoming darker as the blinds were concealing the natural light from outside and soon was replaced by the artificial lighting with a flick of a switch. He was then accompanied by Chisaki on the sofa and began drinking in synchronization with the new Hokage as the downpour could be heard with the clatter on the roof above. He turned to look at her. Her flowing black hair still caught his attention even now. Looking at her in awe he leaned in and kissed her cheek as 'thank you' for the tea before sipping it once more. Placing the cup down he swallowed thoroughly before mustering up the courage of asking something that had been on his mind. Of course, this was a little sudden to speak of but it was still eating away at the Senju's curiosity.

"Chisaki.." He spoke with slight hesitation. It seemed like a small moment had passed with only the rain audible to him during that time. He sighed briefly as he had already began his small talk and felt obliged to finish.

"How do you see our future?" he finally asked with slightly raised eyebrows, curious as to whether or not he was too forward with this particular question.

Words: 2224

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