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1Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Empty Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:50 pm



A day after taking candy from the man who could run extremely fast, Antanas remembers that he was going to meet him by that same candy  shop. Putting on his gear in case the man attacked him, Antanas headed out the door. When he came across the tree that he had climbed that day, he takes a kunai out of his pocket and scratches his initials into the trunk. Pleased, he begins to go to the Konoha market place. As he walks through the market, he realizes that he doesn't remember where the shop is. Frantically running from shop to shop, he gets tired and sits down on a bench. After taking a minute to catch his breath, Antanas gets up and turns around. He is at the shop. Taking a moment to take in his recent luck, he decides to buy some of the Strawberry candy the man loved so much. He got a bar of Strawberry chocolate, and sat on the bench outside. "These taste amazing!" Antanas said as he took a bite, and realized why the man may have been so obsessed with them. They tasted exactly like a strawberry, only coated in chocolate. Eating a few more, Antanas flips the last square of chocolate in the air, preparing to catch it in his mouth.

213 Words Total



Aethir was walking, minding his own business, heading over to the random goods store. "Sheesh, I know I'm a bit late... I didn't really give the kid a time though..." he shrugged, smiling and walked with his hands in his pockets. "Either way, if he's there, he's there, if he's not, then candy is there." As he turned a corner, he glanced up to see the random goods shop, wandering over and...spotting the boy with some of his favorite candy... As he saw it rise into the air, he couldn't help himself, failing to stop from bursting suddenly into a sprinting jump of his usual speed of sixteen meters per second, biting down on the midair chocolate square, devouring it whole.

"OH god..." he sighed happily, eyeing the boy on the bench. Aethri had landed behind him, slowly turning to face the boy. "You...You really shouldn't eat all that candy... Mmph...It'll make you fat..." Aethir spoke, being a complete hypocrite. He walked around the bench so that he could sit with the boy, staring at the wrappings he had. "So," he began to speak, slowly looking away from the wrappers, eyeing the boy. "Why this brand of candy? Hm? Do you like them too?" he asked before sighing again, enjoying the last bit of the flavor from the chocolate square.

Word Count: 231



After flipping the candy square in the air, Antanas feels a gust of wind sees the man catch the candy in his mouth. Catching him by surprise, the man sat next to him, asking him why he ate the chocolate he was eating. Stuttering, Antanas told him "W..Well... you w..were eating it yesterday so I thought I would give it a try." Upon looking down at the wrappers, he threw them away in a waste-bin outside the shop. The man told Antanas that he would get fat if he kept eating like this. Rolling his eyes, Antanas knew the man ate a lot more candy than himself. Getting back his train of thought, Antanas asks, "So, what is your name?" he says as he holds out his hand "I'm Antanas Kimura"

[348 Words Total]



Aethir soon began to ramble to himself. "Then again...Mmm...I shouldn't talk. I'm surprised I'm now a blimp." He then turned back to hear the boy speak. "They're pretty good aren't they? If only they were free...I'd show the world the true meaning of obesity..." Aethir sighed, listening to what else the boy had to say. "Hm...? Antanas...Kimura... Pleasure to meet you. I'm Aethir. Aethir..." Aethir looked off to the side, not having had said his last name in ages that he nearly forgotten. "Lamdem..." he finally spat out, smiling to the boy.

Aethir sighed, rubbing his eyes before he turned to the boy again. "Hey... Yesterday you asked me if I could teach you to run faster. I'd like to know why." he nodded as he asked this, "Not saying I'm NOT going to give you tips on running faster... I'm just curious before I tell you is all. " the ronin nodded before stretching and looking back to the boy. He seemed...a bit nervous to Aethir. "There are no wrong answers. Just be honest with me~..." he added on in both a comforting way and a humorous way, his terrible attempt at making the kid laugh and relax a bit.

Word Count: 446



When the man said his name was Aethir Lamdem, Antanas liked the ring to it. It was hard to pronounce, but he got the hang of it in good time. Aethir then asked him why he would want to learn to run fast. "You are really going to train me?" Antanas asked excitedly. Reminding himself of what the man asked, he told him, "Well you see, when I spar and fight I try to rely on dodging rather than blocking with all out power" Antanas nods to himself, proud of how that came out. "I also would want to be able to burst into sprints at least close to how fast you go." After telling Aethir these things, Antanas was awaiting what he would say, hoping for the best awnser.

[478 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total



Aethir...slowly began to laugh, looking away. "I see. So you want to rely on speed over your durability..." Aethir nodded to himself, eyes looking over to the boy. "Let's see... I could teach you how to run faster and such, but ... I can never really show you my true methods." Aethir sighed, shaking his head as he began to remember how he had to learn to run faster on his own. Konoha's creatures in the forest forced him to, a giant snake, a giant spider, a giant...everything... trying to devour him as he was lost in the wilderness for months. "It's because you're young. You have like...what....eight? Ten? Maybe twelve years ahead of you before you hit age eighteen? Whatever your age is, I don't think you're ready to be eaten alive..." Aethir shrugged, looking at the boy's build and guessing that he was rather...young. He didn't know how old the boy way, so he was just taking random guesses at his age while looking around himself. 'How can I teach this kid to run...? Hmm...' He slowly looked down at the boy's legs. 'Well, leg muscles could be a thing... A building stamina helps...' he nodded, continuing to analyze the boy's body.

Word Count: 664

7Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Empty Re: Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:29 pm



Antanas is interested in what Aethir will tell him. "Let's see... I could teach you how to run faster and such, but ... I can never really show you my true methods." is all he said at first. Aethir seemed to drift of into thought a majority of the time. "It's because you're young. You have like...what....eight? Ten? Maybe twelve years ahead of you before you hit age eighteen? Whatever your age is, I don't think you're ready to be eaten alive..." Antanas sighs and corrects Aethir, who is looking at his body with a spaced-out look. "I'm 15, I'm pretty sure I can handle your 'true methods'." Even if Aethir wanted to shut him down, he would try his hardest to be learn to run like him. He smirks, saying to Aethir, "Well, if you are willing to train me, when do we start it?"

[633 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:58 am; edited 2 times in total

8Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Empty Re: Going fast is.. Scary. [Open | NoKill] Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:55 pm



Aethir stared at the young genin, slowly rising with a 'hmph'. He then asked the ronin where they should start, Aethir slowly turning to smile to the boy. "The dense forest of Konoha. That's where I am every morning and evening. Come there around that time if you want to practice. We'll see if you can handle yourself." he simply spoke with a grin before turning away and walking down the road of Konoha. "Just know that I won't be responsible for loved ones crying that they miss you, Antanas." the ronin chuckled, shrugged, and continued down the road, pondering about the boy and the forest. 'If all goes well, granted he doesn't get eaten by the wildlife in there, he should be considerably faster...' the ronin rubbed his chin, pondering about his method. 'Frankly, I have no clue how I found that damned forest myself...Huh...' he shrugged as he continued to walk. He then stopped, still in the sight of the Antanas as he began to ponder more on a certain matter. "Should I tell him where- ...Bah, he'll find it. He's fifteen~..."

Aethir turned to Antanas who was sitting on the bench and gave him a smile, waving to him. "Just in case, say goodbye to anyone you love~!" he laughed, turning away and whistled as he continued home. Though the walk home was meant to be a relaxing thing, something felt a bit uneasy inside of him. 'Maybe it was just my luck, but...' he rubbed his chin as he turned another corner and continued down the road, 'I have a feeling I'm pretty much having a hand in murder by doing this...' As he stopped, looking up to the sky, he sighed. "It's one thing to be confident, but another to be ..." he trailed off as he finished the rest of the sentence in his mind. 'Maybe I'm just becoming selfish. I don't know. I don't know. I requires some damn strawberries...' he sighed, continuing his walking... "Kids," he sighed, coming to a stop, "They think they're so damn invincible...until they lose a finger. Are you still a kid at fifteen? I mean he is three years younger than me... Eh...I don't know...I don't know..." It was obvious that he was worried for the boy's well being as he appeared to have the look of someone extremely stressed now...

Word Count: 1076
Reaction time: C -> C-1 575/575
Strength: D -> D-1 325/325

[Exit Thread]



After asking where the training would begin, Aethir explained to the eager Antanas, "The dense forest of Konoha. That's where I am every morning and evening. Come there around that time if you want to practice. We'll see if you can handle yourself." Grinning from ear to ear, Antanas was excited he could get some real training from a pro like Aethir, who then told him "Just know that I won't be responsible for loved ones crying that they miss you, Antanas." Rolling his eyes, Antanas said, "I'll be telling them that I'll become as fast as a Special Jounin! That's what i'll tell him." Aethir then left, leaving Antanas on the bench to think. Tomorrow morning is going to be great... Antanas was thinking until a wave of shock hit him. "I don't know where in the forest he means!" he yelled cursing his luck once again. Moping, he sets out to go home. Antanas walks, always passing by that accursed tree. The tree has sharp twigs and branches poking off of it, and Antanas wonders, "I wonder if I could use those for something." Sitting by the tree, he thinks over how he could possibly use a tree for jutsu, and decided to go home. "I should probably get a lot of sleep, considering I'm going to be running all morning." Antanas opens his front door, walks inside being hit with the aroma of dumplings. His mother had made some before he had gotten home. Only then did Antanas realize that he was starving, and ate so many he thought he would burst. As he heads to his room, Antanas lays down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was so excited and nervous about training tomorrow, he couldn't get to bed. As he finally begins to drift off to sleep, letting the darkness around him push him away in his mind. With the work of the day over, Antanas could finally get what he needed. Sleep. Before becoming fully submersed in the dark depths of rest, he had one single thought. His father. What had actually happened to him? He knew now that he needed to find out.

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[1004 Words Total]

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