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51Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 3 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:07 am



ooc skip my post for now

52Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 3 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:50 pm



Kei's heart was beating frantically against her chest. She couln't quite take it anymore. She knew that she would only be a hindrance if she stayed. Tepower gap between her and the two shinobi next to her was abrurd. She couldn't exit through the window. Her mother was standing there, blocking both Kei and the Mizukage from leaving the room. Kei narrowed her eyes. There was nothing more that she wanted than to bash her mother's head throug the wall repeatedly. She had no sympathy for the woman who had killed her father. "Don't kill her," Kei said, her voice trembling with rage. "I want to do that myself," She stated. But she knew that she couldn't do that now. She couldn't kill her mother at her current level. This frustrated her to no end.

Utau cocked her head to the side. Her smile widened ever-so-slightly. "I should have expected such betrayal from this side of you, Kei. You become a monster when you change, as did your father," The woman stated nonchalantly. It was as if she honestly didn't care for her daughter, which was true. She had little to no sympathy for this side of Kei. The young girl couldn't take it anymore. Her instincts were fighting against her rage, battling to see what Kei would choose to do next. Unsurprisingly, her instincts won. Kei turned around and ran out the door and into the next room. She pried the window open and jumped up onto the roof. She was panting now. She turned her head to the side and saw that Sero was there. She hadn't actually met him yet, but she knew who he was. She walked over to him, trying to seem as normal as possible.

It would probably be obvious to the boy that she had changed personalities. She held herself differently now. She stood with more confidence, her facial expression was calm and serious - she was making an effort for it to seem that way - and of course, the black half of her clan's symbol marked the left side of her face. She saw that Sero was smoking. A cigarrette would help her calm her nerves. "Can I have one?" She asked calmly. The only thing that betrayed her real mood was the trembling in her hands.


Utau watched as her daughter left the room. Right at that instant, the Mizukage lunged towards her, his sword's hilt ready to stab the pink haired woman. Yet she was standing on higher ground, on the ledge of the window. This gave her the advantage. The way thing were now, the sword's hilt could onty reach up to her knees. She large window let her stand straight, which she was thankfull for. It allowed her more room to work with. Utau held her katana readily. She side stepped, facing the other side of the window pane instead of the room. The sword's hilt missed her body by several inches. As she dodged, Utau swung her sword downwards, towards the Mizukage's arms. At the same time, she exhaled. "Suiton: Kaihen," she whispered. A soft mist escaped from her mouth, enveloping the room and its surrounding area. The room began to smell of sulphur, hiding any other scent.


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