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26Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:28 pm



Sero would curse under his breath as she moved. The moment the door opened he could smell it from a building over. Something dark had happened in there. The smell of blood hit him like a wave. as if the walls where painted in it. the hair on the back of his neck stood up on end as suddenly, A spark inside of him seemed to ignite everything. The smell of blood echoing the memories in his head as his normally cold eyes seem to grow even colder. Like a phantom Sero moves down into the Mist without a noise. His silent form moving around to the back to sneak in that way. keeping an eye out for anyone. He was filled with killing intent. the Monster in him sensed the killing. and now it was free to show justice and wrath.

27Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:47 pm



At the sound of her mother's voice, Kei almost ran up the stairs. But she wouldn't Her feeling of anxiety was dulled greatly. However, she smiled. She walked up the stairs. Her footsteps echoed through the empty house. "Momma?" She called out. After a few seconds, her mother's voice answered. "Over here, sweetheart," Her motehr called. Kei had never in her life heard her raise her voice. The woman's tone was always calm, soft, sweet and overflowing with kindness. Right now, that voice came from her mother's room. Kei followed it, drawn by it like a moth to flame. She was now in front of the rice paper door that led into her parents' bedroom. She pushed it aside softly. "Momma," She called happily.

She woman was kneeling down on the ground, wearing her combat apparel, which consisted of a long, flowing skirt that was open at the sides to allow her to move freely. She wore a black sleeveless shirt with an intricate design in gold. It exposed a small part of her stomach. However, if anything, the woman's clothing made her look even more regal than she usually did. Her pink hair - from which Kei had gotten her own hair color - flowed down her back. Her posture was poised and dignified, but relaxed. Blood stained her face and hands, her clothing and skin, but Kei didn't notice. "Join me," The woman spoke, smiling at her daughter. Kei nodded happily. She knelt in front of her mother and set her hands on her knees. There was a small, wooden table between the two, where Kei's mother had set up a batch of freshly brewed tea. "Tell me, how has your day been?" The woman known as Utau asked.

Kei smiled before she answered. "I met someone today," Kei began. Her mother's face instantly expressed her worry. "Did someone else try to beat you up?" She asked. The woman was well used to her daughter being bullied. Kei shook her head. "No!" She said happily. "His name is Sero. He's really nice! He even stood up for me while we were at the beach!" Kei explained. She often conversed like this with Utau. "That's good to hear," Said the older woman as she took a sip from her cup of tea.

28Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:58 pm



Sero moved through the house like a phantom haunting the blood stained halls. His grey eyes not even wavering to look at the death marks in obvious view around him. No sound came from his slow procession into the building. His earlier instincts to run and report now faded. It was like his soul was singing a soft melody. This was his natural habitat. His hand reaches out and touches the blood on the wall before he brings it up to his face. It was then that he noticed the tears on his cheeks. They where warmer then the blood and seemed to fade quickly as if boiled away. How fitting. A monster had no right to cry for the loss of life of even so many. Instead A monster had to hunt another Monster. Slowly he moves up the stairs before finding himself standing in front of the door leading to the source of it all. His blood covered hand pushes it open as he looks within. The killing intent rushing off of him in waves as if the very nature of life was fleeing from him. Still he does not speak. Just observes.

29Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:15 pm



Utau's ears twitched slightly. Someone was moving up the stairs. She didn't stifen, her facial expression didn't change. In fact, other than the slight movement of her ear, nothing about her had changed. If someone was to come, she would let them do so. At this point, there wasn't much more that anyone could do. She took another sip of her tea as she heard Kei happily speak about her new friend. Despite verything, she was glad for her daughter. "...He's really serious, but he's a good person! It's easy to tell!" Said the young girl. Despite the Genjutsu that Utau had placed on the child to keep her calm, the young girl sounded excited as she spoke. "I'm glad," She said. She noticed that her daughter hadn't touched the cup of tea in front of her. "You should drink that before it gets cold," She said.

Kei nodded. She took the cup of tea between her hands and took a sip from it, making a loud slurping noise as she did. Her mother had taught her that doing so meant she had good manners. Just then, the door to the room slid open. Kei turned around to see the silver haired boy standing there. Unlike Kei, Utau noticed his cold gaze and the murderous intent that overflowed from him. Again, she didn't move. Kei, on the other hand, stood up immediately. "Sero!" She said happily. She moved towards the boy and took his wrist in he hand so that she could pull him towards Utau. "Momma! This is Sero! You know? The one I was talking to you about!" She said gleefully, ignorant to Sero's current mood.

30Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:24 pm



Sero was hot to the touch but this time he did not Budge when she grabbed his wrist. Instead his head tilts to the blood covered woman kneeling on the floor as he watches her. His cold gaze measuring her for a moment. There was no need to kill her less she was the source. if nothing else She could Direct him where he needed to go. For now He speaks warmly.

"Actually Kei um. I uh am kind of thirsty from the trip. any chance you can go get me a cup too? please?"

Sero would smile gently and pat Kei's hand with his non bloodied hand reassuringly. He had assessed the moment he entered that Kei was not her usual self. she wasn't reacting to the Massive amounts of blood even slightly which indicated she was either in Shock or under Genjutsu. Out of caution he was betting on the latter. Assuming she went to go fetch him one Sero would return his gaze to the other woman. only to speak a single cold word. Like Ice cracking in the chill of winter.


31Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:51 pm



Kei wasn't surprised by the fact that Sero didn't budge. In fact, she didn't even notice. At his request, she nodded. The fact that he was smiling at her made it almost impossible for her to say no. She blushed slightly as she looked down at his hand ove rher own. As he let go, she nodded again. "Sure, I'll ge tyou a cup of green tea," She said, bowing her head slightly at both Sero and her mother. Just as she was about to leave the room, Utau spoke. "Kei, darling, what did you say your friend's name was?" She asked. Her voice sounded as if it had no hidden intent, but the question was a tactical one. "Osada, Sero," Kei answered. Once she saw Utau nod and smile in response, Kei waved goodbye at the two and left the room.

Once Utau heard the distinctive sound of the door snapping closed, she looked at Sero. SHe was completely unphazed by how cold and ruthless he sounded. In fact, she ignored his petty command. "An Osada? Interesting," She said. "I've known several people from your clan over the years," She comented. "You use the Boil release, don't you? That would explain the heat on your skin," She said. Before he could ask why she knew that, Utau elaborated. "When my daughter lifted her hand just now, I noticed a slight burn mark on he palm. Tell me, Sero, can you control yourself?" She assked.

32Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:02 am



Sero would continue to watch her never moving closer. He liked this range as it gave him options. Still this conversation had to be quick. He listens to her words and how she sounds. He couldn't detect any stress in her voice which indicated she was not tired. Still getting his clan out of her daughter was impressive. However a pang of guilt hits him for burning her on accident. A monster cant have friends. they just get hurt. He assumed the woman already knew the answer to her question. Sero avoided people because of how little control he had at this point. Things got burned around him. He would wake up from a nightmare only to find that Everything in the room was torn as if by Steam. His grey eyes match hers to speak plainly now as the adrenaline he had experienced begins to fade.

"By the look of things I think that should be my question to you. As for the moment you appear to be the source of everything."

33Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:11 am



Utau took a sip from her cup of tea and set it down on the table in front of her. She took a close look at Sero, as she did with everything that surrounded her. Utau was quite the perceptive woman - a talent she had refined over a long career. She could see that her words had gotten to the boy, even if only a little. Of course he had no control over himself. He was still young and inexperienced. Depending on how she played her cards, Utau could use that to her advantage. But no matter, she had no intention of fighting the boy, at least not yet. At his acusation, Utau smiled. "What makes you think that? It it the blood? I knew I should have washed up. But truth be told, I wasn't expecting company," She said. Though her words obviously meant sarcasm, her tone of voice didn't express it. She simply smiled at the boy. "We have about five to eight minutes before Kei comes back. If you have any questions or if you plan on doing anything, feel free," She said, waving her hand in front of her in a welcoming motion.

34Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:23 am



Sero sighs feeling somewhat aggravated. She was avoiding answering yet again as if he might forget if she where to Misdirect.He didnt doubt her intelligence but it was getting old and quickly. Instead he watches for a moment before he abruptly turns as if to leave. Sero was just flat out strange. He didnt resort to violence. nor Idle threats. And honestly she knew more about him then he liked going into a fight. So instead he shakes his head as if tired.

"This is beyond my level. So since you dont seem to want to explain anything. I will merely give my report and be done with the matter. Thank you for allowing me into your home today."

35Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:45 am



Utau nodded at Sero. "A wise choice," She stated. There was a brief silence before the pink haired woman spoke again. "Should I let you make it," She added. She stood up from the ground rather slowly. She brushed off the non-existing dirt from her skirt. As she stood, an empty scabbard - where a katana should have been - was tied to her side. She pursed her lips together as if she were in deep thought. "Oh dear, this isn't good," She said. She had felt a connection being severed from her: the Genjutsu she had kept on Kei. She remember the fact that the young girl had burned herself upon contact with Sero's skin. It had taken a few minutes, but the pain had broken the Genjutsu. She put a hand to her cheeck and closed her eyes for a few seconds as she took a deep breath. "You really are a meddlesome boy," She said. Her posture stiffened slightly - her way of preparing for a fight.

Kei was oblivious to what was going on upstairs. She had set the tea kettle over the stove and waited for the water to boil. She sat down happily in a chair near the kitchen. But she felt odd. The numbness caused by the Genjutsu was wearing off, but of course, the young Genin didn't even know that she was under an illusion. All she knew was that a stream of emotions was steadily growing. She began to feel a slight sense of panic. She tried ignoring it at first, but it soon became impossible to ignore. She closed her eyes and opened them again - as if she had been asleep and had suddenly woken up. A sudden sense of urgency rushed through her. This time, however, her instincts told her to remain cautious.

She was no longer deaf or blind to what was surrounding her. The smell of blood wafted through the air. It was almost impossible to miss. A dripping noise filled her ears. The sound was slow. She moved towards where it was coming from, taking slow and quiet steps. She hid behind the frame that led into the livingroom for a few seconds, to make sure that there was no one there before she barged in. For a few minutes, all that she could sense was the smell of blood and the dripping noise that echoed in the room. She peeked into he room. There was no one there. All she could see was a slow and steady flow of crimson drops falling from the ceiling. Without thinking, she raised her head to take a look at the source. All she could so was scream.

Utau heard her daughter's scream and sighed. She ran a hand though her hair and closed her eyes. "Ah," She began. "It seems like my daughter has found her father," She said and paused. "What's left of him, at least," She added. As she did so, her smile turned twisted and cold. "So, young Sero, what will you do now?"

36Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:22 pm



Sero would pause at the words and contemplate. He had a idea that she was a Genjutsu user. How he would deal with that he was unsure. But if she was the source then that meant that she had already used a decent amount of Chakra. perhaps then they might be on even grounds. once again the killing intent begins to roll off of him. His grey eyes turning to look to the woman. Kei's scream echoed somewhere in his thoughts but even that seemed distant.


His tone was cold again as the Monstrous nature within him was taking hold again. This honestly did nothing more then release him of his caution and over thinking. He was still very much the same person. just incredibly murderous. His hand reaches out to gently push the door closed. pausing for a moment before speaking again.

"I dont know honestly. But I know this. If you come at me. It wont end pleasantly for either of us.

37Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:57 pm



Kei collapsed on her knees. Her eyes were wide in shock. Her hands were trembling. Blood dripped on her forehead as she fixed her gaze on her father's body. It was mangled and bloody. Four kunai knives were holding his hands and feet in place, spread across the ceiling. A katana - which she knew she had seen before somewhere - was piercing his stomach. "No... no... no..." Kei kept on mumbling to herself. She could feel a sob building in her throat. But she couldn't cry. Not now, not when her family could be in danger. Not when her mother was right upstairs. But the poor girl was in shock. She couldn't even move. Her father's blood drip down her face, mixing with the tears she hadn't even known were falling along her cheeks. With what was left of her rationality, she debated whether or not to change personalities. Yin was far more suited to deal with such things.

However, Yin would escape and leave Sero and her mother behind. No, she had to deal with this herself. She stood up almost automatically. Her face was now covered in blood. Her hands and legs tembled as she slowly walked up to her mother's room.


Utau put her hand to her face and chuckled. "I admire your courage, young one. To stand up to a far more experienced shinobi with hardly anything to your favor is admirable, though foolhardy," Said the woman. She walked over to the other side of the room and slid the door to her closet open. Hanging off of the wall were several sets of katanas. She picked one off of the wall and held it briefly in her hands. "Yes, this will do," She said as she slid it into her scabbard. She calmly walked towards the young boy in front of her. She kept her hand on the blade's handle, ready to fight should she need to.

38Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:28 pm



There had been some reports of a disturbance by the surrounding area, screams. It must have been something if ANBU barged into my office to tell me about it. I swear at times it's as if they can't think for themselves. I ran to the scene as quickly as possible, in my case that was pretty quick. As I arrived I was quite shocked, but I took no real mind to it, I had seen FAR worse. I heard voices however. I had to check this out.

I crept closer to the building where I heard voices, it was a 2 female voices and a single male. One of the females were older. Either way guess it was time to take care of it. I stood by a window, concealing my presence as I waited. I held my Raijin sword in my right hand. The window wasn't large, but it would be enough for me to barrel roll in.

I waited for the perfect opportunity before moving away quietly from the window then RUSHING forward and jumping through the wind. The glass shattered and I stood between two children, genin by the looks of them, and a woman. She looked familiar, she could have been a ninja. She held a sword so it was easily assumed she was dangerous. I would be able to easy take her out though.

"Hello kids and madam." I said as I stood there, the inactivated Raijin in my right hand, almost not see-able due to me only holding the hilt. "If I may ask, what seems to be the issue at hand here?" I asked gently and kindly, a kind smile enveloping my face. I wore my Mizukage cloak, but I left my hat at home. The rest of my outfit was as usual(as soon in ava picture). My kind appearance never faded, when it did, people knew they would all die usually.

39Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:42 pm



Sero would watch the woman quietly for a moment as she collected a weapon. She assumed she knew his limitations. Something he might be able to use if she was underestimating him. Still, kei was nearby. He could hear her coming up the stairs. How to handle an armed opponent with more experience. Within the tiny room he had somewhat of an advantage though. If he kept her near walls she would be forced to use stabbing techniques instead of slashing. That would be his best bet.

Still it came as a surprise to him as no other then the one he intended to report to when he was finished here came crashing in without a moments notice. The element of surprise was the Kage’s. however it would appear to Sero as if Hikou intended to waste the opportunity with a question. What kind of confidence did the man have to just barge in and ask what was going on? What an odd thing to do. For the moment Sero sighs and shakes his head.

"A lot of blood is downstairs along with at least one body. the location of the rest of the locals is unknown. Suspect female is threatening me with a sword for intending to give a report. Possible Kenjutsu, Genjutsu user. Probably at least a Chunnin rank. Other then that I dont know much more."

The report was given as if read from a book in class. Bored and somewhat annoyed Sero stood there plotting an escape route.

40Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:06 pm



Kei slid the door to the room slowly. Her eyes were still wide with fear and shock. She stumbled clumsily into the room, unable to keep herself standing straight. As she did so, she bumped her shoulder against Sero's. However, she didn't really notice that he was there. She was moving automatically. "M-mom," She stuttered. Her voice was broken and barely above a whisper. She walked in between her friend and her mother. of course, the young girl couldn't tell that they had been about to fight. She stumbled towards her mother. She was unconciously seeking refuge in the woman who just so happened to be the cause of this entire chaos.

Without lowering her guard, Utau spread her arms and welcomed her daughter into her embrace. "M-mom," Kei stuttered again. "D-dad's-" Before she could continue, Utau interrupted her. "I know, darling, I know," She said, her voice was calming and gentle. "You don't have to say it," She added. She hugged her daughter closely to herself and slightly narrowed her gaze at Sero, as if challenging him to attack her now.

Just at that moment, she saw a shadow moving, reflecting from the window. Someone was about to barge into their little reunion. Just what she needed. However, the woman's expressions nor her body language betrayed her frustration. All she needed to do was create an opening and escape. There was not much more to it. The appearance of the Mizukage made this slightly more difficult, though. "My, to what do I owe the presence of our Lord Mizukage in our humble household?" She asked. The concern in her voice sounded genuine. As Sero gave his explanation, Utau only smiled and hugged Kei closer to her body.

41Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:23 pm



I listened to the kid's report and I heard the girl's sobs, something about her farther. It was obvious by her tone, her absence of mind, he was dead. This woman killed him maybe? Anything was possible, and most likely if anything. "Oh nothing just some locals called in a large disturbance and when Shinobi came by they found blood. Don't know why the ANBU just didn't come in, but im not all that concerned about it." I continued to speak kindly, my voice was as happy as it usually was, no difference of tone or anything.

I pointed my inactive Raijin blade at the woman however. "I'm going to have to ask you to drop that sword and step away from the girl. I know she needs comfort and all but I would rather not have her in the middle of this. We are two adults, we should be able to talk this over." I continued to speak kindly.

42Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:28 pm




Was all Sero had to say for the moment as there really wasn't much chance of out running the strongest man in Kiri. Instead he crosses his arms and leans back against the wall watching everyone with those dull grey eyes. if nothing else perhaps he could learn from this. A strength or weakness to certain techniques could be nice. All he had to do was avoid getting caught up in them. Still Kei just walking into the suspects arms could start a hostage situation. Regrettable was putting the situation lightly. But still the young man simply watches. He had promised to stay for dinner after all.

43Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:54 pm



Utau looked confused for a brief moment, or at least she pretended to be. She wouldn't let go of her daughter. That would mean losing possibly one of her greatest advantages. She noticed the boy practically retired from the battle. He leaned against the wall as if nothing was going on at the moment. Her lips twitched slightly. She greatly disliked being underestimated, more so by a lowly Genin. "Now why would I do that? I have the right to defend my daughter as I please," She said, holding on to Kei tightly with one hand and her katana's grip with the other. The young girl trembled in her grasp. She would have liked to use another sort of Genjutsu to calm the young girl down, but she couldn't afford to lose chakra at the moment.Iif she was to fight the Mizukage, she needed all of her reserves. A small part of her wanted to protect her daughter. However, she knew that what she was doing was far more important, it served the greater good. All she needed to do now was create an opening and escape.

44Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:31 pm



"Sorry but you lose your rights the second you become a traitor." I told the woman, my smile faded away, nothing but cold of the Ice country filled my eyes. I glared onto the woman. I would easily kill her if I had to, not a doubt in my mind about that even. Would be a pity of course if two genin were lost but killing fugitives always had its risks. "So I won't ask you again. Let her go and let's go talk this over." I told her, the kindness in my eyes were gone but it remained in my voice. It was just natural to me.

45Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:39 pm



Sero sighs and rubs the back of his head. this shit was out of his league and he knew it. No proper training against Genjutsu, not having enough speed, and being mostly a statistic in even his own calculations was bothering him. So Sero moves back to the door never turning his back to them.

:"You adults enjoy yourselves. I am going to go have a smoke on the roof if you need me."

He really just didnt care to be caught up in any jutsu so he quickly moves out the door. once in the hallway he begins walking towards a window pulling out his pack. pushing one up with his thumb he snatches it up with his lips and puts the pack away before opening the window. leaning against the window sill he quietly lights his smoke taking in a deep drag. Perfect. freakin perfect.

46Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:58 pm



At this point it was best to avoid direct conflict. Thinking rationally, as she always did, Utau devised a strategy, a way out of the room. It would be foolish to try and fight the Mizukae right now. They were in a small space, after all. And even if the other child was merely a Genin, he could still do enough damage to turn the tide of the battle. As the young boy moved across the room, Utau only looked at him from the corner of her eye. He was approaching the window, allowing himself to leave. Utau made no move to stop him. She had more pressing matters to deal with. Kei, on the other hand, stirred in her mother's grasp.

"S-Sero," she managed to say. Her voice still sounded weak and broken. But Utau was beyond sympathy at this point. She let go of the child and bowed to the Mizukage slightly, still keeping her gaze fixed on him. "If you want her so badly, you can take her," she said. As soon as her sentence was over, she kicked the girl's back, launching her forward towards the Mizukage. If he either avioded the girl or let her fall on him, it didn't matter. She would have enough time. With a single handsign, she disappeared, leaving a cloud of mist in her wake. Once she reappeared, she would already be standing on the window pane, ready to escape. Kei, on the other hand, was only left disoriented.

47Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:51 pm



The moment the words 'You want her' came out of the woman's mouth, I already anticipated her movements. It was so basic, not even clever. What a pathetic attempt. Throwing your own daughter at your enemy. This is why traitors must be dealt with, I would have to clean this village of these scum. I was much quicker than that woman dealt me for however. I threw my Raijin into the air, put my right arm out to catch the girl as I turned my body, my left hand coming up to my mouth. "Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Ball" I said quickly and with ease. I blew out a tiny ball of wind from my mouth and into my hand at shot it out with amazing speed. Four more trailed after it with amazing accuracy and precision at a rapid fire. The attack should hit somewhere on her body. It was a rapidly firing and very quick jutsu. Firing 5 at the woman should have hit her somewhere, likly to hurt her quite badly.

I had caught the girl in my arm. I had to punch that kid was because of him that the woman saw an opening. Foolishness would kill a ninja.


48Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:34 pm



Sero would breath in the smoke and slowly blow it out staring out the window in the hall way as if waiting for something. truth be told he was waiting for the end. He really had three reasons for leaving the room. The first was survival. If he got caught in any high ranking Jutsu he was unsure if he could get out before becoming dead. The Second was because he was not sure if there was any reinforcements. So he was positioning himself in a look out position in case this where an elaborate trap.

the last was simple. If someone Kei cared for died there was a chance he could keep from becoming a part of it. Let the hate and blame fall to someone else. He had his own problem's. that and he was selfish enough to try and hold onto a chance at friendship.

49Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:42 pm



Kei trembled slightly in Hikou's arms. She couldn't understand what was happening around her. At this point, she felt she had no choice but to change. After all, Sero had already gotten to safety. With shaking hands, she formed a single sign. A black mark appeared on her cheek, a koi fish that resembled the darker half of the yin anf yang symbol. Her eyes narrowed and she stood up straight, no longer as afraid as before, no longer as impaired. She had turned cold and calculating. However, anger coursed through her like it never had before. She seemed like an entirely different person.

All the while, Utau anticipated the Mizukage's jutsu. Just as he drew his hands to his mouth, she was drawing her own sword. As she did so, Kei knew well enough that she had to jump backwards, well away from the sword's range. As the speeding balls of wind approached her, Utau closed her eyes. Her katana was already pointed at Hikou, though she didn't need to get any closer. She simply flicked the side of the blade, creating a powerful eruption of sound. A painful screech engulfed the room. A large wave of sound extended from the blade, pushing away what was in its path, including the Mizukage's jutsu. "You underestimate me, Lord Mizukage," The woman stated. She kept her guard up, though her face betrayed no emotion other than apparent kindness and serenity. She stared at the Mizukage.

Kei knew she stood no chance against her mother, but she might be useful to the Mizukage. She knew her mother's jutsu and fighting style better than anyone else. Her anger and her instincts were at odds. In times like these, it was best to let others decide for her, lest she make a decision that could potentially harm her. "Lord Mizukage," She began. her voice had changed, become more mature. However, anger was easily traceable. "Would you rather I fight or leave?" She asked. If he said she could leave, the young girl would exit through the window, just as Sero had. She would join him and ask him to give her a cigarrette, so that she could calm her nerves. If the Mizukage told her to stay, she would divulge all the information that she knew about the woman who had killed her father.



50Take me Home [Ask to Join] - Page 2 Empty Re: Take me Home [Ask to Join] Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:58 am



The woman had deflected the jutsu with her sword. I would have to keep that in mind with this fight, I didn't feel like making a long battle out of this. I would finish this quickly. I let go of the girl and set her aside and catched Raijin back with my right hand and stood up to face the woman. "Do as you please. Just be confident in your choice. I am not going to force you to fight your own mother, I'm not a cruel man such as that. But I will also not hold you back if you want to fight her. I will not hold back however. If you stand in my way, trying to protect your mother, I WILL kill you as well. That's just the cold truth of the world." I told the girl as I put Raijin back in on my tool belt.

"As for you...It is time that you went onto the next life. I will be your guide to that next life." I told her as I then formed a hand seal of the ram quickly. As I formed the hand seal I began to run towards the woman with my speed that I was known for. "Wind Style:Air Bullets" I said quickly and calmly as four bullets of highly condensed wind formed around me. I shot off two as I was close to the woman. It was moving at a very high speed, which was perfect seeing as she would have to jump away to escape, moving a sword to block would have created more time to move the sword than the bullets would take to hit. As I got within a foot of the window frame I shot another bullet at the woman, moving the bullets around their Circle of Creation to best adjust for the shots. The first two bullets aimed for the woman's torso, the largest section of the body, and the third bullet aimed for the woman's right shoulder, to hinder her sword skills.


Last edited by Hikou on Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:01 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : edited post due to Kenta and Naota and had to color the new text added.)

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