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1Home sweet broken home (Kiri->Suna Ruins) Empty Home sweet broken home (Kiri->Suna Ruins) Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:33 pm



The rain was pouring hard, and I was walking in the middle of the night without an umbrella. I started crying for no reason. I cannot remember who I am. I cannot remember my name. I cannot remember my pain. However, it still hurts. I feel like there is a hole in the middle of my chest, I feel as though my rib cage is protecting nothing, I feel as though my lungs stopped functioning as though I can't breath anymore, and most importantly I feel as though my heart is no longer there. I miss people but I can't remember their names. I know I've lost people important to me, and I know it may have hurt me greatly in the past and that I may have broken apart from my suffering. However, I question how fate can be so cruel to me. I am not an idiot. I know why these people fear me, and why they run as soon as I stand in front of them. I also know most if not all of them were wrong-doers. I calm myself thinking that perhaps when my past self lost his loved ones he became some sort of avenger that defeats those that do wrong. I only hope that my past is not as tragic as these clues around me indicate, and I pray I wasn't an evil man that harmed others. I pray that if I can one day recover my memories, I will recover the memories of a good man and not one that harms those around him and everyone in his path. I pray....

I walked around Kirigakure for a good while and got to meet many locals. They were all battle hardened and tough. I liked their tough love and I believe they're good people. When I was lost the locals helped me out and one guard came up to me and helped me out. I told him I was just an adventurer and that I was leaving this lovely village. The guard smiled and patted me on the shoulder and spoke few words "You're a good young man Shiro, here, take this Kunai  and before you leave since we have a few hours let's train a little bit. You've been helping around the village and aiding the locals, think of this as a reward!" I smiled and agreed, it was a kind gesture and I didn't want to decline it. I think I was a strong person in the past but I have no idea how strong. I am a little fast and I punch a bit strong but it always feels like I can do more and that I can exert more force but I never seem to be able to. I don't care for strength, in the worst case scenario I can run away!

However, one thing that troubles me is my illness. For some reason I sometimes blackout and find myself in different places. It's truly weird, and I have no clue as to what happens to me but I hope it's not harming my body too grievously. I also seem to have a difficulty sleeping. I once woke up so quickly and found myself in a fighting stance ready to attack what it was that woke me up and it was a damn ant on my hand. It is pretty embarrassing to be startled by an ant but its as though when I close my eyes I focus more on things around me it's silly.

One thought that constantly pops up in my mind is; what if me not remembering much of my past is a blessing? What if I did this to myself because I wanted to forget who I was and be a new person living a simple life? I don't know why I am how I am, but I do know that I want to live happy. I am very happy adventuring and meeting people. I want to keep living this simple life, whether my memory loss is a curse or a blessing, I haven't the slightest clue. However, I will live my life to the fullest!

One village I would love to see is none other than Sunagakure. I am heading there as I speak. I'll be traveling all over and meeting people from all places. But the destruction of the sand village was a sad event. I would like to help out around that village and aid them in their time of need.

Shiro closed his diary as he set it back in his back pocket as he was done with writing down his thoughts. He stepped down from the carriage finding what remained of a once great golden village. Nothing but ruins and camps as far as the eye can see.

Word Count: 814
Travel complete

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