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1Helping the Old Woman [Mission, Completed] Empty Helping the Old Woman [Mission, Completed] Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:28 pm



Yuuma trudged up the mountain, completely in awe that an elderly woman could really live in such an environment. The path was steep and and rough, and Yuuma very much doubted that the old lady Ninaro could possible make the trek. The reasoning for this mission began to make sense. Yuuma wondered how Ninaro could afford to keep paying people to do her shopping and chores, but he supposed she just had a good retirement. She probably didn’t need new people shop for her every day, but even it was just twice or 3 times a week the amounts would still add up. Not to mention the additional prices of the things she needed to be bought. This little old lady was probably loaded.

After a good climb, Yuuma finally reached the peak of the mountain. Miss Ninaro’s house was a quaint little thing, homey and stylish in a rural kind of way. It was quite inviting. He approached the oaken door and gave it 3 firm knocks. It gave off a solid sound that carried well, implying the door was extremely well built. She’s probably afraid of burglars. Yuuma thought to himself as he waited for his knock to be answered. It would probably take a powerful shinobi to break this door down. He smiled at the mental image of the Hokage and 3 Sannin trying in vain to break down the door as old lady Ninaro laughed maniacally.

”I’m coming!” A voice cried out from within the home. A few moments later the door opened, revealing a shriveled looking old woman with large spectacles and white hair pulled in a bun. ”Come in, young man. Come in.” She said, herding Yuuma into her home. As he entered he was greeted with the inviting smell of green tea. A cute and energetic dog bounded happily up to Yuuma with a leash in his mouth, tail wagging. ”Oh shoo, mutt. Let the boy settle in." Ninaro commanded, sending the dog away before Yuuma could offer to walk him. ”Now, how would you like some tea?”

Never one to refuse a friendly offer of tea, Yuuma and Ninaro shared a few cups together. Yuuma asked her questions about her life, and told her a few fun stories about his travels before returning to Konoha. After about an hour, most of which was just spent talking, Yuuma brought up the mission. ”So, do you have a list for me Miss Ninaro?” He inquired.

”Oh of course, the chores!” She exclaimed, as if she had completely forgotten them. She fished a piece of paper from her purse and handed it to Yuuma. ”Make sure you get it all done by tonight. I won’t hold you any longer." Yuuma nodded and thanked Miss Ninaro for her hospitality, then grabbed her dog and leash before setting off back down the mountain.

"Lets see here..." Yuuma muttered when he reached the town at the foot of the mountain. ”Buy: 4 apples, 11 sweet Potatoes, 3 tomatoes, 2 packs of instant ramen, 1 pack of sunflower seed, 1 pack of rose seed, 3 boes of green tea, perfume, and two pieces of... Granny Underwear?” Yuuma shuddered, pushing the image from his mind. The potatoes would be easy, he could generate 10 of them with his kekkai genkai. The one leftover, as well as the apples and tomatoes would just have to be bought from a produce cart. The ramen would be everywhere: everyone sells instant ramen. He’d probably need to find a gardener to get the seeds, and the tea would be common.

And so Yuuma followed the list, finding the items without any problems until he reached the bottom. Granny underwear. He wasn’t even sure what “granny underwear” was supposed to mean. As he stood there, holding the dog’s leash, staring at the list with a no doubt puzzled look on his face, he was addressed by someone. ”Granny underwear?" The voice asked, jolting Yuuma from his thoughts.

”Uh, y-yeah.” Yuuma stuttered in surprise, turning to see a middle aged man behind a stall selling an assortment of knick knacks.

”I could tell. We get guys like you all the time coming down here. They always seem to have trouble with the underwear.” He tossed a package 2 pieces of modest underwear in Yuuma’s direction. ”Here you go kid.”

Yuuma thanked the man and payed, heading back up the mountain to deliver the purchased goods. Upon his return he set the groceries on the table and searched for miss Ninaro’s cat. It took almost an hour, but he finally caught the pesky tom and gave it its food. He then spent the rest of the day chatting and drinking tea with Ninaro before helping her clean up for the day.

”Do come back, Yuuma.” Miss Ninaro said as Yuuma was stepping out the door into the night. ”I very much enjoyed spending time with you.”

Yuuma smiled warmly and bowed, promising that he would return.


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