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1Helping an Old Woman [Konoha - D] Empty Helping an Old Woman [Konoha - D] Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:57 am



Fuyuki felt the wind brush against his exposed skin and face as he soared through the air.

Well, not exactly soared. He still didn't know how to fly, and that secret laid buried with some Tsuchikage or another. In fact, he had only been in midair because of a super chakra-powered jump that he had applied at the tip of a long bent bamboo pole, which had sent him careening through the air, straight at the old woman's house for his mission.

Well, it was probably not the smartest or safest thing to do. However, Fuyuki was not known for his brilliance out of battle. The only brilliance he could've claimed here was actually thinking which angle he should've catapulted himself from, and how much he should've bent the bamboo pole to allow for the optimal distance, without actually breaking said pole itself. After all, the place he had just come from had been a popular tourist attraction in the areas around Konoha, and one broken bamboo pole was one too many.

He began to lose altitude as gravity took its cruel hold of him, ripping him of the chance to continue experiencing this Nirvanic feeling. After all, it wasn't like Fuyuki could go to the southern regions of Konoha and catapult himself around all he liked all day long. Being a ninja meant fulfilling his duties, and especially so for Fuyuki himself, who had preached that he believed in helping those in need, particularly those who couldn't help themselves.

Id est, the woman he was supposed to be helping as of now.

He landed in font of the woman's house. Or, so he had expected. Instead, he landed among a clump of trees. On Hein's side, it wasn't too bad a deal. If he had landed straight down in front of the woman's old shack atop the mountain, the momentum he had would probably carry him straight into the ground, breaking his legs and flattening him like a pancake.

He got out of the small thicket of trees and knocked on the door, where a frail old woman greeted him (quite rudely, he might add) and shoved a list into his hand, before snapping at him to get everything on the list right. Fuyuki then found the door slammed in his face hard, before he blinked twice, having had no part in the conversation.

He took a look at the list, then another look, and sighed. With that, he took off on the long trek to Konoha, where store after store was visited to get the lady her groceries. Four apples, he could understand. Eleven sweet potatoes? Maybe. Three tomatoes? Sort of. The pair of instant ramen... Well, he guess he couldn't argue with that. The sunflower seed and rose seed were uncalled for, since there wasn't a garden around the woman's house, and her stench made him wonder what happened to the perfume he was supposed to get. The three boxes of green tea had been slightly difficult with the local store owner being unwilling to do business with a non-Konoha ninja, whereas the granny underwear set had just been disgusting.

He then trekked all the way back to the old woman's house, where he left the many bags of grociers on her doorstep, as she seemed to be out. He made his way to the side and took the dog's leash, and began walking in circles around the house, stopping once in a while to feed the cat occasionally, which was located at the other side of the house. Finally, he entered the house and swept and mopped the floors, cleaned the windows, and did her dishes. He refused to do her laundry, and was fortunate it wasn't on the list.

With that, the woman returned almost mystically, before shooing him out of her house and saying she was 'somewhat pleased' with what he had done, before slamming the door less hard in his face. Fuyuki blinked almost similarly to this afternoon, and began the trek home.

He was never good with old people anyway. It was best there was no talking.

Word Count: 704

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