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1Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Fri May 09, 2014 2:41 am



Jutsu Seal: Release ~

Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] A8daedc3ea6b47e8e9e446c15d5decd6

E rank (2):

D rank (2):

C rank (4):

B rank (8):

A rank (4):

Last edited by Binsu on Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:10 am; edited 16 times in total

2Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Mon May 26, 2014 10:26 pm



2 Inch Slice: Remove the +1 from this. Decrease the increase in slicing depth to 1 inch, and decrease defensive ability to 2 of equal rank, and 3 of a rank lower. As for giving this effect to additional blades … I'd say limit it to two, and increase the chakra cost, unless you decrease the damage / defensive ability even further.

Mental Presence: Change cooldown to "3 posts + duration".

Lightning Style: Beast Claw: Remove the +1. Decrease the speed according to the new jutsu guidelines, and limit the burn damage (a certain area of impact for the second degree burns, and a certain larger area for the first degree burns). Also limit the breaking of bones to direct area of impact.

Doton Formation: I'm not comfortable with the idea of potentially have three structures (although small), to each have full defensive capabilities. I'd recommend just keeping either one structure, or dividing up the amount that it can block against.

Hiding Like a Mole Technique: -1 rank should probably be changed to -1 tier of a rank in speed.

Earth Release Mud Clone: At B rank, they should only be able to shrug off D rank attacks / techniques, or C rank basic strikes. Unless this is made to be a defensive technique, an attack B rank or higher would disperse the clones, as well as two C rank attacks.

Doton Cannon: Decrease the speed according to new jutsu guidelines.

Raiton Disc: Remove the +1 from this. Also decrease the speed.

Electric Shock Impulse: Remove the +1. Decrease all radius ranges according to new jutsu guidelines.

Heavenly Attack: Remove the +1. Change cooldown to "6 posts + Duration". Decrease the speed of the S rank portion to appropriate jutsu speeds, and for C rank, decrease burns to "minor second degree".

Earth Changing Terrain: I honestly think this jutsu is much too versatile. To cover all of the possibilities, each one would need to be specified and have it's own stated damages / defensive ability / miscellaneous usage, etc. I'd recommend limiting this to certain functions.

3Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:42 am



Ty for the review, sorry for the extremely late response, but All Edits Made ~

4Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:01 pm



All jutsu libraries have been revamped, please replace any old library techniques you may have with the new ones.

Beast Claw: Replace "shattered bones" to "broken bones".

Doton Formation: It's a little unclear right now. So do you start with 1 structure, and is able to create an additional structure per post for the same chakra cost?

Doton Cannon: The speed is still way too high, drop it down to appropriate A rank speeds.

Electric Shock Impulse: What does it mean when it says it scaled from D-S, but then is capped at A? If it's just up to A rank, then the S rank portions can be removed. Also, edit the radius ranges mentioned in the first paragraph of the description as well.

Earth Changing Terrain: Remove the "Offensive" label for the jutsu type. Decrease defensive properties to two of equal rank and three of a rank lower, as it cannot defend against techniques of a rank higher as a maintainable technique.

5Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:35 am



Edits have been made and more explanation where needed has been provided ~

6Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:46 pm



Retrieval Seal: It kinda says this right in the's Summoning. Or some other form of Space-Time Ninjutsu. (If this is scratched, you'll naturally get to make a new jutsu to replace it, as well as get a refund/equal-rank item to replace the seal.)

Derived Sealing: Limit this to nonhumans. Not that you use it for anything else but your pet, methinks, but still.

Beast Claw: Define 'deep tissue damage'. In addition, since this is a rather balanced technique, I'd like you to have hand seals on this. Not using them usually costs you something.

Doton Cannon: Define the bullets' size.

Raiton Disc: Max speed for the rank, high range, and damage along with 2-post paralysis. It needs toning down in at least 2 of these categories.

7Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:30 am



Retrieval seal: I honestly don't know why this is deny-worthy. I could and will add in a limit to stationery objects only, which will just make it a two-part version of the generic sealing technique but the central idea/concept of it lies within the boundaries of Fuinjutsu.

Derived sealing technique: can we say no live humans, I kinda wanted to use it as a means of transporting corpses aswell (since they might aswell be considered objects)

Claw: edited

Doton cannon: edited

Raiton Disc: edited

8Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Genko Binsu [Jutsu List Update] Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:11 am



Alrighty then

Retrieval Seal and Derived Sealing Technique: Are both fine and can be moved back to your list - APPROVED

Haze Clone Jutsu: All good - APPROVED

2 Inch Slice
and Mental Presence - APPROVED

Doton Formation, Beast Claw, Hiding like a mole technique,
and Mud Clone: are all edited to satisfaction and are also - APPROVED

Doton Canon and Raiton Disk: Are also APPROVE worthy

Look at that, you are all done :)

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