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Today was a big day for Otto he had somewhere to be; something to do; something that he was only able to once a year. Otto gets dressed quickly, with all the excitement in the world he quickly throws on his clothes, and cleans up his apartment. Right before he walks out the door he looks at his long overcoat with a sad expression. He sighs then takes it off and hangs it up he didn't want "him" to see it.

Otto runs through the village quickly and with determination he waves and smiles at some people but for the most part he ignores everyone. He continues to run and does not stop until he reaches his destination, the Bloody cemetery. The place just reeked of anger, hatred, and malice but the one thing that was not easy to pick up was the deep sadness of the graveyard the desperate cry for help from anyone. However, no one would help them no one would ever try so anger and hatred formed and festered threatening to swallow the unprepared person whole.

Sure his was a strange place for Otto to look forward to visiting, but this was of no concern to Otto who slowly began to walk into the cemetery with a wary look. Until he reached a small clearing it seemed brighter than the rest of the graveyard as if it was the only spot with hope left in it. He spot held no graves instead their stood a tall tree and an open clearing. This spot was being reserved for new graves, but for now it was empty devoid of the death that had consumed the rest of the cemetery. Otto approached the tree and touched its bark I was cool and damp from the moistness of the air in Kirigakure. Otto sat down on the grass in front of the tree, the grass was soft and like the tree damp. This part of the graveyard was untouched by death for no but Otto could feel that soon that was going to change.

Otto leaned his head back for a short time and began to doze against the tree. He was awoken when a shadow stood above him. Most would have freaked out but Otto didn’t even open his eyes instead he completely wiped emotion from his face and said blankly, “what took you so long… dad.”

Otto finally opens his eyes to see standing above him a tall black haired man with bright purple eyes. The man wore a similar outfit to Otto aside from the fact that he had not removed the shoulder-pads from the Kirigakure ninja vest. The man looked over Otto and said, “always gotta look flashy huh, you know you get that from you mother.” Otto is instantly happy that he left his maroon coat at home. Kintaro smiles broadly as he pulls two katana from behind his back. These swords were basic and old but they still held all of the sharpness and speed of a traditional katana.

Otto stands up gingerly inside he was as happy as a person could be. However outwardly he was much more conservative with his emotion. He dint smile at the man across from him instead he just grabbed the sword on the left. Most people would think that he was upset with his father, or that he had deep emotional problems against the man. However it was just the opposite Kintaro had taught Otto to be very quiet about his emotions hiding them at all times to keep his opponent at odds not knowing what one was thinking or feeling a the time.

Both Otto and his father turned around and walked away from each other. Once they were ten feet away. They both turned around and stared at each other with matching intensity, then as if on cue simultaneously they switch into identical sword fighting stances. From a distance one could not tell that he two were father and son different hair color different eye color. However, up close or in situations like this their many similarities became obvious. Their eyes although in different colors were the same they had the same fire and the same lust for power. Their faces both held the same power filled arrogant half smiles, and their sword stances were literally mirror images of each other Kintaro using his left and Otto using his right hand.

The two ninja began o slowly circle each other feeling out each other’s weaknesses a slightly changing their stance accordingly. Kitaro was taller, so Otto was forced to angle his sword to point slightly lower than he had it originally. Kintaro switched his sword hand and shifted his feet slightly close together knowing that Otto was probably slightly faster than him due to him being somewhat shorter. The two of them lock eyes right before they cross blades.
[814/2000] (for C-B)



Otto and his father were finally ready for their warm-up the two of them started by spinning on their toes then swinging their blades to the untrained eye it would appear that the swords aren’t connecting at all but a true swordsman would see the slight touch, hear the faint whisper of their blades, and see that this wasn’t just a warm-up it was a dance. This warm-up was discovered by Kintaro and Otto a long time ago to hone their reflexes and prepare them for any sword battles no matter how brutal. The two of them lock eyes and the dance intensifies. They begin to swing their blade much faster and the illusion that they were not connecting began to disappear as they began to get closer and closer. The speed that they began to swing their blades at was incredible and with every clash they began to leave sparks. However, the dance didn’t just include the swords every two slashes kintaro and Otto would dodge the sword strike instead of parrying it by either spinning out of the way or jumping over the sword if it was low enough to. The graveyard was now filled with the melodious sounds of the dance if anyone listened at the outside of the graveyard they would here a battle and immediately be scared, but if a true swordsman stood outside he would hear the beauty of it and realize what was going on.

Otto and Kintaro stop the dance by spinning out of the circle, both holding large smiles. Kitaro was sweating heavily having not done the dance in a while. Otto looks at his father and says, “You ready for the next part old man!” Kintaro chuckled then switched back into his sword fighters stance, “are you,” he says with confidence. Otto takes his stance and they begin to circle each other with a different look in their eyes a want to win, and need to win. They were going to fight with all of the brutality that they would if they didn’t know each other. Their smiles had faded and in their place stood a focused frown as they eyed each other like snakes. Then with no warning the two charged their swords connecting with a loud clash leaving sparks. “You sure you’re ready old man that was a little slow,” Otto says with a broad smile. Kintaro does not respond instead he rolls his eyes then spins his sword causing Otto’s blade to slide off of his he uses that moment of confusion to launch a second strike at Otto’s neck. To most this looked savage and hateful, but both men knew what was going to happen if either one of them turned out to be weak. By right the stronger was guaranteed the right to either spare the other life or kill him on the spot. This may seem savage to some but this was their way of life this is the way the two of them were trained, even Otto’s “brothers didn’t truly understand.

Otto regains his focus quickly then parries his father’s second strike with a slash of his own the slash knocked Kintaro’s sword out of formation. Otto saw this and began the first part of his assault he launches a wide swing for kintaro’s chest and a lower swing at his leg. Kintaro was an expert fighter so he was able to jump to the left and dodge Otto first strike and by the time the second shot flew kintaro’s blade was back in the proper formation, and he was able to knock Otto strike away. “you call that an attack,” he said with a smile, “ maybe you are losing you edge, hmm.” Otto doesn’t react at all instead he launches three brutal slashes at his father’s head. Kintaro quickly parries each slash with a deep frown and says, “Maybe not.”
The fight rages on each an parrying the other man’s blows with incredible skill and precision. The two have done this enough to recognize the next move before it even comes. This battle raged on for at least an hour. After an hour Kintaro used his superior speed and endurance to disarm the young man. He then held his sword to Otto’s throat with a smile, “hmm?” he said “life or death,” with a smile he drops his blade and hugs his favorite son. Then as quickly as the wind Kintaro left with a smoke bomb.

Otto’s eyes are left extremely wide from the show of affection his father had just displayed. He could remember in his entire life he had never been shown this kind of affection from his father. From the age of 2 to right now, His father always seemed to treat him with indifference, and uncaring schooling.

Every day he would go through his lessons taught by his father to make him the best warrior that he could be. He taught him battle tactics, mind tricks, and sword play. He taught him about the spirit of one blade how it guides you, and when he is ready it would allow him to fight with sight. The sword would do that for him. He taught him never to name his swords one must allow their swords to reveal their names in time; once He and the blade had a connection based on trust and mutual respect. That day he would be the best he would be the blind swords man.

Otto dreamed of one day accomplishing this prediction from his father he dreamed of someday becoming the blind swordsman. Thus he began his training that day he went to the library and studied. The blind swords man was a legend a man so in tuned with his own sword and skills that when his eyes were taken he was still the best swords man alive. Otto was in awe of this man, but at the same time even though his father seemed to think so Otto wondered whether or not he was good enough for this man Legacy. He studied and studied and began to wonder why his father compares him to this blind swords man.

Otto studied and studied until he was an expert o the blind swords man he would learn the man technique and become the greatest swordsman alive he would defeat the kage, and anyone who stood up thinking that they were better would be put down as quickly as possible, even if it was the blind swordsman himself. But to do this he needed to study he needed to study harder than he ever had, He needed to study every clan on the planet every kage on the planet even if all he had to go on were legends.

He bagan to read about other clans especially from other villages and found out as strong as he thought his clan was, they paled compare to some clans especially from konoha. He found records of dog people, and people who could see through you. However, the most alarming thing he found was the sharingan a jutsu that not only allowed one to copy jutsu, but put a person in a strong genjutsu just by looking them in the eyes. He searched deeper and found legends of giant suits of armor and unstoppable black flames. He thought to himself with a look of horror, ‘There are people with this kind of power out there?’ suddenly his look of horror was replace by a look of pure excitement. He closed the large book in front of him and started to leave the library the immediately stopped as in the corner of his eye he say the disarray he left his table in. He immediately walked back to the table and picked up the books silently putting them all back into their respective places. He would become the greatest swordsman alive no matter what it took
2133/2000 C-B complete

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