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1Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:59 pm



Otto was walking through a park inside the mist village ,as he walked he admired the beautiful trees and smiled at the nice people. after about 15 minutes of this Otto sat down on a bench and pulled out a small book from his ninja bag. As a genin he had very little money and therefore no tools but he had his book. Otto was not here to just look either he was expecting someone the only other member of his current team he had heard about her but they needed to meet face to face.

2Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:22 am



Kei Niidashi had just recently graduated from the Academy. Just like any Genin, she had been assigned a team - Team 17. Nevertheless, she had yet to be assigned a Jounin leader. So far, all she had was one teamate, a boy from the Hozuki Clan. She was told where and when to meet her new companion. She was given a name and a physical description by which to recognize him, but nothing more. It made her wonder what type of person this Otto Hozuki was. Was he strong? Weak? Was he friendly? Mean? Either way she didn't mind. Or at least, she didn't mind right now. Being a member of the Niidashi Clan, Kei had two different personalities: Yin and Yang; two halves of the same whole. A small tattoo of a black Koi fish underneath her left eye denoted which personality was in control.

The young girl had arrived at the meeting place early. She had spent the past half hour sitting on a bench on the side of the street, waiting for her new teamate to arrive. She was getting impatient now, though she appeared to remain aloof. The only part of her that said otherwise was her foot, which she kept tapping on the ground. She waited for a couple more minutes before a boy, slightly older than she was, by the looks of it, came by and sat down in the bench a few feet across the street from her. She detailed his features while he pulled out a book. He had red hair, maroon eyes and fit the description she had been given. Kei smirked and walked up to the boy. "Hozuki, Otto I presume," She said, standing in front of him, hovering a couple of feet above his sitting form.

3Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:37 pm



Otto does not look up from his book, "it depends on who is presuming." Otto finishes his paragraph then looks toward the woman who has interrupted his reading. He recognizes the her as the girl he is supposed to team up with(he read her file), but he decides to have a little fun, "If you are a bill collector i'm not Otto, if you're man i'm not Otto because well you know..."

4Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:25 pm



Kei smirked at the man's answer"Well, two can play at that game,". He was trying to be smart. She thought to herself. Her gaze met the other boy's eyes. There was a particular intensity to Kei's stare. It spelled out mischief and cunning in a way that seemed almost elegant. She was a very particular girl in this sense. She looked at herself, particularly the large cleavage that exposed part of her chest and most of her stomach. She had decided to wear her training clothes just in case they decided to spar. "Well, as far as I can see, I'm no boy," She began. "And as for beeing a debt collector, I don't know. You might owe me something without even knowing yet." The young girl smirked confidently. She decided to sit next to Otto. She might as well take the time to get to know him. From what she coulld see so far and what she read in his file, that he was a bit of a flirt, confident and a strong shinobi. As far as she could tell, Kei hadn't landed herself with a bad teamate.

5Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:50 pm



Otto chuckled at the woman she was playing his game now. Otto smiles then says to her, "well since I don't know if i owe you yet I guess I can tell you my name..." he hesitates then says with a thoughtful look look "my name is Otto just Otto." As he says this he closes his book and tucks it into his bag "and you are?"

He knows her name but it's so much more fun this way he was intrigued by her he wanted to see both sides. However he also realized how dangerous this could potentially be, so he needed to evaluate her stability.

6Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:23 am



Kei closed her eyes briefly and opened them again. The air was thick with humidity and mist, but that was only that norm for Kirigakure. After all, that was where it had gotten its name. Only rarely would Kei feel a light breeze caress her skin. That was one of those few times. Onche she opened her eyes, she looked at Otto from the corner of he reye. He was finally tucking away his book, meaning that Kei now probably had his full attention. Perfect. "Well then, Just Otto," She began. "My name is Kei Niidashi, proud bearer of the Yin anf Yang Kekkei Genkai. And seeing as we're on the same team now, I suppose you know at least something about it. I don't think you're the type to go into something without any previous knoledge, am I right?" She asked. Her tone of voice was quite coy. She sounded nonchalant, maybe even with a slight hint of disinterest.

7Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:23 pm



Otto chuckled again this girl was funny of course he knew about her clan. "well I know about most clans in Kirigakure," he says this with a smile. His smile fades as he says,"I don't mean to be rude but you clan sounds extremely dangerous... what I must know before we team up is are you in control?"
Otto wanted to say this more tactfully but he descided to cut through the small talk and get to what was important he had to know. If she was not in control he would need to keep himself on guard at all times.

8Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:09 pm



Kei couldn't help but burst out laughing. It started off as a soft giggle, but quickly got louder and louder. "You.. You... don't know much about my clan do you?" She asked between laughs. She had to take several deep breaths before calming down. Once she recomposed herself, she turned to look at Otto. "I switch personalities at will,"She began. "It's part of the Kekkei Genkai." She said, shaking her head slightly. Her coy smirk was still evident in her features, though. "Not to mention the fact that my other half is literally harmless. I'd show you, but that would mean I'd lose control for who knows how long," She explained.

9Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:34 pm



Otto chuckled again this time he held his smile though,"So, you're the dangerous half huh?" she had confirmed his suspicions the in control side chose when they switched this means potentially a person could end up with an evil other half that could potetially take control he looked her over then says still smileing," You don't look dangerous."

10Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:24 pm



Kei could tell that Otto was amused, now. Then again, so was she. She relaxed into the bench, spreading her legs out in front of her and stretching, purposely allowing Otto a good view of her large cleavage. Once she finished stretching, she spoke up again. "Each of us is a danger in her own way. Her Genjutsu is quite strong, just like my Ninjutsu is," She began her explenation. "Danger has many definitions. The most dangerous people tend to be the ones that seem most harmless. However, whether or not they're a danger to others or only themselves is another matter," Kei was, of course, refering to the excesively gentle nature of her other half. The poor thing couldn't even will herself to fight back when she was being picked on. Kei shook her head in disbelief. Her Yang half was sure to get them both killed some day.

11Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:45 pm



Otto watches as the girl unnecessarily stretched, was she trying to give him a nose bleed. Otto listens to her statement then says "good answer. Although it makes me think that you have worries about your other half, what is she like." He was curios this half was teasing and cool what was the other half like.

12Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:27 am



Kei couldn't help but smirk. She had noticed the look on Otto's face when she'd stretched. There were very few things that satisfied her more than having a boy almost drool over her. This put her in a very good mood. However, her expression turned sour at the mention of the other half of her personality. Kei scoffed and looked towards the side. Thinking about the many, many, many times her genlter side had put them both at risk made her sick to her stomach. That girl was the cause of most of the bruises and broken bones that Kei had suffered throughout the Academy, and all because she refused to defend herself. Such a petty little girl. "Ugh," Kei groaned before she began herexplenation. "She's a sap. She won't fight anyone 'cause she's afraid she might end up hurting them, which is bull shit. You don't know how many times I've had to sit back while she's being pummeled to the ground. She's quite pathetic," Kei explained. There was a hint of disdain in her voice.

13Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:27 am



Otto smiled at the fact that he had obviously hit a sore spot, he was getting more information by the minute and bieng the man he was he would remeber everything. "So, you obviously have the opposite problem," he says thoughtfully. "you over defend yourself," he said this with a small smile that showed some of his intentions. It was in Otto's nature to absorb information like a sponge. He had a natural want to learn what everything did or was he would pull every piece of information out of someone, or something then move on to something else interesting.

14Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:01 pm



What Otto was doing was quite obvious. Someone more innocent and trusting would probably give him all the information he wanted without hesitating. Had her other personality been active, she would have dispansed all the information he wanted in under a minute. When around people she deemed trustworthy, her Yang side could get quite hyperactive. Ki's Yin side, on the other hand, liked the prospect of remaining a mystery in other pople's lives. She liked doing things that made her seem unpredictable to other people. She found amusement in their shock and attempts at figuring her out. Therefore, Kei's answers would be ambiguous, at best. "That depends," She answered simply.

15Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:06 pm



Otto chuckles, "like i said you over defend withb the utterance of one phrase I have put you on the defencive." He smiles again and says smoothely, "Depends on what?" he chuckles to himself the girl was trying to play his game that made her all the more interesting. he was having genuine fun ,but he already knew who was going to win this clever dual of minds. He couldn't lose it just is not possible for him to.

16Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:30 pm



Kei raised an eyebrow. "Worked up?" She asked, her expression as coy as usual. Her smile was playful and teasing. "Do I really looked that worked up to you?" She asked, chuckling under he breath and motioning to herself. She was as relaxed as she could be. Her posture was loose, though it had a suggestive undertone to it. It was the norm for her, afer all, especially when near a boy. She shrugged in response to his question. "It depends on a lot of things, really," She said, keeping the same playfull and relaxed tone of voice.

17Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:13 pm



Otto chuckled he needed to change tactics she wasn't giving up anything else. Otto says with a smile, "you are the main aggressor, you deal with the situations that the two of you must defend yourselves." he then pushes away his curiousity and says "can you use genjutsu or can only your other half manage this?"

18Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:26 pm



Kei smirked. She wouldn't give in so easily. It was in her nature to be competitive, even during discussions such as these. "That's not quite it, but it's a good guess," She answered when Otto tried to give an explenation to how her Kekkei Genkai worked and how her personalities got along with each other. "As for my ablities, you read my file, you should know these things," She said. The young Genin tsked and shook her head in mock disbelief. She usually had a great deal of fun teasing people, and this wasn't an exception.

19Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:51 pm



"I just find it odd that one is restricted by the other," Otto was really enjoying this. he loved to milk information out of a person. however he hated to be a one trick pony, and therefore he was going to change the subject before he was forced too. He looked at the woman next to him and said with a slight smile, "to be fair I have told you nothing of myself ,do you have any questions?"

20Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:08 pm



Kei was thoughtful for a moment. She pursed her lips together briefly, trying to think of something to ask. Truth be told, she nothing quite came to mind. "Hmm..." She let out. As far as she could tell, Otto was the type of person who was sly and cunning, much like herself. Therefore, he wouldn't give her any specific answers, especially if she asked anything too particular. She decided to go with a much more broad approach. "What motivates you?" She asked finally. She made herself sound bored. She didn't quite bother to turn and look at him to create an added effect. She smiled inwardly, anticipating his answer. However, she didn't get her hopes up. He would probably give her something vague, dodge the question or shoot it right back at her.

21Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:29 pm



Otto looked at the girl with a smile what an easy question he didn't need to deflect it, "Power," he said simply. He wanted power he only followed the strong and his goals could not be achieved without power. Honestly, Otto was not the only person who sought but due to a lot of rouges leaving the village for power to seek power was frowned apon. However Otto would tell anyone who ask what motivated him the same way.

22Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:05 am



Kei pursed her lips together. "Power, you say?" She repeated, she sounded somewhat bored while doing so. "Such a generic motivation..." She said, only slightly above a whisper, as if the comment was meant for her ears only. She had no doubt, really, that Otto had heard her. It was her intention, after all. "But I do congratulate how straightforward you are," She said. She tapped her foot lightly on the ground as she thought of something else to ask the boy. A smirk crept onto her face as she did so. The young girl leaned into Otto. She turned her torso towards him, allowing the boy a good view of her large cleavage. "What do you look for in a girl?" She asked. There were few things she enjoyed more than the flustered look that crept on to a boy's face whenever she was so strightforward.

23Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:09 am



"Generic you says" Otto says with a smile, "all motivations are generic the question is what are you willing to do for that motivation. Are you willing to kill, lie, cheat, or are you only going to follow laws in pursuit of your 'motivation.'"

Otto manages not to lose his cool when the girl readjusts her seating. He instead turns toward her and says "I'd imagine that you think that I have some preconceived view on the perfect girl but in reality most girls are the same," he say this with a half smile. he then follows that up with," to get my attention she must show some individuality... some uniqueness."

24Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:33 pm



Kei shook her head slightly. "You don't know that," she began. "Some people have more unique motivations. Some people don't only aim to get stronger or to protect those around them," she said the last part almost mockingly. Of course, she wouldn't elaborate. She wanted Otto to ask her to keep going on the subject instead. It would make for a fun debate, or so Kei thought. As she taunted the young boy with her body, she noticed he managed to keep his composure. "He's a though one to crack,"she thought. No matter, she could always try later.

Kei went back to her previous position quite abrubtly. She wanted to tease the boy, but she didn't want to seem desperate or overly interested. No, such attitudes were vulgar, in her opinion. However, she did giggle at his answer. There was something in her quiet laugh that sounded a little mocking. "Uniqueness, is it?" She asked. "And what, prey tell, do you consider unique?"

25Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:14 pm



Otto yawned at he comment then replied quickly, "as ninja we have to have a want to get stronger... or we'll die. As for the people around me I have no wish to protect them they can handle themselves." He says the last part with a strange smile as if reminiscing. He then looked back at the girl half smiling. Then decides to elaborate further, just enough to draw her in, "I wish to attain strength to attain immortality."

"The point of uniqueness is the fact that I have never seen it before in a person," He says this with a chuckle. "It's human nature to look at a person and approach on their beauty exclusively... I don't claim to be immune to this, but sometimes to truly understand a person and who they are, one must simply close their eyes rather than look."As he says this he raises his eyebrows at her wondering what her response will be.

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