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1meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty meeting new team mate [Kei] Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:42 am



Mizuki was walking through the village of Kirigakure. She had her breakfast and went out to meet someone. A new team member who was putted in their team by the Mizukage. She did not now it was for the better or the worse, as she did never heard before of her new team mate. Kei She has been told she was named. She asked around town a bit and found out she was from quite the interesting family. She did not hear the details, but they could behave completely differently on some moments. So she just had to see this new squad mate. She went the place she would wait for her, but she was a little early so she had to wait a little. She went to a bench nearby and sat down. There she waited patiently for her new team mate.

2meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:37 pm



It was a cloudy day, as it usually was in Kirigakure no Sato. The air was thick with humidity, though not much more than it was on any other given day. People went about with their lives as they usually did, tending to their shops, headed towards their homes or even towards the training grounds in the outskirts of the shinobi village. All in all, it seemed to be a very normal day. However, for Kei Niidashi - a recently promoted Genin - it didn't quite seem that way. She ran down the streets of Kirigakure, doing her best to dodge the average pedestrians. The young girl was nervous, to say the least. If she stood dtill for too long she would start to shake. That was part of the reason why she made her way down the roads purposefully. "I'm late!" She kept repeating inside her head.

She was supposed to meet her new teamate today - the last member of Team 2. Young Kei had already met Takeo and truth be told, that hadn't gone all too well. She was sure that the boy hated her by now. However, she had one last chance to make her experience with Team 2 bearable. There was still hope for her in Mizuki Hozuki. If she managed to get the other girl to like her, things might not be so bad. However, she was already starting off on the wrong foot. She was already late for their meeting. The pink haired girl sped up her pace.

A few minutes later, Kei finally came to a stop. She tried to catch her breath, resting her hands on her knees. She took several deep breaths before standing up straight again. Her brow was slightly covered in sweat caused by both the humidity and her long sprint. SHe looked at the girl sitting in the bench and blushed. She assumed this was her new team member. She fit the description: Somewhat short, dark hair, a pale complexion and a slim build. Kei opened her mouth, as if she were about to speak, but decided against it, wondering whether or not she should be the first to introduce herself. Her heart was still hammering against her chest, though she suspected that it was due to nervousness.

3meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:13 am



Mizuki looked in the sky. While she knew Takeo because he was family, but she did not yet knew her captain, or was it master or,... Well she stopped thinking about it. She would meet him at a later date, she hoped. Mizuki looked around. kei was late, she looked around if she could see her already.

She later saw a girl that could fit her description. Pink hair, red clothes, black stockings. She never saw anyone else walking like that so Mizuki suspected she found the girl she was waiting for. Mizuki jumped out of her bench walked to the girl. Excuse me, are you Kei. She wanted to be polite with her because she did not knew her yet. So now she waited for an answer.

4meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:25 pm



Kei jumped when the girl finally spoke to her. The poor girl was startled. Truth be told, she didn't quite know how to act towards her. She took a deep breath to try to compose herself. She bowed slightly, fixing her gaze towards the ground. It was better for her this way. She was selightly more confident when she didn't have to look people in the eye as she spoke. "H-hi!" She began her hesitant introduction. "I-I'm Niidashi, Kei. I-it's apleasure to m-meet you!" She stuttered. She took another deep breath, willing herself to focus. "You must be Mizuki!" She managed withoutstuttering. She smiled slightly, pleased with herself for having been able to go through a full sentence without tripping on her own words.

[OOC: Sorry this took so long!]

5meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:52 am



Mizuki looked to the girl in front of her. She seemed to be fine. Maybe strange, but in a good way. Better than strange in other ways she knew. She also seemed to be nervous. She could understand. While she did not stutter that fast, she was also a bit nervous by meeting her team mate. So Mizuki tried to calm the Kei a bid. Indeed, pleased to meet you. You seemed to be,hmmmm... startled. Are you all right, Kei? she could not really decide what to call it she was so she waited a bit at that part. Also take it easy, we are going to work together for some time now, right? She all said that on a calm and friendly tone. She felt that this girl might make a great team mate, yet she would need to see a little further to have a really good opinion.

6meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:32 pm



Kei smiled slightly at Mizuki. "So far, so good," she thought to herself. Thus far she had gotten a better reaction from Mizuki than the one she had gotten from Takeo. She believed she was off to a good start - or at least a better one. For this, she eased up slightly. In a bit she would probably get used to Mizuki's presence. When the other girl told her to take it easy, Kei's shoulders visibly relaxed. "Sorry about that," she apologized. Her tone of voice was soft and sweet. "I just don't want you to hate me like Takeo does," she sighed and mumbled under her breath. She didn't want to seem self-depricating or miserable, so she smiled at Mizuki as soon as she finished speaking.

7meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:58 pm



at first Mizuki did not really knew what to make of this, if this was meant by strange then yes she was, but in a good way. She did not really minded her carefulness, Mizuki rather liked that. Better that then shooting strait ahead without aim. "Have you met our captain already." She asked out of curiosity. She actually did not yet so she might get more to know of him before seeing him, of what she could watch out for. well now she saw the girl and she actually was all right as far as Mizuki was concerned, for now.

8meeting new team mate [Kei] Empty Re: meeting new team mate [Kei] Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:22 am



At the question, Kei shook her head. "N-no, not yet," She stuttered. Again, it would be a while before she got used to being around Mizuki. A few minutes just wouldn't do it, not for the Yang side of Kei. "I've just met Takeo and now you," She said, smiling softly. "You see, I used to be in another team before," She began explaining. "But the Mizukage decided to switch me into yours, I don't know why, though." As she finished her explanation, she sat down on the bench next to her new teamate. After all, hte poor girl was tired from running all the way from the other end of the village to their meeting place. "The Chuunin e-exams are coming up," Began the shy girl. "What do you think they'll make us do?" She asked.

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