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Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Mission name: Interrogation Assistant.
Mission rank: A-Rank.
Objective: Help military officers interrogate prisoners.
Location: Konoha.
Reward: 600 Ryo.
Mission description: The military always has prisoners. Missing-ninjas, would-be defectors, bandits, drug traders and the like. All these scumbags have one thing in common, they have information that could help us catch their friends. Help the military and police interrogate these people so that they can catch more of them.
Mission Details: You can use any methods you like as long as you don't kill the prisoner, unless you have some way to extract information from a ghost that is. Just be quick and get as much information as possible.

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Nick heard classical music playing in the background of his apartment. It was old, so old that it was called classical. Music these days wasn't very much appreciated in the shinobi world. Though Nicks' taste in music was somewhat refined according to his own tastes. Nick daily woke up to classical music playing. It was his most peaceful way of waking up. He used to dip his head into a bucket of cold water to wake himself up but that phase he had grown out of a while. After he woke up he would turn his portable-radio off and head into the shower. He would shower, shave and brush his teeth at the same time. Like he did every morning, it was multi-tasking at it's finest. When he was done with those activities he dressed up.

Nick looked outside of his window. The sun was shining but there were grey clouds at the horizon as far as he could see. He dipped his index finger in his mouth and then held his finger out of the room. The wind direction was coming from the North, the clouds weren't that big-seeming which meant that they traveled quite fasted. He estimated that the winds moved at five-meter per second. Which was quite fast. Thus, he would guess that it would rain in two hours. He wasn't sure for how long since he couldn't guess the density of the cloud. Nick should be a weatherman. He closed the window and walked downstairs, he ate breakfast and then headed out.

He squinted his eyes as he got out. The scorching sun was somewhat taxing on his vision as he went out. He started to walk towards the administration building. Nick tortured a man a few days ago whilst he was on a mission. He went to check whether or not his report had any effects on the village. After five minutes of walking he arrived in the administration building. He went up to the room where statements and whatnot where presented and asked about it. The lady behind the desk told them they issued an A ranked mission to massacre the village and they were succesful in doing so. Nick was pleasantly surprised that Konohagakure acted so fast. He then went downstairs into the mission room, looking around as he felt like taking a mission today. He saw an interresting one. It was dubbed, "INTERROGATION', Nick wrote his name under it and headed out towards the ANBU center.

Current Word Post (this post included): 423
Words unused: 423

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Having hardly slept a single hour during the night, contemplating how she would be able to deal with her uncle Enaka, Risu was really not looking as good as usual when she got out of bed with a deep sigh. She simply took a quick shower, dressing herself in a rather plain black jumpsuit and gray shirt, while not even trying to model her hair and simply letting it hang loose over her shoulders.

She didn't even make herself a decent breakfast, just eating a simple apple and drinking a few mugs of black coffee. Not really the best way to start the day, but for someone who hardly closed her eyes during the night, it was the only way to make sure she would be 'awake' enough to at least earn herself some necessary valuta to pay the rent of her appartment, as well as the medical tests she wanted to take before requesting a place among the Konoha elite ANBU forces.

With a quick look at the time, the snake girl, looking even paler than ever before, made her way to the administration building to make sure she would be there right on time to get herself a good paying mission.

"Oh, goody," Risu exclaimed when she had arrived at the administration building, noticing that the mission she was given took place in the deepest centers of the ANBU building, which meant she would be working in accordance with people under her uncle's control and on his paylist: the Central Intelligence Division. Despite that icky detail, it was the fact she would be at the ANBU headquarters that made the young woman feel rather good, as it was her goal to become part of that very organization, as it was the original opposition of her uncle's division. "Oh look, I know that person…Nick, hmm. It'll be interesting to have a ronin do the job of a village, especially something like this."

Putting her name right underneath Nick's name, Risu got out of the administration building, checking her surroundings to make sure none of her uncle's pawns was following her, making her way to the ANBU headquarters to meet up with the quite interesting ronin.


Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


After Nick signed up his name he headed out to the ANBU center. This was a mission for two people, so he was expecting a partner to be coming along. Not now, but maybe on a later date. He didn't mind going first. He wondered who would join him in this mission, although it shouldn't worry him. It was a good mission, well, he thought it was. It fit him well, since torturing was where his expertise was at. He was told to go to the ANBU headquarters. And thus he did. After wandering around town, asking for directions he found out that the people in Konohagakure didn't know. Well, neither did he. So he went back to the administration office. Told them what mission he was doing and they gave the secretive headquarter locations to Nick. Nick took those locations and went to the headquarters.

Nick then entered the headquarters. They were quite pushy, so he had to give up his identity, where he came from. What his intentions were, his blood-type, all his weapons, scrolls. Even earrings and his tummy piercing, but he didn't have those so it was good. Nick then had permission to enter, after entering he was escorted to a lower division. Not that low though, he wondered what kind of criminals were being held at the extreme low levels. Bet those were more interesting then the bandit he was up-to 'torturing', Nick had perrmission to use any-tools to mutilate him to the point of where he would admit. This was good. Nick entered the room where one was about to get placed in. He delayed it so he could take care of things. He put lighting in the room, the room had a bright white tint. Like the room in an asylum where they keep crazy people. Nick know that it will make the criminal feel cornered, because he wouldn't be able to hide anything in the light.

Nick readied some tools from the weapon chamber. Torturing tools, tools where he could peel fingernails and skin off very easily. Nick then leaned against a wall in the torture room, waiting for the criminal to be brought in. Next to him there was a small box with all the equipment in it that Nick needed. And as always, Nick had a grin on his face.

Current Word Post (this post included): 861
Words unused: 861
mission failed for me so I'll be using the word count I couldn't use for the mission for stats
D1>D2 400
D2>D3 450

Last edited by Nick Saturn on Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Getting into the ANBU headquarters wasn't so hard for someone who has had many of her family members working as part of the organisation both in the past as in the present, not to mention the fact that it was well known that Risu's ambitions lead her straight on the path of becoming a strong asset to the ANBU. When she walked inside, she simply told the shin obi behind the counter and bars the purpose of her visit, after which the masked man asked her to sign a document and told her to walk through the doors behind her and oversee the interrogation in room 3.

"Let's see," The young woman sighed, while looking at the notes on the clipboard she was given by the man at the counter, containing all the valuable information on the subject's name, age and affiliation. "Room 3, Naraka Yuto, age 33. This guy has a long list of crimes and accusations and is called a tough nut to crack. I wonder who I'll be supervising in this matter, not to mention I didn't know that I had to supervise anything, I thought I'd be doing the interrogation?"

When arriving at room three, she placed the clipboard in one hand, while opening the door slowly with her other, free hand. Inside, to her surprise, a familiar face was waiting for his interrogation session to commence, already supplied with all kinds of tools and trinkets.

"Fancy seeing you here, Mr. Nick," Risu sighed, though with a feint grin on her face, placing the clipboard next to the instruments so he could have a look at what information they wanted him to extract from the prisoner. "Apparently I'll be supervising this session, assisting and-or restraining you whenever it is needed. The subject of this interrogation should be brought here any moment, I'll be writing down every word the man will say for the record."

The ronin should've suspected something like this to happen, after all did he really think the Konoha ANBU would just let him get all that information for free?

In this case, Risu was a good supervisor, for with her extensive medical and anatomical knowledge, she could ascertain what would and what would not kill the subject and when the interrogation was done, she would have the right to decide what to do with the ronin who had performed the interrogation.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

(continuing without Nick)

With Nick gone out of the room, probably not good with the fact that he was being supervised, the burden of interrogating had now fallen upon Risu's shoulders, who with a quick glance over the instruments at hand knew that this was not going to be just some walk in the park.

When a few minutes later, two members of the ANBU, along with a CID official, brought in the prisoner Risu was going to interrogate, the young woman was surprised to see what kind of person this prisoner was: a defected shinobi from Kumo, as was apparent by the headband with a scratched through Kumo emblem and his Kumo shinobi attire.

The CID official grabbed a pen and some paper, giving it to Risu, before making a signal to the ANBU to leave the room, after which he lifted a clipboard right in front of his face and started reading a few notes that were written on the documents he was carrying.

"Orochi Risu, you will be interrogating the prisoner for the following information," The man, with his long black coat and thin glasses spoke harshly and crude, a voice belonging to a vulture of some sorts. "The whereabouts of his comrades, the plans of the organization to which he belongs and any valuable information on Kumogakure. That is all."

The man ripped a piece of paper from his clipboard and placed it on the table next to the utensils granted to Risu for the interrogation of the unfortunate prisoner, after which he took his leave.

"Well then, shall we begin?" The Orochi woman spoke softly and with a rather kind tone towards the bound and tied prisoner sitting on a chair in front of her. The man looked up towards her only once, gave a crooked grin and spat on the floor as a reaction to her question. "Let's start with your name, so tell me, how do I need to call you?"

The man sighed, nodded and spat on the floor again, showing his defiance towards the snake girl and his obvious reluctance to even utter a single word to his enemy. Suddenly, Risu's hand lashed out, slapping the man hard on his cheek, leaving a red print of her hand on his face, followed by another equally hard slap on the other side of his face. "I want to hear a name, so be smart and simply give me your name."

"Tagama Hiro," The prisoner finally responded, breathing a bit louder, as he felt the stinging sensation on his cheeks from the slaps he had received from his interrogator. "And that's all you'll get from me, you slanky, white snake."


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

In reaction to the prisoner's sneering insult, Risu quickly turned around after she had written down his name on a paper in the clipboard, placing her left foot against the man's chest while crossing her arms, steadily exerting more pressure on his chest with her legmuscles tensing visbly under the fabric of her purple bodysuit. The expression on her face was cold, ice cold even, showing that she was not going to let this insignificant prisoner get away with such unruly behavior during her interrogation session with him.

"Tagama Hiro, you listen and listen well," She hissed with a threatening voice, leaning a bit closer as she tilted her upper body forwards, while keeping her foot and leg in place, still increasing the pressure on his chest without toppling the chair backwards with him on it. "You will only speak when you are spoken to, you will only answer correctly to my questions or I might not be as lenient towards you as I am now, is that understood?"

She got her foot off of his chest, turned around and wanted to look at the information she was required to pry out of him in that interrogation session, when she heard him mumble something, prompting her to turn around with the clipboard in her hands.

"I heard you mumble, so do say what you have to say," The snake girl ordered the prisoner, not giving any reason for him to think she could not handle the job.

"I said: go burn in hell you pale, placid, putrid pestilence!!" The prisoner laughed out loud, grinning deviously when he saw the expression on Risu's face turn from cold to heated anger and fury, knowing that if she killed him, she would fail in her assignment. However, her expression returned to a calm and collected one pretty soon, surprising the prisoner even more when she seemed to be smiling gently at him. "Now, what are you planning to do?"

"What I'm going to do is simple, I'm going to disregard the rules of not physically disabling you," The woman gave a rather eerie smile with that statement, showing that she had gone far beyond her boiling point, reminding the prisoner a simple creed of old times: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. "So, to up the ante, if I ask a question and your answer does not please me, you will lose a bodypart…every single time you annoy me, you will lose a bodypart…understood?"


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Risu took a quick glance at the paper on the clipboard, before she went over to the table with the utensils that had been prepared for the interrogation. After a minute of deciding what to take, her fingers sliding over the various metallic objects, he hand reached out for a set of scalpels, neatly clean and new, making it so that they would cut through anything with relative ease and with not too much pain. Scalpels were great for cutting fast and precise in flesh, sometimes faster than the pain, but the young Orochi lady knew that without sedation, that pain would undeniably come around the corner after every swift cut, no matter how clean and quick the cut had been.

"Let's begin with the first real question," The young woman sighed, standing in front of the prisoner with the pen and the clipboard in hand in case the prisoner would indeed have listened to her threat and had taken her seriously."Are you part of a known criminal organization? If so we require the name of this group and the location of any hideouts you are aware of."

The man; Hiro just nodded, thinking by himself how stupid he would be if he'd simply give answers because some little woman had made him scared. Deciding to show her that he was a Kumo shin obi from the time of the former raikage Reika, he gave a glare at Risu, spitting on the ground in front of her feet as answer to her question.

"Fine, suit it yourself, I did warn you," the snake girl simply grabbed one of the scalpels, bend down in front of the prisoner, grabbed one of the tied up hands and pressed on the palm of that hand, forcing the man to stretch out his fingers, after which the woman simply pressed the scalpel against the finger and cut through the flesh all around, after which she went back to the table with utencils while the man kept howling and screaming to get something to cut through the bone of that cut-open finger. She was going to keep her promise and make him lose a bodypart for that wrong answer.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The prisoner screamed aloud, when Risu broke of one of his fingers with some players, carefully breaking it so that there would be no way of ever reattaching the finger without cutting away the other half. It was in torturer's terms a piece of art, but in this case Risu had to do all that she could muster to make sure this prisoner would finally say some sensical things rather than continuously manage to get on her nerves by insulting her.

"Ok, Ok stop…I'll talk, I'll tell you everything there is you want to know!!" The man screamed, while Risu dropped the severed part of his finger on his lap, the blood dripping over his arm, making large red stains, with apparently the artery in his thumb leaking out more blood than he ever had seen in his life. "Please stop…please I'm begging you."

With a soft grin on her face, the snake girl placed the used scalpel and plyers back on the table with the other utensils and grabbed the pen and the clipboard.

"You're writing hand is still intact," The Orochi lady chuckled eerily, while putting the clipboard with paper and the pen on the table next to the prisoner. "The questions are on the paper, write down what you know and I'll see to it that you'll get medical attention…don't write and you'll die from bloodloss, your choice."

This was a question she did not have to ask twice, with the prisoner quickly writing down everything he knew, while she got the two ANBU members and the CID official to clean things up. When they arrived, the CID official took one look at the paper and knew enough to thank the young woman and sent her to the mission board to claim her wager.


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