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1Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Empty Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:44 pm



Clan Jutsu:

D Rank:

C Rank:

Last edited by Kohaku on Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:46 pm



Clan Jutsu will be dealt with in a clan update, if/when necessary.

Library jutsu are fine, just be sure to update them when their respective libraries are updated.

Purple Haze - The range says 3 meter radius, but the description says 10 meter radius...change the description.

Bad Air - Range says 5 meter radius, range says 20 meters, so change the description. Also, remove the bleeding in the lungs, C-Ranks can't cause internal bleeding or severe internal trauma. If you wanna keep the speed debuff, change it to a 1 tier drop in speed rather than a 50% and add a drawback to the user (see jutsu rules for details on that, under "Stat/Other Modifier Jutsu")

All your other jutsu look fine, so bump this thread when you edit those two.

3Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:55 pm




4Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nishimura Kohaku [Jutsu List Update] Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:12 pm



Perfect. Your jutsu list update is approved :)

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