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1 Catch the Cat! [D-rank, Leaana Naito] Empty Catch the Cat! [D-rank, Leaana Naito] Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:45 pm

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

Its was two in the fucking morning, TWO, and Leanna was already doing her first mission, this mission was already turning out to be more of a pain than it was worth, it was cold, dark, and Leanna was dead tired. She had only been out here fifty minutes and she was already giving up on trying, to find the cat. Leanna looked back on her meeting with the Hokage about and hour and fifteen minutes ago.

"What do you need?" Leanna said are already slightly irradiated that she had been woken up at 1 in the morning for a mission, and not only that the messenger that had been sent to her house to woke her up hadn't even woken her up nicely. NO instead he decided it would be a great idea to shout in her ear instead. "im sorry for the inconvenience Leanna, but i really need your help on this one. I don't know of another genin more suitable for this mission then you" Leanna didn't know whether to take this as a complement on her speed and skills or if he was stating the she was the most suitable genin because she was the only genin in the village the didn't have someone who would mind if she was gone in this late of an hour "i need you to go find a lost cat somewhere in the dense forest of the wilderness" Yep this was definitely the latter of the two of Leanna's guess because there were a lot more people who had a ton more tracking experience then she did, but she needed the money anyways and so she had no choice but to accept the mission. "fine what ever" Leanna said as she rolled her eyes and headed out the door.

Leanna shook her head snapping back into reality. " okay so where could this sucker be?" she said to herself swiveling her head back and forth looking for anything that might give her clues as to where the small animal was. Leanna walked around aimlessly for about another ten minutes before she finally picked up her next clue. a small footprint in the mud. 

She followed the footprint for a few minutes. Then finally hopping over a small log Leanna heard a quiet hissing noise coming from in front of her. She looked up to see two gleaming eyes looking directly at her. The two stood there for a minute staring at each other, the cat posed to run when a move was made, Leanna on her toes ready to run down the cat if it ran. then the cat bolted left suddenly. Leanna sprang into action after in an instant running after the cat and even though it was quick, Leanna was faster and she was gaining on it quickly. after a minute or two of running through dense forest Leanna caught up to the cat and picked him up. Then she began to head back home.

Oh course this cat didn't want to come home and so he put a fight, claws bared an teeth showing he scratched and bite at Leanna hoping she would let him go. Then after her chest and arms where bleeding from all of the wounds he finally bite her hand just in the right spot there where the nerves on her hand made her let go of the cat. Dang it she couldn't let him get away. She began running after the Cat through the village that they were now in. Leanna had a difficult time catching up to the cat his time seeing as how she was a bit wounded and now the cat had multiple options as to which he could go. he turned right down one alley then left down a street.  Leann chased after almost catching it, but then the creature turned around suddenly and bolted the other direction. Damn she was moving to fast and she couldn't stop herself. Leanna slammed into the wall and feel over on her butt. "ugh could this day get any worse?" She asked herself before standing up and dusting herself off before she continued the chase. she caught up to the cat within five minutes and snatched it into her arms running quickly to the old lady's house. Her mission was done.

Word count: 728

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