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1Hmm Some Scalpel (Private) Empty Hmm Some Scalpel (Private) Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:58 pm



Another Damn Hospital Night...

He sat there in his chair on hospital duty again, though he knew he needed the training and his eyes were not going to get more skilled by themselves, though he really wished it was more fun to train in medical ninjutsu, though this was really one of the only way to do he sat and waited while reading a book on veins and blood, it was interesting stuff at the moment he was reading a paragraph, veins take blood back to the heart, there is an exception. Portal veins carry blood between capillary beds. For example, the hepatic portal vein takes blood from the capillary beds in the digestive tract and transports it to the capillary beds in the liver. though he knew most of what he was reading, the real reason he was reading this was to find certain points in the body where he could aim at in combat, he already knew almost all of the points of death in the human body but he was always on the lookout for more since he was afterall a ninja and the better he was at combat the better and longer he could live...but he then heard bang and a yell

It wasnt a patient since he heard it in the front, and the yelling was the nurse, the one with the big jugs, and he then heard the yelling of a man telling them to get on the ground,Hmm this just wont do He closed his book and put his fedora on, this one was white to match his scrubs, though they were usually red by the end of most nights, he stood up and started walking over to front, he was going to see what was up.

He walked into the lobby and he saw 4 men, each one armed with a Kunai and a mask, they held the big jugged nurse at knife point, he threw his glasses off and activated his jutsu, quickly taking a look at the men, they were drunk and high, their hearts were going wild, they then spoke to him, Get the Fuck out of here, or we will kill you, come on leave and go back to your books nerd, ahaha that was where drew the line on being civil, he made a handsign and used his brand new jutsu, the finger scalpel, a long blade was now down his index finger, now they came at him, but he saw their muscles tense and go to him, it was easy the first went to stab him, though he just dodged and sliced the tendons in his arm, causing him to drop the kunai, he then sliced the other arms too, making him scream in pain as blood started to flow, the next one came with his friend, they both attacked him, he ducked them both and sliced the achilles tendon of one as he ducked and sliced the hamstring of the other, they both screamed and dropped to one knee each, there was only one more left and he was holding the girl hostage, he had to think fast or she was going to die, he rushed the man and first sliced the tendons in the knife hand and then sliced his throat spraying blood over him and the woman, he wasnt really for or against killing but he knew ut was a thing a ninja had to do and the fact that the were trying to kill him, he spun and sliced the tendons in the back muscles of the men on their knees, making them lose control of their torso and dropping them fully to the ground, he yelled out to the nurses, Sakura get the Anbu, Ioko wrap the wounds of these men, and Heldiko grab the body of the dead one and put it outside, and finally Askaila mop up the blood, sorry for the mess by the way he then released his jutsu and smiled, he knew that he was getting stronger then, he like the feeling of power, but he knew that it could corrupt him if given the he went to help the girls, he slapped the big boobed one of the butt to, she smiled and hugged him for saving her, he may get some after all, though he would have to wait a little bit while they cleaned up and waited for the anbu to come and get stuff done with...and they did

He sat there as the man in the mask asked him, So that is what happened, they held the girls hostage and you defended the hospital, and as thus was all in self defense He nodded and the man told him he was clear and that he did not do anything wrong, he knew that already and this man was starting to annoy him but he knew not to be rude since this was after all one of the anbu black ops, and they had been nice enough to come and get the bodies for them, which was nice since no one their had any idea what to do with them, though it was easy enough to burn the one and tie up the others once they came to, the nurses did not agree..

He then looked at the time and realised that his shift was over, and he had even gotten some training done in the process, he had tested his knew jutsu and taken down some criminals, that was something to be proud about, but he wished that there was at least one patient, it had been a stale night if not for the robbers, he should of played with them more, he finished the fight quickly as to make sure that no one he knew was harmed, but if he was alone it would have lasted hours if he had anything to say about it...

Training Finger Scalpel 1000 words

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