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Today he finally woke up at home...

He awoke to the sound of his door closing, he spurred awake to the sight of someone walking down the path outside of his house, it was the girl he had met of the bar when he was doing his last mission she was a treat, and unlike many people he knew she was leaving in the morning which was awesome since he had no want of her even being here at the moment he had had a good night and now their interaction was over they had parted ways, just the way he liked it...

He slid out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror, he shook his hair to get the tangles out of it, though it didnt really work that well, it needed brushing and badly, the last nights actvites were very taxing on his looks apparently, he went and took a shower before all else as to clean himself up before his day, he then rubbed a handful of roses and rubbed them on his chest, making him smell very nice, he then started to dry off his hair and brush out his hair, until it shone like liquid darkness, now to find some clothes...

He looked through his drawer and grabbed a thin spandex long sleeved shirt that was skin tight on him and looked very good, he then grabbed his red vest and slid it on over his spandex shirt, he buttoned it up and started to look for his pants, he grabbed a pair of black tight slacks and pulled them up, they matched his other clothes perfectly, though he needed more red today,so he grabbed his large red fedora and placed it on his head, it was his normal hat, he then grabbed his pair of orange tinted glasses and placed them on his eyes, he looked pretty good he thought, he was ready to wander around now...

In Town...

He was waking around the bar area when he suddenly had a thirst, he walked into the bar and ordered a drink, he brought it outside with him since it was only one drink of sake and it was getting warm today, so he sat down in the shade with the brim of his hat over his eyes with the glass of wine in his hand, it wasnt a red wine but it was doing its job, there he sat waiting for something fun to do...

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume slowly ate his breakfast in the morning. Today he had an urge to eat chocolate chip pancakes. Truth be told they were rather good, like always he cooked something for his dog Repede also. It was nothing special, just some bacon. Zetsume never really liked bacon by itself but his dog sure did, which was evident from the wagging tail. After a good hearty meal he decided he would go into town with Repede. Going into town was not something he really enjoyed for people would often talk to him and we was never that social with others, other than his dog. He treated Repede like family since he had no more family left. Today he did not think he would need his bow and quiver with arrows, even if he did he would just use his KKG to suffice for the time being. He was dressed in his usual clothes of leather pants with two belts in the shape of an x along with a white T and a leather jacket that had a fur collar. It was true that he was not the typical dressed person that you would see walking around, but hey being unique is something he liked being. Zetsume turned the door to his house and left with his trusty dog hot on his heels.

The streets were unusually busy on this day. Often he would accidentally bump into people without noticing. While his dog would often find a cute girl to try and get love from. He was a sucker for that. Many times when he looked back to find Repede he would see him surrounded by girls who were petting him while he sad there with the widest grin he has seen in awhile. Zetsume was not worried about Repede running off though nor would he try and stop him from flirting with the girls. Zetsume would just keep walking and after a few minutes he could hear Repede walking right behind him.

"One day I am going to have to find you a bitch.", he said in a joking manner towards the dog. A small part of him wished the dog could speak, though most of him was glad he couldn't. Lord only knows what the dog would say if he could. Probably that he wanted more meat.

During his stroll through the town Zetsume decided to treat himself to a couple of glasses of beer. He was not in the mood to get wasted but a couple of glasses couldn't hurt. After thanking the bartender Zetsume left the bar. Though on his way out Repede stopped which made Zetsume stop. Before him was an older gentleman drinking something. He could not tell nor did he recognize him. Judging on his clothes though he was probably a genin. Though the fedora kinda threw him off, for he did not look like one who would wear one.

"A genin at that age? Impossible he thought to himself while walking towards him.

"Hello, I do not think we have met before. My name is Zetsume Zix, the fellow here is Repede. What would your name be?", he said to the man before him.

I am not sure if he is from this village. I had better make sure he is not a spy or something., he thought to himself while giving the man an awkward smile.



While he sat there Drinking his sake he heard a dog...

He heard a dog stop directly in front of where he was sitting, and then he heard a human voice talk to him it said in a older voice, "Hello, I do not think we have met before. My name is Zetsume Zix, the fellow here is Repede. What would your name be?" he fixed his large floppy brimed fedora so that he could see the talker he then relized who it was, it was the jounin Zetsume, he smiled widely and stood up to meet him.

The man talking to him had brown hair and bright blue eyes, they were damn good looking eyes, though he knew that this one wasnt into guys, he could tell but he wouldnt stop talking to him because of only that. He took his glasses off to show the world his red eyes, he put them on the collar of his vest as he started speaking in his thick transilvanian accent, Nice to see you again Zetsume, we havent met have we but i know of you, the names Yuumi, im a genin here...Haha i know i know dont even mention it im very very old to be a genin...though id like to know what your pretty little face would be doing around here Zetsume Sensei ? he said with a giggle and a laugh, he already liked this guy, since he was pretty good looking, it was one of his weaknesses he just loved pretty people...and it gave him something to do.
And as a little joke he bowed to the jounin very funny like as smiled ear to ear...

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume was a little stunned by the man's words of him being "pretty". No one has called him that before so it kind of shocked him to hear it from another man. Taking a good long look at the genin to make a mental note of his appearance, he spoke back to him in a friendly tone.

Please do not call me Sensei, Zetsume works just fine without the Sensei. I decided I would take the dog before you, Repede, out for a nice walk. It is a rather beautiful day today, might as well spend it outside. It is a pleasure to meet you though, Yuumi, right?"

It was a lie though, he was not out to talk Repede. The dog was very capable of walking himself. Though the real reason he was out was to try and socialize. It was true that he was not the social type, but every now and then he would pretend like he is. Taking a sip of his beer and giving a small pat on Repede's head, he decided to speak again.

"Why so old and still a genin? Could you not pass the exams?

Zetsume remembered when he became a chuunin many years ago. Time seemed to have flown by him in a matter of blinks. For Zetsume, he had to become stronger to protect his village and the ones he cared about, Repede. He could not just stand by and watch people get injured while they called him family, even if his family is long gone. After petting Repede, he reached up to touch the scar on his face that traveled from one side of his face to the other in a diagonal like across his nose. Something of a memento that he could not protect his friends. It was given to him from his friend jumping in front of an attack so he would hardly get hurt. The memories of the past should remain there however.



Please do not call me Sensei, Zetsume works just fine without the Sensei. I decided I would take the dog before you, Repede, out for a nice walk. It is a rather beautiful day today, might as well spend it outside. It is a pleasure to meet you though, Yuumi, right?" so he didnt like being called sensei for some reason, some jounin forced him to call them it but this guy wasnt like them. the Mans face has looked a little bit shocked at his comment of him being pretty, that definitly meant that he was on the straight side, though so was Yuumi kind of he didnt really care who he got with as long as they were pretty.

But then he asked him a question about why he was still a genin, he had a nice response for that, Hmm why? well you see i like to have ''fun'' and a chuunin or jounin doesnt have so much free time as a genin, also i have a hobby of sorts, i look down a road that ive never been down and just walk half the time i end up somewhere that i dont know and the other times i find a party or a person, a high rank doesnt have that sort free the way i could easily pass the chuunin exams if i wanted too, i dont even apply no need yet...though some time i guess i will he took a sip of his chilled sake, even though people drank sake warm he didnt like it that way everything tasted better when it was cold.

It was now his turn to pose a question, How did you get that nice little scar on your face now, you dont seem the type of person to get hit in battle, ive heard of your fighting prowess, it may pose a good story, come walk with me...umm... this way he said the last part as he picked a random road to follow he really forgot where it went but a walk would be nice...

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Fun?, the word rang through his head like an old song. It was something he was not really familiar with. To him the time he would spend having "Fun" people around him would die, which is something that would bother him to the day he died and honorable death. Nothing is greater than dying in the midst of battle, with nothing but the primal need of survival fueling him. During the time that the man named Yuumi spoke, a flash back of his childhood came to mind.

Flash Back:

Zetsume shook his head to remove the memories and only looked at the genin before him with a slightly blank face. He sort of zoned out and hoped that he did not notice. Last thing he wanted was someone thinking he was crazier than he was.

"Personally I do not enjoy having fun. It only causes people around me to fall while I am just simply having the time of my life. You see these people? They count on me to protect them everyday, I will not let them down" these words sounded colder, more like the normal Zetsume. Before he was just trying to be kind and social able.

The genin offered a nice walk and talk. Zetsume did not want to be rude and decline the offer, even if deep down he didn't want to talk much. Finishing his drink and throwing away the bottle, Zetsume stuffed his hands in his pockets walking beside the genin while Repede followed smiling as happily as he always did.

"This scar that you see on my face is nothing more than a constant reminder of how weak I am. In my earlier years, I was unable to protect those around me, one by one i watched them fall before my eyes with nothing but fear of loneliness clouding my mind. I will not go into details however, those memories should remain where they came from.... the past. Now you say you have heard of my fighting prowess, is this true?

Zetsume did not think he was that popular in the village to have his stories told around. It is true that he has sunken pirate ships, hunted monstrous beasts, and even killed more people than he could count. Though all of these accomplishments mean nothing from the tales he remembered reading in old history books of ninjas in the past. Oh how he wished he could have lived a glorious life as them, then again becoming popular would pose as an annoyance.



"Personally I do not enjoy having fun. It only causes people around me to fall while I am just simply having the time of my life. You see these people? They count on me to protect them everyday, I will not let them down" "This scar that you see on my face is nothing more than a constant reminder of how weak I am. In my earlier years, I was unable to protect those around me, one by one i watched them fall before my eyes with nothing but fear of loneliness clouding my mind. I will not go into details however, those memories should remain where they came from.... the past. Now you say you have heard of my fighting prowess, is this true? a man that didnt like to have fun now that was weaird al right, a cute man like him not knowing how to have some fun, he now took it upon himself to show him a good time, but then the last part of his speech came into his ears, to that he walked right in front of he jounin and stopped and looked him directly in the eyes, If you blame yourself for every friends death you will live a sad life...we are shinobi, even if i am still only a measly genin i know this, you must let the dead rest otherwise they will haunt are not to blame he said this with an odd compassionate voice that he did not regularly have, he then switched his face to happy and charismatic again, and continuing walking,

Now though you need to lighten up Zetsume, ,you know blow off some steam, hmm, how to do so ahh he said this as a very cute girl walked past them, he grabbed her by the arm lightly as she squeaked and said to her in a loud giggly voice, Hey there sweetie have you met Zetsume, as he pushed he cute girl in front of Zetsume to see what he would do all the while smiling like an idiot...

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

You are not to blame...., those words rung through his head like church bells. It was loud and obnoxious. To Zetsume he was always to blame for others death, if he was stronger like his father had wanted none of them would have had to perish before his very eyes. He could have saved them and who knows maybe they could be laughing and drinking by this point. They could have been doing missions and making a name for themselves, though now that is impossible. It is up to Zetsume to carry on in this cruel world, step by step.

He was slightly lost in his thoughts while walking and talking to Yuumi. It was not until a cute girl was grabbed by her arm and Zetsume was forced into introduction with her.

Ugh, this is becoming a problem for not just me but her also. I am going to have to deal with this in a "fun" way. he thought to himself while he was looking dead into the eyes of the girl. She was cute, roughly around the age of himself. Well at least that is how she looked, she could be underage for all he knew. Zetsume just simply smiled to the girl before speaking.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you. As he said I am Zetsume, the fellow right here is Repede. I am not sure what my new friend here is trying to imply by making us introduce but I am not in the state to even think about dating. I am terribly sorry for taking up your time.

The girl seemed somewhat offended by his words, almost like she was saying in her mind As if I would date you so easily. All she did however was slightly giggle and say "You guys are so silly" before walking away still laughing slightly. Zetsume did turn around to get a good look of that ass, as did Repede. It was true that he has not dated since killing his Fiance' and he was not really in the mood to date someone. He was still far too weak to even enjoy the simple life that others indulged in. He was just content with how his life is now, why change it. Plus it was not like he couldn't get a date. He was rich, a jounin, and from what Yuumi said pretty. After she was out of ear shot he decided to stuff his hands back into his pockets and talk to Yuumi in a slight monotone voice with no expression of emotions.

"I am not sure what you were trying to do but please do not do that again. She was a nice girl who deserves someone better than one such as I. My only purpose is to serve my village till the day I perish. I do not intend to date anyone anytime soon so please refrain from attempting."



He was a real stick in the mud it may take longer then he thought it would...

As the girl started walking away Yuumi wrote his house number on a piece of paper and made it into a ittle paper plane, and threw it at the girl watching it fly towards the cute girl and watched at she caught it and read it with a giggle, she winked at him and walked away, since Zetsume didnt want her he wasnt going to waste a fine process, and after she got out of hearing Zetsumes face got serious and he started speaking in what seemed like a cold voice, "I am not sure what you were trying to do but please do not do that again. She was a nice girl who deserves someone better than one such as I. My only purpose is to serve my village till the day I perish. I do not intend to date anyone anytime soon so please refrain from attempting." he said that she wanted someone better, he was obviously a downer, he would have something to say about that all right,Yuumis voice dropped down to a whisper, Zetsume, the only way to become happy is to take it upon yourself to make yourself happy, and even if we are shinobi we must balance the killing with happiness, and the death with life, every person had their own story and their own past, i will not bring up mine and i dont expect you to bring up yours, but if someone lives in the sprial of anger and sadness they can not leave until they fix it themselves, the point of me throwing the cute girl in front of you was one of the many chances to happiness, next time something like this comes up try and think of this moment, maybe youll take it as he finished his speech he downed the rest of his rice wine and threw the bottle into a nearby bin, he then looked at this man directly in the eyes and smiled ear to ear, making an amiable face, he liked this man and wanted to show him a good time, maybe a drunk Zetsume was nicer then a sober one, Hey its not too early to drink, want to take a trip to the sky bar and have a fe beers, itll be nice c'mon He smiled and kept walking, he wanted the man to accept his loosen up even a little...

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume listened to the words that Yuumi spoke about trying to be happy. It was at this moment that Zetsume noticed that the Genin was smarter than he gave him credit for. Though he doesn't think he would ever be truly happy in the cruel world but all he could do was lie to him.

"Fine I will try to balance this life out. Though I can not guarantee it. Now on a drink that does sound like a good idea."

After a short walk Zetsume arrived at the Sky Bar. A famous bar in Kumogakure that sold all sorts of drinks. Though the best thing about this place was the female servers. All of them looked like an eight out of ten on his scale. So mostly men came here to take the load of the world off of their shoulders. Zetsume was greeted at the door by a blonde who was no older than twenty that had beautiful blue eyes and a rather nice cleavage but he had to help himself from not looking. Repede however did not have such a conscious and rubbed his head along her leg for attention, upon which he got. She just smiled and pat him on his head before walking them to their booth.

"What would you boys like today?" she said in a friendly voice with a nice smile.

Zetsume smiled back and replied in just the same tone, "Yes could I get the biggest glass of Sailor Jerry and Coke please? More Rum than coke though, I am rather thursty on this day. Also get my friend anything he would like and put it on my tab, okay sweetie?"



The man agreed with him, though as of yet yuumi had no real idea if he would actually live up to it, but at least it was a start, and the fact that he was totally up to go have a drink was awesome, so it seemed that he wasnt completely devoid of fun, he continued to walk while chatting until they arrived at the time for a drink....

They walked into the bar, Yuumi walking behind his new found friend, the woman greeter was blonde and hot, he actually almost thought that he saw Zetsume start to look at something other then her face, it almost made him laugh out loud, but it was cut off when he actually got a look at the hotty, he quickly wrote his adress on a paper as Zetsume and his dog walked past he continued behind, he slipped the girl his adress note and winked at her, she looked at him and giggled and let him in.

Him and Zetsume walked into their booth and almost right away a hot serving girl asked them what they wanted to drink, Zetsume was getting a Sailor Jerry and coke, you could always tell a person by what they drink, this showed well for him, though it was funny when people saw what he drank, he loved his wine. He then relized that Zetsume had said that he was putting his and Yuumis drinks on his tab, now this was starting to be a good day, he looked at the Server and said in his thick accent, Ill have a Glass of Red Wine as the server walked away he looked back at Zetsume and said, Thanks a lot, and hey ,''Sweetie'', look at you not doing to bad are you, haha im just kidding around he giggled lightly and waited to see if his friend was going to respond to it.

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Sweetie?, Zetsume could tell that Yuumi was joking at him for the way he addressed the woman. He did not know her name so sweetie sounded just as good, because she was really sweet. It was people like her that made him want to get stronger to make sure they lived a nice life. It only took a few minutes until the waitress came back with their drinks, she was busy and did not say anything while she gave them their drinks. Then again Zetsume was not really a good talker. Zetsume told the woman thanks before taking many big gulps of his drink. He liked the burning feeling as it went down to his stomach, it somewhat made him feel more alive rather than just floating around.

"Red wine, quite an interesting drink. I personally do not think it is strong enough for me to enjoy, especially for the price. Then again I guess you drink it for the flavor, right? he said to Yuumi who was sitting across from him. Repede was feeling a bit ignored and jumped on the booth with Zetsume, resting his head on his lap. Zetsume just smiled and pat the dog on his head softly. In this cold world no matter what he would protect this dog.

A manly voice was heard behind Zetsume roughly fifteen feet away.

"Hey there hot legs, why don't you come sit in big daddy's lap?

The man was addressing the waitress that just recently served them. He was a bald man of roughly around forty. His height was maybe 6'5" weighing at 200+. He was clearly not a shinobi, and was more or less just a carpenter or something of the sort. The waitress AKA Sweetie, just smiled and declined his offer only asking what he would like to drink. It was at this time he was offended as if she should fall head over heels for the man. He reached over and grabbed her ass pulling her into his lap. The woman was offended even more as she quickly got out, Zetsume could tell she wanted to slap his rude face, but did not want to lose her job.

Not on my watch buddy., Zetsume thought as he quickly used his False Image genjutsu. Using the image, Zetsume walked up to the man and spoke while the real him sat there simply drinking his delicious drink.

"Sir, I do not like your tone you are using towards this woman. Please stop before I have to take measures into my own hands. I will even pay for your drinks if you will stop.", his image said to the man.

He quickly snapped back to the image in a rather rude manner, "Go back and sit with your boyfriend you **** before I crush your skull"

To the observers the man would have looked like he was talking to himself like a lunatic. It is true that the man could not see the real Zetsume and only the image that was before him. A small burning sensation overwhelmed Zetsume at his words. Zetsume's image just simply smiled in a cocky way speaking down to the man, "Ill tell you what, if you can even touch me, I will never come back to this place. However if you can not you may not return here."

By the time Zetsume's image was done saying here the man swung. His speed was slow, but he looked like he could pack a punch. Though he was not in a position to do anything as his fist flew through Zetsume's image and he fell down hitting his head on the table knocking it over as the beer he was drinking fell on top of him also. The man was out cold.

Fighting while drunk was never a good idea silly man Zetsume thought while drinking his drink. Everyone around looked stunned because the man seemed to have lost his mind and swung in the air before knocking his own self out. Zetsume smiled at the thought of it calling the waitress back over to their table, "Sorry I had to do something about him, people like him give a bad name to our great village. Here take this to use as money to fix the damages. Whatever is left you may keep.", he said while handing her a nice wad of money. Zetsume had plenty and it was worth it to see this man make a fool of himself. It was then when Zetsume turned to Yuumi smiling before speaking.

"What just happened was my way of fun.", taking another sip of his drink still smiling.



Zetsume among others had some odd speculations about the drinking on wine, it actually was around the same price as the common beer around here, but he did have one thing correct you drank it for the taste, but Yuumi like his wine special, the moment they brought the drinks he pulled a small vial out of his pocket, it had an XXX on it, it was pure alcohol and gave whatever he was drinking have much more kick.

He pulled the stopper off of it and poured in 3 small drops, which were more then enough, he looked over at his friend and handed the vial to him and said, Put some of that in it if you want a kick to it, its pure alcohol, just put a few drops, but keep it, consider it a gift haha he did of course have more of it at his house, he and a friend had learned how to make it, it was very easy but took a good bit of time, though it was a good trade for his drink being free.

Then he heard something that made his companion turn his head, one of the drunk men was hitting on the waitress, which wasnt bad in general, until of course it turned a bit bad when he grabbed the girl and put her on his lap, he would have done something right away but Zetsume got there first, he saw him cast a genjutsu, and then he saw a fake Zetsume walk towards to man and start to talk to him, he watched the scene that proceeded and guffawed very loudly when his friend told him that, that was how he had fun, he then told him, Haha we do have something in common i think, ooh i think you missed a spot the man who was out cold came to and stood up in a rage and started lurking towards their table as Yuumi sipped his wine, the man walked up toward the table, he wasnt going to let Zetsume take all the fun, as he got near he told Zetsume, I got this, just watch for a second

He stood up to meet the big man he was taller then Yuumi though he was scared at all, the man said to Yuumi, OUT OF THE WAY, IM HERE FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND F*G no one made fun of him, not in this way, he made a very instant handsign and covered his fingers in a layer of medical ninjutsu chakra and made invisible cat claws, at that point the large man was swinging at him, he swung his hand at the mans wrist only cutting the wrist tendons, making the hand go limb in mid air, then swing at the other wrist making the man unable to continue his assault, Yuumi then said in a chilling voice, Leave, and go get those wrists checked out i think you hurt yourself that was when he saw the man run out of the bar with limb hands, he turned to his companion, Dont worry, i didnt do anything serious just sliced two tendons they will heal fine but it taught him a lesson didnt it he undid his jutsu and sat back down with a smile, taking his glass and sipping at it tasting the strong wine and pure alcohol in it, he may just be a genin but he wasnt useless.

He then saw in the corner his eyes, the waitress come up and thank Zetsmue gratiously, Thank you sir...thank you so much hopefully the booze made his new friend more personable because the waitress seemed so gracious to him, maybe something would happen, he sat sipping hoping that something would, though he kind of doubted it...

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