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1Training (Static String) (Closed) Empty Training (Static String) (Closed) Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:50 pm



Julian woke up this morning with an idea, the idea was to change the form of his chakra and use electricity that is natural for his essence in order to create something that would have objects stick to it. For him that seemed extremely useful and he would copy the effects of static electricity but on a much grander scale. He knew it was going to be a vast undertaking and he actually looked forward to trying it out. As he climbed out of his bed he slowly stretched allowing his blood and chakra to flow naturally after a long night sleep in various contorted positions.

Standing with his bare feet on the ground and completely nude Julian walked slowly over to his dresser where he removed his clothes for the day. It was going to be a simple and solitary day he was training after all, and thus he felt no need to dress up in any fashion of the phrase. Instead he wore a simple white t-shirt, blue athletic shorts, a pair of sandals and his ninja headband that rested on his collarbones and covered his neck. Today was going to be a good day and the ninja already knew it as he went to his refrigerator and removed a pan from his wall. Within moments he had cracked the eggs and mixed them into a small bowl which he then placed the bread in. From there he would then fry the bread and also take out the syrup. Once he was done and had eaten he walked outside his door and shut it behind him allowing the sun to stream down on his face and the sounds of birds chirping to fill his ears, it was still early in the morning.

It did not take long for Julian to walk through the village to a place where he could train, it was normal for the young genin to venture just outside the gates and the gate guards of that day gave him a wave knowing he would be back in a couple of hours. It was a regular occurrence whether it was for a mission or simply for relaxing, or in this case training, whatever the case may be it felt like Julian spent a third of his days just outside the city walls within the huge forest. Today he would not be studying animals or plant life, nor would he be simply pondering deeper questions or reflecting on himself. No, today he was going to train a jutsu one that he felt would soon become his bread and butter once he tweaked it later on in his life.

The idea and concept was formulated inside of his brain, it was to start with one string and he would focus chakra on the end of that string in order to elicit a static charge on the end and work as though it was a bonding agent and keep the object it attached to in place. If he could do that the utilities for the jutsu would be nigh endless and extremely useful. Julian thought of the objects that he would be able to pick up and how to use them before reminding himself to mold the chakra first and complete the bare bones of the jutsu before picturing how to utilize the jutsu. And thus the hour long process of Julian creating a chakra string began, it was hard with him being unable to see it due to his lack of doujutsu or sensory but he could feel the jutsu out and he knew he was making progress on it.


2Training (Static String) (Closed) Empty Re: Training (Static String) (Closed) Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:06 pm



Once the string was out and Julian could feel it he focused chakra onto the end, it was relatively simple now that he had it out. It did not feel like it was a part of his body but the feeling was similar and close. Focusing on a rock nearby he tried for a good five minutes to line it up directly before realizing the rock was moving with him the whole time due to the power of the static pull that forced itself on the object. This made Julian smile; it would indeed be an extremely useful jutsu of that he had no doubt what so ever. Now that he knew how to use it the task before him was simply so that it would become second nature and allow him to do it without focusing and opening him to attacks while in combat. It appeared as though the technique would have no offensive properties but one did not need direct offensive capabilities to be useful in a battle and the mind of Julian recognized it.

For the next hour he worked on honing his technique and he learned a few things about it, one was that it would travel up to thirty five miles per hour, while not the fastest it was still impressive to the young genin. Another was that it could lift up to one hundred and fifty pounds, which frankly opened up a lot of possibilities to the genin including the ability to use this on another human in the midst of combat and just thinking about the idea made Julian giddy. It would be hilarious to pull someone’s ally in the way of their own jutsu and the young ninja made a vow to himself to do that at least once before he died. The final thing he learned about it was that he could extend the range of the jutsu to ten meters. It was a good distance as this jutsu was going to be used for defensive purposes mainly, and now that Julian knew enough the second nature of the technique was the only thing left to polish off for now. He would return to this jutsu once he grew enough but for now he could only train it to become an unconscious thing. It may have taken an additional two hours but the young ninja did it quite quickly and smirked to himself as he walked back to the village with a new weapon on his fingertips.



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