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Today Julian was going to map out the places where he had already been, which is to say that he garnered a mission through the grapevine that was to map out a region of the forest. Being a fuuinjutsuist the young genin was rather good at writing and drawing and his map already looked very neat and professional and he had just begun to detail the key of the map and it’s borders. While it was not a dangerous mission it was more fun than the last two which involved him playing gopher for the army. Those were rather pointless missions after all but this one was better. While he did not know it himself, the reason Julian enjoyed this mission concept more or that is to say the main reason was that he would be able to work alone by himself. To Julian however the reasoning was that he enjoyed the forest, of course this line of reasoning ignored the fact that the previous two missions and his training the day before had all brought him out to the forest as well.

Today Julian was dressed casually, a white t shirt and a pair of white sweatpants with a green hooded cloak that fluttered behind him as he walked in a way that made Julian giggle like a school girl when he focused on it. Of course today he was more focused on the yellowed parchment before him and marking out every bit of the elevation of the area first. It was important to lay that down as a foundation and include water in the first pass through. After that he planned on adding the details such as buildings if there were any and of course clearings in the forest. It was a very calming and relaxing mission for him to undertake and it was something Julian needed he felt as though something important was coming along the horizon but that was probably just an itch in the back of his skull, a remnant from his past when things were much more dangerous and exciting.

As he walked along the forest he noted the elevation quite easily thanks to his clan’s expertise with using the ground to their advantage. His eyes were not covered by contacts this day and while they did not glow violet from the use of his clan’s jutsu, they were a nice dull grey that darted to and fro taking in each and every detail his hand scrambling down dimensions through the quill on the parchment. This would not be the final map however; while he would be going in an order of operations he was still going to compile it onto a final copy in order to make sure it was neat and uniform. The purpose of a map was to inform after all and it could not inform if it was not deciphered, since this was not a time of war Julian thought that it would be best not to make the map too complex and instead make it a useful resource for more than just the military.

Overall it did not take Julian long to mark and fill out the map and along the way he was able to drink from a natural spring that forced water from the depths of the earth. It was cool and extremely refreshing and it seemed to give him vigor just from drinking the stuff so close to the source. With a sigh he decided to leave the forest and head back towards the village with the final copy of the map in hand, it was a fulfilling day to the young genin.


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