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1Safety Inspection [Mission Priority C] Empty Safety Inspection [Mission Priority C] Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:59 pm




Today Julian had, as it was described to him, the privilege of testing out new machines invented by the R&D department of the Konoha military. While he objected to the idea of having a sixteen year old test state of the art equipment he also realized he was going to be a part of that army sometime soon. So he accepted the mission without any sort of grumbling, and instead kind of looked forward to the new information he would gather from testing out things which few had seen before. The quest and hunger for knowledge was a powerful fire that built inside the young genin and with it he could justify doing many actions he normally would have dragged his feet upon. That was Julian’s main objective after all, it influenced all his actions. The young genin had joined with Konoha to gain more information and knowledge on becoming a ninja and now each mission gave him more of those vital pieces. Hopefully some day before his final day Julian would be able to piece together a theory on what it meant to be a ninja, currently he had no idea what it meant and he had just began to learn about the powers he could uncap within himself.

Julian was to receive two devices to test…OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE…that part was made utterly clear by the Kage’s aid when they discussed the mission. It made sense but also set Julian on edge for if something was potentially dangerous enough to damage the village why would a lowly genin be sent to test it if not for being expendable? Those thoughts were pushed quickly out of his mind however; the paranoid Julian did not need more fuel for that fire. Besides it was not like the worst case scenario would happen, if anything it would be destructive away from the user. It was not like the military had made devices to kill their own troops after all. Still he would pick that option rather than spend one more second wasting in front of the Kage’s aid that was regaling the tortured youth with yet another tale from his own childhood. Thankfully it only went on for a quarter of an hour, any longer and Julian would have found a kunai to shove inside his skull via the ear cannel. Now all that was left was to actually do the mission.

Julian was to meet one of the military personnel within the village near a specific restaurant to pick the device up. Luckily the boy knew exactly where the establishment was and thus the jaunt there would not be too bad in the least. Still when he got there he had no idea what would be waiting for him. What would the devices do? How big would they be? What would they be made out of? There was only one way to find out and in another quarter of an hour Julian would find out as he arrived at the restaurant ready to get this mission done with.




Arriving at the restaurant he had a quick talk with the only man in military garb there, it did not take long for Julian to deduce that this was in fact the man he had to meet. The man in question was shorter than Julian but much, much wider and it seemed that the man’s eating habit had him consume the hair from the top of his head. Thinking of that Julian chuckled as he imagined that the man was saving the hair on the side of his head for a snack for a later date. The conversation did not take long and before they parted the man gave Julian an odd parcel and told the young ninja not to open it before he left the village.

Sighing but nodding and obeying Julian left the small shop with the box incased inside of his hands the box was the size of a small child and thus it was held to his side with his lower hand in the front and bottom and his upper hand in the back and top. This caused the box to be secure solidly between the forearms of the sixteen year old genin as he made his way through the streets, he would have to get out of the village before opening the box much less using the thing inside. Luckily Julian would not have to wait long as the outskirts of the village quickly rushed up to meet him. Stepping outside the walls the thought of opening the box right then and there danced through his head, his inner psyche battling the curiosity he had as he made his way deeper into the forest with a giant smile on his face. He was like a kid at Christmas and was tempted to shake the package before thinking better of it.

Reaching a grove in which there was just grass and no animals were to be seen or heard Julian eagerly pulled open the package. His face was alight with glee that soon dissipated as he got a good look at what was inside. Not only was there only one device, but it was a small tracking device. Utterly boring, the scanner next to it was extremely plain and they both came in a dull grey that hurt the sixteen year old’s eyes. Still he had to at least try the blasted thing out to fulfill his mission and thus he switched both devices on and took the scanner before sprinting through the forest. While he would easily remember where the tracker was, the goal was to get there with only the scanner to help. However it seemed like that would be rather impossible as the first time he glanced down at the scanner it told him to continue forward by fifty meters. Once he had gone that far he checked it again to ensure that the beacon claimed to be there, it had. After that he returned to the grove where he found the box and the beacon which confirmed this device was utterly useless. In a grouchy mood Julian headed back to his village in order to tell the military about their waste of time that he had just tested for them.


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