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1Supply Run! [Priority Mission] Empty Supply Run! [Priority Mission] Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:38 pm



Mission Detail:

Monday after noon, Shihai returns back to the village center to report for her previous mission of teaching the academy students. She quickly checked the mission board and find out that there is still one more mission available. This time, it appears to be a lot simpler in comparison to the previous missions that she took. It was just a simple supply run and it looks like that all that she needed to do was to deliver this large box to the branch base slightly off the village.

Even though the mission itself was marked as urgent, presumably because the solider outside needs their food (don't we all?), and that there as a mention of ice cream which add to the urgency (?), since it was the summer time and ice cream can melt so easily. If the delivery person doesn't hurry, there will be no ice cream, only milk shake that will be left, so that counts as urgent. But according to the mission, there was just about no chance of enemy encounter, not a chance of fighting anyone. Therefore, even a newbie Ninja like Shihai would be able to take this mission.

Shihai nodded to herself and approaches the administrative staff at the front counter. After a short greeting and showing her card, filling the paperwork and signature, the staff went ahead with recording the information down and she was directed to go to storage locker 2 to get the supply box. The staff handed her an one time only card key and a slip of paper indicating the box number and off she goes.

This will be the first time that Shihai went to the storage room, as a newly graduate, she hasn't have the change to visit any restricted area, and the mystery of all was all so intriguing to her. But to her disappointment, all storage rooms does look a little alike, and even the ones in the village official building bares some resemblance to her clan's basement, but just multiply and are a lot bigger. Still, storage is storage. With the help of the slip of paper, Shihai easily picked up the box in question and went ahead, out of the official building and running towards the location as indicated by her mission package.

Having to make a brief stop here and there to put the box down and re check her map, she didn't want to get lost and lose time trying to find her way again. It is important to be fast, but also important to be on the right way.

As a Ninja, even if a Genin, her speed was still ok, and without losing too much time going to the wrong road, she was able to make her way to the spot of destination before too long. She lost a bit of time because she was not allowed to jump and run along roof tops (it was not prohibited, but she didn't want to bump the ice cream and make them lose their shapes), which force her to be running on the street, and trying very hard to dodge and not run into anyone. Of course, being in the after noon, although the crowd was not too bad but she couldn't run at her full speed either.

After all that, she finally make her way to the site and one of the guards on duty took over the box. He quickly checked the supplies, all seems to be in okish condition, and he nodded to Shihai, indicating that having completed her task, she is now free to go back to the village and report the mission. Shihai nodded to him her thanks before turning away to leave for the village.

2Supply Run! [Priority Mission] Empty Re: Supply Run! [Priority Mission] Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:39 pm



WC: 619/600
For mission only

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