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1Helping an old women D-rank mission Empty Helping an old women D-rank mission Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:33 pm

Nero Nara

Nero Nara

With a smirk on nero face, he would be eating on some ramen. it wasn't to long before he was assigned to another mission. it has been awhile every since nero gotten a mission. He was excited and couldn't wait to start the mission. But, from looking over the information. he saw he had to take care an old lady? he didn't even take care of his mom and dad. What makes you think he was gonna take care an old lady? but from the looks of it, the lady needed some help! laughing, nero would stand and pay for his ramen and walk away. Heading for the old lady location, it was yet another mission that he had to do, and the job was gonna get done. As he arrived to the old lady home, he would sigh. With a knock on the door, nero would step back, with his crimson eyes glowing red. he would shake his head back and forth! smiling he would hear the door open. Looking at this old lady that was waiting for him. " Hey young one! guess you the one here to help me?" nero would greet the old lady. " can I come in?" seeing the lady move back, nero would walk in and sigh. " so what do you need to get done first?" nero would ask as he rubbed the back of his head and waited for the lady response. receiving an note for the old lady, nero would sigh. " okay this the stuff you need! will do." nero had to go too two different stores to get the stuff for the lady.

- 4 Apples
- 11 Sweet potatoes
- 3 Tomatoes
- 2 packs of instant ramen
- 1 pack of Sunflower seed
- 1 pack of Rose seed
- 3 boxes of Green Tea
- Perfume
- 2 pieces of Granny Underwear

nero wasn't sure what to pick up first? he would stop by the grocery store first. just to pick up the grocery's first for the lady. After a long walk towards the store. Nero would finally make it, laughing! nero would step in. Looking around, he would begin to start shopping. With his buggy that he was pushing, he will start going down aisles and picking up the food. Once he was done with that, he would purchase the items and walk out the store. With his bags in his hands, he would sigh. Next store it was to get the underwear for the lady. Walking That store was just a few streets down, it wasn't gonna take him long to get there. With his mind on some old stuff with his parents, he would sigh! with a smile on his face he would walk in the store, looking around the granny underwear. "hmm" once he saw the two pair he would grab them, and pay for it. Once that job was done. he would then clean the list. Now it should look like this.

- 4 Apples
- 11 Sweet potatoes
- 3 Tomatoes
- 2 packs of instant ramen
- 1 pack of Sunflower seed
- 1 pack of Rose seed
- 3 boxes of Green Tea
- Perfume
- 2 pieces of Granny Underwear

"Okay, i'm done with that. Now back to her home. She'll be proud of me!" nero would then head back to the lady home with a smile on his face. After a few knocks on the door he would finally be let in. " alright done with the orders! what's next?" neor asked as he took a seat on the chair that was next to him. The lady would then speak. " well, look around! you can see this place needs a little fixing. Mind helping me?" nero would sigh. Standing up, nero would then take the paper on what needs to be done.

To do:
- Take a walk with her dog
- Feed her cat
- Help her do the cleaning

" well I can do this no problem!" nero stated as he looked over to the barking dog. " Okay imma handle the dog first." nero said as he step to the dog, and reached down to attach his collar. After that, nero would head out the door. Every time the dog had to poo or pee, nero had to make to spray the pee and pick up the poo. It was the worst job ever for nero. but he had to get the job down. After making a few blocks with the dog. nero would then find his way back to the old lady home. " alright! that is down. Now on to the next." nero would say as he looked at the note and started on his next assignment. " okay feed the cat that's nothing!" nero would then look for the cat. With no signs he was insides. He would look by the backdoor and notice him. " come here boy!" nero would pick the cat up and sigh. Looking around for his food, he would then find the food and place it inside the bowl! placing the cat by the food. Noticing it eating, he would sigh. " okay that is down! " okay down with that ma'am now the next to do?" nero stated with a smile on face while looking at the paper. " oh okay clean the house? nothing" with his red crimson glowing, he would rush and start cleaning up the home. First he would start with the bedrooms. Noticing it was the most nastiest place. it would take nero about three whole hours to clean the home. after his mission was done, he would then sigh. " well my job is down." walking away from the home. he would head off for his home with a mission well down.

" Now what's next?" now the list should look like this..

To do:
- Take a walk with her dog
- Feed her cat
- Help her do the cleaning

Word count: 867

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