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“Defending against a ninja is not easy.” Standing in at about five feet, a young kid looked forward at the crowd before him. About fifty samurai where sitting, clothed in full battle regalia, carefully listening to every word the young kid said. What made the scene even more bizarre was the total focus each and every one of the warriors before the ninja appeared to keep the totality of their focus on a person half their age. The Genin had no illusions of grandeur though. He knew the only reason for the unreal focus he was receive was due to a direct order from their superior commander. Funny, that. The only reason he was lecturing himself was due to a direct order from his superior commander. In short, the kid didn’t think himself a good teacher, and the students had no respect for their 'sensei'. Of course, all parties hid these feelings with the utmost skill.

Earlier that day, Reag had been woken up very early by a knocking on his door. This prompted the young ninja to attempt to disable what he thought was his alarm clock, mainly by flailing around next to his head like a madman. When this failed, and the knocking continued, the wire user eventually pulled himself out of bed, quickly got himself dressed, and answered the door. After spending a few seconds fiddling with the lock, the leaf shinobi opened the door to confront his solicitor. It was a messanger-nin. After looking the young genin up and down, and noting that his shirt was inside out, he handed over the scroll. Taking it, bowing, and closing the door, the nocturnal ninja returned to his room. He noted the time as ten in the morning, far to early for him to do any work. With a sign, the young wire user opened the scroll and took in the contents.

Hokage Summons. Cursing, the genin began to properly dress himself. Starting with armored clothing, and moving on to weapons, the whole process took him several minutes. Finally, after affixing a mask to his face, he was ready to meet his leader and receive orders. With a nod, he left his small apartment, locking the door behind him. On the way to the tower, Reag briefly stopped by at one of the numerous street venders around the village center. Being a ninja village, street venders made money hand over fist catering to the extremely busy shinobi that ran the place. After getting himself some kind of foreign snack (Apparently, falafel was a popular street food in Iwa), the young wire user made his way to his sensei's office, ready to receive orders.

Several minutes later, the Genin walked out of the meeting with a frown fixed to his face. Not that it was visible to anyone around him, what with his mask obscuring view of his facial features. His squad leader had assigned him to spend some time teaching a division of samurai who where temporarily in the hidden village. In short, he would have to teach them anti shinobi tactics, group combat, and genjutsu avoidance. To say he felt uncomfortable about this would be an understatement. While his fellow ninja did most of the under-the-table operations for the countries leader, the samurai where in charge of the protection of his person. This in its self wasn’t a problem. But it did make him wonder what the samurai would want to know how to defeat shinobi for. Perhaps they where planning to overthrow his home? The actual answer, foreign ninjas, never crossed the Genin's mind.

Still, misgivings aside, he had his orders, and wasn’t about to sabotage his own chances for promotion by purposefully giving useless advice. If anyone found out, it would be a black mark on his record for sure. He was already on the verge of a field promotion to Chuunin, and he would be damned if he had to spend another half year running D ranked missions for chump change. Hell, the wire user already figured he was the strongest Genin in the hidden village, and did not want something stupid preventing him from advancing. No, he was not aware of his own arrogance.

Rubbing his head, he continued towards the hotel where the samurai where staying, stopping only briefly to get himself a cup of coffee from a nearby restaurant. It was an odd place, with a Sunisian theme. The smell briefly reminded him of the month he spent in the great desert, drinking black coffee and playing that odd board game, sheshbesh. It was here he decided to get himself a cup of coffee and something sweet to nibble on. The whole process of ordering, drinking, eating, and focusing took him less than twenty minutes. Despite its short duration, it was all the young wire user needed in order to prepare himself mentally for the challenge he faced ahead of him. Laying down some iron coins to pay for his snack, the masked Genin exited the restaurant and continued towards the tavern where his charges would be gathered.

After finding the correct location, and group leader, he asked that they meet him at training ground number seventeen for a lecture and short demonstration. His plan was simple. The wire user would start with a short lecture on shinobi, their battle tactics, squad size, and general modus operandi. He would then go into details of the different squad types, ranging from sniper squads to 'havok' squads, the kind he currently belonged to. Following that, he would give a short lecture on shinobi weaponry and methods of counter attacking some of the more basic jutsus. Finally, he would end the training session by explaining Genjutsu and how to counter them. That would be a very important part of his training regiment, as most non ninjas couldn’t even tell when someone was messing with their minds. His charges filed in before him and settled down. It was time to begin.

“Defending against a ninja is not easy.”

Word Count: 1005

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