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1No Need For Discussions! [Open/No kill] Empty No Need For Discussions! [Open/No kill] Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:52 pm



'What to do today?' Baki mused as he walked down the streets of Kumogakure, the air was fresh and clean with a slight breeze. The crowded streets were alive and bustling with energy, still he was vigilant.

Baki walked up to a stand that was selling a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables. Baki picked up a apple and gave the man behind the counter the money he owed. "Man what a boring day..." He said after a few bites of the apple.



Hamthrax, running from two people he just pranked, is running down the street. Hamthrax didn't realize that the people he pranked hated be made fun of and embaressed. The two men then chased Hamthrax down the street.

One of the pursuers yells "You damn kid, you wont get away!"

Hamthrax looks back and laughs" Yeah, you can't catch a snail!"

What Hamthrax didn't expect to trip over a hole in the road while looking back. Hamthrax tumbles down the road and bumps into Baki, nocking them both over and the apple out of Baki's hand.

Hamthrax mutters apologetically,"I am so sorry but I must be out of here."

But sadly the two chasing him caught up and grabbed him.



As Baki pondered what he should do next a answer came crashing into him. "I am so sorry but I must be out of here." He heard the boy mumble. It did not matter to Baki all that much that someone had ruined his snack but what did bother him was the same person had knocked him over while doing it. His eyes narrowed in anger. "Hey watch where your going kid!" He yelled at him before watching the same kid get caught by the people he was running away from. "That kid owes me a snack, however it seems as you two are to blame, prepare to eat the ground!" Baki yelled kicking on of the men in the face. He wondered if the kid could take care of the other one.



Hamthrax takes the oppertunity of Baki kicking one of them in the face. Hamthrax grabs the arm of the man holding him and throws him over his shoulder. The man lands hard on the ground and groans. Hamthrax then finishes the man by punching him in face knocking him out.

Hamthrax then composes himself and says "Thank you so much for the help and about your apple. I... ummmmmm..... I." Hamthrax looks for an easy way out of the situation and gets ready to sprint away.



The other man hit the ground about the same time as the one the kid was fighting did. 'taijutsu huh?' Baki thought as the kid gained his composer. "Thank you so much for the help and about your apple. I... ummmmmm..... I." He could tell the kid was looking for a place to run, but he wanted to know more. " oi! kid chill out. Why where they chasing you?" He was wondering if the kid was worried because he had ruined his snack so he decided to put him at ease. Bending over the two they had knocked out Baki found the wallets they had on them and took the money out. "Damn scum." he commented as he tossed the kid a apple and got one for himself.
He paid the old guy behind the counter with the money he had got from the two men laying on the ground. "Whats your name kid?" He asked in between bites.



Hamthrax cools down after Baki reasures him. Hamthrax takes a huge bite of the apple.

Hamthrax says with his mouthfull, "My name is Hamthrax and they were chasing me because of a prank I pulled on them. I switched their pen with a trick pen. My trick pen explodes with ink when you try to write with it. Thats why they are covered in ink. What I wasn't expecting was them wanting to kill me. Thank you so much for the help, how can I repay you? And may I ask your name?



"So your a prankster huh? Well, I don't care what you do just make sure if you prank someone you can kick there assess. Oh and By the way my name is Baki." He said to the kid known as Hamthrax. "The only thing you owe me is a promise not to lose again." He said as he threw the apple cob away.



"Well technically I didn't loose, I just didn't fight them till you did. Thanks again for the apple, I am out of here." Hamthrax replies to Baki.

Hamthrax throws the apple away and turns to run off.



"Well technically I didn't loose, I just didn't fight them till you did. Thanks again for the apple, I am out of here." Baki did not mean that though and he called out : "Who said I was talking about losing to them? I meant me! " A Smirk came on to Baki's face as he continued. The way I see it is you owe me for a fight, these clowns aren't worth the time. Im just looking for a fun fight that's all." Baki waited with the grin still on his face to see if the boy would take him up on it.



Hamthrax was surprised by this statement. He hadn't been in a fight with another ninja since his academy days. He stopped in his tracks and spun around with a good looking smirk and readies himself for anything.

Hamthrax thinks for a second and replies with, "Sure why not. I am ready for, hopefully, you." Hamthrax had no idea if he should just charge at Baki. So instead of just going in half-cocked he decided to wait for Baki's first action.



Baki wasted no time as he activated the Genjutsuken, the other guy need but only look at him and he would be in the genjutsu. Baki did not wait for the other guy to move however, as he did the hand signs for Genjutsuken : Falling rush! the jutsu would make it hard for the other boy to stand unless the other person had something he did not know about. Baki waited for the other boy to come. "Hey kid ya just gonna stand there? I aint got all day!" He yelled as he tried to coax the boy into looking at him.

Jutsu :


Chakra :


12No Need For Discussions! [Open/No kill] Empty Re: No Need For Discussions! [Open/No kill] Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:56 pm



(OOC, Hamthrax will be training Doton element from C rank to B rank)
Hamthrax stares directly at Baki and consequently falling into his genjutsuken. He suddenly feels like he is falling and therefore starts having trouble standing. He takes a stagger step forward and falls to the ground. He suddenly realizes that he is under a genjutsu. He gets angry at himself and starts to panic. Maybe he isn't under a genjutsu, maybe he is really falling, maybe he will fall to his death right here in the middle of the street. Hoe could this be happening, he thinks to himself,This must be a genjutsu, I bet I could get out of this.

Hamthrax then decides to use Genjutsu Dissipation to get rid of the genjutsu cast upon him. After the genjutsu was released, Hamthrax stands up and glares at Baki. He then decides to toy with Baki, maybe make him laugh and make himself laugh.

He yells, That was a dirty trick, only weaklings use genjutsu. What are you afraid of real combat or you gonna man up and fight me like a man?. Maybe I can lure this person into combat that doesn't use genjutsu. He has already shown a basic knowledge of taijutsu so he most likely is better than me at that. But my ninjutsu is so much stronger so I can beat him there but that genjutsu is horrendous. I will have to not let him use any more genjutsu and it is time for some awesome ninjutsu!


120/150 chakara

C--->B rank Doton 255/2000

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