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1Habbabulu Empty Habbabulu Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:51 am



About midday Hamthrax is being punished. He pulled on of his pranks and again it didn't go over well and now he can't get out of the consequences. This time he pranked one of his old academy teachers who is known as a generally kind teacher but Hamthrax has been able to make him turn mean from time to time. Hamthrax overestimated his own skill and got caught.

He has been tied to a chair so he couldn't escape and not get his punishment. Now he his getting lectured about how doing his stupid stunts will only hold him back and get him in even bigger trouble. This goes on for at least an hour of him being told why pranking people is wrong and he has zoned out for the majority of it because he has heard the same song over and over again.

Hamthrax finally tunes in to hear, "... One day you will take one of your jokes to far and get yourself killed. I think I found a way to fix your stupid antics. I realized that you haven't received a sensei since your graduation from the academy. I have asked that you get one. He should be arriving soon to take you and hopefully make you stop all your shenanigans. "

Hamthrax perks up at this statement and starts squirming around. "Who is my sensei going to be. I really want to know."

"Don't worry he will be here soon."

2Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:20 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume carefully read the note that was at his door when he got out of bed. It seems that he has been assigned to be a Sensei. Scratching his chin slightly while thinking back on the last time he had been a Sensei. It did not go over that well and hardly any of them treated him with respect, then again not like he cared. What people thought of him never annoyed him. The only thing Zetsume cared about was protecting this village and his dog, Repede. Zetsume sighed when he read the words, PS: He is a prankster

Is this what is going to be left behind when I die, a bunch of silly minded kids?, he thought while he told Repede to come. It seems he probably would be a good sensei to this guy, as he did not care much for jokes, it only got in his way of doing his job. Zetsume and Repede left his small house as he went to talk to his new apprentice.

The sun was blazing down on his village, making it rather hot on this day. Zetsume never did really like the heat, it tended to mess with his head. It also did not help that people in the streets were just living normal lives while outside invaders could be lurking. Zetsume did not really care for these people, it just so happens they were in the same village that he was in. A village he swore to protect with his last breath.

When Zetsume arrived he was greeted by an unusual face, and a boy tied to a chair. Which seemed odd in itself. After a slight nod the academy teacher walked off, leaving only Zetsume, Repede, and Hamthrax in the room.

Zetsume grabbed an arrow from his quiver to cut the boy loose. He then sat in a chair nearby and spoke to him, "Honestly, I dont know why the village chose me as your Sensei. Personally I hate having students, especially ones that joke too much. While you are off joking around people from this village are dying everyday. Though I can not argue with the Kage's orders, they are absolute. Ahem, where are my manners? My name is Zetsume Zix and I hail from the Kyodara clan. This little fellow right here is my dog, Repede. Would you care to tell me your name?"

3Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:50 am



Hamthrax looked up at Zetsume Zix with eyes of admiration. He had been wanting to have a sensei he could call his own since he first started the academy. He was over joyed with the fact that he finally got one but he didn't act out since what Zetsume said.

Hamthrax just kind of sat there for an extremely, awkwardly, and painfully long moment taking in all the facts. He had finally got a sensei, his sensei didn't like jokes, and best of all he has a dog. So far, things seem to be going well, he was untied. He was just taking it all in expecially the fact that Zetsume didn't like jokes. Hamthrax, he loved jokes, he has trouble with people who take life to seriously. He thinks he can get over that fact because he had gotten his long wanted sensei.

Hamthrax then starts day dreaming about him and his sensei doing missions. Them becoming well known ninja together and really strong. Them defeating a super strong and dangerous ninja who has been terrorizing people, them saving the world from someone trying to destroy, or even better making Kumogakure the best hidden village ever. He must be strong to have his own dog companion and to be a jounin, thinks Hamthrax. He then thinks that he will become strong just like him.

Hamthrax suddenly wakes up from his day dreams and looks a little embarrassed. "My name is Hamthrax, sir. I, uh, I will try not joke with you but I really like to joke and have fun. You seem really strong, are you strong? I think it is cool that you have a dog, how did you get one? Awesome you have a bow, how far can you shoot an arrow? How long have you been a ninja?"

Hamthrax then realizes that he has asked way to many questions and lowers his head again in embarrassment. He looks back up a little star struck and full of enthusiasm.

4Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:03 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

It took a small moment for the genin to reply to his words. Zetsume could tell that at that moment the genin was off in another world thinking of what could be or what will be. Zetsume just sat there and looked at him with no facial expressions. The boy had hardly spoke his name before the questions started to roll in.

Zetsume sighed as all of the questions from a happy genin poured into his mind one after another. They did seem rather obnoxious but he would just have to deal with it. It had been awhile since someone even asked anything about him. Then again, Zetsume was not even the social type to even have gotten into those types of situations. Listening to all his words carefully Zetsume just sat there while the genin spoke.

Oh lord what did I just get put into, , he thought while the one named Hamthrax spoke. He figured he would reply to his questions to amuse him.

Please do not call me Sir, makes me feel older than I already am. Zetsume is fine without the sir. It is fine if you joke within these walls but so help me if you try any jokes during a mission I will tie you to a tree and return when the job is done. Now onto your questions, am I strong, no I have many years ahead of me before I am fine with my strength. This dog I found dying on the streets of this village and I took him in, he is my best and only friend as sad as that sounds. I can shoot further than your eyes can see. I've been a ninja since I can remember. Now tell me a bit about yourself, which clan do you reside from? What kind of elements can you use. All of these things will be vital in the future. Also would you like to see something cool?"

Zetsume figured the genin had never seen a Kyodara before, not many people have. His clan used to be famous within this village, now there are only a few of us left. Zetsume stood before the genin and formed a Lightning Chakra bow, watching the lightning crack about. It was a gift of his clan to always be prepared. Even if his first bow were to break, he always had this.

"The bow on my back is just for looks and training. The bow of lightning you see in my hand is what I use to kill.", he said while he dissipated the jutsu.

Jutsu used:

5Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:50 am



Hamthrax stares excitedly at Zetsume as he is answering all of his random and silly questions. Hamthrax still seems to be on the moon and has the biggest grin. He thinks that Zetsume might be a bit of a hardass, but hey, he just wants to have someone to become good friends with and learn from.

Hamthrax just watches as Zetsume starts to show him the cool thing. He is wondering what a Kyodara but it was probably his clan. He then remembers hearing about them and that they have started to slowly become smaller but they are quite impressive. He is just stunned when Zetsume conjures up a bow made of electricity. He had never seen anything like it and was impressed.

As soon as the bow dissipated he said, "Wow, that was amazing. I have never seen anything like that, that was so cool. I will try not to call you sir any more Zetsume. Now about my jokes, I will try not to prank on missions but that will be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry difficult. I really like jokes and pranks, but I will try my hardest. I am Hamthrax Genko, from the Genko clan. I don't know much about my parents as they disappeared when I was young but I do know that they were Genko clan members. My father was and my mother wasn't, no insest involved. I can use raiton and doton types of ninjutsus. I also use swords, specifically bastard swords and the like. Sadly I haven't gotten the money to buy my own sword but I will get soon hopefully."

Hamthrax just ends what he was saying and awkwardly waits for Zetsume to respond. He suddenly seems socially awkward and finally it looks as if he doesn't have anything left to say. Even after running out words he still seems excited and waiting for more.

Hamthrax suddenly seems to lighten up as if remembering something. "Hey I got a jutsu to show you. The problem though is we need to go in a field or something like that. It will surprise you I hope." He then waits for Zetsume to approve of him showing off and starts to get an even bigger grin.

6Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:15 am

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Genko...... The same as Binsu, he thought as the genin before him spoke about himself. Zetsume remembered years back when him and Binsu Genko went on a mission to stop pirates. Even though now Zetsume doubted he would ever speak to him again, though those were the glory days. Zetsume had been thinking about that fight while the genin spoke and seemed to have missed part of what he was saying but acted like he was listening because he did not want to seem rude. Though during all of this time he did not seem to be that annoying as Hamthrax's former teacher spoke about. The only thing that troubled his mind is that the two were complete opposites of each other, Zetsume knew he could not teach him much of his style of combat. Still though he would take him none the less.

"Do you know a man named Binsu by any chance? I think he is from the same clan as yours."

Zetsume slightly smiled when the genin spoke about a jutsu. He had not seen much of this world and was curious more on this genin, so he would have to accept this show and tell.

"Hmmmm Well lets get to an open area then eh?", he said while looking around. Zetsume did not want to have to walk all the way around the building and it seemed that the window led to a nice little area that Hamthrax could demonstrate some of his abilities.

"Sorry but I am rather lazy at the moment, I do not feel like walking around so i think i will just go out of this window. Feel free to join me."

Zetsume opened the window and went through it with his dog following behind him. He never once had to tell Repede a command, the dog was smart enough to just follow and protect Zetsume, which was enough for him. Zetsume stretched out in the sun enjoying the rays and waited to see how the genin would react.

7Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:51 am



Hamthrax Listens to his question about Binsu. He can't think of who he might be but maybe he does know him. He is surprised that someone else might be from the same clan as him. Maybe this Binsu person might know of his parents but he kind of got over who his parents were.

Hamthrax got extremely excited when Zetsume actually wants to see his jutsu. He hopes to really impress him with it as it can be the most fun jutsu to cast. He keeps thinking how to make it funny but remembers that Zetsume doesn't like jokes. He will decide about weather or not he will joke as he does it.

Hamthrax watches Zetsume leave through the window and thinks maybe I will do the same. He backs up a little and then sprints toward the window and dives out of it at full speed, flying past Zetsume. It is obvious that Hamthrax was trying to show off as he does an over dramatic roll to finish it out. He looks back at Zetsume with a big smile that says, you like what I did. He turns around and leads Zetsume out of town.

Hamthrax has a little area a few minutes out of town where he likes to practice in secret. It is somewhat hidden inside of some trees. It is a little clearing about 100ft long by 50ft wide. There are a few areas of destroyed ground and some of it is raised up. It gives of a really peaceful and calming aura as it is entered. There is a good sized tree in the middle with what looks like various fruit peels and cores as if someone sits under and eats fruit there.

Hamthrax looks back at Zetsume and smiles. He says, "This is where I come to practice and get away from everyone. I like to read and watch the sun rise and fall from under that tree. This place just gives me the best feeling and I feel so relaxed. Now about that jutsu."

Hamthrax starts to concentrate and gets really serious. He is no longer smiling and is a complete opposite of what he normally seems like. He then suddenly slams his hands to the ground. A second later a wall of dirt appears right in front of Zetsume. The wall is two meters high and one meter wide, completely obscuring Hamthrax from Zetsume's view. Now Zetsume notices a face starting to form on the dirt wall, he then realizes that it is Hamthrax's face and he was smiling. Then under his face, some writing appears and it says "I WIN, HAHAHAHA". The wall turns to mud and falls to the ground and becomes solid dirt once again.

Hamthrax has one of his huge grins and waits for Zetsume's response. He is obviously very proud of what he just did. He adds quickly, "I don't think I know a Binsu".

8Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:10 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume watched as the genin flew through the window like some sort of action hero. A small part of him wanted to trip him to see his reaction but he held the urge in and just tried to smile in acceptance. Zetsume followed Hamthrax out of the village to a small part inside of the forest. It was just as Hamthrax said, very serene. The air seemed to even have a lightened mood here with the sun shining and fruits ripening on the trees nearby. Zetsume gave a small pat on Repede's head as he watched Hamthrax perform this jutsu. Before him a wall of dirt formed blocking his view from the genin. Then the wall started to deform and had the face of Hamthrax with the words I WIN, HAHAHAHA. He just couldn't resist huh?, Zetsume thought while rubbing the top of Repede''s head softly as the wall crumbled back into soft mud.

Zetsume was not all that impressed with the jutsu, especially with the added comedy. The jutsu could hardly stop any real attack maybe a few shurikens, though he would act impressed to not hurt the genin's feelings. Zetsume gave a half smile that seemed to show that he was not used to smiling.

"Well I can at least say I somewhat enjoyed that little show and tell. Shame you do not know Binsu, he is a mighty fine ninja in this village. I could only hope to become half as great as he is. As I said before we do not share much in common in fighting styles yet I shall still take you in as my apprentice even though I wont have much to teach you. Now missions on the other hand are something I enjoy doing. I shall request one for us and I shall show you how this world really is. If you feel uncomfortable will killing let me know now and I shall request another teacher for you."

Zetsume paused and looked at Repede to speak. "Go home buddy, I shall return shortly with food., Zetsume's voice to the dog was kind unlike how he spoke to humans. He would speak to most humans with a cold chip on his shoulder of resentment at their inadequate will to help this village. Only those who have proved their worth would receive the same kind of speech that he gave to Repede. The dog listened to Zetsume and ran home. Though the reason he wanted Repede out of the way was because he wanted to have a little fun with the genin before asking the kage for a mission for them to do. Zetsume smiled slightly as his dog scurried off.

I guess now is better than never., Zetsume gathered some chakra and used Flase image on Hamthrax. The image of him stood still smiling slightly as he was before, while Zetsume walked over to the tree and sat down to eat the fruit that was on it hoping it tasted good. Now that he was under his genjutsu he would have some fun.

"This is a small training exercise. I want you to try and hit me.", Zetsume made the image say. It would be rather interesting to see the genin charge at the image of him.

I hope this is not the first Genjutsu he has been under. He seems likely to fall for even simple ones. Though once he tries to hit it, his hands will pass through and it will show where I am sitting and eating calmly. Hmmm maybe I do have a sense of humor"

Jutsu used:

9Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:18 pm



Hamthrax is super happy that Zetsume is impressed by his jutsu. He is also extremely proud of Zetsume's approval of his jutsu. That jutsu is one of his favorite jutsu to use. This will be a moment that he will remember for the rest of his life.

Hamthrax completely ignores what Zetsume was saying. He was not doing it out of disrespect but because he is just not paying attention. Hamthrax is thinking about other jutsu he could use to impress Zetsume and make him like him even more. He just wants to get the approval of Zetsume and he will try to impress with all he's got.

Hamthrax finally snaps out his daydream when Repede starts to walk away. He noticed that Zetsume seems to have a genuine smile when he looked at Repede walking away. He hasn't had that pure smile this whole time with Hamthrax but he hopes he can earn with time. Hamthrax now knows that Zetsume prefers his dog, Repede, over most humans. Maybe all humans. He will now have to get that smile on him from Zetsume.

Hamthrax listens intentavily as Zetsume tells him to hit him. Hamthrax thinks to himself, "So he wants me to hit him ehhhh. This shouldn't be to hard. I will try and confuse to get a good hit on him. This will be very good. I will get a good laugh from this."

Hamthrax then prepares himself for his attack. He gets in a deep concentration and wipes away his smile. He looks a lot like he did when he preformed the jutsu earlier. Now he snaps out of his quietness and bolts at Zetsume doing hand signs. Zetsume is able to tell he is doing hand signs but, Hamthrax's hands are hidden under his chest so Zetsume has no idea what jutsu he is preforming. Hamthrax then lifts up his head and smiles. When he looks he laughs out, "HA, I got you". He suddenly lunges at the unmoved Zetsume, flying perpendicular to the ground with his arms out streched laughing the whole time he is in the air.

When Hamthrax hits what he thought was Zetsume, the genjutsu breaks with Hamthrax still flying through the air. He suddenly realizes that he has been duped by a simple genjutsu. He wonders why he hadn't thought about that and gets angry that he fell for it. Sadly he has no way of saving himself from his dive. He hits a tree hard, very hard, head first knocking him out cold.

10Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:05 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume could not help but to grin at the sight of Hamthrax charging his genjutsu. Then again it was sort of low of him to use such a jutsu on him like that. Oh well, at least Zetsume got a small chuckle out of it, until he hit the ground and went limp. Zetsume rushed over there to check his pulse and to see if he was alright.

Good still alive, he thought to himself during the check. It also appears that he was not bleeding also which was a good sign that he would not have to take him to the doctors. Zetsume knelt down and proceeded to carry the genin on his back. He did not know where he lived so he would have to take him back to his house.

During the walk towards his home, he got some odd stares from people. Here he was carrying an conscious genin around and no one even asks. They just simply stare and keep going about their business. A part of him liked that they did not ask because he would hate talking to them, though the other part of him was worried on the integrity of the villagers around him. It would have made him slightly better if someone, anyone asked though.

It was dark by the time he made it back. He could have ran but did not want to risk the jumping motion to cause more head trauma. Zetsume thought for a second realizing he only had one bed. Laying the genin on the bed and bandaging up his head, he covered the genin. Zetsume sat in a chair across from him, softly petting Repede.

"If he should wake before I do, please wake me up.", he said to the dog who just simply nodded and jumped in the bed laying at the genin's feet. Zetsume sat back and dozed off.

11Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:22 pm



A couple hours later Hamthrax wakes up. He did not wake up peacefully though. He jolts up making a deep war cry. When he realizes that he is in a bed he stops. He looks a little shocked and really confused. The last thing he can remember is diving at Zetsume. He is quite concerned at the fact that he has no idea why he is in a random bed.

Hamthrax slowly turns his head towards Zetsume with a face of pure horror. He realizes that he has made both, Zetsume and Repede, to jump and laughs it off. The laugh is not a sincere laugh, it is something to break the awkwardness he has created. He blinks at Zetsume now making a face of "what the hell just happened?".

After looking at Zetsume and his companion, Hamthrax tries to start piecing things together. He guesses that this might be Zetsume's house but maybe not. His head is bandaged, so he must have hurt his head but he has no idea how and why.

Hamthrax breaks the silence by saying, "Um.... sorry for yelling. I did not mean at all. Also what happened and where am I?"

12Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:31 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume peeked open an eye and was slightly started by his scream. Knowing his luck people around would walk in to a screaming genin who was in his bed which probably wouldnt look right. Zetsume got out of his chair and started to brew some tea. It was his favorite type of drink and probably could not live long without it. One of those small things that just keep you going through the long days.

Hamthrax spoke out of confusion and discomfort, Zetsume could tell. Zetsume placed a cup of warm tea and a small bowl of sugar cubed next to him.

"Drink up, it will help with your head. Honestly you blacked out after hitting your head on a tree stump. It was not my intention for that to happen but it did. I decided to take you to my small house, as shitty as it may be, it is still mine. I hope that is not a problem, I did not know where you lived so this seemed like the other best place."

Zetsume was not lying on his shitty house. It was very small, too small for a family. Thankfully Zetsume has not began to pop out children. Zetsume dropped a few cubes of sugar into his own tea before sipping it calmly.

"You are awake much sooner than I expected, though I am glad you are alright.", he said with a half way smile of awkwardness.

13Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:22 am



Hamthrax is slightly startled by Zetsume just leaving the room. He started to get slightly nervous and started thinking the worst. He started to think that maybe he has gone deaf. Zetsume might have said something but Hamthrax heard nothing. Hamthrax started squirming around and making weird noises.

Hamthrax finally calms down when Zetsume brings in the tea and sugar. Hamthrax smiles as Zetsume pours the sugar into his own cup of tea. Hamthrax doesn't put any sugar into his tea and drinks the whole cup in one second. When he puts the cup down he makes a face of "HA."

Hamthrax listens to all of what Zetsume said and was really disappointed. He didn't impress him after all. He tried so hard to impress Zetsume but failed. Hamthrax lowered his head in disappointment and looked extremely sad. Suddenly he changed his expression and mood. He seemed cheery and happy.

After Zetsume said, "You are awake much sooner than I expected, though I am glad you are alright.", he laughed and looked slightly proud. He started giggling and looked really happy.

Hamthrax says, "So this is what your house looks like. It is not to um shitty",he looks around as he says shitty,"I actually like it. My house is a complete disaster. Yours does seem nice." after he stops laughing.

14Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:57 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume looked around in his house from the words of the genin. Somehow he thought that the place was not shitty. It was terribly small, has a mean draft, and to top it off he had no living room. Letting out a small sigh he was reminded of his younger life when he was waited on by his servants. His family was prestigious and had a mansion with multiple rooms that hardly had people in them. Though all of that was taken away when he was just a genin. He gave the house up for charity along with all his parents money. To him, unlike other Kyodara he was not spoiled. There were others who needed the house much more than him. It did his heart good when he did that small deed that hardly no one will remember.

Taking a small sip of his tea he replied to him, "Thanks, it is all I have left. It may not be much but it is my home and I do enjoy it. Now I have requested missions that we will do. Let me know now if you are not interested, if so this shall be the last time we speak. If you wish to join in these adventures, I promise you will learn many valuable things. So what is your choice?"

15Habbabulu Empty Re: Habbabulu Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:56 pm



Hamthrax gets excited at the fact that Zetsume is requesting missions for them both. He quickly says, "Of course I would. I am so excited for these missions. Tell me when you get one for us. I am going to head home, thank you for all the help and hospitality. BYE!"

Hamthrax then he sprints out and goes home. He then falls into a deep sleep with full of happy dreams.

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