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1Sharping time, Darn (private, no kill) Empty Sharping time, Darn (private, no kill) Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:39 pm



Today was one of the odd days...

Yuumi woke up in his bed, which wasnt normal since it was his actual bed, he had been told that he was to be home today and be ready for a mission today, and as thus he was not able to leave or go wandering, which made him a little bit funky feeling, though the money was needed. He woke up in his nice plush feather bed and stretched out his arms while yawning and shaking the sleep from his eyes. Yuumi sat up and looked across into the mirror at his just woken up face, it was a nasty sight for him, his hair was messed up and his face sleep covered, he needed a shower right now, and that was what he was going to do...

Yuumi took a pretty long hot shower before he got out and toweled off and started to brush his hair, he brushed it down and kept doing so until it was soft like silk and shined like it too, even though he looked quite scary when he was fully attired, he still liked to have nice hair, otherwise he looked greasy and ugly, and that was definitely something he hated, he would never forgive himself if was looking ugly.

After he was dry and brushed, he started to grab his clothes for the day, he decided that he was going to wear his hair long and down with his orange glasses and his black suit, he grabbed his pants and slid them up they were his black pants, they matched his suit very well, he then grabbed his black dress shirt and buttoned it up as he stretched out his tired muscles, he then started looking around for his vest shirt. He found it on the dresser folded neatly, he buttoned it up as well, then noticed that it would be too warm for his tux overcoat, so he just stuck with the red vest being on the top, he found that it was a warm enough attire for the weather.

He yawned and continued getting ready, he placed his sun glasses on and decided against his cravat for the day for it would only make him sweaty and uncomfortable, so he started out of his house so he could grab his mail to see if he was sent his mission yet.

He opened up his mail box and saw that he was to do something, it seemed that it was a menial task, the mission said to go and find some swordsmen down in town and too take a look at his blade, apparently this man could not look at and sharpen his own blade, so he had payed the village to find someone to take a look at it, and he was the one being asked to do so today.

He was a the mans house and the man had told him right before he had left for a party, Hey there, may you please not scrath it, im sure they picked you because you know your stuff, but im just saying i dont want it to scratch or anything, its my prized sword, i was in a war with that, though you were probably only a young kid when that happened haha, anyway do a good job he then left him to his work, he was going to a party to tell war stories, this man was probably 40 and that only put him a few years above him but he was only here to see to the sword.

Yuumi sat down and started sharping the blade, he would be finished soon and it was an easy job, he would get it done in a flash, he did this all the time...

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