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26A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:15 am



Just moments after Misoka’s father ran out of the house to embrace her, Bokuden would find himself being forcibly pulled into the house by a small, older woman. Although he could not quite place a name to a face, there was no doubt in Bokuden’s mind that he had seen this woman somewhere before, made even more evident by the fact that she seemed to recognize him. After a moment of contemplation he was able to identify just where he had seen this woman before, his eyes widening as images of the night of the festival he had attended with Misoka five years prior flashed in his mind. He was truly surprised she remembered him at all, having only met him so briefly, so long ago. She was surprisingly strong, almost to the point of it being unnatural. While he could have probably resisted the older woman’s abduction of him, he felt it perhaps best that he simply awkwardly laugh and allow himself to be manhandled this strange woman.

The situation would only become more chaotic and far more awkward for Bokuden as upon entry into the home he was thrown into a seat and immediately bombarded with offerings of food. Before he could even get a word in edge wise, cookies and tea had been thrust unto his hands and a slightly more interesting conversation had arisen between Misoka and her father. He wasn’t even sure how he was to respond in a situation like this. He threw nervous glances Misoka’s way as both her father and this Nami woman as they both begun to bombard Bokuden with questions, her father seemingly seeking support in his opposition of his daughter’s words and Nami simply trying to make him feel comfortable. The more attention she paid to him however, the more uncomfortable he felt.

What was he supposed to say? Sure he disagreed with Misoka’s decision, but that wouldn’t stop him from helping her as long as she agreed to listen to him. He didn’t want to turn his back on Misoka now, but he wasn’t thrilled about the idea of infuriating her father during their first meeting. Is this what that awkward meeting the parents situation felt like for young couples? They weren’t even that yet, but he was supposed to sit here like a teenager awkwardly meeting his girlfriend’s father for the first time?

“Thank you Miss Nami, it’s delicious,” Bokuden replied politely and with a smile to his host, “I’m impressed that you even remember me. We only met so briefly and I feared I failed to leave a lasting impression. I’m glad I was wrong” His smile would lessen to more of a slight smirk before addressing Misoka and her father, “Sir, while I agree with and understand your concern over what Misoka said, I don’t think it is something that should be ridiculed. She made promises and has convictions that she feels needs to stand by, and I believe that is something that should be respected. She is brave and unwavering even in the face of danger or opposition and strong in every sense of the word. You raised an amazing young woman and you should be proud, but you don’t need some stranger telling you what you already know. Misoka, you are lucky to have a father who cares so much about you. And I think we’re all lucky to have Miss Nami here, offering her hospitality.” He added the last part in hopes of diffusing any tension that might have remained and allowing them to move past the arguing points, at least for now. He really didn’t know what to say in this situation, so he felt maybe trying to calm things down would be the best route.


27A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:28 pm



Truth be told, her father’s reaction didn’t differ all too much from what she had expected. She knew he thought highly of his joking demeanour and she knew that his overprotective streak was yet to disappear. Still, to see and hear both things combined struck her as peculiar. Granted, not only peculiar, but it might irk her to a certain extent.
Misoka threw a fleeting glance at Bokuden, realizing with something similar to horror rising within her that he had just become involuntary witness of her ridiculous argument. She could barely imagine what kind of a fool she’d made out of herself. In front of him. Jackpot.  
The anger faded from her features as she felt a familiar heat rush to her cheeks instead. No. Why did she have to blush now? Why couldn’t there be any way to conceal her embarrassment? She looked back at her father, trying to replay his words in her mind so they would ignite the flames of defiance again.

When she heard Bokuden’s voice, however, this attempt proved to be futile. He remained calm throughout his speech, obviously taking the essential role of the mediator which was more or less lacking at the moment. He didn’t side with either herself or her father, but would rather point out the value of both of their arguments. It was a clever idea, indeed, to stay out of trouble.
She might have even expressed her amusement one way or another, but… the words he used to achieve his goal only served to intensify her blush. Wait a minute… “strong in every sense of the word”? “Brave and unwavering”? Was this really how he thought about her?
Misoka wasn’t sure what she should reply or whether she should even say something in return. This hadn’t been solely directed at her, after all. Furthermore, it wasn’t formulated as a question. Yeah… she would just… stay silent and try to regain her composure. And then she would simply put an end to this useless argument.

Unfortunately, her father broke her to it. The grin had been wiped off his face, replaced by a half puzzled half irritated expression as he turned to Bokuden.
“You just described my daughter pretty well,” he began, raising an eyebrow. “Other than forgetting sassy, stubborn, troublesome, makes-me-worry-all-the-time and oh yeah, changes her mind constantly.”
W…What? Misoka blinked.
HOW COULD HE?! How could he make her look like a fool again in front of Bokuden?
“Dad, you…!” she hissed through clenched teeth before rushing forward to kick him in the shin.
“Owiee!” her father exclaimed, overly dramatic of course, adding between fits of laughter, “Violent! Also violent at times!”“Why won’t you shut up already?!”

Nami gave a little cough, a subtle gesture, but with a meaning crystal clear to both Misoka and her father. It was that We-have-a-guest-so-cut-that-crap-out-or-I’ll-make-you – cough. Unbelievable how her voice could still sound perfectly cheerful after throwing them this murderous glare.
“So, it’s lunch time! Go take your seats, everyone.” She patted Bokuden’s shoulder motherly. “You must be hungry as well. Please stay with us.”
Misoka held up her hands. “Er, no, actually, Bokuden was just about to go…” Any further protest trailed off at the sight of Nami’s spine-tingling expression. “I’m glad we could clear this misunderstanding,” the older woman smiled and went into the kitchen.
This was a disaster. Anxiously chewing on her lower lip, Misoka wanted to plop herself down in the chair beside Bokuden… but then her father claimed that seat.

Had she already mentioned that this was a disaster? After five years, she had finally met Bokuden again, they wanted to start anew and not rush into anything they might regret later on AND NOW he had to meet her family? Get drawn into a situation which not even normal couples would take on all too soon? Keeping her eyes down to avoid Bokuden’s undoubtedly reproachful gaze, Misoka dragged herself to the seat opposite him.

“So how long do you know that guy? Two days or what?” God no. This wasn’t going to get any easier, right? Upon hearing her father’s skeptical comment, Misoka’s head shot up, her mouth opening before she knew what to answer. “Um.”
“Two days! How clueless are you, Isamu?” Nami returned from the kitchen, a wide smirk on her lips as she placed their lunch on the table. “I’ve seen them attend a festival together. Hmm, although this is about five years ago already…”
Misoka couldn’t help but turn pale at that. First, what kind of infallible memory did Nami have? She had seen Bokuden ONCE for like five minutes, ONCE in her whole life and still she immediately remembered him? Had she only been waiting all this time to spread gossip about them?

Needless to say, the short-fused man with the overprotective streak, also called Isamu or her father didn’t take this piece of information very lightly.
“Hang on a second!” he called out, turning to Bokuden with a glare. “Let me get this straight, boy. Don’t you dare think you own her just because you two have been on a festival! This means nothing, you hear me?”
Either Nami didn’t catch up on the anger radiating from her longtime friend (which wasn’t very likely) or she simply couldn’t keep her mouth shut when she obviously felt the irresistible urge to add something to her previous statement. “Actually, it appeared to me as though they were a couple.”
“WHAT?! Is that true?” Misoka flinched as her father’s gaze swept to her. Why couldn’t the earth just swallow her up already? This was surely the most awkward family meeting Bokuden had ever been to.
Cheeks burning, Misoka snapped back, “S-So what if it is? Don’t tell me what to do!”
Her father’s mouth hung open. “I can’t believe this. Why wasn’t I informed?” he muttered to himself as if he honestly had a right of being informed about his daughter’s relationships.

With a more determined than angry expression on his face, his chestnut eyes would then pierce through Bokuden’s own. “Okay, your name. Now. And what is your profession? Can you protect her? Do you even know what a shinobi is?”
This was exactly what Misoka had wanted to avoid. This stupid interrogation kind of thing only her father knew how to do so well.
She dared to look at Bokuden apologetically, trying to help him out as best as she could.
“Umm… can’t we just eat now?”“No.”
Alright... failure.

Katon S-> SS 9000/9000

28A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:13 am



Bokuden’s attempts to calm the situation fell flat as his calming words were met with snark and attitude. Apparently Misoka’s father was less than impressed with both his daughter’s decisions and Bokuden’s defense of them, which only caused the bickering between them to intensify, resulting in a kick to the shin by Misoka. Bokuden’s eyes would widen and blink curiously at the display, leaving him unsure how to respond properly to the situation. His first instinct told him to take Misoka’s side, but further deliberation all but assured him that undermining her father during their first meeting was not the best course of action.

Thankfully, their argument was once again cut short by the intervention of Nami, who seemed to be able to put an end to their quarrel almost instantly. “So, it’s lunch time! Go take your seats, everyone. You must be hungry as well. Please stay with us,” she said invitingly, placing a hand on Bokuden’s shoulder. Before he even had the chance to respond Misoka had already begun to protest, only to be silenced once more by Nami, whose intimidating aura could be felt by Bokuden even when not gazing upon her. It had been a long time since anyone had been able to instill this kind of fear into Bokuden’s heart and send a chill down his spine. None but his mother had ever been able to do it.

Following Nami’s command, Bokuden and everyone else for that matter would make their way to the dining room and take their places at the table. Taking the seat that Nami had directed him to Bokuden’s gaze nervously searched for Misoka, the only familiar thing to him in this awkward situation. He had hoped that she would be the one to take the seat beside him and at least provide some small modicum of comfort in the otherwise uncomfortable conversations that were sure to continue, but it was instead her father that claimed that seat. Wonderful…

No sooner than they had all taken their seats did the back and forth between Misoka and her father continue, this time becoming even more uncomfortable for all parties involved. The topic of conversation had shifted from Misoka’s contemplation of defecting to specifics about her relationship with Bokuden… which unsurprisingly, did not go any better.

“So how long do you know that guy? Two days or what?”


“Two days! How clueless are you, Isamu? I’ve seen them attend a festival together. Hmm, although this is about five years ago already…”

“Hang on a second! Let me get this straight, boy. Don’t you dare think you own her just because you two have been on a festival! This means nothing, you hear me?”

“Actually, it appeared to me as though they were a couple.”

“WHAT?! Is that true?”

“S-So what if it is? Don’t tell me what to do!”

“I can’t believe this. Why wasn’t I informed? Okay, your name. Now. And what is your profession? Can you protect her? Do you even know what a shinobi is?”

“Umm… can’t we just eat now?”


The entire exchange was almost painful to bare witness to, particularly because up until Misoka’s father decided to interrogate Bokuden the three of them went on almost as if he wasn’t even there. A few things stood out as noteworthy during the conversation, however. First of all, Nami had a phenomenal memory, which she displayed in being able to pinpoint exactly when and where she had met Bokuden before in only a few minutes even though they had only met once briefly. Secondly, Misoka’s father was not overly trusting of Bokuden, not that he could be blamed for his skepticism. Bokuden, knowing full well what kinds of misfortune had befallen Misoka at the hands of men, could only accept her father’s distrust and hope that one day he could convince Isamu otherwise. It was not uncommon for fathers to be overprotective about their daughters when it came to men and he had more reason than most. Finally, it was likely time for he himself to get involved, seeing as how he was not only a topic of the conversation, but was also now being interrogated by her father about who he was.

That makes no mention of the manner of the questions that he was being asked. His profession? He had went out with her on a date one time five years ago, not asked her to marry him. Did he even know what a shinobi is? Bokuden did his best to stifle the chuckle that desperately wanted to escape his lips, instead looking up at Misoka, using his hand to cover the side of his face in order to hide his smirk from her father’s glare. “I suppose I have some explaining to do, then,” Bokuden interjected, still fighting back his grin, “My name is Ryuzoji Bokuden, and I should probably come out and say that we aren’t a couple sir, so don’t feel left out of the loop. I could only hope to be so fortunate as to call Misoka my own. And yes, I am somewhat familiar with the role of shinobi in society. Having grown up in one of the five great villages, it is only natural that I have encountered my fair share of them. I’d like to think that I can protect her, and you and Miss Nami as well. As long as you’re in the Village Hidden in the Clouds you’ll always have my aid. Misoka has my aid anywhere she would ask me to go.” Obviously Bokuden left out any details of the profession that he was asked for. He wasn't averse to the idea of telling them about his status as a shinobi, but he did prefer to keep it under wraps.


29A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:37 am



As Bokuden spoke, everyone’s eyes were glued on him: Nami listened with the same wide grin on her lips, obviously impressed by the young man’s calm way of handling the situation whereas Misoka tried her best to sneak glances at him, hoping he wouldn’t notice. She’d be lying if she claimed that his words did not affect her in the slightest… quite the contrary indeed. Somehow she found herself going back and forth between “He’s still the same smooth talker, I shouldn’t take it too seriously.” and “Oh my God, he’s so great, I don’t deserve him at all.” – Needless to say, none of those thoughts felt very pleasant.
Her father, on the other hand, remained silent for a while as if taking his time to consider Bokuden’s reply in his mind. Head tilted to the side – a clear sign that he wasn’t convinced yet - , he eventually spoke again, “Makes me wonder how valuable your aid is if you only know shinobi by sight. If we get attacked, it will be nice of you to stand in their way, but they’ll just wipe the floor with you first.”
Misoka bit down on her lower lip in an attempt to stifle the laugh which threatened to slip out. Wipe the floor with… Bokuden, a member of the ANBU or special assassination squad? Unlikely.

“Isamu!” Nami’s sharp bark cut through the air as her content expression changed into one of those horrifying glares. “Are you trying to tell the poor boy he should become a shinobi himself? What’s gotten into you? Do you want him to throw his life away just like Yuki or experience something equivalent to what happened to your own daughter?”
Such outbursts were rare despite Nami’s fickle nature, but every time they occurred her words sounded scarier than facing a giant Tyrannosaurus rex. Misoka dipped her head, fighting memories she didn’t wish to relive and at the same time, she couldn’t help but wonder since when Nami hated shinobi. Back then, when she was a child, the woman had never seemed to hold any grudge against the villages’ unique soldiers. Apart from that, it resembled a miracle that the chatty lady who loved gossip hadn’t heard of the Ryuzoji clan yet.
Her father’s nervous cough could be heard as he tried to ease the tension in the air, “No, of course not! That’s… that’s not what I meant!”
Then, surprisingly enough, he patted Bokuden’s back with a tense smile. “Sorry, boy, forget what I said. I can see that you only have good intentions.”
A short pause, in which the dark-haired man turned to the plate in front of him and grasped the chopsticks.
“But don’t think that’s enough to make you my son-in-law,” he would then mumble to himself, but still loud enough for Misoka to hear.
…WHY WAS HE SO EMBARRASSING?! Shooting him a dangerous glare, similar to the ones Nami could throw so well, she hissed quietly, “Can you just stop it? You heard him, we’re not even a couple.”
In the meantime, Nami took the seat beside Misoka, smiling widely. Talk about mood changes. “Okay, let’s eat. Itadakimasu!”

The meal proceeded mostly in silence. When everyone was finished, Nami began to collect the plates while posing another question directed at Bokuden, “So, Ryuzoji, you said? The surname rings a bell, but I can’t really remember. What’s your family doing?”
Misoka fought the urge to facepalm herself. Of course, Nami had the memory of an elephant when it came to catching her friend’s daughter on a date, but she didn’t know who the Ryuzoji were after living here for at least three years already? And moreover, why couldn’t they all just leave Bokuden alone?
Frustrated, Misoka heaved a sigh. One thing was for sure: She definitely owed Bokuden a good apology afterwards.


30A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:02 pm



Bokuden couldn’t help but smirk at Misoka’s father’s skepticism and lack of faith in his ability to protect Misoka from shinobi. He supposed it was only natural for Isamu to be skeptical of him, given everything Misoka has been through, especially involving men. Bokuden could probably spend the next few hours attempting to convince Isamu that he was serious and could be counted on, but it would likely make little difference. He had his mind made up about what he was going to think of Bokuden already and there were no words that were going to change that. If Bokuden wanted to convince Isamu of anything he would have to show him through his actions. That was a prospect Bokuden lamented however, as any situation that would require Bokuden to take action to prevent they or Misoka now would only mean that they were in danger to begin with. Because of that he was perfectly content in allowing Isamu to believe that he was weak an incapable. If Misoka was never in danger again that would require Bokuden to fight seriously it would be too soon.

Bokuden’s amusement would only grow as Nami came to his defense once again, leading into a small exchange about whether Isamu was pressuring Bokuden to become a shinobi. Still, it was nice to know that he had at least one ally amongst the two of them. Miss Nami seemed to place a bit more trust in Bokuden, perhaps because she had met him once before. Bokuden was not one to care much what others thought of him, but this time he really did want to leave a good impression. While it seemed like there was nothing he was going to be able to do to get Isamu on his side, it was comforting to have Nami’s support. But most of all, he was just glad that her anger wasn’t being directed at him. She could be absolutely terrifying.

Bokuden was going to try and pretend he never heard Isamu’s son in law comment, but that became an impossibility once Misoka reacted to it. Misoka was obviously becoming flustered by her father’s words and particularly what kind of relationship was being implied to exist between she and Bokuden. Their relationship was… complicated. There was a bunch of emotions between them that neither of them really knew how to explain or what to do with and it made putting any kind of definition on their relationship a touchy subject. They obviously still felt something for each other, but time and distance had made them strangers to one another. It wasn’t even like they knew each other all that well before their separation either. They were just two kids caught up in the emotion of the moment... it was a great moment though.
Luckily, Nami was once again there to break the tension and change the subject as she instructed them all to eat. Unluckily however, she then seemed to recognize Bokuden’s surname and asked what his clan was involved in. It shouldn’t have been surprising. Just about anyone who lived in Kumogakure was familiar with his clan. He was more surprised that she hadn’t recognized the name instantly considering how sharp her memory seemed to be. He wanted to avoid talking about his profession, but he was also not ready to lie about it.

Bokuden took a sip of tea before taking a glance at Misoka and then turning to face Nami before speaking. “I’m not surprised you are familiar with my clan’s name,” he said with a smile, “The clan itself is quite well known in the village. We manage a great deal of the overseas trade that goes on in the Lightning Country, between the five great nations and even far off to the west. Or perhaps you’ve been treated by one of my clansmen at the hospital here. Some of them are pretty well-respected  practitioners in the field of medicine.” Both of those statements were completely true, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty for omitting the truth about who he was from Nami, but it was something that he preferred to keep on a need to know basis. If she asked about it, she would tell her that he was a shinobi and how that is what his clan is truly known for, but for now he would give them small pieces of information and allow them to try and sort it out on their own first.


31A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:48 pm



Bokuden’s reply brought a smirk to her lips. He did a good job talking himself out; no active lying, just not telling the whole truth. Thankfully, Nami didn’t press him on the family subject any further, simply giving him a delighted smile and an “Oh, yes, that must be it.” as response. Then she continued collecting the plates, which made Misoka blurt out quickly, “Uh, I can help!”
Yeah… she could help. And she would do it right away if it didn’t mean leaving Bokuden alone with her father in the dining room.
Hesitantly, she stood up, reaching for the pile of plates. This was when Nami made the decision for her. The woman went into the kitchen before calling out with a chuckle, “No, it’s okay! Do you think I’m too old to do the dishes?”
Hmm… Fair enough. Misoka smiled. Good, the chance to put an end to this had come. “So,” she started, throwing a quick glance at her father’s grumpy facial expression. “As I said, Bokuden was just about to go.”
Her gaze flicked to said person, hoping he would understand the hidden meaning behind her words; something along the lines of “Let me get you out of here”.
She would wait for him to say his goodbyes and then open the entry door and go on ahead, much to her father’s dismay (which he expressed with a low grumble).

Once Misoka and Bokuden were alone again, she didn’t waste any time in making her apologies. “I’m sorry you were drawn into this. I didn’t plan for you to meet my father and… uh, Nami, I swear.”
She let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m really sorry, this must have been so inconvenient for you.”
Only then did she find the courage to meet his gaze again, struggling to choke out words she wasn’t sure whether it was even right to use them.
A few moments of silence passed until she finally gave in to the voice in her head. “I… missed you, too.” She stared at her feet. “I just wanted you to know.”
God, this sounded awkward. Was she even supposed to say that? After all, they wanted to start out as friends now. And she truly deemed that a good idea to get to know each other again.
Putting an innocent smile on her face, Misoka quickly changed the subject. “Well then, I’ll see you around. Maybe… we can meet up some other time?”
In a way, she felt like a shy teenager again, trying to ask her way around for a date. But not quite. At least, she managed to stay calm and maintain her composure. Yes, that was definitely an improvement from five years ago.
Hands placed behind her back, Misoka leaned against the house wall, waiting for Bokuden’s answer.


32A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:01 pm



At Misoka’s behest Bokuden said his goodbye’s, thanking Miss Nami for the food and attempting to bid farewell to Misoka’s father in a way that wouldn’t worsen the way he probably thought of him already. Moreover, Isamu didn’t seem particularly thrilled with the idea of leaving Bokuden and Misoka alone outside, but with Nami there fortunately, he refrained from acting upon it. Once he had bid farewell to his hosts Bokuden followed Misoka outside of the home, only to be immediately bombarded with words once the door had shut. “I’m sorry you were drawn into this. I didn’t plan for you to meet my father and… uh, Nami, I swear,” Misoka apologized, breaking out into a slight chuckle before continuing, “I’m really sorry, this must have been so inconvenient for you.”

Bokuden would chuckle nervously in unison with her, wanting to respond, but she cut him off before he could. “I… missed you, too. I just wanted you to know,” Misoka said as she broke eye contact with Bokuden to stare down at her feet. Bokuden’s eyes widened at that statement, a rush of relief coming over him that had not been there earlier when she mentioned wishing to forget him. He wasn’t sure what to say in response, so the two of them spent a brief moment in silence before looking back at him once more and continuing, “Well then, I’ll see you around. Maybe… we can meet up some other time?”

Bokuden couldn’t help but smile as he reached over to Misoka and pulled one of her hands back out in front of her, holding it in his. “I’d really like that,” he said softly as he locked eyes with her, “And you don’t need to apologize. It was… fun. Your father cares about you and no matter what he thinks about me personally, he and I will always have that in common. You’re lucky to have a father that cares so much, even if he can be a bit overbearing. Considering everything you’ve been through, can you blame him? These people are important to you, so they are important to me as well. You never have to apologize for them. Besides, Miss Nami is always so nice to me. It was a pleasure to see her again.” For a moment he would pause to take in the situation. How long had it been since he had behaved like this since anyone? A slight blush rose to his face as he looked away for a moment, hoping she didn’t notice. Turning back slowly he would lock gazes with her once more, “So… when did you want to meet up? I don’t have any missions lined up, so my time is yours. I mean… if you want to.”


33A New Beginning. [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Beginning. [Private] Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:44 pm



One day. Two days. Three. Such a short time ago, she had been nothing but a prisoner of a man she had known as her bodyguard for almost half a year, forced to find out about his deepest secrets: his mental illness and his missing genitals. Going even further back in the past, she had been supposed to marry Yukimura Fugi – a former shinobi, a playwright, a shallow person obsessed with the Western culture and husband to four other women.
Then, as if fate decided to finally spare her from any more humiliations, she was saved from her fiancé and saved from Taku. And now? At that very moment? How was it possible that not only her freedom, but even Bokuden had returned to her within this short period of time?
She wouldn’t be able to trust the peace if it wasn’t for all the tiny details which had led her here and confirmed her current situation.
Starting with all the people who had played a role in her salvation, she knew that - as much as she wished to deny it - Taku was undoubtedly one of them. Without him, she could have never left Yukimura’s castle. And Sanosuke of course, the dark-skinned man with the long dreadlocks, which gave him a certain resemblance to a wannabe rapper. If he hadn’t been there to fend off her clingy psychopath, she would have died in the forest of the mist village. She had no idea how she was ever going to repay him for his selfless act.

Lost in thought, Misoka gazed at her hand placed in Bokuden’s own. Where was the future going to take her? She didn’t know yet. She found that she wasn’t used to taking matters into her own hands anymore after all the years of being a mere marionette. Her eyes travelled up to Bokuden’s face, spotting a faint tint of red on his cheeks before he demonstratively turned his head away.
A fleeting smile scurried across her lips. It might be impossible to go back in time or to erase the dark memories she had gathered in her mind, but perhaps this wasn’t necessary. Maybe she needed just that: A new beginning.
“I obviously don’t have a full schedule, either,” Misoka replied at last, her voice calmer than she had expected. Somehow her whole being seemed to relax into a quiet, resting state, gradually shaking off the disturbing feelings of wariness and paranoia which had been eating away at her for so long.
Everything was alright now.
“We could go have lunch somewhere,” she then suggested, “or have another picnic. Why don’t you come over to Nami’s house at around 2 p.m. tomorrow? We can still decide on the exact location then.”
Misoka smiled and gave his hand a light squeeze before letting go of it and reaching for the doorknob. She would wait another instant for his reply, then bid him goodbye and walk back inside, all the while keeping her cool.
Her father’s gaze fixed on her the moment she came in, but she didn’t pay much attention to him. Unlike the tough front she had just put up in front of Bokuden, she couldn't help but still feel a little overwhelmed, if not dizzy, by the whole concept of meeting Bokuden again.
After slowing her heartbeat down with deep and steady breaths, a bundle of thoughts concerning their upcoming meeting began to occupy her mind.
I don’t want to go too far.
I don’t want to rush myself. 
But above all, I don’t want to mess this thing up.

Training 2368
Taijutus B-> A

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