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1An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Empty An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:29 am



Nagare stood atop the High Battle Plateau, a training ground with a wonderful view and at insane heights. He looked over the edge more than just a few times, still surprised by how far high up it really was. He'd only been here once or twice in the past, but being here again only made the experience more breathtaking. The clouds in the distance were wispy and white, passing by in drones. The sun overhead was bright, as always; unless there was a thunderstorm, Kumogakure's weather seemed to be centered around partly cloudy and sunny days, considering it was so high up that the clouds practically surrounded the village. Such high altitudes would've bothered visitors, but as someone who had spent his entire life in the village, Nagare welcomed its unique landscape and weather. It felt like home to him, and not only that, but everyone he cared for was there. Today, one person in particular was going to be there at the High Battle Plateau with him, an old pupil of his: Yukimura, Etsuo, the Uchiha. Such a long time had passed since last seeing the boy, and Nagare looked forward to seeing how he'd grown as a ninja in addition to getting some training of his own in.

Horui sat on the opposite side of the Plateau, not even a bit afraid of the height considering he'd died before and all that ever happened was just coming back to life whenever Nagare reactivated the kekkei genkai. He happily sat on the edge of the training field, his feet hanging over it, tapping the rock with the balls of his heels. He spoke with Nagare using their shared thought process, since his vocal chords didn't operate as actual humans' did. It hurt him to remember that he was basically nothing more than chakra, but at the same time he was grateful to the idea that he was still as human as Nagare could make him feel. So do you still have that spear the blacksmith loaned you? Are you gonna use it?

Yeah, of course. How else am I gonna be ready to use a Halberd once we get one if I don't have practice? But don't worry, since I we only have one spear, I'll let you do most of the summoning and whatnot. Should be interesting, training with Etsuo again. It's been forever... Nagare continued looking off in the distance, keeping the loaned spear close to him. It was mediocre, at best, but it would still help him practice the art of Sojutsu. He figured he could also train a few jutsu, while he was at it, but he first needed to wait for the Uchiha to arrive...


Last edited by Nagare on Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed training spoiler)

2An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Empty Re: An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:21 am

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo approached the high battle plateau at slow paced as he felt that he had plenty of time and he wasn't one to be late typically, however he would say that he started this trip early and made stops along the way to this place. As he slowly got closer to where they were, Etsuo reflected on the years that have passed since he last trained with his old Sensei, in a way, he still considered him a sensei to him as he would be forever on that trained him as a early ninja. The whole group of them, that included himself, Bokuden, and Kenji. Although they didn't work together any longer, he still felt a bond that connected them all together. He also reflected on all of the missions that he has been on up to this point, his good friend Tatsuya, and finally the mission that he did together with his squad that made them feel like a true team. It has definitely been a long journey for him as a ninja, and even now he didn't even know the full mysteries of his blood line even though it could already be noted that he was Uchiha with the Sharigan eyes but it was always told that more power awaited within those eyes.

Finally he reflected on the fact that it took so much to reach the point that these eyes were at. It took the death of his older brother to awaken them and the near death of his father to take them to a new level. He hoped now on this day, that nothing would befall on his sensei to make them reach only another level of power. Etsuo tried to have a positive outlook on this following that thought and believed that the only power of his that would improve would be his true skills as a Yukimura, a puppeteer. Around this time,he would finally be approaching the meeting site of him and Nagare, which he would of course be notable by his sensei even if he wasn't paying attention. Etsuo took notice of the duplicate of his sensei, which if he remembered correctly was a technique unique only to his clan, and it reminded him that during this training they would probably try utilizing everything that they had, not just one of two specific skills, and with that he had hoped he wouldn't disappoint his sensei. Among what he normally wore, around his back were two very specific objects that most would realize as puppets, something not signature to the Uchiha, but was a given to pretty much any Yukimura. His sensei however, would have also taken notice to how Etsuo had grown over the years, he had definitely grown tallter and his hair was presented with a bit more length as well, though it could be noted that his body looked frail as ever and probably was not best suited for close combat, not that he was one aiming for that time anyway. However, similarly to what he use to wear, he still wore a scarf around his neck that was pure white in color and a clothing style similar to years ago. Once he was in a pretty good distance he looked around and noted that this was a very good training spot, since it gave such a nice view, he had only been here once before with Kenji, but this place brought forth a lot of past memories.

"This is a nice spot isn't it, Sensei?" He would state as he observed still.

"So shall we speak for a bit, or would it be best if we spoke as we jumped into training?" He would follow with asking since he wasn't sure what Nagare wanted to do at first and if he was in a rush to jump into this or as patient as he was.
There were plenty of different responses and Etsuo was pleased to hear any of them.


Last edited by Etsuo Yukimura on Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

3An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Empty Re: An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:31 pm



Etsuo arrived, wearing simple clothing and a long, white scarf. He looked different; held an aura of maturity about him, a newfound feeling that was pleasant to Nagare. His pupils had grown up quite a bit, in the last five years or so. He gave a satisfied sigh, keeping his crimson eyes steady on Etsuo's approaching figure. The boy seemed to be in thought, but his attention was still alert, and his now deeper voice echoed through the plateau as he spoke. "This is a nice spot, isn't it, Sensei?" Nagare heard the word, and went over it in his mind many times. Sensei. He'd had another squad just after the squad consisting of Bokuden, Etsuo and Kenji. The three had become Special Jounin themselves and had left his squad to pursue their own paths as ninja, and his new squad was honestly one he didn't remember well. There was a girl, with vibrant green hair, but he couldn't recall her name. He only remembered that she knew Kuchiyose and had bird summons. The next was Dakuchairudo, Juyo, a relative of his lost love, Jishin. The boy was energetic and happy, with a positive attitude that brought a smile to Nagare's face, but Nagare had received news of the boy's death in the previous week; Juyo had defected, half-feral from the Dakuchairudo's curse, and was killed in the land of Tsuchi no Kuni. Finally, Nagare's last student of that squad was lost in the depths of the Sannin's mind, never to be remembered. So, he didn't think much of them, as they were an unfortunate failure...but Etsuo, standing in front of him, reassured him that there was hope. At least these students had reached their potential, the true Squad Samsara the Raikage had always intended them to be. They were a team.

"Yes, it's quite beautiful. The view is absolutely intoxicating...sure, it's nothing special for Kumogakure, mountains and clouds and all of the common things, but at this height, at this angle, it has the illusion of majesty. Or rather, maybe it isn't an illusion? Maybe I just don't see the beauty around me for what it is that often. Kumogakure no Sato and my allegiance to it is a gift. Anyhow, it is good to see you, Etsuo-san! My, how you've grown." Nagare, now that he'd had his moment, wanted to avert the attention from the change that accompanied time and instead focus on the training session ahead. Etsuo's next question gave him the perfect opportunity to do so. "So shall we speak for a bit, or would it be best if we spoke as we jumped into training?" Horui stood from his perch at the edge, taking one last look over before turning to face Etsuo and Nagare and await their decision. You think he can take on both of us at once? Nagare replied sincerely, as a smile rose to his face. Of course he can, he's a...Special Jounin now, I believe. And he's bound to have a puppet or two. Besides, even though there is two of us, we only have the chakra of one person split between us, giving him an advantage to some extent. Give the kid a chance. Horui rolled his eyes playfully as if to say "fine, fine." Nagare then spoke in reply to Etsuo with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"I think we should just jump right in, and talk as we do so. Battling can't stop a good conversation." The smile on his face kept the mood relaxed, and his expression as a whole reflected that. He was satisfied with Etsuo, and they hadn't even begun to fight yet. He took the lance up in his hand, grasping it tightly near its end, keeping the spearhead low to the ground. He spun it a few times to get a feel for it in his hands; it was a bit heavier than the katanas he was used to using, but it was also longer and thus had more range and use and maybe even maneuverability. But what would Etsuo have up his sleeve? Nagare had never seen the boy's puppets before, so he figured he would be in store for a surprise. Then again, what kind of decent battle didn't have a surprise? Predictable opponents are always the least fun, so at least I can guarantee I will enjoy this. he thought to himself. Horui kept his left hand close to his leg, ready to throw kunai when necessary, and his right hand in his pocket, bend into a hand seal. He was secretly preparing the summoning jutsu, in case it was necessary for the coming moments.

The mere actions of preparing for battle brought memories flooding back to Nagare, making him feel nostalgic. He remembered the first mission they did together as a squad, fighting the army from Kirigakure or some other village, he couldn't remember the details of which. All he remembered definitively was Etsuo's advanced use of Sharingan, how he could see through Mohan's genjutsu easily, how fast he reacted to the enemy's attacks. That, in addition to Bokuden's sword skill and Kenji's Genjutsu usage. They were marvels to behold back then and he could only imagine how powerful they'd grown to be in their time apart. He longed to see them all as a group again, but for now, he could settle with Etsuo alone. The boy had the most potential out of the three, after all; he was one of the Uchiha. It was in his blood and in his eyes...he was destined to do great things. Refocusing on the situation at hand and glancing back over to Etsuo, Nagare spoke again. "Alright, let's get started. Attack me however you see fit, just like old times. The training will ensue from there. I'm eager to see how you've progressed, Etsuo." He adjusted his stance slightly, poising the spear in his hands higher so that its point was facing Etsuo. Nagare was still somewhat near the edge, about 50 meters away from Etsuo, while Horui was more towards the southwest, around 40 meters from both Etsuo and Nagare. And so it began...


4An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Empty Re: An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:23 pm

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo listened as his former, yet still present Sensei, spoke about their surroundings and how they were a gift in the end, along with being apart of what was made up of these surroundings. Finally, it noted on Etsuo's growth, which didn't come as much of a surprise after all it has been nearly five years since the squad split up and they haven't been able to have a reunion of sorts. Most probably couldn't even notice Etsuo much over his last few years from assisting his father after his coma, taking upon himself many mission alone, and finally, still trying to make himself a better puppeteer and shinobi. "It seems like you've change a bit as well, but certainly not as much as me as I can tell." He replied to the end of what he said. Although his appearance didn't change much, he noted that everyone had more knowledge and wisdom within them, so he kind of wondered what knowledge and wisdom that Nagare had gained over the years that has changed him more on the inside rather than the outside.

Over the years, the Knowledge that Etsuo gained was more knowledge of his true bloodline beside the Yukimura that wandered in his blood, the blood of the Uchiha, and it was indeed a bloodline that he had predicted, but he didn't know what it had in store for him within and outside of him, because now the world would no longer see the Yukimura Clan within him and their extreme skill up puppetry, rather they would see the high skills in ninjutsu and genjutsu from the Uchiha from his eyes. But he wouldn't allow this thought to run through his opponents minds, as he would prove to them all that it didn't all matter on his single bloodline, to decide what kind of Shinobi he was. So as his sensei responded with them talking and battling at the same time, Etsuo had his puppets drop off of his back and the things wrapping them up would also begin to unravel. He took note, that he technically had two opponents since his sensei had a special bloodline was well, but he proved as well that wasn't all that made him up. So as his sensei show with his bloodline, it was only fair that he returned the favor and revealed his sharigan to the world once more. The red eyes focused on his sensei, but notice also shifted to the other participant in this battle, that couldn't really speak to him but none the less could communicate with his sensei. "That's fine." He would say in response as he stated they would talk and spar.

So with all the pieces beginning to lay out he took note of the distance between all of them and began to move accordingly as chakra strings began to follow to each of his puppets, he noted that with his style of puppet strings, they would normally be penalized for their lack of reaction on his level but, the sharigan canceled this out and gave him both the same level of speed and reaction for his puppets, which was an advantage he planned to utilize as a combination of both the Uchiha and Yukimura. Once he was told to attack him, however he pleased, he took note of the puppets, remembering once more how to operate them in unison to their full potential. Although each of them were only around two feet tall and about three feet wide at best, they were still little deadly machines of destruction. They each were identical and were noted to be called Firefly, for the abilities that they posses, most noted could be their wings that had points of kunais across them that already hinted at what they were capable of in one thought. "Alright, Sensei, I'll show you what I'm fully capable of since then." He stated and moved forward, however he moved towards Nagare, his puppets began saying otherwise, as they both spread out his left and right, one of them to the left, seemed to be stretching only a further bit along than the other, and then his true aim came as he turn to run straight into an area between both of his opponents. He would maneuver the puppet that was closest to him, to come back and provide him cover as he surged forward with the other puppet that raced actually towards Nagare.

Etsuo was trying to maintain at least, a 20 m. reach between each of them and saw that this was the most benefiting was to do so, between them, and with two puppets in use, he should of been capable of reacting and keeping up somewhat, with either of the two. But he knew that they were indeed faster than, him that was why he maintained his distance from either of them. Upon the puppet that raced towards, Nagare, he could probably take notice of the kunais if he couldn't already and by this time two of them would be launching now as Etsuo willed them to through the chakra strings, he wasn't quite sure how Nagare would react but the puppet would now try to race ever more forward, and this was when the true trick began and the attack on Nagare began as the puppet raised up it's entire body as it's chest was revealed and two unique devices could be spotted under it. One of these unique devices would activate,and as it would only get closer to Nagare with even ignoring or maneuvering around an attack to stop it, a flamethrower would be launched from it that for the most part with stretch out for 3 m. meaning that by this time it would be within descent range of Nagare if it attempted this. It seemed that everything was going alright for the most part as he wanted to only push forward with this fight, there couldn't be time to take a step back this point in.

"So Sensei, If I remember correctly, you never got to witness my puppetry, an art taught to all Yukimura. So what do you think of them? They are called Fireflies, I think they fit my style well." He would say after the attacks.

(OOC): It doesn't appear that my spoiler is working well for me, so I'm going to for the time being just posted what is needed below.

Chakra: 235/250

Training: Puppetry C to B: 1,733/4,000

5An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Empty Re: An Old Student [Etsuo | No Kill] Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:25 am



"It seems like you've change a bit as well, but certainly not as much as me as I can tell." Etsuo replied to Nagare's initial statement, before preparing for battle. He accepted Nagare's proposal without argument, taking out two puppets and suspending them using chakra strings. His eye color changed slightly, from what Nagare could see at the distance apart they were, hinting at the activation of the Sharingan, no doubt. He gave a smirk and only held the spear tighter in his hand. The puppets and Etsuo were set at different distances and positions away from Nagare, but he tracked them with his eyes and ears as best he could, waiting for the moment that they would spring from their relaxed state and strike. A defensive poise was never a bad option, and he assumed one within moments of Etsuo's eyes activating. The boy's voice sounded again, reaching Nagare's ears in a straightforward tone. "Alright, Sensei, I'll show you what I'm fully capable of since then." Nagare nodded to affirm the boy's statement, but didn't bother to respond. He needed to be ready for the first move, it was where he could get an advantage...if he succeeded there, the rest of the spar would only be that much easier, right?

Etsuo began moving forward, step by step, still keeping full control of his puppets. He suddenly stopped, pulling an arm back to return one of the puppets to his side as guard while the other dashed rapidly toward Nagare. Nagare was fully prepared, but that didn't change the fact that the puppet was coming fast and he didn't have some sort of absolute guard against it. He did have the spear, but what good would stabbing a lifeless puppet with a dull spear do? He returned the spear to the sash around him before jumping back to prolong the puppet's chase, although not too far as to keep in mind the edges of the Plateau and the deathly height if one were to fall. Not like he didn't have summons that could rescue him if he were to fall, but he'd rather not have to worry about it at all by preventing it entirely. He reached a point near 15 meters from the edge of the grounds, and the puppet remained aggressive, taking the direct approach to dash at him with kunai raised. He made a snap decision to activate a jutsu, rapidly making hand seals as the puppet only grew closer. Its body began to shift, unleashing hidden mechanisms, although Nagare couldn't discern exactly what they were. It was of no consequence; his jutsu would be of some help regardless. He made a horse hand seal.

"Kuchiyose: Yokushumoku no Kinshi!" Nagare called out, rapidly summoning a mass of flaming bats. They formed a wall between him and the puppet, which spouted fire from the working mechanisms within itself. Said fire hit the bats, hurting a few of them but generally leaving the wall somewhat undamaged. He took the opportunity to sprint past the puppet, disassembling the wall of bats and making them all follow him towards Etsuo. He kept the spear raised as he ran and thrust it forward towards Etsuo's torso in hopes of dealing some superficial stab damage while the bats continued to act as a defense. He figured with this strategy, the worst that could happen was his bats were defeated and he suffered a strike or two, but there was little chance of taking any serious damage that way considering Etsuo would either have to focus on dodging the spearhead or suffer the blow directly in addition to the rest of the commotion around.

Horui remained a fair distance from both Etsuo and the puppets, unlike Nagare, while he finished up his summoning jutsu. He finally pressed his hand to the ground, using the blood to bind the contract, and there was a large burst of smoke. From the smoke, a bat rose, flying high into the air and setting its abyssal black orbs of eyes on its target: Etsuo. The bat's name was Norei, one of Nagare's personal favorite summons, and it loved the feeling of pure, unrestricted carnage. Alas, he would have to hold back on Etsuo to keep from killing the boy, but still, it was an opportunity to quench his bloodthirst nonetheless. He dived down from the sky, coming at Etsuo from behind and clawing at him with the talon, giving him little to no room to dodge both Nagare's spear and his own claw. Whether or not Nagare's former student could manage such a feat was up to his skill level, dexterity, and overall strategy.

Nagare's Chakra - 180/200:
Horui's Chakra - 185/200:
Norei's Chakra - 75/75:

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