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Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi rose from his bed at around 9:00 AM, He had meet with a elderly gentlemen the day before who had told him about a kenjutsu master who was rumored to be the best in kumo. Takumi asked the old man to contact him and ask him to meet takumi at the High Battle Plateau. The man agreed and said he would put the word out. So takumi got dressed and headed toward the plateau.

When he arrived he noticed that he was alone so he sat down and began meditating while listening to the sounds of the land pass him by.

OOC: Sorry for the short post it is early here and my brain is not at 100%. Plus the WC won't start until we actually start training so YOLO :3



“How do I always get myself dragged into situations like this?” Bokuden mused to himself as he splashed water upon his face, waking himself up in preparation for the day’s task, “I really need to start cutting people in half for offering my services out without consulting me first.” This was of course in response to that old man’s apparent babbling about Bokuden’s kenjutsu prowess to some random outsider that now wished to meet with him. The whole situation was questionable at best. He doubted highly that some random stranger would be coming to the village and making inquiries about skilled kenjutsu users just for fun. There was clearly an ulterior motive at work here. Bokuden just had to find out what that ulterior motive was. There could be only one reason that this mystery man would be asking to meet Bokuden specifically regarding his kenjutsu: he wanted something.

Bokuden was not a child and a person born into his social standing learned from a very early age that people always wanted something from them. Whether it be monetary or a favor that needed his status to achieve, Bokuden was no stranger to people, sometimes even complete strangers, coming to him with their hands out. This however, was different. As far as Bokuden could gather of this nameless person who wanted to meet him from the foolish old man who set this up, the stranger seemed far more interested in the fact that Bokuden was a kenjutsu user than what clan he was from. The reasons for wanting to meet with Bokuden atop the High Battle Plateau, regarding his kenjutsu prowess were… less numerous. There were only two reasons that Bokuden was ever summoned for his kenjutsu abilities: there were the times where people had come to him seeking instruction and the situations in which people sought him out for a battle. Neither one of those prospects was particularly appealing to him at the moment. Either way however, strangers waltzing around the village and requesting an audience with him at a famous battle ground was not something that Bokuden could just brush off and hope that if he ignored it, it would go away. For better or for worse this meeting was going to happen.

Bokuden reached for his hand towel which laid hung over the railing to his right and dried off his face as he began mentally preparing himself for what he assumed was going to be a duel. The routine was always the same: freshen up, eat breakfast, get dressed, assemble equipment. Efficient, simple, and repeatable, all things that Bokuden valued in the way he approached most things, a product of a lifetime of relentlessly training kenjutsu. That was what separated an expert swordsman from a master swordsman in his opinion. Flashy techniques and sophisticated maneuvers were entertaining and when used appropriately of course they were effective, but a true master of the art of swordplay could defeat an opponent with only the movements found in the most basic of kenjutsu katas. Of course they would also be equally capable of performing the advanced techniques, but they would not rely on them. A fatal flaw Bokuden found was rampant in combat today was men relying on their trump card to bail them out of a losing situation. At the highest level of combat you can’t afford to think “Well, if anything happens I can always use…”  A last resort should be a last resort. If one cannot defeat an opponent without expending every option but their trump card, what will be left if that does not succeed either? A once overconfident fool who has nothing to do now but await his own demise. Regardless, this was a lesson that Bokuden would have to teach this man bold enough to summon him to the High Battle Plateau through first-hand experience.

On the way out of the door Bokuden grabbed both Suiko Tenno and his old rusty katana and fastened them to the left side of his waste, the position where they could be most easily drawn from. Despite his displeasure with being called out to meet with some stranger Bokuden could not deny the feeling of excitement that coursed through him as the thought of a new opponent lingered in his mind. Although he did not enjoy needless fighting no swordsman could deny that somewhere deep down they longed to clash blades with a worthy opponent. Their warrior spirit almost demanded it, but a worthy opponent, that ever-elusive ideal, only seemed to be more and more unattainable as the years passed by. Although he would insist that he never yearns for battle Bokuden was no doubt becoming restless with the lack of competition. He could almost feel his blade dulling with each passing moment as it laid dormant in its sheath. This was of course more a figurative dulling than a physical imperfection in the weapon. As with any experienced swordsman, Bokuden took great pride and care in the maintenance of his blades, but there was not a sharpening or polish in the world that could counteract complacency. “How long has it been since I’ve felt like that?” Bokuden pondered to himself as he adjusted his coat and make his out of his home, “How long has it been since I was actually challenged? Too long, but wasting time thinking about it will change nothing. I have a task to do.”


As he arrived atop the High Battle Plateau Bokuden immediately scanned the area in search of the man that summoned him, only to see a young man seated and meditating. An avid fan of meditation himself Bokuden appreciated the art, but found it inappropriate given the setting. “Whatever,” he thought to himself as he let the subject slip from his mind before turning his gaze back to the man, “Wait, is this the kid I’m supposed to be fighting?” Bokuden’s looked the young man up and down, trying to determine whether or not he wanted to assume this was his opponent. He certainly didn’t recognize this person as a member of Kumogakure, so he fit the description of an outsider, but what was noteworthy is that the man was completely unarmed. There wasn’t a sword in sight other than Bokuden’s own, which made him more than question this man’s probability of being the one who summoned him. No person would be stupid enough to show up to a sword fight unarmed, right? Relatively sure that this was not his opponent Bokuden decided he would wait for the one who requested his presence to arrive. “He has five minutes,” Bokuden thought sternly as he proceeded to lean back against the training ground’s rafters, his arms folded, “Let the waiting game begin.”

Training: 1137

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi had not been there long when he heard the approach of another person coming toward where he was. He opened his eyes to see a man with short silver hair and two swords at his side. This must be him Taku thought as he watched the man lean against the rafters of the training area. Takumi stood and stretched before saying "Greetings are you the swordsman the old man spoke of". Takumi walked over to the man and said while bowing "If so it is nice to meet you i am Takumi Senju of iwagakure". Takumi wished to be respectful to the stranger and he knew it was custom to present your own name first when meeting somebody new.

He looked at the man while awaiting a reaction he was definitely a master swordsman that taku knew just by looking at the position of the mans swords. At his side low enough that they would not obstruct the man if he was attacked head on but high enough so that after the initial strike was made he would be able to simply cut them down in a moments notice. The man also seemed to have a powerful demeanor. Taku being a senju had a strong connection to nature and could feel the power emanating from the man. Taku began to get a adrenaline rush from just being near the stranger. He smiled as he looked at the man one last time before hearing his response.

WC: 248/1500



Barely a moment had passed since Bokuden first leaned begun waiting against the rafters before his ears picked up a rustling disturbance, breaking the silence that had previously enveloped the area. Opening only his left eyelid Bokuden glanced from the corner of his eye over in the direction of the source of the disturbance. Instead of seeing what he expected however, the image of an unfamiliar swordsman here to challenge him to a duel, what he saw was the younger man that had been meditating earlier getting up from his seat, stretching and staring over in Bokuden’s direction. “Oh great, what does this kid want?” Bokuden thought to himself as soft sigh escaped his lips.

"Greetings are you the swordsman the old man spoke of" the stranger said politely as he approached Bokuden, offering a bow as he drew in close, "If so it is nice to meet you I am Takumi Senju of iwagakure." Bokuden was taken aback for a moment at the man’s action, raising an eyebrow at the gesture, but even more so at the words that were spoken. This was the man that summoned him to the High Battle Plateu? This boy? Bokuden pushed himself off of the rafters and turned his body to face the stranger, towering over his smaller stature as Bokuden scanned him up and down. Bokuden found himself rather… unimpressed with the opponent standing before him. It wasn’t so much the size difference that disappointed him as much as it was the fact that this Takumi Senju came to what Bokuden believed was a duel atop the High Battle Plateau completely unarmed.

“A Senju you say?” Bokuden inquired skeptically, raising an eyebrow as he spoke and looked the boy before him up and down once more, “From Iwagakure? That seems a bit out of place for a mokuton user. When I heard the name Senju I expected you to be from Konoha.” Bokuden would cross his arms once again before continuing, “But that is neither here nor there, is it? You said I am the swordsman the old man spoke of. Exactly what did that old man tell you about me and what was your intention in calling me to this place? Surely you understand the significance of summoning a swordsman to the High Battle Plateau. I came here expecting a duel only to be greeted by the man who I figured to be my opponent and see that he is completely unarmed. The old man of which you speak elaborated on nothing other than the fact that a man from outside the village was asking around about swordsmen in the village and that when you were told of me you summoned me to this place. From where I stand that sounds like a challenge, but I can see now that that is clearly not the case. Do you have business with me Senju?”

Bokuden tapped his right index finger against his crossed left arm as he awaited his answer. There was no malice involved with the harshness of Bokuden’s response, only the simple truth of a custom that all swordsmen in this village would understand. One does not simply call out a swordsmen to the High Battle Plateau on a whim. Either this Senju before him was simply that out of touch with the customs of Kumogakure or he was hiding his true agenda. Either way Bokuden wanted an answer and intended to get one, his piercing blue gaze locked with Takumi’s.

Training: 1723

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi stood and listened to the man speak "From Iwagakure? That seems a bit out of place for a mokuton user. When I heard the name Senju I expected you to be from Konoha." Takumi was a bit embarrassed when he said the whole stereotype about Senju being from konoha but he would not let it show he simply nodded his head and said "Indeed my ancestors and relatives are from konoha but i was adopted by a family in iwa not long after my birth". Takumi was proud if his family and even though he has met no other senju that he can remember he considers himself a very proud clan member. Then the elderly man was brought up ", “But that is neither here nor there, is it? You said I am the swordsman the old man spoke of. Exactly what did that old man tell you about me and what was your intention in calling me to this place? Surely you understand the significance of summoning a swordsman to the High Battle Plateau. I came here expecting a duel only to be greeted by the man who I figured to be my opponent and see that he is completely unarmed. The old man of which you speak elaborated on nothing other than the fact that a man from outside the village was asking around about swordsmen in the village and that when you were told of me you summoned me to this place. From where I stand that sounds like a challenge, but I can see now that that is clearly not the case. Do you have business with me Senju?”"

Takumi clearly saw the misunderstanding and spoke up "I do apologize for any inconvenience i have caused you and greatly appreciate you taking the time to come here but no i am not here for a duel, Technically the opposite i came to kumo because i heard that only the best swordsman ever survived the intense training here and i was looking for somebody to teach me to wield a blade. That is where the old man came in i asked for the best swordsman in kumo and he gave me your name and said you were the best swordsman the village had to offer. The reason i summoned you here was to humbly ask you to teach me in the art of kenjutsu and i know sir that is a lot to ask and it may sound suspicious that somebody from a rival village just showing up and asking something like this but i swear upon my clan my intentions are pure".

Then takumi ended his speech with a bow to show respect and raised back up to see what the mans response was. He hoped the man would say yes. Takumi needed to learn kenjutsu in order to expand his arsenal and wisdom so he could protect his village.




“No need to bow here Senju. I’m nobody’s master,” Bokuden said firmly, half-mast eyes looking his acquaintance up and down skeptically, “And for the record, you shouldn’t always believe what you hear. You say you were told I was the best, but what does that title entail? What was meant by best? The gretest? I’m powerful yes, but tell me, do you believe that strength is the most accurate measure of a swordsman’s greatness?” Bokuden fell silent as he took a moment to glare coldly at this stranger that had come into his village and expected to be trained.

“Spare me the talk about your clan or your intentions,” Bokuden continued, “They are of little consequence to me now.  Do you think me oblivious? Kenjutsu is an art of killing, slaughter if done right. The sword is a tool of that art, a paintbrush that strokes only in red. The reason it is practiced by us and sought after by you is because it is powerful, and everybody wants to have their hand in that power. You seek to learn kenjutsu in order to make yourself stronger, but to what end? If you were to obtain this power what would you do with it that would make me so inclined to teach you?”

Placing a hand on his weapon, Bokuden would keep his gaze fixated on this boy with whom he was carrying on this conversation. “You want to learn kenjutsu to become stronger,” Bokuden reiterated, “That much is a virtual certainty, but why kenjutsu? And more importantly, why should I teach you? Consider this your first test.”


Last edited by Bokuden on Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

"No need to bow here Senju. I’m nobody’s master," Was the first thing he heard from the mans mouth as takumi rose back up to a standing position. "And for the record, you shouldn’t always believe what you hear. You say you were told I was the best, but what does that title entail? What was meant by best? The greatest? I’m powerful yes, but tell me, do you believe that strength is the most accurate measure of a swordsman’s greatness?". takumi thought for a moment and said "That is a good question, but no strength alone will get you only so far. One must have the mind and the body be in sync to truly master a sword. A trained body is needed i will admit that but the swordsman with the quicker mind sees the best opening and can react to them faster. And vice verse a quick mind will do nothing with out a trained body to act upon the plan it has created, only when one has both a quick mind and trained body will one be a truly great swordsman".

"Spare me the talk about your clan or your intentions, They are of little consequence to me now.  Do you think me oblivious? Kenjutsu is an art of killing, slaughter if done right. The sword is a tool of that art, a paintbrush that strokes only in red. The reason it is practiced by us and sought after by you is because it is powerful, and everybody wants to have their hand in that power. You seek to learn kenjutsu in order to make yourself stronger, but to what end? If you were to obtain this power what would you do with it that would make me so inclined to teach you?” Again takumi had to think for a moment but again answered with a serious face "I am not going to lie and say i will only use it to save lives, for in fact to learn the art of kenjutsu is to accept the life of a murderer. But what i will do with it is only take the lives that deserve to be taken. I am fine with accepting that life if it means my village is safer for it. Yes that sounds selfish, My village is safer because i am stronger but that does not make it any less true and as to why you should teach me, Well all i can say is while i have been in kumo i have seen pride a pride for ones own country and a pride for ones own life. I want to have that pride to be able to say i have the power to defend my village. To be able to draw my sword and defend my home. I Want That".

"You want to learn kenjutsu to become stronger, That much is a virtual certainty, but why kenjutsu? And more importantly, why should I teach you? Consider this your first test.” This one was easy for taku he immediately smiled and said "The reason i chose kenjutsu is that among all the choices one has Kenjutsu is not only one of the most respected arts but one of the most powerful. To be able to end a person life with one slash from a sword is the ultimate power and truthfully i want to learn from you because even now i can feel it inside you welling up, that inner strength, the will to battle i want to feel that strength and learn this art from you and all i can do is ask will you teach me the art of kenjutsu, the art of murder by the blade".




“Well said,” Bokuden said coldly in response to the boy’s answer, “Did you rehearse that?” His frigid glare stood unwavering as he addressed the Senju before him, “You’ve said many nice things. So nice in fact that they sounded contrived. I know full well what it is like to wield a sword. I don’t need you spewing something you read in a book to me or telling me what you think I want to hear. If your answer is longer than a single sentence you are overthinking the question and probably not telling me the truth. So I’ll ask you once more: Why should I teach you, an outsider how to wield a sword?”

Bokuden would pause for a moment, taking a moment to glance down at the two swords on his waist before speaking once more, “Actually, no. That won’t be necessary. No words are going to tell me what I want to know. You wish to be a swordsman, correct? Then you should know that there is only one way for swordsmen to truly understand one another; a method in which no words need be exchanged.” He would reach his left hand down to his hip and pull forth the sheathed rusty katana that he kept as a sidearm. With no warning he would toss it over to the Senju standing before him, beginning to speak as the sword flew through the air, “Swordsmen not only fight with their swords, we speak with them. More can be conveyed in a clashing of blades than could ever be spoken in words. Now, draw that blade and come at me. Show me why you are worthy of this power. Show me your resolve!”


Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

"Well said, Did you rehearse that? You’ve said many nice things. So nice in fact that they sounded contrived. I know full well what it is like to wield a sword. I don’t need you spewing something you read in a book to me or telling me what you think I want to hear. If your answer is longer than a single sentence you are over thinking the question and probably not telling me the truth. So I’ll ask you once more: Why should I teach you, an outsider how to wield a sword?”Takumi had to admit he probably had read most of that out of a scroll or book at some point, but that did not make any of it less true. but before he could explain himself or even answer the man spoke again

"Actually, no. That won’t be necessary. No words are going to tell me what I want to know. You wish to be a swordsman, correct? Then you should know that there is only one way for swordsmen to truly understand one another; a method in which no words need be exchanged.". and before taku knew what had happened he saw the man take his sword off and toss it him "Swordsmen not only fight with their swords, we speak with them. More can be conveyed in a clashing of blades than could ever be spoken in words. Now, draw that blade and come at me. Show me why you are worthy of this power. Show me your resolve!". Takumi understood what he meant no matter how many explanations takumi came up with only crossing there blades would the man truly understand takumi's reasons for wanting this power.

So he did as the man asked he took the blade out in front of him and drew it from the sheath, Then stood admiring the sword for only a moment before running forward and jumping swinging the blade down toward the man's shoulder. Takumi watched the man closely for any signs of a counter attack. After all he was a true swordsman and takumi was amateur but was not going to make takumi lose faith in himself. In fact that sole reason was going to make him work harder, to get Stronger. Now all there was left to do was watch and wait to see what would happen next.

1500/1500 Kenjutsu Learned D Rank
258/3000 Training D>C



At the very least, the Senju was able to follow instructions, made evident by him doing as Bokuden told him and drawing the weapon in preparation for an attack. Good thing too, Bokuden did so hate to have to repeat himself. After taking a moment to examine the blade the man would dash forward, leaping into the air in order to perform a downward slash at Bokuden’s shoulder. Seeing the strike coming a mile away Bokuden would allow him to close the gap, waiting until the very last moment to raise his hand, release the wrist blade hidden beneath his sleeve, and quickly strike the tip of his opponent’s sword at full force in order to redirect the attack. The last minute movement would create an opening which Bokuden would use to press the tip of his blade against the Senju’s Adam’s Apple as he fell back down from his unsuccessful attack, holding it there while he spoke.

“That was careless. Never leave your feet unless it is absolutely necessary. The strength your slash gained from the downward momentum of your descent wasn’t worth sacrificing your footing and leaving yourself vulnerable. Once you were in the air you were at my mercy. I could have killed you before your feet touched the ground. This isn’t a movie where the flashiest or most complex fighting techniques assure victory. Showing off is going to get you killed. Swordplay is a game where the outcome is often decided by mere centimeters. Make a mistake like that against an opponent who actually intends to kill you and you’ll die.”

Trained Swordsmanship: 1200/1200
Trained Onojutsu: 1200/1200


Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi felt himself fall to the ground then feel a sharp object at his throat, "That was careless. Never leave your feet unless it is absolutely necessary. The strength your slash gained from the downward momentum of your descent wasn’t worth sacrificing your footing and leaving yourself vulnerable. Once you were in the air you were at my mercy. I could have killed you before your feet touched the ground. This isn’t a movie where the flashiest or most complex fighting techniques assure victory. Showing off is going to get you killed. Swordplay is a game where the outcome is often decided by mere centimeters. Make a mistake like that against an opponent who actually intends to kill you and you’ll die." Takumi got back to his feet and nodded before placing the sword back in front of himself and saying "Point received" then he dashed forward again and this time not leaving the ground and side slashed at the man's ribs.

He hopped this would do better then his last attempt at an attack, At least he was on solid ground now and would be able to maneuver unlike when he was in the air only a few moments ago. Thinking back he really had not thought that through. But now he was in a different moment and attacking with a different technique so maybe now he had a slim chance of striking the man.




“Point taken,” the Senju said as he took a ready position once again and proceeded to charge directly at Bokuden.

“That’s better I suppose,” Bokuden mused to himself as he locked his gaze onto the approaching Takumi. At the very least the man was capable of receiving feedback, not leaving his feet during this attack as Bokuden had suggested. The novice swordsman’s movements were still sloppy however, telegraphing his movements through sheer inexperience. Seeing the slash towards his side coming Bokuden  simply used the wrist mounted blade from earlier to block the strike. He would then immediately follow up his defensive maneuver by using his right hand to grab the hilt of his hip mounted katana and pulling it out forcefully, aiming to use the handle of his sword to perform a striking thrust at Takumi’s stomach. “The blade isn’t the only part of a sword,” Bokuden snarled as he moved to strike Takumi.

Whether the strike was successful or not Bokuden would reach to grab his opponent’s wrist and forcefully pull him down and towards himself. During Takumi’s fall Bokuden would swing his knee up aiming to knock the wind out of Takumi with a strike to his solar plexus.


Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi was still mid strike when he saw the sheath flying toward him, *Smack* it hit him square in the ribs. Takumi had hoped that his hit had landed but when he looked up he saw that the man had blocked it again with those wrist blades of his. Those things were beginning to get annoying now. But before he could jump back he saw a knee flying toward him at a decent speed. Two can play the sheath game Takumi thought as he grabbed the sheath from his side and swung it toward the side of the mans knee hoping to land a strike against his leg to at least slow him down a little.

Still out of breath he could not remember out if the hit had landed or not but at that range it would be difficult to dodge. "This is fun and all but i want to have some fun, hope you don't mind it will just spice things up a little is all". With that takumi sheathed the sword and made one hand sign, Then opening his mouth a large thick fog rolled out and began to surround them. Then drawing his sword again he said from a different spot in the mist "I think this will even us up a little don't you think". Takumi was now ready to strike he ran forward but instead of slashing with his sword he brought down his sheath first instead followed by his sword without sight it would be hard to tell which to block. Takumi might finally be able to get a hit in.

Chakra 290/300 jutsu inside:


Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

OOC: sorry i am needed back in iwa so i have to leave the thread

Takumi waited for the man to say something, anything but the man gave no indication that he knew takumi's location. He would take this time to strike. But he was not as much of a fool to run headfirst into a situation that he knew he had little to no hope of winning. He was going to stay back until he had a clear plan on what to do when the man countered his strike. And obliviously he was going to.

He sat back and made a single hand sign creating a clone. Now anyone over the rank of genin could tell this clone was a fake but adding in the cover from the mist all it needed to do was distract him for a moment and takumi could strike. The clone ran forward at a decent speed and began it's false attack while takumi snuck up from behind. He noticed the clone in front of the man so takumi bolted out saying "Thanks for the training, i hope we meet again someday"

chakra=280 jutsu inside:

Training 335
Total 1103/3000

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