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Haranobu had not entirely been happy with his mood the entire morning. He had an headache because of certain events, and he didn't know whether to take a brake, or too simply leave it all alone. These decisions were a pain in the neck for him, and he had no clue what to do about it. The least he could think of was doing something shonbi related, and the perfect idea came in line. Since Tayama had become a Kumogakure ninja, he has not even laied a foot into training at all, and now he thought it was the time to do exactly that. Though he had this all planned out in his head, he forgot the main concept. Who was he going to train with? Surely he could train by himself, but he would find it more fun to train with a friend of his. The perfect person, or girl he should say, popped into his mind in a instant. Her name had been Miyako, but he had never actually seen or laid eyes on her. What a fine figure she would be, working of her bones just to train with Haranobu. His cheeks would turn bright ride in the deadly mist, and his dirty thoughts would cover it all up. He had to make sure not to feel perverted within this battle though, for he did want to take his training serious. His eyes had been sentenced towards his bag of supplies, not looking away. This choice was not one that he had planned to do for the time being, but he needed to get strong enough to achieve a goal he had in mind. Picking up his bag of supplies, he left his little cottage.

There had been a specific location that Tayama had planned to train, and boy was it a good one. It's name had put shock into the souls of others, the High Battle Plateau. Indeed it had been a somewhat different, type of training he had wanted too do, but this all consisted of him being able to carry on what he wanted to do. Laughing a little he stood back, just to look at the enormous figure casting a wide shadow below the ground. There he laid, resting the shade for Miyako, his fellow lady.

Training Ninjutsu C > B
WC: 385/2000



It had been a surprise, to say the least. She had always been the type to blend into her surroundings, unnoticeable by others. It could have been her soft words, her actions that minimized attention, her overall personality that just made her more of a wallflower than anything. Perhaps things had changed when she was promoted to Chuunin, the promotion itself not much of a surprise - it felt long overdue, a fact that her mother never failed to remind her of. But a stranger - a fellow chuunin - had approached her the day before, inviting her to a training session on the High Battle Plateau. Intriguing, to say the least. He was not in the least bit familiar to her, but training was something she required, and it wasn't a chance she was going to pass up. As shy as she was, an invitation was an invitation. As long as Miyako herself didn't have to approach others, she was fine with accepting a quick training session.

She had gone for an early morning walk, returning home an hour before the arranged meeting time to pick up her necessary equipment. Wrapping her signature red scarf around her neck, she picked up her katana with one hand and opened the door with the other, slipping out - only pausing to call out a soft, "I'm going out now." Of course, there was no response, much to her relief. A feeling of relief that she instantly regretted, knowing that her mother was likely too intoxicated or lost in her own world to care. Letting the door swing such behind her, she began her walk towards the High Battle Plateau, arriving a short while later - exactly on time. Blue gray eyes scanned the area, trying to recall what the other chuunin had looked like. It was surprisingly quiet today, a relief, seeing that the more crowded it was, the more people ended up having to train near the edge, where falling off the high platform would result in fatal injuries. It took several moments, but eventually she picked out a familiar sight, slowly making her way over to the male. Now that she thought about it … he either didn't give her his name, or she had missed it, realizing she didn't even know how to address him.

Nodding slightly to him in greeting, she tugged at her scarf. "I'm sorry … were you waiting long?" She started off with an apology, as was typical of her. There was no reason for her to apologize either - she was just on time, early even, but the fact that he was here before her made her feel obligated to speak up. Now that she was actually here, it felt rather awkward and uncomfortable, her lack of confidence around strangers resurfacing. Not that it was physically shown, her face expression relatively blank, but she hoped they would just start training soon, knowing that she likely wouldn't last long if the conversation continued.

Training Katon C>B


OOC: I am so sorry, but I am going to exit this thread. I forgot that I was going to be training head to head with Binsu, since were were part of the same clan. Kinda like a clan training, I mean you can join then if you would like.



OOC: Forget what I said above. I shall post, I just didn't realize I could do that.

Tayama had been quite shocked of the view that laid above the sky. There laid a huge massive figure, ten times the size of a pillar, and could kill anyone who would dear make the slightest mistake. Truly, it was rather scary thinking about the fact, but his mind was interrupted when a young lady had stood before him. She had worn a scarf, and had blue gray eyes. This women was so familiar. Haranobu had recognized this young lady from somewhere but eh had no idea why. Despite this, her eyes were really beautiful, and he liked a girl with beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry, ... were you waiting long?" her tender lips had spoken. He didn't know whether to answer that question, or take it as a joke. But, from face expression this women had felt very serious, so he insisted he must answer in a appropriate manner.

"Yeah, I have been waiting long, but it's all right. The shades and flying birds in the sky kept' me company.". These words seemed rather childish in his opinion, but he said nothing but the truth. He wanted to say more, but this girl looked rather shy. He didn't want to make it seem he was a freak or anything, so Haranobu just shut his mouth for a few seconds. As soon as the shadow had blocked the sun's view, creating a wide area of darkness, his mouth could not resist to ask yet another question. "So who exactly are you, could you remind me?" This was a serious question he wanted a direct answer too, for he did not know who the heck this girl was. All he knew was that he remembered her face. Suddenly he knew where he had met this girl from, and a tear shed from the side of his eye, thinking back to the exact moment. "Miyako ... is that you?" he asked silently. He knew he was just asking a random person what there name was, but Tayama just had to know for sure.

Training Ninjutsu C > B
WC: 726/2000

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