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1BLAST IT!~ (Water Trumpet Training) Empty BLAST IT!~ (Water Trumpet Training) Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:41 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Alright, time for day two of his training session for the month. New jutsu; and one that he'd been putting off for a while. Water Trumpet. Simple but powerful. This was one that would be entirely about the control for him; he knew full well, and was extremely talented in, expelling large volumes of water from his body.

Today had him in the same general area as his last session; it really was a wonderful spot. Quiet, isolated, not well traveled. Nearly as good a spot as his normal grounds. Hell, he'd be there right now; if not for the lack of water in his pond. Someone (Whom would be dying a slow, horrible death via blood letting when they where found), decided to dig a trench from the pond, back to the river; which caused the water to drain out faster then the small spring could replenish. Given the river was lower then the pond... yeah. Gravity was not a friend of Kenta's at the moment. He'd already gotten a bunch of Genin together to back fill the trench, and he could restore the water himself, once it was done. After that, the spring would take care of the rest.

So for now, he trained here; along the tributaries of the river, deep in the forests near his family's lands.

Alright.... focus time.

Water Trumpet. Water Trumpet. Stupid name for basically a water stream jutsu. Although... it did make some sense. People say the name came from the hand sign... and it does slightly resemble a trumpet.

If you're half blind and a mile away maybe.

Strange too; different from anything Kenta had ever used. Thankfully, his fingers where rather used to being curled; as a child he had a habit of knuckle walking when he crawled, and he'd never fully lost the habit of keeping the digits semi-curled at all times. Oh, they straightened perfectly fine; that wasn't and issue. Childhood habits died hard, that was all.

“Now then.... let's see...” He'd moved onto the water; assuming a comfortable sit upon the water's surface. Remove the friction, learn the control of the stream before how to brace; that way he wasn't teaching himself the wrong things before the jutsu was even complete. Hands lifted, taking long moments to work into a comfortable position. “Hold it... let the muscles learn it... memorize it...” Hold the pose until your finger lock and arms cry out in pain. Then hold it more. Make it a part of your muscle memory forever. Release, stretch... let the fire die... then repeat. Over and over, until it hurts to move then keep doing it. Do it until the pain fades and the act is unconscious. Go. Go. GO!

Seconds into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into half a day. He just sat, holding the positions; only relaxing once in a long while to let the blood flow return, then assuming it once more. There... no more pain... pushed beyond it, into a world where it was easy. Reflex. Pure muscle memory.

And relax.

The blonde fell backwards, sinking only a touch into the water as he let his arms float freely beside him. Numbness, that was all he felt; but he knew that if he wanted to; they would return to that position perfectly, instantly. Okay... that was probably the hard bit down... He hoped, anyway. Time for a short break; catch his breath and rest a bit. Learning the signs, getting positioning down perfect... that was always his biggest challenge when training new jutsu. Watch the clouds roll by... relax a bit... just enjoy the nice day... a bit warm... but not... that... ba-...

When he woke up, it was nightfall. Oops. “Well... I guess I'm resuming this in the morning then.” For now... home, where there was food and some playtime with his kids waiting. He could resume after he finished paperwork in the morning.


He returned a bit after noon the next day; arms sore and protesting, but still ready to go. Amble onto the water, that was all he needed to do to begin. Center on the river, aim so that he would fly straight along it's path, and not into shore. If it came to that anyway. Done right, this jutsu shouldn't push him at all; but hey; better prepared then eating dirt, right? Arm lifted; it was easy now to assume the sign he needed; deep inhales getting his lungs working. This jutsu was as much about the water as it was about breath; he'd never get the pressure he needed without a lungful of air.

Inhale.... Exhale....

Inhale........ Exhale.....

Inhale (Charge it)..... Exhale (LET IT EXPLODE!)!

The burst backfired to high hell and back; stream of water so over pressurized that it would have broken his hands if he had not started choking almost instantly when the stream backfired into his lungs. Not expecting that; joy. Normally water in his lungs didn't bother him much. In a pinch he could aerate the water with his wind chakra and sort of breath it; long enough to get to a pocket of air, or the surface of whatever body of water he was in. This? Nope, actual drowning. The stream cut instantly; devolving into him falling to his knees with hands clutched to his throat as he hacked buckets of water everywhere. That the water he hacked was slightly pinkish didn't bother him much. Coughing blood? That was fairly normal for him. Not pleasant, but normal. He caught his breath quick enough; wasn't hard, once he cleared the excess liquid. Okay... not so much water this time...

Of course, his second try wasn't much better. He'd almost had a proper stream going when it backfired again; his throat had spasmed randomly, and sent him into a fit of coughing that nearly knocked his teeth out. That time he hadn't stopped the flow of water; so the impact was jarred his mouth badly when his jaw slammed shut. Loose teeth, joy. Five minutes of hacking and coughing later, he was sitting down again; fingers checking his teeth to make sure they weren't too damaged. Eh... one was wiggling... but not badly. He'd fix that easily; stop by the medic facility in the ANBU quarters next to the office in the morning. No reason to make some big fuss by going into the hospital.

Right then... back on his feet, back to work. Arms up, aim properly; inhale....


That was better. The stream held for a good thirty second that time before he ran out of steam. Weird... he could normally hold a water blast longer then that.

Again. One more time...

Better... still not holding long enough. Maybe he'd backed off to much?


Better still; although harder to control. He'd need to work up slowly and learn the differing feels of it.

Nah, let's go all out now!



Kenta went flying backwards; but damn if the jutsu didn't hold this time. Shit that was tough to hold right; but he'd done it.~

Full power and all.

Of course, smacking a tree felt like shit at those speeds. If he'd been paying attention to something other then the water he was exhaling, he would have realized he was moving the wrong way and flying towards the bank instead of down the river itself. Yay.

But damn if it wasn't progress. Alright.... now... on land...

Might as well just use the tree he was stuck against for a brace.



And a controlled stream he got. Pressure was still off; but he could work on that later. It didn't need to be clean really; so the fact that he'd just soaked the area below the stream didn't bother him much. This was a create water; blast people away kinda jutsu anyway.

Good enough. He was tired, thirsty for something that wasn't straight water; and in need of some sleep before returning to work the next day. Time to all it quits and go home.


Water Release: Water Trumpet, C-rank

Word count : 1340

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